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Oh NOES! There's no AAAA, Big-Budget, Super-Hyped Games coming out again EVERZ!!
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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 21:47:13


Let's try not to panic... It'll all be OK. I promise! Some people are acting as if it's the end of the video game world as we know it. Zelda isn't coming this year. Uncharted 4 is next year too. Gaming --WILL-- survive passed an X-Mas without a New Super Mario or Bayonetta... Really, there's PLENTY of gaming to be had, even if NOTHING came out for the rest of the year. Putting aside Fallout 4... although that's a big aside 'cuz you know that game is going to be tremendous, if Skyrim was any indication... there ARE games coming out that will last you passed the end of 2015, if you know where to look. I am disappointed that everyone seems to think "No AAA = No Games!" I offer some alternatives...


Ever hear of a game called Xcom? I know you've heard about Fall Out... Did you know the primary idea for Fall Out came from a game called WasteLand? Did you know it's sequel is coming to consoles THIS WEEK? Yep. A game like Xcom, that was the primary idea for Fall Out, will be out on Tuesday... Take a look:



Edited: Sun, 11 Oct 2015 21:59:10
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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 21:58:00

From the makers of Serious Sam and Hotline Miami comes... A game nothing like either of those! Watch the trailer. Pay attention to the scores at the end of the video!



Edited: Sun, 11 Oct 2015 22:00:10
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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 22:04:06

I played --THE CRAP-- out of Hyrule Warriors. I, personally, can't wait for this one!!



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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 22:17:09

If you MUST have AAA, you'll still get your annual Assassin's Creed game and a new CoD: BlOps, but what if you are looking for some GREAT RPG alternatives to last you a while instead?



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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 22:19:44

I've played the recent Tales games, they are GREAT! I have Divinity: Original Sin on the PC and can honestly say this is one of the --BEST-- games of it's style since Baldur's Gate. Over 150 Game of the Year awards and nominations for 2014...?!

Do game's budgets and advertising REALLY decide what we look forward to these days?!

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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 22:29:00

Yup, "X" is coming. Tomb Raider too. That FPS game with that male, Samus Aran rip-off will be here soon too. But, what if you're a 3DS fan?



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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 22:36:08

Nintendo is touting Yo-Kai watch to be the "next big thing!" I remember juuust before Pokemon Red and Blue came out, a similar buzz being generated for them...


Never heard of Legend of Legacy before? Sounds generic, eh? Kinda like a final fantasy game, or something that would bravely declare itself a default JRPG... Read this though:


"The game is a spiritual sequel to the Saga series,[2] and plays as a Japanese role-playing video game.[3] However, while many games in the genre are rather linear in their progression, the game allows the player to freely progress through the game.[3] The player is given a vague main goal in the beginning, and otherwise, it is up to the player to explore the game and figure out where to go from there.[3]"

"The game was first teased in early September 2014,[5] with a teaser site that referred to a Project Legacy.[6] The game was officially revealed as The Legend of Legacy on September 17, 2014.[7] The game was announced as a Nintendo 3DS[8] game scheduled for release on January 22, 2015.[7] It was also revealed that the game's staff, in addition to Furyu employees, would contain many staff who had previously worked on Square Enix video games, including illustrator Tomomi Kobayashi and designer Kyoji Koizumi of the SaGa series; Masato Kato, writer of Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross; and Masashi Hamauzu, composer of Final Fantasy XIII.[3] Additionally, ex Level-5 staffer Masataka Matsuura directed the game.[9] The game's graphics are 3D character models over 2D hand-drawn background environments.[10]"


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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 22:43:03

Has everyone finished Witcher 3 already? Here, play this for another 15 hours...!



This DLC expansion is getting FANTASTIC reviews!!


Edited: Sun, 11 Oct 2015 22:44:12
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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 22:50:08

I feel weird.  First time a brand new Leo thread about brand new upcoming games hasn't made me the least bit excited or to look forward to any of them.    Sad  

I don't recognise these symptoms.

PS Zelda  crying


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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 22:51:17

I am saddened by the lack of traffic and enthusiasm on this site lately. Saying there's nothing worth playing for the rest of the year, on PS4, or otherwise, almost makes it seem as if we've become drones of the review sites and that THEY decide what we should be excited for... That's totally unlike you guys!! For a lot of personal health reasons, I can't sit and play games --AT ALL-- lately like I used to, but even I know good games when I see them!

This topic was a bit of a catharsis for me. It's really not a good idea for me to sit and write as much as this for as long as this, but I felt I should... and I admit... it feels good to have done so!

Now please everyone, carry on and, especially, game on!

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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 22:54:07
bugsonglass said:

I feel weird.  First time a brand new Leo thread about brand new upcoming games hasn't made me the least bit excited or to look forward to any of them.    Sad

I don't recognise these symptoms.

PS Zelda  crying

If a brand, spanking new Level 5 game and a beautiful, super-stylistic game such as Legend of Legacy do nothing for you Bugsie, then you should really get those symptoms diagnosed!  Sad

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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 22:56:52
phantom_leo said:

If a brand, spanking new Level 5 game and a beautiful, super-stylistic game such as Legend of Legacy do nothing for you Bugsie, then you should really get those symptoms diagnosed!  Sad

Think I'm starting to warm up to that LEgacy of LEgends despite the silly name.  Grinning


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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 22:59:27

Much more importantly though ... Please get well and take care of all of those health issues!

I was under the impression that your absence here was due to the recent happiness on a personal level and that made me pleased.  Now I am worried.


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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 23:06:23

If you are excited about games coming out before the end of 2015 that no one seems to be talking about, please feel free to add them to this topic!

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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 23:21:58

Sorry for bitching.  I actually am excited for quite a few games in 2015 and beyond.

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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 23:36:26

Don't apologize. It's not you alone. In the past, this site used to be a lot more positive. When one of us was down, the rest would jump in to cheer that person up. These days, it seems as if there's a mass depression going on or something. One person says something sucks now and everyone pretty much agrees. I know I haven't been much of a contributor lately, but c'mon... there's never been THIS much of a slump before!!

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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 23:48:49

What factors in for me is money.  When you don't have much, you don't buy risky gambles, but games you know will be sure fire hits like MGSV and Batman.  It seems ages ago when I took a gamble on an unknown game called " Katamari Damacy." PSPlus has been a savior in helping me discover awesome games that I would never purchase like Growin' Home, The Unfinished Swan, and Rocket League.

I'll always champion Rocket League and it's anyone can play multiplayer.

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Mon, 12 Oct 2015 00:06:14
travo said:

What factors in for me is money.  When you don't have much, you don't buy risky gambles, but games you know will be sure fire hits like MGSV and Batman.  It seems ages ago when I took a gamble on an unknown game called " Katamari Damacy." PSPlus has been a savior in helping me discover awesome games that I would never purchase like Growin' Home, The Unfinished Swan, and Rocket League.

I'll always champion Rocket League and it's anyone can play multiplayer.

I think publishers are starting to see the effect of people not having as much money as, say, five years ago. It's funny, I wasn't going to bring this up, as I believe some people will take these as negative signs, but check these out:

Games that may be considered "risky" are being offered for lower prices than the average.

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Mon, 12 Oct 2015 00:12:10

There's always those people that think price = quality... Check out some of the early reviews for Talos Priciple:

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Mon, 12 Oct 2015 00:36:45

Broken Age is a fun point and click adventure.  I've played very, very little of it because my son took over.

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