Forum > Gaming Discussion > Story In Games - Can It Be Done?
Story In Games - Can It Be Done?
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Wed, 03 Mar 2010 13:18:00
angrymonkey said
I'll say you're not human if you cannot enjoy this game.

 That sounds like a challenge


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Wed, 03 Mar 2010 14:52:40
There have been several adaptations of Doomguy's struggle. He's a true hero.

Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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Wed, 03 Mar 2010 19:37:17
I liked the story in Beyond good and evil and in Hotel dusk too. Another code 1 & 2 story were not so bad (a little on the simplist side) except the end of the second one which was way too abrupt.

I can't say much about the story of >5 years old games. At this time I was still playing video games in French, and really, you don't want to do that. French translations are 90% of the time awful and childish. At least my english is bad enough for me not to notice it too much ^^


Except Opoona... Hell it's on a "All your base are belong to us" level!
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Wed, 03 Mar 2010 19:41:37

Good writing:

Mario and Luigi series

Paper Mario series

Prime series

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Wed, 03 Mar 2010 19:47:20

Mekere said:
I liked the story in Beyond good and evil and in Hotel dusk too. Another code 1 & 2 story were not so bad (a little on the simplist side) except the end of the second one which was way too abrupt.

I can't say much about the story of >5 years old games. At this time I was still playing video games in French, and really, you don't want to do that. French translations are 90% of the time awful and childish. At least my english is bad enough for me not to notice it too much ^^


Except Opoona... Hell it's on a "All your base are belong to us" level!

I'm near the end of Another code Wii now, in the facility. I think the story is pretty average so far. And the game is annoyingly old school. It has some ingenious remote mechanics which should really be the whole focus of the game.

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Wed, 03 Mar 2010 20:04:23
But, Ashley is so cute!

Actually I realise that I like characters more than story, it's the same for movies. I have a lot of empathy with the charaters, that really helps me to enjoy a game.

Or actually hate it, I can't stand games where there is an annoying character (typically, The world ends with you) at the point that I can't play them without being unnerved >_>

It's the same for Cursed mountain, the story was not exceptional but the characters were awesome with all their defaults. I enjoyed that a lot.
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Wed, 03 Mar 2010 20:07:05
Ashley needs to stop with the whining. Its painful. I like the dog, Princess the best.  

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Wed, 03 Mar 2010 20:09:55
Actually, I think that Ashley is a pretty realistic teenage, so of course she is whining, of course her father is worthless, of course she wanna be a star! But well, she is cute anyway, and yeah princess is a nice dog (I hope you don't forget to use the DS to check.. stuff)
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Wed, 03 Mar 2010 20:11:13

Mekere said:
Actually, I think that Ashley is a pretty realistic teenage, so of course she is whining, of course her father is worthless, of course she wanna be a star! But well, she is cute anyway, and yeah princess is a nice dog (I hope you don't forget to use the DS to check.. stuff)

I never played the DS game, is it worth it? I hear its short?

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Wed, 03 Mar 2010 20:17:04
I was speaking about the in game DS, don't remember its name actually >_>

And yeah, I enjoyed the DS game, but it was awfully short. It took me 10 hours to beat it twice :/ But it must be really cheap now, so if you can find it for a good price, go for it.  I must admit that having played the DS game is also why I like Ashley much. Playing both the games is almost seeing her growing up, from an orphan child to a clueless teenage. And sometimes I felt that having played the DS game made me understand her actions and sayings better, almost if I was into her secrets.
Edited: Wed, 03 Mar 2010 20:23:49
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Wed, 03 Mar 2010 20:19:27

I might try it. It has to be £10 or less though. Will check ebay now.

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Wed, 03 Mar 2010 21:13:02

aspro said:

I think the pace of point and click (and I'll include Hotel Dusk in this as well) also makes the stories more memorable -- you have a lot of time to mull over what's going on, and story telling is part of the game, not just a cutscene between action.  For example, Halo could have had a great story, I wouldn't know because whenever they stopped the game for a cutscene all I wanted was for them to shut up and let me get back to shooting Covenant.

Really good point. You have to spend a certain amount of time with something to get more immersed.

Yodariquo said:
angrymonkey said
I'll say you're not human if you cannot enjoy this game.

That sounds like a challenge

This game would be on a top ten list of mine . And I've seen so many different types of gamers enjoy it that it would be my candidate for a most universally popular adventure game. But obviously not for everyone( you soulless creature )

Mekere said:

It's the same for Cursed mountain, the story was not exceptional but the characters were awesome with all their defaults. I enjoyed that a lot.

You have to move silent hill higher up on your game list I think.

Edited: Wed, 03 Mar 2010 21:22:01
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Wed, 03 Mar 2010 23:14:33
Mekere said:
Or actually hate it, I can't stand games where there is an annoying character (typically, The world ends with you) at the point that I can't play them without being unnerved >_>

Then stay away from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within.  Actually, I'd recommend everyone stay away from that.

I don't find it's so much whether the characters are annoying, but whether you can empathize.  In Tales of Symphonia, Lloyd is annoying, but well intentioned and lovable.  The Prince of Persia is just a dick.

angrymonkey said: 
Yodariquo said:
angrymonkey said
I'll say you're not human if you cannot enjoy this game.

That sounds like a challenge

 This game would be on a top ten list of mine . And I've seen so many different types of gamers enjoy it that it would be my candidate for a most universally popular adventure game. But obviously not for everyone( you soulless creature )

You lack an appreciation for how many "amazing" games fail to win me over.

Edited: Wed, 03 Mar 2010 23:16:10


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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 01:15:49

Yodariquo said:

You lack an appreciation for how many "amazing" games fail to win me over.

Heh - says the person that put 6 hours into spyborgs. Happy

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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 01:19:17

angrymonkey said:

Yodariquo said:

You lack an appreciation for how many "amazing" games fail to win me over.

Heh - says the person that put 6 hours into spyborgs. Happy


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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 02:44:21

angrymonkey said:

Yodariquo said:

You lack an appreciation for how many "amazing" games fail to win me over.

Heh - says the person that put 6 hours into spyborgs. Happy


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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 03:07:42
angrymonkey said:

Yodariquo said:

You lack an appreciation for how many "amazing" games fail to win me over.

Heh - says the person that put 6 hours into spyborgs. Happy

Oh yah, loved every minute.  If I ever play Grim Fandango, I'll be sure to be just as generous with the score.

Edited: Thu, 04 Mar 2010 03:08:08


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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 06:43:36
Well, I'm glad that you sacrificed that time for the review, never would have known it was a pos otherwise - you crazy masochist. Happy
Edited: Thu, 04 Mar 2010 06:43:57
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Thu, 04 Mar 2010 10:11:15

Well, another code wii finished last night. Eh, think I'll skip the first.

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