Forum > Gaming Discussion > Monster Hunter 3 (Wii) Reviews are coming in - the crowd goes wild PAGE 13
Monster Hunter 3 (Wii) Reviews are coming in - the crowd goes wild PAGE 13
Thank God for that. My interest would indeed drop dramtically if it was P2P.
It looks fucking fantastic.

Now Playing: King's Bounty, Demon's Souls, BF1943
Now Listening: Karl Blau- Zebra, Atlas Sound- Logos
i find myself going back and watching that trailer again and again. so good. i also love how the weapons seem to have actual physical impact when striking the beasts as opposed to just moving through them as it happens in most action rpgs or even action games.
i think at this stage, even if it has pay2play for online i would still get it for the single player and for the month or so of online that would come from buying it. even then it's more playtime than one gets out of most games.
i think at this stage, even if it has pay2play for online i would still get it for the single player and for the month or so of online that would come from buying it. even then it's more playtime than one gets out of most games.
Yeah it depends on the single player. Also from watching the videos of gameplay I'm very aware that they just cut some action to great music. Alot of the game involves wandering huuuuge landscapes hunting solitarty animals so it wont be the gushing feeling the trailer portrays. What I want to see more of is the town area where you meet other hunters and stuff.
Edited: Thu, 14 May 2009 20:15:36
What? So the game isn't more like a SotC game where you travel through near empty areas in search of your next huge ass objective? Looks more hack'n slash-ey than anything else to me after that video.
SteelAttack said:
What? So the game isn't more like a SotC game where you travel through near empty areas in search of your next huge ass objective? Looks more hack'n slash-ey than anything else to me after that video.
It's Endless Ocean with swords!
SteelAttack said:
What? So the game isn't more like a SotC game where you travel through near empty areas in search of your next huge ass objective?
It is like that. See videos on page 2.
SteelAttack said:WTF boxart is fucking gorgeous.
If there wasn't so much text.
Fire boss pics went down
See them on IGN.
Edited: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 18:42:00
I've never played the previous ones, but this one looks so good.
In a game where such obvious attention has been lavished on art and graphics, why can't they fix that ass ugly blocky, piece of meat?gamingeek said:
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Well Monster Hunter 2nd G is pay to play in Japan leading some websites to mistakenly confirm that Monster hunter tri was going to be pay to play too.
I've asked Svensson on the Ask Capcom boards and they can't confirm or deny it yet, its undecided. We've all sounded the death knell for the game in the west if it's pay to play. Seeing how its basically a new franchise that they want to really push worldwide, we've said it would be a bad move to make people play for online.
Let's hope they listen.