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Resident Evil Revelaitons 2 thread of great reviews, HYPE!!!!
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Sun, 22 Feb 2015 15:27:55

This starts to come out on tuesday, yay! Barry is back, yay! Yeah I know… but hey raid mode will probably be a ton of fun. (OMG i just read raid mode will have 200 missions!!!!!! Fuck Destiny)

So capcom doesn’t understand episodic gaming so they took a finished game and cut it into four pieces and are releasing it week by week. They created a very easy to understand pricing system for the game and its DLC…

-Starting on Feb 24, you can pick up Episode I for $5.99. It comes with Claire and Barry scenarios plus Raid Mode content. Episodes 2~4 release each Tuesday for $5.99.

-If you buy the Complete Season for $24.99, you get all four episodes as they release + two add-on episodes + Hunk in Raid Mode

-If you wait for the disc for $39.99, you get everything listed here + 4 character costumes + Raid Mode ‘Throwback’ map pack + Wesker in Raid Mode and a nice box for your RE collection <img src=" src="" />

-Regardless of your path, all content will be available for purchase, so you won’t be locked out

Simple right…

Edited: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 14:31:23
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Sun, 22 Feb 2015 15:28:32

Raid mode sounds amazing. 200 missions, 15 characters, missions taking place in past RE games!

Cant wait to play as Wesker again!

Oh crap I am hyping this up, you buy this for raid mode.

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Sun, 22 Feb 2015 17:56:37

I'll hype it.

HYPE!!! HYPE!!! HYPE!!! Grinning

Looking forward to it but I'm waiting for the full physical release.


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Sun, 22 Feb 2015 19:31:44

But its $15 more for the physical release, thats a lot.

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Sun, 22 Feb 2015 23:14:08

I'm hyped to replay Resident Evil remake and the rest of the series at some point soon. I'm even going to replay the newer crappier games just to get the full effect of how crappy they are.


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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 00:20:39
Dvader said:

But its $15 more for the physical release, thats a lot.

Not enough to make me go digital over physical though.


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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 00:25:06
edgecrusher said:

I'm hyped to replay Resident Evil remake and the rest of the series at some point soon. I'm even going to replay the newer crappier games just to get the full effect of how crappy they are.

You are not a RE5 hater right? Re6 is messy but still great, obviously as an action game.

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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 00:40:47

I hope this turns out good.  But I have real hesitations.

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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 00:44:44

Trust in your 'gut' which in your case would be your balls. Nyaa


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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 02:11:12

It's going to change gaming as we know it. But more importantly, it's going to fix RE.


Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 05:44:36
DrCockAndBalls said:

I hope this turns out good.  But I have real hesitaitons


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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 10:31:52

Love the title of this thread by the way

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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 15:46:23

Even the art sucks, that OP pic looks like some unknown indie PC dev game.

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Tue, 24 Feb 2015 06:49:35

Quick one hour impressions

  • Something feels off with the feel of the characters. The control layout is fine but there is something weird about how everything feels. I feel like there was a weight to the TPS RE games that seems to be off in this one. Not even Revelations 1 felt like this. It feels janky.
  • Graphically looks like I am playing an HD remastered version of a PS2 game. The models are so basic, lighting so bland. But it is super smooth, seems 60 FPS to me.
  • Combat feels most like RE4. Now before you get all excited imagine if they took RE4 and stuck it all in tiny hallways with no real thought put into the layout. But I find the usual tactics work, shoot in head, run in and kick. Or shoot the leg then knife them.
  • I have only used stealth once on one of the big dudes, seems nice to have. Moria's light stun is actually too powerful, you can stun an enemy and just go crazy with her crowbar and when they fall she gets an instant kill attack.
  • This game is kind of hard. I am playing on normal and I died a few times. There is a serious lack of ammo and enemies don't drop anything. So even though I was playing this like RE4 it does not have the ammo like RE4.
  • Damage is serious, if you get hurt odds are you will bleed and continuously take damage unless you use a tourniquet. Even then you still need an herb to clear away the status effect. So if you don't have one tough luck. I was burning through health quick.
  • So far there have been one or two interesting rooms but it has mostly been a bunch of enemies walking down a hallway. There have been a few traps and one area where you need to move and activate some traps to survive.
  • Seems like there is some crossover between each chapter, I got a message saying what I do in Claire's chapter will effect Barry's chapter, kind of an RE2 throwback.
  • There are tons of stats and goals being kept track off, seems like replayablity will be huge.
  • Dialogue is pretty bad but I got a great laugh out of the barry joke.
  • Tried one raid mode mission, the mode itself seems way more fleshed out but the first mission was terrible. I assume it will get so much better but that is one hell of a bad impression, which is what will be many peoples first raid experience.
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Tue, 24 Feb 2015 14:30:12

Lol this game is getting great reviews. I never had any doubt Nyaa

Hype!! It's super cheap, buy it.

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Tue, 24 Feb 2015 16:19:16
Grumpy cat, "No."

The VG Press

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Tue, 24 Feb 2015 17:36:12

I had faith in it all along.

Believe the hype!


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Tue, 24 Feb 2015 17:51:16

What's the story with these games? Are they made by the same dev team that makes mainline RE titles?

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Wed, 25 Feb 2015 00:01:05
SteelAttack said:

What's the story with these games? Are they made by the same dev team that makes mainline RE titles?

I don't think Resident Evil even has a "team" anymore. Its whoever Capcom can get to make them now.


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Wed, 25 Feb 2015 00:02:08
Dvader said:

You are not a RE5 hater right? Re6 is messy but still great, obviously as an action game.

No I like RE5, but its definitely when things started to go the wrong direction. I'd still rather play any of the older games.


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