No stores were open here now I need to wait several hours longer to get my hands on ME3.
IGN 9.5
GS 9
1up A
Eurogamer 10
Giant Bomb 4/5
G4 5/5
Jeff G doesnt like it that much, that means it is a 10 for me.
Dvader said:...Jeff G doesnt like it that much, that means it is a 10 for me.
4/5 is a good score. Links to all the reviews on the news page.
EDIT: IGN users give it a 6.1 so far. KNOBS.
I am going to pick it up at 10am at my local Best Buy!
I'm excited even though I still have to play all the way through the rest of Mass Effect 2 1st....hopefully by Friday at the latest I can start ME3.
Holy Sheet! Things got cranked up to eleven.
Spoilers below!
So I started my first big mission after the Citadel and encountered a big boss fight. You know, by the numbers, hulking monster that runs towards you, shoot, dodge, repeat. It was cool, but then I had to defend the camp and fight THREE of them, plus some heavily armored Reapers. It was a crazy fight that made my utilize my bionics to win. I loved the strategy part.
Now I'm back on board and EDI's pulling some crazy stunt.
EDI is kinda sexy now!
I did try one side mission after two hours of play and yep, I had to switch discs. I'm waiting till I reach the part that I searched about before I move on with any other sidequests.
The story is very cool so far, just this very hopeless, gloomy feeling, like there's no chance in hell. Earth is being destroyed, Palaven is as well, millions dying in one day. I so can't wait to turn the tide.
I love seeing the old regulars..Garrus, Ashley, Liara. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Wrex.
aspro said:
4/5 is a good score. Links to all the reviews on the news page.EDIT: IGN users give it a 6.1 so far. KNOBS.
The score does not match the written review, he sounds totally bored by the game and has zero enthusiasm for it.
So I have the CE and now I have to wait while the DLC downloads. Well the content was not on the disc, I wish it was though.
I am looking through the CE. It has a nice artbook but spoilers all over it. Probably cost like $3 to make. A nice small comic book with a cool story, this better be continued in the game. Probably cost like $2 to make. A postcard with a drawing on it, probably 10 cents. And a velcro N7 patch, like 5 cents. And of course a bunch of digital content. So that is where the CE money goes, I bet they make a nice profit from it.
I went and got my Collector's Edition at Best Buy, but not without some trouble.
I walk up to the Store Pickup area, wait 10 minutes...a few assholes getting the Xbox version in front of me. Finally, the girl calls me up to the counter. Hi, I'm picking up Mass Effect 3 on the PC....oh ok, hold on one minute. She goes to the shelf behind her and grabs a lone copy of ME3 on the PC. Puts it down on the counter. I look....its the REGULAR version! actually, I ordered the collector's edition. Oh really? This is the only PC copy we have, we don't have a Collector's Edition....hold on a minute. *Goes and looks through shelf again* No, these are all PS3 games. Let me call so and so over.....
Now by this point I'm starting there and she's standing there looking like she has no idea what to do...and I'm getting pissed thinking how could they have NOT ordered my CE copy when it specifically said CE on the order form! This is bullshit....10 minutes go by...
Finally, she goes back to the shelf and moves the door away from the left side....BOOM! PC CE is sitting right there! Oh, here it is....I'm sorry about that. Yeah aren't you supposed to know where things are seeing as how it just came out and you work in store pickup? And you told me you didn't have it?
Man I was ready to snap if they didn't find this. How stupid can you be? Anyway, I finally walked out of the store with it, and now its home safe like it should be!
My god that first mission after the demo! THE MUSIC!!!!
Of course I have had one freeze already. ME2 was relatively bug free, seems I am in for a TES like experience. So strange having so many upgrades available at the start, you start at level 30 if you import from ME2, you now go up to 60.
Just reached the citadel and recruited some hot news lady. Liara wont mind if I sleep with other women right?
Wow that PS trophy thing updates fast.
I have spent the last two hours doing nothing but exploring, talking and just upgrading stuff. I am losing myself to the world, it is so detailed, so much fun to just listen to stories like this asari in the hospital. I have gone over every inch of the normandy, I love the new changes. I think I am really going to dig the galaxy readiness feature, there seems like there is a lot to do. Anyone that thinks there wont be much customizing options should know there is a ton for the weapons, it is not messy like ME1 but it is far deeper than ME2. I had a really interesting comversation with Vega, maybe he isnt a throw away character. I absolutely love the way Bioware creates its worlds and fills them with interesting people, ME3 is no different.
But it is time to get back to the shooting, lets go kick some ass.

Cube 2: Hypercube! With a name like that it must be awesome. Robocop... seriously I think I am just going to watch this. Hmm Highlander, you know I have never seen it. Oh Memento, I have never seen it. I think the only Nolan movie I have not seen. Ok that is in the lead now. Hmm I have a bunch of these animated comic book movies. Where is GG when you need him?
I want to see people die. I'm watching Robocop... 2. I have not seen this since the 90s, I have no recollection of it, maybe a scene or two. Less than a minute in and two people dead. MagnaVolt! Muggings out in the open on the street, assults all over, a store blowing up, no cops. How did they know exactly what Detroit would be like today.