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Oculus pree3 conference, final design, exclusive games, oculus touch.
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Thu, 11 Jun 2015 20:59:05

Oculus had a pre e3 conference today were they covered the details of the final consumer version of the rift. Here is a summary

Basically they are treating this like a console. It has its own main menu with easy access to games, friends lists, cross game chat, etc. it has exclusive games, one showed is a new Insomniac Games horror action adventure game that is in third person. Yes the PC Finally has a big budget action adventure exclusive from a major developer, thanks to Oculus.

Every rift comes with an Xbox one controller which will be the minimum controls all games use. They also showed the Touch which is a two handed motion controller that you can use to virtually interact with objects just like your hand would. It also has a stick and buttons for more traditional inputs. Looks great.

Final specs and all that should be in the ign article. It's coming Q1 2016. Seems MS is on board to make this their VR partner.

So they have the design, the exclusives (though Sony I am sure will blow all other VR devices away with exclusives) and of course by far the best expertise to make the best VR experience. What will it cost though...

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Thu, 11 Jun 2015 21:42:33

The touch controller works with motion like PSMove, the hand signals it recognises are thumbs up and pointing according to what I read.

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Thu, 11 Jun 2015 22:57:23
gamingeek said:

The touch controller works with motion like PSMove, the hand signals it recognises are thumbs up and pointing according to what I read.

I like it. I a, glad motion gaming will be saved by VR. Fuck the haters. We will drag you into the future of controls kicking and screaming if need be.

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Thu, 11 Jun 2015 23:03:57
Motion controls suck! VR will suck too! Long live the Atari 2600!

The VG Press

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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 00:09:36

It'll be great for games with a first-person view but that'll leave a whole bunch of games pretty much useless on it.


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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 05:08:00
Archangel3371 said:

It'll be great for games with a first-person view but that'll leave a whole bunch of games pretty much useless on it.

The insomniac game is an exclusive third person game for rift.

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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 08:17:41
Dvader said:

The insomniac game is an exclusive third person game for rift.

Interesting although I don't really see the benefit of using the Rift for anything but first-person.


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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 08:41:15
Archangel3371 said:
Dvader said:

The insomniac game is an exclusive third person game for rift.

Interesting although I don't really see the benefit of using the Rift for anything but first-person.

I feel like it could also do wonders for top-down experiences like moba's or digital table top games.  First person is so boring.

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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 10:13:13

Honestly where motion controls are lame, I'm actually excited for VR, these new consoles are incredibly lame if you PC game. I want something new and exciting, and if quality devs made some stuff for VR, I'm down.

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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 10:20:54
Gagan said:

Honestly where motion controls are lame, I'm actually excited for VR, these new consoles are incredibly lame if you PC game. I want something new and exciting, and if quality devs made some stuff for VR, I'm down.

Who are you stranger and what are you doing in this part of the web?  indecision  Begone, unbeliever!

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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 10:25:20

Seriously though, it'll all depend on the software.  The Wiimote, even with all of it's limitations and imperfections, has been used to great result in select software, while being superfluosly used in most.  The same will go for VR.  It'll all depend on how devs will use it, and how fast a 'standard' for how it should control will be developed.  A lot of people think it'll work great in first person, but how do you combine free look with movement?  Do you turn your head beyond a set reticule as you do in standard FPS?  VR will only work well in stuff like racers, aerial combat or in other gameplay situations where there is no movement of the avatar required, or in situations where the player is more of an overviewer of the action.  I don't see it working in 1 on 1 first person scenario's

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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 10:25:26
SupremeAC said:

Who are you stranger and what are you doing in this part of the web?  indecision  Begone, unbeliever!

They are fine when they are reasonably built around it, Mario Galaxy? does it naturally no complaints. Metroid Prime 3? that game has other problems that have nothing to do with the motion controls or everything, but realistically it shouldn't have been an issue. But other stuff was piss poor attempts, lazy tacked on garbage, or realistically the hardware just isn't there. Show me you can do it in HD and you can do it reliably and I'll believe. When it works it's fun, but I like my games on a gamepad, and really more so on a mouse and keyboard.

That's the one benefit VR is working with no? At least the playing it part is still a traditional interface.

Edit: Oh and high Towers(Foolz) said go say hi on the GG weekly stuff, I joined because I listen to his and phil's podcast, and I shit talk about them/pimp their shit out on my podcast. Also I correct 90% of their fuck ups when they name the wrong developer or something, shit is mad scust.

Edited: Fri, 12 Jun 2015 10:26:27

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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 10:27:49

You know what was the best bit about the wiimote?  That your hands weren't tied together.  I'm much more a believer of Oculus' and Valve's solution than just using a standard controller.  Best motion game I ever played was Family Ski on the Wii.  You held the controllers like skiing poles and all your natural skiing actions translated beautifully onto the on-screen action.

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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 10:31:39

I guess that was neato. I have no beef with them existing, I have a beef with them when they don't work and I just sit there and go a button press is way the fuck better than this. Like Skyward Sword's combat a bit of a mixed bag, but when it works? I'm into it. The motion parts for swimming? That's just asshole.

Any recommendations for the Wii in terms of quality motion control stuff? I have a WiiU and a wiimote that I use for VC stuff, and because Super Mario Galaxy 2 is almost perfect.

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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 10:49:51

Best games for motion control in my opinion were Family Ski, or its sequel which I didn't play, and Red Steel 2.  In Red Steel 2 it mattered how hard you hit, thanks to the Wiimote+.  If you should play it, be sure to change the settings to require the hardest swings.

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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 10:50:01
Dvader said:

... and of course by far the best expertise to make the best VR experience...


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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 10:51:43
Dvader said:
Archangel3371 said:

It'll be great for games with a first-person view but that'll leave a whole bunch of games pretty much useless on it.

The insomniac game is an exclusive third person game for rift.

From the makers of Fruit Fusion and Bad Dinos.

Dvader said:
Archangel3371 said:

It'll be great for games with a first-person view but that'll leave a whole bunch of games pretty much useless on it.

The insomniac game is an exclusive third person game for rift.

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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 10:54:41
Gagan said:

I guess that was neato. I have no beef with them existing, I have a beef with them when they don't work and I just sit there and go a button press is way the fuck better than this. Like Skyward Sword's combat a bit of a mixed bag, but when it works? I'm into it. The motion parts for swimming? That's just asshole.

Any recommendations for the Wii in terms of quality motion control stuff? I have a WiiU and a wiimote that I use for VC stuff, and because Super Mario Galaxy 2 is almost perfect.

RE4 for the laser-pointer controls (not really motion control). Same for The Conduit.  I was never a fan of the motion controls, but a strong beleiver in the pointer shooters. It even made COD games appreciably better.

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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 11:12:31

Eh to an extent, they clearly improve the shooting, but since so much of that game is built around very deliberate mecahnics, the motion controls mitigate it too much. The game sort of becomes too easy, and realistically if I want that kind of shooting my mouse and keyboard exists (although Capcom doesn't know how that works).

But it would have been interesting to see how the combat encounters would have been built if Mikami was working from the ground up on motion controls.

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Fri, 12 Jun 2015 12:59:46

Red Steel 2, but you'd totally hate the game itself.

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