I don't pre-order anymore, but these are the ones I'm interested in getting later this year:
Zelda: Skyward Sword
New Tomb Raider - Does this game have an official title yet?
For me, I will be getting the following games at launch, no question at all (based on my prior love of the respective franchises):
- Batman:Arkham City, Uncharted 3, Yakuza 4, Infamous 2, DQ6, Gears of War 3,Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.
- If released: Xenoblade, Last Story, DQ10, Mario Kart 3DS, El Shaddai, Disgaea 4, Picross 3DS, Disaster Report 4.
I absolutely won't be getting Portal 2, Bioshock 3 or Mass Effect 3.
I was Borderline on pre-ordering Dead Space 2 and Rage, but they can wait.
Everything else will be waiting for price drop.
Yakuza 4 - March 15th. Joy.
Only game I have pre-ordered currently is Dragon Age II (Signature Edition!). Everything else I aim to get on the day. Next purchases are either Dead Space 2 (PS3 LE only), Marvel Cappy 3 and Killzone 3.
Holy Crap!
I just realized there wasn't a SINGLE Wii game, dated on my list!!
...and the ones that don't have dates may not even come out here!!
We have to wait for Ninty's big announcements later this month, with fingers crossed.
With the exception of DQVI, there's not much new on my radar for this year. Most of my year will be spent with old PS3 games. Marvel v Capcom 3 and DCU Online may be exceptions depending on reviews. Possibly Strangers Wrath too when it shows up on PS3 (depending on its price).
I'm sure midway through the year a lot of this will change as Nintendo makes their announcements, but for now that's it for me.
15-Feb Dragon Warrior VI NDS
15-Feb Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds PS3
23-Feb BulletStorm 360
09-Mar Deus Ex: Human Revolution 360
09-Mar Dragon Age II PS3
16-Mar Okamiden NDS
27-Mar Nintendo 3DS System 3DS
01-Apr Mortal Kombat PS3
06-Apr L.A. Noire PS3
02-Jul inFamous 2 PS3
02-Sep Gears of War 3 360
04-Oct Batman: Arkham City PS3
01-Nov Metal Gear: Rising PS3
01-Nov Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception PS3
tba Disgaea 4 PS3
tba The Last Story Wii
tba XenoBlade Wii
tba Mass Effect 3 360
tba Earth Seeker Wii
tba Tekken X Street Fighter PS3
tba Street Fighter X Tekken PS3
tba El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron PS3
tba Asura's Wrath PS3