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Nintendo E3 conference thread! Noon EST!
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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 22:22:53

Hush, still watching X

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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 22:23:35

Ive been watching Hyrule Warriors for the last 10 minutes. So stupid. Except when Midna dropped the MM moon on a dragon. That was cool.

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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 22:28:59

After seeing some in HD, I can confirm no downgrade.

Edited: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 22:33:23

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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 22:32:17
phantom_leo said:

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


Do you mean people actually --LIKED-- Nintendo's presentation...?!

Other than a brief glimpse of Zelda... WHY? HOW?

There was literally next to nothing new or interesting... and quite a few games were missing...

How did this show improve their position in any way whatsoever?!

Toad is a mildly annoying puzzle game. X looks worse than it did. Zelda was nothing at all other than a shot of an overworld... and it's cell-shaded... not at all like it was first shown... Yarn Yoshi we knew about and not many people cared for Kirby's Epic Yarn here... Don't know many of us that care about Kirby... That Squid game looks god-awful...

I don't get it.

Yeah, I more or less agree with you.  I think everyone here is just happy that one out of 3 conferences showed actual gameplay, and of games with a broader colour pallet then green, brown and blood.

I did love splatoon though.  Very clean graphical style, and that typical Nintendo way of design: taking something that's very well known, deconstructing it to it's basics and then recontructing it into something very unique.

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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 22:37:10
gamingeek said:

This is as bad as that Pac Man gba to gc connectivity thing. I'm more pessimistic on Nintendo after this E3 then I was before.

Pacman VS was a stroke of genius!  It was the only game actually worth connecting the GBA and GCN for.  How can you be such a strong advocate for Nintendoland, yet not have liked what essentially became Mario Chase?  

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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 22:37:12

Hush, X

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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 22:38:57
gamingeek said:

Hush, X


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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 22:43:32


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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 22:44:40
SupremeAC said:

Pacman VS was a stroke of genius!  It was the only game actually worth connecting the GBA and GCN for.  How can you be such a strong advocate for Nintendoland, yet not have liked what essentially became Mario Chase?  

Cause I never played it Nyaa

Guys X looks seriously better than the crappy N.Direct conference footage. Nintendo need to ram this game down gamers throats with Mario Kart 8 level marketing. Might convince the die hards that Wii U is worth getting.

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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 22:49:05
Dvader said:


What am I looking at?

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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 22:52:58

Hyrule Warriors GG

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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 22:56:55

Holy fuck the shaders and textures on those creatures near the city opening, on Wii U???

Oh gawd, Xenoblade and Zelda 2015. fuck my life.


Pre-ordered on amazon

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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 22:57:58
Dvader said:

Hyrule Warriors GG

But what is happening?

On Xenoblade If anybody missed the night to day change scene, watch it now

Edited: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 23:01:00

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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 23:01:02
gamingeek said:

But what is happening?

Midna is dropping the moon on a dragon, cant you tell. Nyaa

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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 23:06:09

LOL other than that where was the footage you watched and was it any good?

Too cute.

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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 23:09:58

Still watching X. WTF?! A city with moving cars?? Oh hyrule warriors coming up . Guess i'll be awake till midnight.

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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 23:19:29

This amount of NPCs on screen in Hyrule Warriors and no ACUnity?

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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 23:55:34

Xenoblade looks amazing. Mark my words and mark them well, I will have a Wii U before this and Zelda are released.


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Tue, 10 Jun 2014 23:58:14
Archangel3371 said:

Xenoblade looks amazing. Mark my words and mark them well, I will have a Wii U before this and Zelda are released.

Marking them now.  Devils Third looks good.  Why didn't Nintendo show that?  Must be the gore.

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Wed, 11 Jun 2014 00:15:05

My thoughts after watching this a second time:

  • I actually love Mii's in Smash. The idea that I can have Ron Jeremy fighting amuses me to no end.
  • Don't think I'm interested in Yoshi. Maybe if it turns out to really hard, like every other one in the series. Didn't look too hard. I'm also a little uncomfortable with the developer saying, "Yoshi's tongue is his most powerful weapon."
  • Captain Toad! Awesome. Day one buy right there. They've fleshed out so much. They're using the Wii pad as some kind of shooting weapon. He's throwing turnips. Digging with a hammer! Cannot wait! This is one of my games of the show.
  • Zelda looks amazing. I don't believe that there won't be a downgrade in the graphics, but even if there is one this is still going to just be epic. I mean..... LOOK AT THIS!!! FUCKING LOOK AT THIS FIELD!!!!! LOOK AT THAT MONSTER!!! THE HORSE IS A CATAPULT FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!
  • Oh yeah... Pokemon. Well, its very pokemonish.
  • I didn't really care too much about Bayonetta, but seeing that it's two games in one now I may grab it.
  • I want Hyrule Warriors. I've drunk the Kool-Aid. I do wonder if I need to pick up Skyward Sword first though.
  • Kirby and the Rainbow Curse. This looks awesome. Canvas Curse was a great game, so I'm surprised it took them this long to finally do a sequel to it. Love the claymation look too.
  • Can't get excited about Xenoblade Chronicles. I want to. Just can't.
  • Mario Maker is a little too basic for me to get excited about  Maybe if it's cheap I'll pick it up. The kid seems to be excited though, so I'm pretty their mission is accomplished. He's said, "this is awesome" four times.
  • Splatoon could be good. I'm not sure it looks like a full priced game, but I'll keep my eyes on it. There's definitely potential there. The art style makes me think they should call it Codename: Squids Next Door.

I'm impressed as hell. Lots of stuff got fleshed out, and a couple new surprises are there too. Surprised we didn't see Pokemon x SMT. Until another year goes by though, its probably too soon to hit the Last Guardian panic button. No Metroid wasn't much of a surprise.... and I just don't care.

I think Sony still gets the nod overall, but I really did love this show. Makes me think that other big publishers need to handle it this way too. There was so much fat and crap in the other shows. This was just games, games, games (and a 3 minute segment about toys). It was all well produced and there was bloat. It makes it a lot easier to stay excited when you don't end up yawning for a 30 minute segment.

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