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Pokken Tournament - The Official Thread (until the official name changes)
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Fri, 25 Mar 2016 21:18:07

One thing that is both good and bad about this game is the tournament structure. This isn't like Street Fighter where you fight each single fighter until you've fought them all or a dozen of them. You're in a tournament and you're fighting every Tom, Dick, and Harry that has a fucking Pokemon. I just completed the third/Red tournament. I have fought a combined 80 battles in the three tournaments, and only lost once. It gets a little tediuos. However, there is something good about this. I'm actually learning how to fight. I was struggling a bit in the online battles after I reached the D rank fighters, so I took a break and went through the Red tournament. Once I was done with that I found myself much more competitive online. I'm in the middle of a 3-game winning streak at the moment, and I haven't strung 3 wins together since I first started playing.

More impressive though is the learning curve. They are doing this at a very slow pace, but as you ascend the ladder you really do notice the how the opponents are climbing it with you. There's never been a jarring moment where I wondered "what the hell just happened", even though you can clearly tell the opponents are getting better. It's different, and since there isn't quite anything like this game it's probably a good thing that they're forcing you to go through it, since even a skilled Tekken fighter wouldn't quite be able to pick up all the moves and strategy in this game.

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Fri, 25 Mar 2016 21:24:36

...but is there an Arcade Mode and a Story Mode...?!


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Fri, 25 Mar 2016 21:25:38


Pokken and Mario Maker are the only two things that have made me look twice at the Wii U in the last two years.

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Fri, 25 Mar 2016 22:41:22

Don't forget Tokyo Mirage of Dreams of Tokyo People Doing Sexy Things in Tokyonese is coming out in just a couple months. That'd be 3 looks at the Wii U in two years.

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Fri, 25 Mar 2016 22:46:32

I looked at it. It neither looks like Fire Emblem nor Shin Megami. Not sure if I want it at all now. If it's interesting afterall, I could always buy it, tuck it away somewhere and maybe eventually play it on an NX...

EDIT: IF the NX is worth buying, that is.

Edited: Fri, 25 Mar 2016 22:48:48
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Fri, 25 Mar 2016 22:49:02

I'm sure it will be delightful either way. The team making it has a pretty strong pedigree... granted I won't be able to finish it, but still.

Edited: Fri, 25 Mar 2016 22:49:17
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Sat, 26 Mar 2016 03:14:30

Needs more Snorlax.


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Sat, 02 Apr 2016 02:42:00

Enjoying myself so far. Some aspects take a bit getting use to but I'm learning and it's not too complicated. Played through all the tutorials, about a dozen against the CPU, and about a dozen online both friendly and ranked. All the matches that I played online ran perfectly. I'm now heading in to tackle the Ferrum League mode.


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Sat, 02 Apr 2016 02:56:40

As far as ranked matches go, you're going to see a surprising jump in the quality of players once you hit the D ranks. Those first few E rank levels I may as well have been fighting someone who was holding the controller with their mouth. No challenge at all. Once D comes online, suddenly you start running into people who know what they're doing and BOOM!. The matches either become fun or frustrating at that point.

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Sat, 02 Apr 2016 04:29:04
robio said:

As far as ranked matches go, you're going to see a surprising jump in the quality of players once you hit the D ranks. Those first few E rank levels I may as well have been fighting someone who was holding the controller with their mouth. No challenge at all. Once D comes online, suddenly you start running into people who know what they're doing and BOOM!. The matches either become fun or frustrating at that point.

Yeah for the most part the ranked battles were pretty easy and I mainly ran into spammers although I did lose my first few matches. As I'm getting more acclimated to to the game I won my following few games and moved from E5 to E4. Right now I've decided to focus on using Charizard and have him levelled up to 27. Played the Ferrum League mode and conquered the Green League very easily and moved up to C rank.


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Sat, 02 Apr 2016 17:34:51

Hey, have you heard about amiibo?

I hear if you touch them to your GamePad, you can get some presents or something.


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Sat, 02 Apr 2016 17:37:47
Yes but it's nothing really.  The rewards you get are things like titles or clothing for your avatar. The exact same stuff you will get just by playing.
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Sat, 02 Apr 2016 17:46:58
robio said:
Yes but it's nothing really.  The rewards you get are things like titles or clothing for your avatar. The exact same stuff you will get just by playing.

LOL Yeah I kind of figured that you knew that. I just quoted the girl in the game that gives you all that advice because it gave me a chuckle when I heard it.


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Sat, 02 Apr 2016 18:17:45
I hate that fucking whore so much. I disabled her advice but the bitch still won't shut up.
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Sat, 02 Apr 2016 19:57:03
robio said:
I hate that fucking whore so much. I disabled her advice but the bitch still won't shut up.

LOL No kidding.


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Sun, 03 Apr 2016 04:11:53

When I hear Walter talk I can't help but hear Christopher Walken's voice in my head and it makes me chuckle. LOL


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Sun, 03 Apr 2016 16:49:45

Screw you Pikachu!


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Mon, 04 Apr 2016 00:21:42

Well just finished watching the credits roll. Very solid game. My Charizard is tight. Ferrum Battle Record is: 111 wins and 6 losses. Currently an E2 online with 14 wins and 4 losses. Charizard is level 85.


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