The good thing is that the “indie” and downloadable scene is flourishing and it seems like there publishers are far more lenient. But with retail games they have the ideas on lock down. That said you will never know what can be the next big seller if you don’t try. And why does it have to sell 5 million copies, jeez.
The end if mid tier games is here. this is the same kind of bullshit we saw with Squeenix' unrealistic sales predictions for Tomb Raider. I wonder if some companies who strive for creative, original games might try other avenues. Dare I say some might ask Nintendo for help.
If they needed to hit 5 million sales, why were they talking to Ninja Theory in the first place?
I love their work, but given their publisher skipping I have to imagine they are absolute dicks to work with, which in this business is really saying something.
aspro said:I love their work, but given their publisher skipping I have to imagine they are absolute dicks to work with, which in this business is really saying something.
Maybe the publishers drop them like hot potatoes once they see their games don't sell 5million plus.
Maybe. But if a studio like Sony, who stands by devs liek David Cage and David Jaffe etc... through their downtimes could not see the value in maintaining them it's an indicator they may not be the easiest to get along with.
I can see why Capcom and Namco would drop them (japanese outsider culture).
This is why I can't understand the AAA console warriors. This is what the industry has led us to.
gamingeek said:This is why I can't understand the AAA console warriors. This is what the industry has led us to.
Well having a wide variety of types of games is great but come on the usual AAA publisher/dev teams make far better games than anything a mid tier developer like NT makes. If one has to go it should absolutely be mid tier.
I like both.
But I think I'd shade slightly more to the mid tier since they are more likely to sacrifice polish for risk-taking (reverse taht for AAA).
Having said that, both Titanfall and Destiny both took huge risks in the direction they seek to take shooters. The difference is, at least in the case of Activision, it was not really a risk since they probably playtested the FUCK out of that game.
Dvader said:Well having a wide variety of types of games is great but come on the usual AAA publisher/dev teams make far better games than anything a mid tier developer like NT makes. If one has to go it should absolutely be mid tier.
But there is no choice anymore, it's their way or the highway. According to this, publishers will only greenlight dudebro realistic shooters. People keep buying them expecting games to get bigger and bigger and bigger. Regardless of the cost, so projects become more and more and more expensive. So risk is higher and innovation goes on the back burner.
In the end we get boring identikit games repeated each and every year. Thanks.
I'd rather some people went out of their AAA bubble and bought games like Endless Ocean or Elebits at full price instead of waiting around like stinking vultures to pick them up at hobo prices. Seriously, people hang off the coatails of whatever EA or Activision say you should buy.
gamingeek said:But there is no choice anymore, it's their way or the highway. According to this, publishers will only greenlight dudebro realistic shooters. People keep buying them expecting games to get bigger and bigger and bigger. Regardless of the cost, so projects become more and more and more expensive. So risk is higher and innovation goes on the back burner.
In the end we get boring identikit games repeated each and every year. Thanks.
I'd rather some people went out of their AAA bubble and bought games like Endless Ocean or Elebits at full price instead of waiting around like stinking vultures to pick them up at hobo prices. Seriously, people hang off the coatails of whatever EA or Activision say you should buy.
Also, getting rid of midtier doesn't mean that triple A games remain the same as they always have been (slow to innovative, but ultimately evolutionary), because midtier games invent the ideas with which triple A games eventually evolve. Unless the model of making triple A games changes completely (and the current direction they're moving towards is stagnation; at the same time midtier games are slowly disappearing), then the future is frighteningly dull. For instance: are we going to pretend that Ninja Theory didn't in any way influence triple A games like Uncharted's storytelling?
Great point Foolz, guess they'll have to riff on indie games innovations, but when 90% of those games are 2D that's not going to help. I've been pretty put off by AAA over the last few years and by AAA and mean the third party definition of.
There are people out there who have a massively different tolerance to repetition than me, to them AAA is fine and tasty. I would rather try different restaurants but there are some people I know in real life that will insist on going to the same damn place for every stinking meal.
What I find eye rolling, is the "new" IP which is just different characters and a story overlaid the same design someone else has already done 10 times.
Foolz said:Also, getting rid of midtier doesn't mean that triple A games remain the same as they always have been (slow to innovative, but ultimately evolutionary), because midtier games invent the ideas with which triple A games eventually evolve. Unless the model of making triple A games changes completely (and the current direction they're moving towards is stagnation; at the same time midtier games are slowly disappearing), then the future is frighteningly dull. For instance: are we going to pretend that Ninja Theory didn't in any way influence triple A games like Uncharted's storytelling?
Huh, they basically came out at the exact same time. Do you mean the mocap studio stuff? I would say Andy Serkis is more responsible for that than NT.
AAA is far and away my favourite. I also like mid-tier. There's the odd indie that I enjoy but for the most part they don't really do much for me.
I also love Micheal Bay movies.
Come at me bro.
I wanted to write something intellligent, but after 10 minutes that's just not working out for me. So this is all I got:
AAA = boring repetitive crap
Mid Tier = dead
Indie = sucks ass
Why do I even play video games anymore?
robio said:I wanted to write something intellligent, but after 10 minutes that's just not working out for me. So this is all I got:
AAA = boring repetitive crap
Mid Tier = dead
Indie = sucks ass
Why do I even play video games anymore?
Not you. Dont become them.
Dvader said:Huh, they basically came out at the exact same time. Do you mean the mocap studio stuff? I would say Andy Serkis is more responsible for that than NT.
Yes, it was a terrible example. Especially because ND are the only other studio that did it really well because in the absence of Andy Serkis they animated the faces rather than using the shitty mocap from their stage actors. But the point is still valid.
Dvader said:
Not you. Dont become them.
Nahhhh. I'm just grouchy because I've got a birthday coming up, and I don't really care for those. But I will admit to being really disenfrachised with just about the whole industry. Death of mid-tier, movement to mobile platforms, Nintendo with their heads up their ass, etc. Plus for the first time in ages, I don't see any games coming out in the next 6 months that I'm genuinally excited about. Kind of a wasteland out there.
robio said:Nahhhh. I'm just grouchy because I've got a birthday coming up, and I don't really care for those. But I will admit to being really disenfrachised with just about the whole industry. Death of mid-tier, movement to mobile platforms, Nintendo with their heads up their ass, etc. Plus for the first time in ages, I don't see any games coming out in the next 6 months that I'm genuinally excited about. Kind of a wasteland out there.
Welcome to the start of the last generation.
Im mostly going to copy paste this from the RoF:
Full super long GDC presentation here. I will post a summary and excerpts.
So Ninja Theory struggled last gen despite putting out some pretty well reviewed games. Heavenly Sword, Enslaved and DmC all reviewed well but didn’t sell enough. They couldn’t retain the IPs because they were always at the mercy of publishers, but things somehow got even worse at the start of this gen.
So 5 million+ units need to be sold for a game to be considered successful by Publishers. NT disagrees with this obviously, but Publishers are the ones who greenlight the games so their opinions are what matter.
Here are a few games that were rejected by the publishers. The coop melee games looked awesome.
Their procedural generated coop melee shooter gameplay test.
Gorgeous looking environments.
In the end, they are going with a self-publishing model. Will be releasing a single player story focused melee combat game digitally at a reduced price. They aren’t going all out meaning they dont have 100 people working on it. They have other similar smaller projects in the works that still have the production values of AAA games.