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Official Destiny thread! I am your density!
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Sun, 07 Sep 2014 00:00:43

Totally stealing from gaf

Mix Halo (lots of Halo, its basically Halo), Borderlands and PSO and you get this awesome FPS MMOish hybrid from the amazing devs at Bungie. I don’t need to talk much about this, no game over the last few years has been shoved down your throat more than this one. The activision marketing machine has been at work trying to turn this into the next CoD, it may have worked. More importantly most all of you got to play the beta so you know the game is a blast to play.

It hits on tuesday. I cant play till friday but when I do I will be on PS4. There is no cross platform play. As a nice gesture everyone who buys the last gen version gets a free upgrade for the current gen version!

Here are the classes you get to chose from, I am still torn on what to be first:

The official site has a ton of info and will keep track of a million stats as well as the encyclopedia of the game universe.

There will also be a companion app released that does the same thing as the site but makes it much easier to use as it is right on your phone. Keep track of your friends, clans, and all that good stuff.

Reviews: There are none cause no one gets the game early. Its going win a ton of GOTY that is all you need to know. <img src=" class="wp-smiley" src="" style="clear:none;float:none;margin:0px;padding:0px;" />

DLC: Yes there will be tons of it as the plan is to make this game keep growing for a decade. The first two expansions are already announced and go for $35 as a season pass. If you by the limited edition you get the pass included as well as a bunch of other cool stuff.

Edited: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 00:01:22
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Sun, 07 Sep 2014 13:36:57

Tomorrow night I'll be lining up for the midnight release, can't wait. Grinning


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Sun, 07 Sep 2014 14:44:21

Can't fuckin' wait can't fuckin' wait can't fuckin' wait!!!!!


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Sun, 07 Sep 2014 16:23:58

I cant play till friday, I hate you two.

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Mon, 08 Sep 2014 05:43:07
Destiny has shipped w00t!!!


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Tue, 09 Sep 2014 05:02:06

Impressions from gaf are not good.

First impressions.


- Decent and clean graphics, great design work
- Inspired areas
- Combat feels great so far
- Fun to see other players in both the missions and the open world segments
- Loot!
- Challenging bosses
- Neat menus


- World feels dead and sterile, even with players and enemies fighting at in the open
- Missions are terrible and end abruptly without any real conclusion
- No context to story, characters, world, or anything. Maybe things will be explained, but right now it just feels completely random and without any real emotion or driving force
- Loading times and mission select design is dated and very clunky. Especially visiting the tower
- Player interaction is minimal so far
- Gear and weapons all look the same (although I'm pretty early)
- Respawning enemies in single-player missions could be toned down
- No feeling of leaving any impact on the world
- Press square to ghost


I’ve now spent about 6 hours with the game. In that time I’ve played through ALL of the story missions on the earth and the moon, done 1 strike and played 5 crucible matches. I’m level 10 and have been taking my time, so by my estimate the “story” content (more on the air quotes later) is 8-9 hours, and it will be about 12 hours to max your level and see all the content.

Initial impressions – this game is a blast, but don’t expect it to reinvent the wheel. The gameplay feels like Halo 2 to me, which is great. I can see myself sinking a ton of time into the crucible and I’m already finding myself itching to play more. I had to tear myself away from the xbox.

The story ? It’s dogshit. Seriously. I hope it’s not what anyone is looking forward to. I have no idea what’s going on, or why I’m doing anything that I am. I couldn’t spoil it if I tried. Worse, you’re often running through the same locations multiple times and every mission follows the EXACT same structure. Follow waypoint, fight some enemies, enter area where you can’t respawn, fight a few waves followed by a boss. Dinklage says some stilted dialog. Rinse, repeat.


Earth moon and venus completed. I give it a 7 out of 10 so far and I am being generous.

The entire mission structure consists of this. Press square for ghost and defend waves of enemies. That is all you will be doing for 5 hours straight. No variety just the same boring shit.

No memorable set pieces here folks. Killzone shadow fall was garbage and that had better set pieces.

That being said, I like the art style and atmosphere.

Will post more inpressionz after i fight the kabal.

P.s keep your expectations in check. Think of the game as a first person warframe with about the same quality missions.

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Tue, 09 Sep 2014 09:07:30
Fuck gaf.....I played yhe beta it was awesome. Fucking people need a miracle to be impressed.


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Tue, 09 Sep 2014 10:55:18

Knew it would suck Nyaa

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Tue, 09 Sep 2014 11:11:43

When do we get reviews?

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Tue, 09 Sep 2014 15:37:20
Foolz said:

When do we get reviews?

Bungie has played the reverse psychology card perfectly by now discrediting all early reviews. Because of what they said, no one got early copies and that review sites must take time to enjoy the community, they threw suspision on any site that has a review in the next few days.

Plus raid mode which is the end game content wont be available till next week, so technically reviewers cant see the whole product till then, way after most people bought the game.

They convinced many gamers to take up their cause saying of course reviewers should experience the game with the full community and now most gamers are making note of any website that has any review early to make them as rushed reviewers. Basically all major sites are in a race to be last with a review.

Its all quite genius when you think of it.

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Tue, 09 Sep 2014 16:57:27

I'm having a great time with this game. Played for several hours, both story missions and crucible matches. I'm currently level 7 and haven't finished the early part that was in the beta so I haven't entered new territory yet.


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Tue, 09 Sep 2014 18:00:42

More impressions as you go. Xbox One version Angel?

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Tue, 09 Sep 2014 20:01:40
Dvader said:

More impressions as you go. Xbox One version Angel?

Not for you pesant. Nyaa But of course. Isthere any other version worth owning? Nyaa


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Tue, 09 Sep 2014 20:19:18

Archangel3371 said:
Dvader said:

More impressions as you go. Xbox One version Angel?

Not for you pesant. Nyaa But of course. Isthere any other version worth owning? Nyaa

The version with all the extra content?

Guys what class are you? I may chose a class that is different so that we can be effective in raids since they say you need a perfect squad to beat it.

I am reading the free guide:

and wow there is so much depth with the customization. So many cool combos you can create to have a loop of charge to keep supers going and stuff. This is why the story stuff doesnt bother me much, halo had no depth to MC, he is the same for everyone. But in this game that gameplay can be different depending on how you build. So for Halo story is important as that is all there is to the gameplay, here there is much more.

Did you guys know about this orb system, sounds awesome and is probably the key for the raid mode. <br /><br />Basically enemies you kill and how well you kill them generates orbs that refill supers but you cant pick them up, only teamates can. So generating orbs so your teamates can keep using supers can be a huge strategy.

Oh man if you attach a sticky grenade to a teleporting enemy they will teleport next to you! This game is amazing!

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Tue, 09 Sep 2014 20:50:56

"Plus raid mode which is the end game content wont be available till next week"

So they're shipping an incomplete game. Eh

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Tue, 09 Sep 2014 23:17:06

That stuff sounds awesome Vader. I played all tthree classes in the demo and I'll do so in the game but sor starters I went with the Warlock.


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Tue, 09 Sep 2014 23:22:54

Prolly gonna be a Warlock.

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Wed, 10 Sep 2014 00:23:32

So everyone's a warlock. I hate you all. Not you specifically general players. Seemed warlock won't be special.

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Wed, 10 Sep 2014 00:48:52

I am extremely impressed. I always knew I was going to get the game, but didn't follow any news about it whatsoever. Didn't watch previews. Didn't play the beta. Wanted to go in fresh without pre-conceptions. It handles beautifully. Looks amazing. Gunplay is really solid. Love the sound effects. I thought it was going to be a Halo rehash, but it seems to stand on its own. Love the idea of Loot. Will give more impressions as I play more.

This is going to have to be my Borderlands fix for a while. As much as I loved B2, I was watching a video of the Presequel and all I could muster was: "Yup. That's Borderlands." The next time I play a Borderlands, it'll have to be on PS4. Can't go back now, it seems too old to me. I am psyched for Battleborn, though!

Edited: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 00:50:49
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Wed, 10 Sep 2014 00:54:00

Noooo, Leo!  I'm playing Borderlands on my own? Sad  so, for you, is Destiny closer to Borderlands or Halo?

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