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Revisting Nintendoland 5 months on - Musings on magic, stunted design and function
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Country: GB
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Mon, 17 Jun 2013 10:11:20
I was trying, had a few interviews and test days with Future Publishing, they seemed to call me in a lot for positions writing, did an OXM test day. I did some stuff for Future with Total Film magazine in the office like a floor up of them. They just never really picked me for a staff writer position. They have a split division between London and Bath so most of their setup was in Bath so not doable for me. I had a very positive interview with the guy who was setting up IGN UK for the first time way back when FOX bought them. But Minkley brought in his own guy I was told by the producer. With Future over the years what seem to have done is abandon the staff writer setup and have like a production designer and editor and then try and freelance everyone to get them on the cheap. So the staff/office system they used to have no longer really exists as far as I can see. The mag market is collapsing to an extent because of the rise of free online.

Eurogamer came out of nowhere as far as I can tell.

CVG is the site I would probably be best at, fast breaking news etc. They have something of an advantage because they can just rip content from the future network, mag articles, interviews etc.

And TBH there are only so many times you can get a door closed in your face before you stop knocking. They also don't seem to advertise work anymore. The employment situation in the UK is pretty dire.

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Mon, 17 Jun 2013 10:46:37

Did you try freelancing?

Country: GB
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Mon, 17 Jun 2013 11:40:27

There was a point where I considered it, but I didn't get much good response from the network who all had their own freelancers. I want to work, not to have to spend half my time looking for work.

Edited: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 10:33:21

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Sun, 23 Oct 2016 08:05:26

Played Nintendoland for the first time this week.

Besides Yoshi's Fruit Cart, keeping in mind all I could do was single player, the disapointment was palpable.  I was expecting a hidden gem and what I got was a loss of $40.

Country: KW
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Sun, 23 Oct 2016 08:16:58
I kinda like the Ninja star game and balloon trip. I play them occasionally. Only paid $5 for it, tho.

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Sun, 23 Oct 2016 13:55:59

$40 feels high for Nintendo Land. That said, I really enjoyed a lot of the games. The Balloon Fight game, The Donkey Kong game, and F-Zero racing game were all fun I thought.  The multiplayer ones are all very good too, but you will need extra people for that.

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Mon, 24 Oct 2016 08:50:28
Ravenprose said:
I kinda like the Ninja star game and balloon trip. I play them occasionally. Only paid $5 for it, tho.

I should try balloon trip again then.  The ninja star game was alright, I'll grant that.

robio said:

$40 feels high for Nintendo Land. That said, I really enjoyed a lot of the games. The Balloon Fight game, The Donkey Kong game, and F-Zero racing game were all fun I thought.  The multiplayer ones are all very good too, but you will need extra people for that.

So they'd use the wii-motes right? These theoretical people?

Country: FR
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Thu, 27 Oct 2016 09:27:40

I enjoyed the Pikmin and Donkey Kong bits most.  Those Donkey Kong parcour things were devilish though.

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