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Silent Hill Shattered Memories: 9.5 Destructoid, 9/10 Eurogamer, 9/10 Nintendo Life
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Fri, 12 Feb 2010 10:20:45

Foolz said:

angrymonkey said:
You'd beat the 2:27 speedrun on youtube.
Damn, I should've filmed it then! Nyaa

Hah, it was a long time ago. Going by that I'll say somewhere between 3-4 hours. The last pray through I don't think could've been over 4 though.

Well, if you weren't praying, perhaps it would have been faster?

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Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:04:11

gamingeek said:

Foolz said:

angrymonkey said:
You'd beat the 2:27 speedrun on youtube.
Damn, I should've filmed it then! Nyaa

Hah, it was a long time ago. Going by that I'll say somewhere between 3-4 hours. The last pray through I don't think could've been over 4 though.

Well, if you weren't praying, perhaps it would have been faster?

You mean your copy didn't come with the special controller?

Edited: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:07:10
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Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:55:55
Damnit, I missed out again!

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Sat, 13 Feb 2010 02:35:49

gamingeek said:
Damnit, I missed out again!

I bet you didn't even get Wii Speak with Endless Ocean 2!

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Sat, 13 Feb 2010 15:25:49
Not availible in europe. Sad

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Sun, 14 Feb 2010 02:18:12

gamingeek said:
Not availible in europe. Sad

That sucks. Still you got it with Animal Crack right?

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Sat, 06 Mar 2010 14:23:27

So I just played over an hour of Silent Hills Shattered memories. Wow, wow, wow, wow.

Firstly, in the store the PSP and PS2 version took prominence at the front of the store. And the Wii version was on the back wall on the bottom shelf. And they had two copies.  

Way to go!

The game so far though is good. Really, really, really, really good. If it continues like this I think the only thing that will bring it down is if it ends too soon.

Will post more impressions soon.

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Sat, 06 Mar 2010 14:57:14

gamingeek said:
Not availible in europe. Sad

I got WiiSpeak with Endless Ocean 2 and I live in Sweden.

I am really interested in Shattered Memories but I don't know if I have the time right now. On the other hand with all the titles coming this spirng and summer it's not gonna get better. I do hear it's short so maybe I should just get it and enjoy it over a weekend.
Edited: Sat, 06 Mar 2010 15:33:20

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Sat, 06 Mar 2010 15:23:55
So far its really good and if it is short I will definetely play it again and mess with the psyche program to see what's different. I ended up in the bar with a nice lady as oppossed to the diner that I've seen in the videos.

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Sat, 06 Mar 2010 16:05:34
I posted this in the Alan Wake thread before in regards to the kind of horror or suspense game I would like to play:
gamingeek said:

I want horror games to be less about shooting things. More about tension, exploration and thinking.

I mean like horror/adventure/detective games. Or making a graphic adventure style game, only in 3D and with proper production values. But one in which you don't bust out a machine gun to pummel enemies.

My dream game would be like a modern Tex Murphy game played in the first person with Arc or the Wii remote. Only with all the modern trappings like Call of Duty camera angles and mo-cap and object manipulation like Elebits only much more refined.

So far this feels like a game I would have made given the wii remote. I would have done a detective game in a much more populated world, maybe a Sam Spade type game instead. But mechanically this is very well thought out and exactly the sort of thing I wanted to play.

It's a shame that I hear from reviews its too short because if this sort of game was 15 hrs plus and had a few tweaks it might turn out to be one of my faves of all time.

Firstly the graphics are really great, the pictures don't do them justice, the character animation, particularly the facial mo-cap is as good as Dead Space Extraction and that makes it better than some High Definition games. You can even zoom in and don't get any horrible PS2 like textures like some games.

I'm guessing that the grain filter helps, but it masks any of the usual playing wii on an HDTV problems you usually get like jaggies.

The torch lighting is wow. Just fantastic the way you use the wii remote to move the torch about. They got the controls spot on, there is no tweaking that needs to be done and moving a light source about yourself is a very different experience to walking into a static almost movie set like environment with static light sources or where they put a fan or something there breaking up the light sources. Very innovative.

The snow effects are lovely, you can see individual snowflakes fall and stick to the ground and the ice, when you shine the torch over are amazing looking.

The phone is great too, it feels just like a phone, the way you use the remote and the d-pad and all the functions you operate. I even adjusted the ringtone Grinning And you listen to it by putting it to your ear. These mechanics subtley draw you into the game.

I think there could and should be more puzzles. From reading the interviews I understand that they wanted the puzzles to all be realistic real world things. Its not like Resident evil where you will come across some ornate puzzle box with symbols and sh*t. Its very simple type stuff so far. Moar puzzles would help.

I loved the first chase too and had no problems with it. I turned off my torch like I read on forums, so I didn't attract the bad guys. Then they saw me and my heart was pumping furiously. I ran and ran as fast as possible and the chase was seamless. I was caught at least 4 times but the motion recognition for throwing them off was 100% perfect, so unless some reviewers had dodgy nunchuks or were doing some weirdo motion, I have no idea what the problem is.

What I love most of all is how seamless everything is, a great comparison is Metroid Prime the transition from ball to first person, its as smooth as that doing everything. I love how you seamlessly transition through doors or into and out of puzzles, or how you leap over objects seamlessly, more so than RE4. How there are no loads and everything feels realistic.

It is true that tension is reserved for when the world ices over though. It could use some kind of tension outside of that world, like a real world human killer who is after you, that you can fight off or escape from.

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Sat, 06 Mar 2010 19:28:29

gamingeek said:
So far its really good and if it is short I will definetely play it again and mess with the psyche program to see what's different. I ended up in the bar with a nice lady as oppossed to the diner that I've seen in the videos.

In the bar, eh?  That's what I got on my second run when I decided to answer everything almost opposite of my first run. By the way, when you get the eye cursor in scenes it may be important what you look at if the team actually fooled around with tracking eye movement.

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Sun, 07 Mar 2010 04:21:22
Went to the Infernal Island to retrieve my copy.

Maybe I'll play it soon. Maybe not.


I've gone and put myself into a bad mood tonight.

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Sun, 07 Mar 2010 10:07:55

Okay so I did the second chase. I LOVED it. I don't really know why some people dont take to them, because I think they're awesome.

Contrary to popular belief you aren't constantly on the run, you can stop, you can look around, you can even creep about slowly with your torch turned off and skirt around some bad guys.

The first chase was a balls to the wall run around and the second was like a game of cat and mouse Grinning

Firstly its a good tip to turn off your torch until the shit hits the fan and walk about slowly to get your bearings. And then also take out your map and zoom it in full screen so you dont get attacked and can get your bearings. I must have a strong sense of direction, all I do is look at the map, get the general direction of where I'm going and then run for it.

I think people who get lost must be making a left turn, then a left turn, then a left turn, which takes them around the same area in a square shape LOL

The motion controls work perfectly, you use both chuk and remote and fling them together at the same time in the direction you are attacked from. I do think that when you are finally beat down there should be something more gruesome or horrifying, having a pink thing essentially hump you to death is not scary LOL

The puzzles I've come across are great, the one in the art room in particular. But the mechanics are so fabulous in this game they almost feel underused, I want puzzles everywhere, I want a populated world with a lot more people to talk to. And it could use some more tension, for instance a real world stalker with a smidgen of combat and instead of the ghost horror its going for, some real blood and guts type violence to curdle the soul a bit more.

It's not a very scary game on a consistent basis, but does make your heart jump infrequently. I also dont see the point of moving towards static and getting a phone message, lots of it is pointless.

Also what are the mementos for?

I'm almost shocked at this games mechanics it feels so natural and polished and seamless, its like this is the game the wii was made for, this is the kind of thing I wanted to be made since the system was first announced, the torch, the phone, the first person interaction and puzzles in a proper game? Great graphics too.

So far it could use some more story, more puzzles, perhaps more people and more horror.

This game though is a great calling card for Climax. Happy

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Sun, 07 Mar 2010 10:25:12

So the chases in Shattered Memories are awesome.

Picture it, you're walking around the everyday world looking for your daughter in this desolate town when suddenly the crackling sound of the world freezing over appears. The entire landscape starts morphing, ice crackling all over the environment, some blocking off paths.

You know what's coming and the words "Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit" starts playing in your head whilst you grin Grinning

Then, you're lost and wondering where to go. You turn a corner and suddenly some faceless freak beast thing -caught in your flashlight- sees you and points, a terrifying scream pierces the air as he summons his freak beast mates.

And the words "Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit" starts repeating in your head. You turn and run, full tilt headed god knows where. You see a ledge and run full pelt towards it, leap over it like a steeplechase runner, hit the floor running and head towards a building.

BAM, you smash through a door in one movement, BAM through another door into a larger room. You see monsters in your peripheral vision, some rush at you from the side, you barely dodge them and then get caught in the next room. You have to turn in an awkward direction and your run is stopped. Freak beasts pile on top of you, you motion your controller to throw them off, screeching follows as you pelt away again.

Now you look back and have 4 of them on your tail, you run past and obstacle and physically motion to throw down the object in front of them and keep running, no time to look back.

Suddenly things are quiet, you must of lost them for now. You turn off your torch, take out your map and look around, ah I should be going here? You redirect your position to head in a straight line towards your destination but you know it wont be that simple.

Walking slowly, you creep along, as you approach a creature on the left the static crackles out of the wii remote. "Shit, shit, shit" you pause. Then it moves on and so do you. Just as you approach a building you spot a creature on your right, and IT spots you. The chase is back on!

You burst into a building, slam your fucking shoulder through the door, into another room, three doors in this room, which one to choose, no time to think, JUST RUN!

They are closer and closer, the creatures are so close you can feel their hot breath on the back of your neck, their screams pierce into your brain.

You enter a large chamber.

In a fraction of second you notice an unlit flare on the ground, but its in some kind of well like crevice. Do you run for the door or do you run for the flare? Suddenly notice another creature in front of you, the flare sits between you. Can I make it to the flare? Or will it get there first?

FUCK IT! You run headfirst for the flare, the creature is running straight for you and you towards it! "OMG OMG OMG"....

You get there first and rip the top off that flare, its light fizzes around you and the creatures stumble back. "Fuck you!" you hear in your head.

And then whilst the flare is fizzling out, you look for and find the exit, slamming out the last door from darkness into daylight.

Your eyes adjust to the cold light of day, the nightmare is over.

Wow, you say. Just wow.

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Sun, 07 Mar 2010 10:33:39
GG, I think you just sold me on this game. Now I must play it. And I don't mind it being on the short side. I don't get why people think that an 10 hour story is to short. Quality over quantity I say. Some games just overstay their welcome (Dead Space for example was a great game but to long considering it's repetitive nature) and I would rather play a great 9-10 hours adventure than a 15 hour-one that kinda drags on in some obvious attempt to make it longer.

Besides, Shattered Memories is going for about 40 euros and that's cheaper than your average release.

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Sun, 07 Mar 2010 10:45:32

hamzik said:
GG, I think you just sold me on this game. Now I must play it. And I don't mind it being on the short side. I don't get why people think that an 10 hour story is to short. Quality over quantity I say. Some games just overstay their welcome (Dead Space for example was a great game but to long considering it's repetitive nature) and I would rather play a great 9-10 hours adventure than a 15 hour-one that kinda drags on in some obvious attempt to make it longer.

Besides, Shattered Memories is going for about 40 euros and that's cheaper than your average release.

I hear that Shattered memories is between 5-7 hrs though. Angry Monkey took 9-10 hrs was it?

Are you talking about the original Dead Space? I gave up on it after a while because it was repetitive, shortly after that boss in the cylinder chamber.


And the feeling of the chases is like playing a game of IT or TAG in school and having a great session where you've dodged and beaten everyone, that feeling of success at the end. I used to play rugby as a winger and if you've done that or played American football and managed to dash past a group of the opposing team all in one go and scored at the end, it's that kind of feeling at the end.


Edited: Sun, 07 Mar 2010 10:52:55

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Sun, 07 Mar 2010 10:52:22
Yup, the original. It was a great game in every aspect. At least, the first 4-5 chapters. Than you just realise that you are doing exactly the same thing over and over again and I just got tired of it.

5-7 hours is not so bad either. Mirror's Edge only lasted so long but it was still an amazing game. It never got repetitive, it never got boring. And usually if a review says that a game last 5-6 hours it takes me at least a couple hours longer to complete because I am a type of player that likes to take my sweet time and really absorb the atmosphere.

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Sun, 07 Mar 2010 10:57:21

hamzik said:
Yup, the original. It was a great game in every aspect. At least, the first 4-5 chapters. Than you just realise that you are doing exactly the same thing over and over again and I just got tired of it.

5-7 hours is not so bad either. Mirror's Edge only lasted so long but it was still an amazing game. It never got repetitive, it never got boring. And usually if a review says that a game last 5-6 hours it takes me at least a couple hours longer to complete because I am a type of player that likes to take my sweet time and really absorb the atmosphere.

If a game is shorter than say 7 hrs I tend to play it twice, just because its easy enough to do so. I have to replay this game for the psyche profile changes anyway.  

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Sun, 07 Mar 2010 11:01:12

NOM Review

Once you get to take control of the action this feeling remains. All the controls feel spot-on, especially your Wii Remote torch, which you can use by simply pointing at different parts of the room to bathe them in light, casting impressive shadows against the wall.

In fact, 'impressive' is a word that can be used to describe the game's graphics as a whole. It really does look spectacular. All the minute background scenery in the town's shops, restaurants and houses is of such high quality that you can zoom in with the torch (by holding the B button) and read almost every sign, book title, piece of graffiti and crisp packet you can see. Go into the diner and you can read the menu. Head to the playground and you can see the list of rules attached to a fence (with the "No drug use" rule crossed out by the local gang). Go to the school and you can check out students' art projects, the cuttings in their lockers and their prom photos. This may not seem like a big deal in terms of the game itself but it's actually immensely helpful in developing the town's character as a whole.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is one of the most original, well-designed and detailed games we've ever played on the Wii. The controls are sublime, the plot is engrossing and the soundtrack is first class. It's just a shame it's all over so quickly.

It's a shame that it's so short, otherwise this is easily one of the best games on the Wii.
plus.gif  Looks outstanding
plus.gif  Beautiful soundtrack
plus.gif  Fantastic controls
plus.gif  Clever profiling

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Sun, 07 Mar 2010 11:04:52

gamingeek said:
I used to play rugby as a winger and if you've done that or played American football and managed to dash past a group of the opposing team all in one go and scored at the end, it's that kind of feeling at the end. 


 GASP Mind blown

Never would have guessed a wuss like you can play such a manly sport. What went wrong?

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