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Jay's Top 25 Wii Games of ALL TIME
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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 12:14:08

The Nintendo Wii......what a bizarre little creature. It wasn't really the console any of us were expecting. It was much too focused on casual non gamers for my liking, and wasn't anywhere near the level of tech I would have liked. But, it had Nintendo making games for it.


That alone assured it was going to end up having some of the best games ever. Here now, is my Top 25....of which it was actually kind of hard coming up with that many so bear with me.

  • #25: Battalion Wars 2

Good game, didn't feel as well made as the original. Wii controls tacked on.

Battalion Wars 2 Boxartbattalion-wars-2-20071031055632078-000.jpg

  • #24: Tomb Raider Anniversary

Actually a pretty solid version of the game. Obviously the visuals don't look like the 360 version, but it controls surprisingly well and is one of the better looking Wii games.

Tomb Raider Anniversary BoxartTomb Raider Anniversary 4fa6ca61cdc388ed13f013ba

  • #23: Boom Blox

Boom Blox was one of the best ideas thought up for the Wii controller.

Boom Blox BoxartBoom Blox 4fa6caffcdc388ed13f10b5a

  • #22: Endless Ocean 2

Still haven't played this...but GG swears by it so I'm sure it deserves a spot!

Endless Ocean: Blue World Boxartendless-ocean-2-beautiful-ocean-20090602115520749_640w_1266884983-000.jpg

  • #21: Red Steel 2

RS2 was a much better game than the original, though in a totally different setting. Some of the best controls ever for the Wii controller.

Red Steel 2 Boxartred-steel-2-20090819100506416[1]_1269309211-000.jpg

  • #20: Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn

Not as good as Path of Radiance on the Gamecube, but still a quality effort worth playing. Gets stupidly hard at the end.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Boxartfire-emblem-radiant-dawn--20071102020851742.jpg

  • #19: Little King's Story

A game a bit rough around the edges, but it had so much charm and it reminded me of something from the Super Nintendo days. Would like to see a sequel.

Little King's Story Boxartlittle-kings-story-20090721034347223.jpg

  • #18: Okami

Always felt this game got WAAAAY overrated on the PS2 because Sony fans needed to feel like they had a better Zelda than Nintendo fans. Its still a solid game though, and the Wii version just feels right with its Zelda style and unique controls. The game is still a good 10 hours longer than it needs to be though. Fun Fact: Ported by the guys making The Order 1886 for PS4.

Okami Boxartokami-20080411032042719-000.jpg

  • #17: Sin & Punishment 2

I actually need to go back and finish this. Fun game and really unique.

Sin and Punishment: Star Successor Boxartsin-and-punishment-star-successor-20100624013716598_640w_1277669130.jpg

  • #16: Super Paper Mario

This game was a blast...I'd like to replay it at some point. Mixes the RPG series with more platforming to great results. I really wish Intelligent Systems focused more on home consoles.

Super Paper Mario BoxartSuper Paper Mario 4fa6ca4ecdc388ed13eee6ef

  • #15: No More Heroes 2

Great game this was....combining the crazy Suda 51's style with some actual good gameplay. The boss fights are the highlight.

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle Boxartno-more-heroes-2-desperate-struggle--20100121031003146-000.jpg

  • #14: The Last Story

Another great Sakaguchi RPG alongside Lost Odyssey, the man is a god even without Square behind him. Great game. This game actually pushes the Wii pretty hard.

The Last Story BoxartThe Last Story 4fcfaa8b9670d1aee8d3d028

  • #13: Metroid Other M

Outside of the silly story, Other M....silly name too, had some great gameplay and a terrific world to explore. I feel its underrated.

Metroid: Other M Boxartmetroid-other-m-20100615043807740_640w_1282902561-000.jpg

  • #12: Punch Out!

What a great game this was. Kudos to the guys who made it, impressive how they brought back such an old game and made it feel relevent again. Only thing missing is Tyson.

Punch-Out!! Boxartpunch-out-20090515033923768-000.jpg

  • #11: Mario Kart Wii

I had not played one of these in years, so I had a blast with MK Wii. Tons of content and stuff to do. Fuck, I need Mario Kart 8.

Mario Kart Wii Boxartmario-kart-wii-20080419113907033.jpg


.....Whoa...get your minds out of the gutter! This is a family friendly console....


  • #10: Zack & Wiki

What a great puzzle game this of the best games on the console. I wish Capcom would make another, but they'd probably fuck it up like everything else.

Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure Boxartzack-wiki-quest-for-barbaros-treasure-20071022041813720-000.jpg

  • #9: Donkey Kong Returns

Retro Studios making Donkey Kong? I know....but fuckin' a, they did a great job. Don't worry, they'll branch out on their next game. Oh wait...

Donkey Kong Country Returns Boxartdonkey-kong-country-returns-20101119092416881-000.jpg

  • #8: Goldeneye 007

Oh, the mighty Goldeneye. While this reboot isn't even a pimple on the ass of what the original was back in 1997, its a great game in its own right, and has one of the best campaigns of any shooter of the generation.

GoldenEye 007 Boxartgoldeneye-007-20101101111253711-000.jpg

  • #7: Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition

That's right, a Gamecube game in the top ten. Out of all the games that ever released on Wii, I still think the controller helped THIS game the most. RE4's style of gameplay just feels MADE for the Wii controller, and it works insanely well here. One of the best looking games on the system. Laugh or cry.

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition BoxartResident Evil 4 4fa6ca4ccdc388ed13eec853

  • #6: Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

I played SS like 2 years late, which is funny because every other Zelda I've always played on day 1. Just couldn't get interested enough to play it. When I finally did, I liked it a lot. The graphic style was interesting, and the game design was mostly as solid as ever.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword BoxartZelda: Skyward Sword 4fa6cb70cdc388ed13f63728

  • #5: Xenoblade

One of the best RPG's of the generation, Xenoblade is as epic as they get. Why Nintendo was so retardedly stubborn about bringing this game to the USA, I have no idea. I need to go back and finish it.

Xenoblade Chronicles BoxartXenoblade 4fa6cb71cdc388ed13f64720

  • #4: Super Mario Galaxy 2

When Nintendo does a direct sequel to something, you know they must have really hit gold. Galaxy 2 was even better than the first game, and pretty much the best you can get out of Wii in terms of production values.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 BoxartSuper Mario Galaxy 2 4fa6cb47cdc388ed13f4c7a5

  • #3: Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Another Gamecube port cracks the top ten. Twilight Princess may not be the most original Zelda ever, but it polishes the formula to a shine with perfect pacing and is one of the best games in the series. 8.8

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess BoxartZelda: Twilight Princess image

  • #2: Super Mario Galaxy

The first Galaxy was a landmark game. It was exactly what the Wii needed, and it brought Mario platforming back to the top.

Super Mario Galaxy BoxartSuper Mario Galaxy 4fa6ca62cdc388ed13f01dac

And now, the Wii's #1 game as brought to you by....

Consumers Say We Know the Wii U is Different

soccer momsoccer-mom-sm.jpg

  • #1: Metroid Prime 3

That's right, Prime 3 is my favorite Wii game. Go fuck off.

Prime 3 fixed basically every flaw from Echoes, added in some cool new shit like full on FPS controls and ship support, and had some of the best production values, especially in terms of intricacy, the Wii ever saw. I really hope Retro is returning to this style of game after two Donkey Kongs in s row....even if its not Metroid.

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption BoxartMetroid Prime 3: Corruption 4fa6ca55cdc388ed13ef3ebb

Edited: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 13:28:09


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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 12:40:20

Jay? I know a boy at school whose name is Vahjay. The teachers had a chuckle over that.  Why am I bringing this up?  I don't know!

Great list so far

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 12:50:17

The original No More Heroes better be included in that Jay dude's top 10.  NMH2, what a turd that was.  Still leaves a sour taste in my mouth...

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 12:58:06

I never made it through NMH2. I got through the first two or three bosses, but for some reason I lost interest despite really enjoying it. I just think everything that I needed out of the series was taken care of in the original game. If by chance Wii games ever come out on the Wii U VC, I'll probably grab a copy of it and give it another shot.

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 12:58:28
SupremeAC said:

The original No More Heroes better be included in that Jay dude's top 10.  NMH2, what a turd that was.  Still leaves a sour taste in my mouth...

I never played NMH2.  How different is it compared to the first?

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 13:02:28

Donkey Kong Country Returns certainly gave Galaxy 2 a run for its money for best platformer of 2010.  That game was incredible.  When you look at this list, you notice how many more awesome exclusives Nintendo has compared to the others.

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 13:29:17
travo said:

When you look at this list, you notice how many more awesome exclusives Nintendo has compared to the others.

That's the only reason they survive. If they didn't, they would be super fucked.


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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 13:34:26

I don't know whether to be disgusted LKS is so low, or pleased Zack and Wiki is so high.

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 13:38:07
Foolz said:

I don't know whether to be disgusted LKS is so low, or pleased Zack and Wiki is so high.

LKS is lucky to have been printed, let alone to be included on a list that doesn't begin with "games that should only be used as drink coasters."

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 13:39:54

Good list. You need to play Trauma Center at some point though. Also, not a single piece of WiiWare?? Lot of good stuff on there that deserved a spot on the lower end of the list (or higher numbers or whatever...)

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 13:52:38

I have Trauma Center, but like a million others, I haven't gotten to it yet.


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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 14:13:17

Fantastic choices for 1-5.

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 14:18:05

A ridiculous amount of the Wii's best games came out in 2007. That was by far its best year...I mean its not even close.


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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 14:27:08

As with MP2, I got stuck somewhere in 3 and just gave up.  They're really good games, but I couldn't bother with travelling a whole world to search for some extra life or missiles just so I could get past one bottleneck.

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 14:30:08

I would have went for Metroid Prime Trilogy instead of Metroid Prime 3 but that is cheating since it is 3 games that use the Wii Remote perfectly against 1 game.


  • SMB Mix-Up! (1AB2-0000-0047-5A7D)
  • Storm the Castle (77BD-0000-00E0-A9C0)


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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 14:30:52
travo said:

I never played NMH2.  How different is it compared to the first?

Very different.  They got rid of the city hub altogether, minijobs are now 8-bit style single screen affairs, and instead of cool assassin bosses to fight, over half of them are freaks who probably never got paid to kill anyone in the first place and in no way fit into the fiction.  There are only 2 bosses I would consider to be in the same league as those of NMH, and they were both incredibly easy.

I should really replay NMH again someday.  Such a great game.

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 14:34:14
SupremeAC said:

Very different.  They got rid of the city hub altogether, minijobs are now 8-bit style single screen affairs, and instead of cool assassin bosses to fight, over half of them are freaks who probably never got paid to kill anyone in the first place and in no way fit into the fiction.  There are only 2 bosses I would consider to be in the same league as those of NMH, and they were both incredibly easy.

I should really replay NMH again someday.  Such a great game.

The PS3 version of No More Heroes added some of the boss fights from No More Heroes 2 which you can fight in a dream when you save at your house after beating one of the assassins.


  • SMB Mix-Up! (1AB2-0000-0047-5A7D)
  • Storm the Castle (77BD-0000-00E0-A9C0)


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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 15:27:15
edgecrusher said:

I have Trauma Center, but like a million others, I haven't gotten to it yet.

Scratch that. I meant Trauma Team, not Center. Though Trauma Team is good too.

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Fri, 06 Jun 2014 01:11:52
robio said:

LKS is lucky to have been printed, let alone to be included on a list that doesn't begin with "games that should only be used as drink coasters."


Oh well, the bigger injustice is MP3 at 1 anyway.

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Fri, 06 Jun 2014 17:18:37
SupremeAC said:

The original No More Heroes better be included in that Jay dude's top 10.  NMH2, what a turd that was.  Still leaves a sour taste in my mouth...

Endless Ocean Blue World is awesome, more people should play it. You have no idea how they improved it over the original. It's more like a 60 hour underwater RPG with missions, a story etc. Blue World turned EO into a AAA level game while EO1 was more of an experience.  

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