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Oh NOES! There's no AAAA, Big-Budget, Super-Hyped Games coming out again EVERZ!!
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Wed, 14 Oct 2015 01:47:48
The SaGa games were hit and miss with me. I loved Final Fantasy Legend 2, but FFL3 was painfully bad. SaGa Frontier was fun, but Frontier 2 makes my Most Hated Games of All-time list.

I hope Legacy of Legend is good. If nothing else I'm due for trying out a new SaGa game.
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Wed, 14 Oct 2015 01:49:05
phantom_leo said:


As a Dragon Quest fan you --HAVE TO, HAVE TO, HAVE TO-- try Dragon Quest Heroes ! ! ! From the music at the opening title screen to the tune that plays in the menu and text screens... The re-imagining of DQ monsters in a Dynasty Warriors-like setting... The CG scenes with the monsters in them. They have a semi "realistic" look to them but they are DQ through and through... From the spell sounds to the Heal Slime, Healix', dialogue **lots of goos and slurps!** to the Treasure Chests, Mini-Medals, the Level Up clarion-call... I was BEAMING, ear to ear GRINNING like an idiot in the first 30 seconds of the game loading!! It's a Warriors game, it's a DQ game. The playable characters are typical DQ... Seeing a battlefield brimming with Skeletons, Drackies and Mages and Slimes... So cool, so unreal... AWESOME ! ! !  Grinning

AWE-SOME ! ! !

I will try it eventually. I want to play it. But I still need a ps4 and that won't happen for probably another year or so.
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Wed, 14 Oct 2015 01:50:42

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Wed, 14 Oct 2015 01:53:43
Yeah. that damn Limited Edition system sold out in days. Insanely expensive now.  And unfortunately manwhoring doesn't bring in the money like it used to.
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Wed, 14 Oct 2015 12:22:57

I have plenty of excitement for gaming....its just I haven't had a ton of time to post here lately and have chosen to actually spend the free time I do have PLAYING GAMES. Mostly MGS5, but now that that's done I have moved on to Transformers and Far Cry 4 and loving both.


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Wed, 14 Oct 2015 17:05:23
edgecrusher said:

I have plenty of excitement for gaming....its just I haven't had a ton of time to post here lately and have chosen to actually spend the free time I do have PLAYING GAMES. Mostly MGS5, but now that that's done I have moved on to Transformers and Far Cry 4 and loving both.

Same the last month I hardly checked this site cause every second I was home and had time I put into actually playing. The MGSV review I wrote took me three weeks which I wrote between breaks at work.

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Wed, 14 Oct 2015 20:54:47
Dvader said:

Same the last month I hardly checked this site cause every second I was home and had time I put into actually playing. The MGSV review I wrote took me three weeks which I wrote between breaks at work.

That was a huge review. Nice job man.


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Wed, 21 Oct 2015 15:11:02

I don't think I've made so many good calls in a single topic in quite a long time!

Wasteland is --FUCKING FANTASTIC-- ! ! ! For the price I paid for this game, I can't think of a better value! It takes the very best of Computer Style RPGs and runs with it! So many skills, so many potential character types, so many ways to achieve your objectives. So many conversation options, so many ways for the game to go. Your decisions have immediate consequences and starting the game over once after realizing I didn't build the best squad showed me just how many things I "missed" the first time around. Kinda Fallout meets Baldur's Gate... but the battles still do feel somewhat XCOM-like... Perma death and all! So SUPER highly recommended, it's not even funny!

Talos Principle -- philosophical story meets puzzle gameplay. Love the atmosphere. Love the music. Kinda Portal meets the Bible, but so very cool and soothing and intriguing... Love how the puzzles gradually build on themselves. Another awesome value! Can't WAIT to see where the story goes!!

Legend of Legacy -- the very best of old school RPG meets 3DS chibi RPG design. You're not given much to go on, plot-wise, but sometimes I like it that way! Battles are very clever! It is like the Saga games in that acquiring skills is almost a crap-shoot and you need to make use of the elements around you to succeed. You are presented with monsters you KNOW you can't beat at first, but persistence and learning the battle system ALWAYS pays off! EXCELLENT!!

Dragon Quest Heroes -- I will say it right now: The BAD reviews this game is receiving are coming from people who are NOT fans of Dragon Quest. Listen to the music, see the designs of the monsters, try to not grin like an idiot while playing, IF you are a fan! It's a scaled down Dynasty Warriors that incorporates Dragon Quest sensibilities into it. It's hard to describe but SUCH a joy to play! Get to the first Gigantes encounter and you'll understand what I am saying here immediately! Only negative to this game: It makes you want a new DQ soooooo bad!!

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Wed, 21 Oct 2015 15:16:22

I also picked up Zestiria, but haven't had the time to play it yet and will CERTAINLY pick up Yokai as soon as it's available... After a year of sooo few games... granted those few games were MONSTERS, like Metal Gear and the Witcher... it's sooooo nice to have a bunch of unique, compelling, ATYPICAL, NON-AAA, completely UNhyped games to get excited about. Yeah, these are the games that probably only --I-- will play here, but THANK GOD for them, nonetheless!!  Grinning

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Wed, 21 Oct 2015 15:17:49
phantom_leo said:

Talos Principle -- philosophical story meets puzzle gameplay. Love the atmosphere. Love the music. Kinda Portal meets the Bible, but so very cool and soothing and intriguing... Love how the puzzles gradually build on themselves. Another awesome value! Can't WAIT to see where the story goes!!

That's definitely on my radar.  It all seems a bit lifeless though.  If you like spatial puzzles you should check out English Country Tune.  Great little puzzle game I really liked.  So much in fact, I wrote a review of it on here

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Wed, 21 Oct 2015 16:22:39
SupremeAC said:

That's definitely on my radar.  It all seems a bit lifeless though.  If you like spatial puzzles you should check out English Country Tune.  Great little puzzle game I really liked.  So much in fact, I wrote a review of it on here

It should be. The gist of the game is: You are an Artificial Intelligence life form, just waking up to the world in which you were created. You are told by a God-like voice to explore your new world, but OBEY the rules of it or there WILL be consequences. The game does an AMAZING job of recreating the curiosity of being a child in a world that has things to explore, but things that can harm you, a definite sense of history but also defining your place in the world and whether or not you will forge your own path or have blind faith in what you are told... Absolutely intriguing and a simple JOY to play!!

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