Forum > Gaming Discussion > If the NX doesn't at least match Gamecube sales & software, Nintendo needs to leave hardware.
If the NX doesn't at least match Gamecube sales & software, Nintendo needs to leave hardware.
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Tue, 29 Mar 2016 10:23:34

That's right. If they can't at least get 25 million units sold and release a few top tier entries in all their major franchises, creating a few new ones, and getting at least decent 3rd-party support and a few big 3rd-party exclusives, they need to give up the ghost. Stop forcing people to buy your $300+ hardware every 5 years just to play games you could be making on the other consoles and the PC. We don't need Nintendo branded hardware to enjoy a great new Mario or Zelda game, so if Nintendo can't design leading hardware that is not based on gimmicks and is in fact an oasis of wonder for ALL developers, just stop. Its OK.

Over the past 10 years it feels like Nintendo's hardware is getting more and more expensive, yet I'm getting less and less out of it. This is not good. Look at the Super Nintendo and the Nintendo 64, then look at the Wii and U. I mean please....what the fuck.



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Tue, 29 Mar 2016 10:53:22

I think there's a difference between what's best for gamers and what's best for Nintendo.  If they own their own platform they don't have to give a large cut of profits to Sony or MS and they receive royalties from all third party sales.  Why give up all that if you're not making a loss on hardware sales?  Would their games really sell upwards of 25% more units (needed to offset the royalties they'd be paying) if they were a third party dev?  I highly doubt so.

Also, I don't think their consoles are becoming more expensive.  If I recall well, the N64 cost the equivalent of €400 on launch, while the WiiU cost €350.  One could argue that the N64 was cutting edge tech at launch, while the WiiU wasn't, but that's not the argument you made.  edit: you specified further by adding 'over the past 10 years', so my point about the launch price of the N64 is moot.

edit: and then I didn't even mention how dev cost on their own last 2 consoles has been markedly lower than that on competing systems due to the lower specs of their own hardware.

Edited: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 12:07:38
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Tue, 29 Mar 2016 14:34:46
edgecrusher said:

아, 좆같네(Ah, Jot-gat-ne)

Baka yarou

Va te faire foutre

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Tue, 29 Mar 2016 17:08:50

Remember to pound that like button.


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Tue, 29 Mar 2016 17:13:03

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Tue, 29 Mar 2016 17:14:06

How can you be so down on Nintendo hardware when you're playing the greatest fighting game of all time on it?

Back me up Robio.

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Tue, 29 Mar 2016 17:38:55

Because I could easily be playing that same game on Steam or PS4 and not have had to buy and hook up another machine to do it. And obviously the games could have extra polish elsewhere.

To Supreme's point (I kind of wanted to wait until more people replied before responding but ehhh) about what's best for Nintendo and best for customers are different things that may be true to an extent but how is it good for Nintendo in the long run if they continue a downward spiral, have consoles that are only really good for THEIR games, and continue to alienate people? There's a ton of people that Nintendo pissed off during the Wii 1 era, when they were more interested in catering to people who don't even really care for their games. They tried to get people people back on Wii U and sold half of Gamecube's units. Which basically means half of Nintendo's old hardcore fanbase said "fuck you". Now, they're killing off the U and early launching (seems anyway) the NX, which is bound to piss off some people as well. Its a slope SEGA went down. I know Nintendo has a ton of money, but if everyone gives you the middle finger it doesn't matter how much money you have...your shit won't sell.

So in the end, what's best for fans IS what's best for Nintendo. Otherwise, you're left with less and less of them to sustain you and sooner or later, you're losing money.

For me personally, I'll buy the NX if it has a decent lineup and its decent hardware. But, the industry is different now. If they announced they were going to all platforms tomorrow, I wouldn't care. In fact, I would welcome it. One thing they have that SEGA didn't is APPEAL to their games. They would be fine and likely thrive as a 3rd-party.


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Tue, 29 Mar 2016 17:40:48

If that happens I still wouldn't want them to leave hardware, I would just want them to make "better" hardware. "Better" meaning hardware that more consumers and third parties would want and want to make games on.


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Tue, 29 Mar 2016 18:03:20

Edge you're not even using your Wii U for the big games that release anyway so would you even care if Mario Maker and Splatoon were on PS4?

Does not compute. I find that people bitch about systems they aren't using, it happens all the time. I'm not playing it so it sucks. Happened big time when the U launched and the people who bought (and played) the good games that released during the early spring period got good use out of the system. Others didn't because there were other games they were more interested in. That's fine, but it's kinda weird when people dogpile on a system they could be playing great games on, but aren't.

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Tue, 29 Mar 2016 21:47:47

Yeah it's done for them, now the hardware doesn't even bring anything new to the table. When they tried something totally groundbreaking hardcore gamers cried like babies. So they went backward and now it's just an outdated console with nothing special. VR has come and Nintendo is no where to be found there, they offer nothing new tech wise. There is no reason for their hardware. And who cares if they make another ps4 or Xbox, it will never be a primary system. Either invent something new or go third party.

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Wed, 30 Mar 2016 01:30:09

Wii and Wii U hardware were/are great. The longer they continue pissing off "gamers" with great hardware the better. (Their problem, actually, is that they've been fucking up on the software front: not really producing much that takes advantage of their great hardware.) When they were boring cunts with the GameCube they failed, too; so aiming for the lowest common denominator didn't work for them. It would be amusing, indeed, if they were to go into software development as a third party and fail again. Or start producing crap. Either way, it'd be fun.

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Wed, 30 Mar 2016 12:25:24
edgecrusher said:

To Supreme's point (I kind of wanted to wait until more people replied before responding but ehhh) about what's best for Nintendo and best for customers are different things that may be true to an extent but how is it good for Nintendo in the long run if they continue a downward spiral, have consoles that are only really good for THEIR games, and continue to alienate people? There's a ton of people that Nintendo pissed off during the Wii 1 era, when they were more interested in catering to people who don't even really care for their games. They tried to get people people back on Wii U and sold half of Gamecube's units. Which basically means half of Nintendo's old hardcore fanbase said "fuck you". Now, they're killing off the U and early launching (seems anyway) the NX, which is bound to piss off some people as well. Its a slope SEGA went down. I know Nintendo has a ton of money, but if everyone gives you the middle finger it doesn't matter how much money you have...your shit won't sell.

So in the end, what's best for fans IS what's best for Nintendo. Otherwise, you're left with less and less of them to sustain you and sooner or later, you're losing money.

For me personally, I'll buy the NX if it has a decent lineup and its decent hardware. But, the industry is different now. If they announced they were going to all platforms tomorrow, I wouldn't care. In fact, I would welcome it. One thing they have that SEGA didn't is APPEAL to their games. They would be fine and likely thrive as a 3rd-party.

I think you're talking too much from the hart and not enough from a business point of view.

CNBC stated in an article from end 2013 that Sony and MS typically receive about $7 in royalties from the sale of a $60 game.  Lets assume the same rings true for Nintendo.

Up to december 31st 2015 the WiiU had lifetime software sales of about 79million units.  Say, conservatively, that 2 thirds of those sales are first and second party.  That leaves them with 26.33 million third party sales.  That's $184.33 million in royalties.

If Nintendo would have gone third party, they'd have paid twice that in royalties themselves to Sony and MS, based on those numbers.  That's a difference of over half a billion dollars.

Add to that that development cost will be significantly lower on the WiiU than on Sony and MS's more advanced tech.  Hard numbers are difficult to come by, but figures go from anywhere to produciing a WiiU game costing 50-75% of a PS4 or Xbone game.  In effect this means that Nintendo only has to sell something between half to three quarters as many units to break even when compared to first party titles from MS or Sony.

Now if they were publishing on MS and Sony hardware, not only would their development budgets rise significantly due to having to compete on higher specced tech, but their profit margins would also be hurt by having to pay royalties on every unit sold.

Then there's the point of marketting budgets.  Nintendo could release the next Mario Kart with zero marketting, and it'd still be a multimillion seller.  Because a 1st party release on a Nintendo console is an event.  Would the same be true if the same game was released on a Sony or MS console?  I highly doubt it.

Do you really think that Nintendo software would sell twice as well if they went third party?  I highly doubt it.  More realisticaly, they'd go the same route as Sega and just slowly die, albeit at a much faster rate than they are seemingly doing now.


Of course, one could make the point that they'd save all that R&D spending, which hovers around the $300million mark on a yearly basis.  Nyaa  It wouldn't make up for the extra costs as described above though.

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Wed, 30 Mar 2016 17:07:47

I pounded everyone's like button. It was fun.

gamingeek said:

Edge you're not even using your Wii U for the big games that release anyway so would you even care if Mario Maker and Splatoon were on PS4?

Does not compute. I find that people bitch about systems they aren't using, it happens all the time. I'm not playing it so it sucks. Happened big time when the U launched and the people who bought (and played) the good games that released during the early spring period got good use out of the system. Others didn't because there were other games they were more interested in. That's fine, but it's kinda weird when people dogpile on a system they could be playing great games on, but aren't.

I wouldn't care if they were on PS4. You're right. Just like I don't care if Little Big Planet is on PS4....just because I like a company doesn't mean I'm going to blindly buy every fucking thing they release out of some obligation. That's retarded. I know what I like and I prioritize what I like most. I would preorder Zelda and Metroid day 1 on any console. I'm not dogpiling on Wii U, I'm dogpiling on Nintendo's hardware efforts in general. If they're going to continue this pretending to get 3rd-parties on board but not really....make a system mostly for 1st-party stuff that mostly comes out in the 1st few years of its life then falls off the grid. It just doesn't make much sense for the industry as a whole. Activision is bigger than Nintendo now....imagine if they started making hardware too. Call of Duty is the new Mario. Just because someone CAN make hardware, doesn't mean they should.

But who knows....maybe the NX will be the greatest thing they've ever done and it'll be the new PS2 that just dominates and is the place to go for everything. I highly doubt it though.


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Wed, 30 Mar 2016 17:13:09
SupremeAC said

Of course, one could make the point that they'd save all that R&D spending, which hovers around the $300million mark on a yearly basis.  Nyaa  It wouldn't make up for the extra costs as described above though.

All I can say to all that is its a double edged sword either way. Will they be satisfied with royalties from consoles that only sell 10 million units? And will they hold on to enough fans to keep selling 10 million units? If the NX doesn't sell any better than the Wii U I think they'd be in trouble, royalties or not.


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Wed, 30 Mar 2016 17:15:35

BTW I made this thread because GG asked me to post something that ruffled feathers last week. I figured what better way to do that here than talk shit about Nintendo. GG, I hope you're satisfied!


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Wed, 30 Mar 2016 19:03:59

The Wii was Nintendo's best console though. I'd give them another chance.

One of the site's forefathers.

Play fighting games!

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