Forum > Gaming Discussion > Red Steel 2 Official Thread: "Probably the best third party wii game we've played in recent memory"
Red Steel 2 Official Thread: "Probably the best third party wii game we've played in recent memory"
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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 14:57:20

robio said:
It keeps looking better and better.  So why am I so scared that its still going to suck?

i kind of feel the same.  i've loved this game since the first screens but i'm still pensive about it.  i still think i will impulse buy it upon launch but i am very far from sure it is not going to suck.

but for me, art in a game goes a very long way, and it happened before that i was much more forgiving and positively disposed to games despite their (sometimes many and striking) shortcomings when i liked their art a great deal.  Games like killer7, viewtiful joe, okami, XII etc


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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 15:13:01

bugsonglass said:

robio said:
It keeps looking better and better.  So why am I so scared that its still going to suck?

i kind of feel the same.  i've loved this game since the first screens but i'm still pensive about it.  i still think i will impulse buy it upon launch but i am very far from sure it is not going to suck.

but for me, art in a game goes a very long way, and it happened before that i was much more forgiving and positively disposed to games despite their (sometimes many and striking) shortcomings when i liked their art a great deal.  Games like killer7, viewtiful joe, okami, XII etc

Yeah, right there with you. Lord knows I've bought my fair share of games simply based on art style.  Still, I think I'm going to wait for some reviews this time.  The Wii isn't going to be in a drought during Q1 and Sakura Wars is launching the same day as Red Steel.  Fortunately this is a pretty major game, and I think we'll see a lot of early reviews for it so I don't think this will have to be a matter of waiting days or weeks after launch.  

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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 15:55:05

The main character errrrrrrrrr. I liked it before when he had a dark unviewable face, if only because now the lead is essentially a set of eyes with huge eyebrows.

This game wont suck, the Metroid Prime team helped them out with the aiming and lock on. It runs at 60 FPS and has the art there and if you look at the developer video from page 9 you can see how responsive motion plus is.

Ubisoft even gave the team a few more months to polish things up.

At the very least it's going to be decent.

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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 20:07:06
The only downsides I've ever heard were the controls back from E3. They have to have polished those up with all the time they've had. I think it will be great as long as there is enough interesting content. Sounds like there are different areas to check out and the ability to get new abilities so i'm optimistic.
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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 21:05:17
I'm worried that it wont be varied enough. It could get repetitive if its the same thing over and over. Metroid is designed with combat and solving environmental puzzles.

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Fri, 29 Jan 2010 18:40:57
Yeah, exactly. But ubi won't fault the game.

Man, I'm always suprised when I read industry people talking about the wii. Here we are years into the wii ( 7 mnths after motion) and finally have a first person sword game ( star wars hasn't done that yet) and how long did it take for a flashlight in a horror game or a tennis game and jackson on gaf is saying
"The problem is Wii is a tough nut to crack. Nintendo and 3rd party has done all the "duh" ideas and had them ready years before people knew what the Wii even was.

My opinion is that even Miyamoto couldn't keep pumping out new ideas using the waggle, they moved over to Wii Fit board. If Miyamoto can't make new original stuff on it, who can?!"

Had ideas ready way before and all the duh ideas are done - where the hell are they?

heh- didn't notice you were posting in that thread I agree with your points
(I'm sure jackson will internally dismiss you as a fanboy seeing how much he liked the ignorant forum posters comment)
I especially agree with the ambition angle. It's like people don't have any desire or drive to make a wii game and are looking to justify this rather than just saying meh.

Jackson's essentially saying oh, we can't make a game that will make a great profit so what's the point?  Like there aren't developers making sequels to games that didn't do great numbers a la dead space, mirror's edge etc.

rant rant rant

Edited: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 19:07:22
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Sat, 30 Jan 2010 20:11:42

I'd never get to involved in a thread like that, I only read the first two pages. Jackson is just a poster I guess?

Yeah, it's ambition really. The gamers who are hardest to reach are people who are into their big blockbuster games (own Wii and an HD Console) and want to see the same level of ambition out of the Wii games. You have to wow them with concept, execution and budget if you want a chance of selling like a big ambitious game.

Instead of making a game to match the ambition of the biggest games, 3rd parties instead choose to spin things off popular franchises or make things "different".

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Mon, 01 Feb 2010 00:19:29
Jackson's one of the scribblenauts guys I believe.
I guess I am one of the wii subset that wanted companies to grab the controller and run with it. I really didn't think there would be so much resistance to the concept and thought that there would be more quality releases popping up. I totally didn't expect the resulting marginalization. Well, at least there have been some gems so far.
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Mon, 01 Feb 2010 12:30:48

angrymonkey said:
Jackson's one of the scribblenauts guys I believe.
I guess I am one of the wii subset that wanted companies to grab the controller and run with it. I really didn't think there would be so much resistance to the concept and thought that there would be more quality releases popping up. I totally didn't expect the resulting marginalization. Well, at least there have been some gems so far.

Yeah I'm the same.

When the console proved popular there should have been a ground swell of support. At the moment you dont even get games consistently matching the production and ambition of 3rd party games back in the Xbox/GC/PS2 era.

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Wed, 17 Feb 2010 15:19:09

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Wed, 17 Feb 2010 15:27:38
^ I read that title as "Bad Fur Day." LOL

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Wed, 17 Feb 2010 15:27:59

gamingeek said:

angrymonkey said:
Jackson's one of the scribblenauts guys I believe.
I guess I am one of the wii subset that wanted companies to grab the controller and run with it. I really didn't think there would be so much resistance to the concept and thought that there would be more quality releases popping up. I totally didn't expect the resulting marginalization. Well, at least there have been some gems so far.

Yeah I'm the same.

When the console proved popular there should have been a ground swell of support. At the moment you dont even get games consistently matching the production and ambition of 3rd party games back in the Xbox/GC/PS2 era.

I read a very interesting article several months back by some 3rd developer who actually developed one of the successful 3rd party Wii games (for the life I can't remember who or what game now though I think it may have been an Ubisoft guy) and he had a lot of the same thoughts.   He put the blame square on the developers who were never able to think outside the box, but at the same time he basically said that this is exactly what Nintendo should have expected.  Developers are trained to think linearly.  All they can do is look at stronger and faster systems and keep going in that direction.  Motion control offered them a path that they had no idea what to with.

He concluded his interview with a statement that Natal will fail for the same reason.  There will about as many good motion game there as there are on the Wii, and maybe not even that many.  

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Wed, 17 Feb 2010 15:53:26

robio said:

gamingeek said:

angrymonkey said:
Jackson's one of the scribblenauts guys I believe.
I guess I am one of the wii subset that wanted companies to grab the controller and run with it. I really didn't think there would be so much resistance to the concept and thought that there would be more quality releases popping up. I totally didn't expect the resulting marginalization. Well, at least there have been some gems so far.

Yeah I'm the same.

When the console proved popular there should have been a ground swell of support. At the moment you dont even get games consistently matching the production and ambition of 3rd party games back in the Xbox/GC/PS2 era.

I read a very interesting article several months back by some 3rd developer who actually developed one of the successful 3rd party Wii games (for the life I can't remember who or what game now though I think it may have been an Ubisoft guy) and he had a lot of the same thoughts.   He put the blame square on the developers who were never able to think outside the box, but at the same time he basically said that this is exactly what Nintendo should have expected.  Developers are trained to think linearly.  All they can do is look at stronger and faster systems and keep going in that direction.  Motion control offered them a path that they had no idea what to with.

He concluded his interview with a statement that Natal will fail for the same reason.  There will about as many good motion game there as there are on the Wii, and maybe not even that many.  

 I would love to read that article. 

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Wed, 17 Feb 2010 20:32:15
I think I've read it - couldn't find it though.

Hey GG - good start on the thread on gaf. I love how there are endless complaints about nintendo not promoting games until the last minute and some  people going, "this game is out now?" in game threads and then other people bitch about putting out a hype thread one month before release.   So many stupid arbitrary rules..

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Wed, 17 Feb 2010 23:55:50
Wow GG made an official thread at gaf, that is a major undertaking. But it got closed. Aww, GG they have a rule, no official threads until a week before it comes out.
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Thu, 18 Feb 2010 00:18:38
Dvader said:
Wow GG made an official thread at gaf, that is a major undertaking. But it got closed. Aww, GG they have a rule, no official threads until a week before it comes out.

Meanwhile this thread started a year ago LOL


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Thu, 18 Feb 2010 11:19:41

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:
Wow GG made an official thread at gaf, that is a major undertaking. But it got closed. Aww, GG they have a rule, no official threads until a week before it comes out.

Meanwhile this thread started a year ago LOL

It's pretty insane to me, after my days at gamespot and here.

I've had threads run from announcement to release - Silent Hill Shattered Memories for instance. At GAF instead of one thread where info is collected you get many random sporadic threads when a new piece of media is released and then suddenly a week before release a thread pops up? Weird, I did not know that.

Doesn't excuse that guy from being a douchebag though.

In case you guys didn't know, I also made the official Endless Ocean 2 thread.  

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Thu, 18 Feb 2010 17:23:21

gamingeek said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:
Wow GG made an official thread at gaf, that is a major undertaking. But it got closed. Aww, GG they have a rule, no official threads until a week before it comes out.

Meanwhile this thread started a year ago LOL

It's pretty insane to me, after my days at gamespot and here.

I've had threads run from announcement to release - Silent Hill Shattered Memories for instance. At GAF instead of one thread where info is collected you get many random sporadic threads when a new piece of media is released and then suddenly a week before release a thread pops up? Weird, I did not know that.

Doesn't excuse that guy from being a douchebag though.

In case you guys didn't know, I also made the official Endless Ocean 2 thread.  

You can make an info gathering thread, just can't call it the official thread.

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Thu, 18 Feb 2010 18:33:47

gamingeek said:

Doesn't excuse that guy from being a douchebag though.

Yeah. That's one reason I never bothered to register for that site. People like that would piss me off and I'd just end up in endless stupid arguements.

gamingeek said:

In case you guys didn't know, I also made the official Endless Ocean 2 thread.  

Hell, with your energy and enthusiasm I thought you made every EO2 thread.

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Thu, 18 Feb 2010 18:41:08

Dvader said:

gamingeek said:

You can make an info gathering thread, just can't call it the official thread.

The info thread was only bumped once I'd posted a thread for the new trailer.

That thread is a pile o-shite, which no one bothers to update.

angrymonkey said:

gamingeek said:

Doesn't excuse that guy from being a douchebag though.

Yeah. That's one reason I never bothered to register for that site. People like that would piss me off and I'd just end up in endless stupid arguements.

That's why this site exists, we escaped the a-holes from Gamespot. There are many good people on G-spot, dont get me wrong, just that in the past a few bad apples could make the place miserable for others and the moderation rules protected them, if anything.

I don't see the point of strangers being rude for no reason.

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