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Metroid: Other M
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Fri, 17 Sep 2010 23:32:18
Iga_Bobovic said:

Metroid Other M get.

Played 4+ hours, like it so far. Some thing irk me, but so far so good.

And that little chick thing is Ridley, is it not?

Give us more than that. Nyaa

I am still playing through hard, haven't been playing much. It is tough. Not hardest thing ever in a game but it is a tough challenge.

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Sat, 18 Sep 2010 03:33:39
Iga_Bobovic said:

Metroid Other M get.

Played 4+ hours, like it so far. Some thing irk me, but so far so good.

And that little chick thing is Ridley, is it not?

Nope, the chick is Samus!

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Sat, 18 Sep 2010 19:22:41
travo said:

Yep, it is....Just completed the game with 100% of the items. It took over 17 hours to get everything.

Go into the nintendo channel and check your playtime stats, I bet its longer than that.

I hit the Metroid glitch, I think. Just after you see Ridleys corpse? Hrm


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Sat, 18 Sep 2010 19:37:55

Oh shiiiiiiiiit

The cause of the locked door glitch is going back to save at the bottom of the cargo lift. After winning the short battle with a boss, saving after the boss battle on the cargo lift in sector 2, if you continue forward and do not go back down the cargo lift and save, the glitch will not happen. Saving AFTER the small battle at the bottom of the lift causes the glitch.

Is this the boss with the gravity changes in that multi layered cylindrical chamber.

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Sat, 18 Sep 2010 19:47:14
IGN said:

A new game-breaking bug recently discovered in Metroid: Other M is forcing some players to have to restart their game.

          As IGN writer Samuel Claiborn noted in his guide, if the door on the far side of the lava pit (picture below) in Sector 3 after you leave the desert refinery via the elevator is red, you're stuck.


          As of now, it's unclear what can trigger the bug. Some users have suggest copying the save file, however, that doesn't appear to solve the issue. A Nintendo Customer Support representative said the company is aware of the issue and that loading an older save, if available, or starting over is the only current solution available.

          Nintendo isn't known for releasing individual patches for games, but it could sneak a fix into an upcoming firmware update for the Wii.

          It's currently unknown how widespread this is. IGN has received several e-mails from readers and numerous message boards are buzzing about the bug. If you've experienced this problem, let us know in the comments below and we'll post a workaround as soon as one is found. .

I don't get it. This isn't the door that's stuck with me.

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Sat, 18 Sep 2010 20:07:51
gamingeek said:

Go into the nintendo channel and check your playtime stats, I bet its longer than that.

I hit the Metroid glitch, I think. Just after you see Ridleys corpse? Hrm


Is that the point where you have to peer in the windows of the cells?

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Sat, 18 Sep 2010 20:09:05
phantom_leo said:
gamingeek said:

Go into the nintendo channel and check your playtime stats, I bet its longer than that.

I hit the Metroid glitch, I think. Just after you see Ridleys corpse? Hrm


Is that the point where you have to peer in the windows of the cells?

Yeah, I tried doing charged blasts. Nuthin happening.

I just saw this video of the glitch, this isn't where I'm stuck.

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Sat, 18 Sep 2010 20:12:15

You're not supposed to shoot anything. If you are where I think you are, you are just supposed to find the person hiding in one of the cells. Just look in all the windows; you'll see her and it will trigger a cutscene and open a door.

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Sat, 18 Sep 2010 20:14:07
phantom_leo said:

You're not supposed to shoot anything. If you are where I think you are, you are just supposed to find the person hiding in one of the cells. Just look in all the windows; you'll see her and it will trigger a cutscene and open a door.

Dagnamit! I already looked in all the cells. angry

Will try again tommorrow. Thanks Happy

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Sat, 18 Sep 2010 20:14:49
gamingeek said:
phantom_leo said:

You're not supposed to shoot anything. If you are where I think you are, you are just supposed to find the person hiding in one of the cells. Just look in all the windows; you'll see her and it will trigger a cutscene and open a door.

Dagnamit! I already looked in all the cells. angry

Apparently, you did not.  Nyaa

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Sat, 18 Sep 2010 20:29:57

Hush you! angry

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Sat, 18 Sep 2010 21:12:11


Yeah, finally in 3D, a bit slow, but still fun.

Finally reached Ridley.

Fuck you cheating bitch and your way to long invurnability period, fuck it to hell.

There must be a way around it

*reads gamesfaq

Holy crap, I forgot about the Super missiles.

You sir the space dragon are dead, do you hear me dead. Well dead until Fusion, but I killed you there also. Well technically the X virus did, but who cares right?!

The VG Press
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Sun, 19 Sep 2010 08:11:43
Iga_Bobovic said:


Yeah, finally in 3D, a bit slow, but still fun.

Finally reached Ridley.

Fuck you cheating bitch and your way to long invurnability period, fuck it to hell.

There must be a way around it

*reads gamesfaq

Holy crap, I forgot about the Super missiles.

You sir the space dragon are dead, do you hear me dead. Well dead until Fusion, but I killed you there also. Well technically the X virus did, but who cares right?!



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Sun, 19 Sep 2010 10:35:47

Yeah I tried beating Ridley several times with just the charge blast. But then I opened up on him with the Super Missiles and kicked his ass. They are really useful in the other boss fight too.

Anyhow Leo/Vader et al. I am stuck on the Metroid boss. WTH am I suppossed to be doing? I just get sucked to death by metroids and my auto aim never goes for the boss, just for the metroids. And the metroids dodge all the charged blasts and seem invunerable. I get a swarm of like 10 of them.

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Sun, 19 Sep 2010 11:02:32

Being sucked to death is a bad thing?

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Sun, 19 Sep 2010 11:06:16

Kill the Metroids. Don't bother with the Queen 'til all of them are dead. The number of them are finite. She'll change her attack after you kill 'em all, then you'll know what you need to do. She's really not that hard, once all is said and d...

...oh wait...'s you...

...if you got stuck "you know where"...

...maybe I shouldn't say that...

...I'll arrange for tickets for Vader to fly to the UK; your game should be completed in a few days! Hang in there, help's on the way!

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Sun, 19 Sep 2010 11:35:01

How do I kill the Metroids? They dodge the charged blasts. I can hit them with the normal beam and they freeze, but they then unfreeze and don't seem to die when I shoot them. I can't even go into 1st person and use missiles because the other metroids start humping my head.


Edited: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 11:36:42

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Sun, 19 Sep 2010 11:42:02

You... Don't know how to kill / Escape from... a Metroid...?  surprise

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Sun, 19 Sep 2010 11:45:36

I can't believe I am typing this! This is Metroid-101...!  blush


First of all, don't let too many of them gang-up on you. Kill 'em quick!

They CAN be frozen, then Kill 'em with a missle!

If they start to suck you to death, go into Morph Ball and bomb the fuck out of the evil little space-jellyfishes!




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Sun, 19 Sep 2010 11:47:07

I do the morph ball bomb thing. I didn't think you would have time to use missiles on them. Everytime I go into first person I get head humped.


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