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GOTY Four Months From Now, How The Arguments Will Go
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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 04:40:05
Foolz said:

Yeah, but IV sucked. Nyaa


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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 06:47:27
travo said:

Isn't Pikmin 3 trying it? Nyaa

I really love Pikmin 3 (so far)

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 10:23:39

From what I've played this year, Pikmin 3 is better designed, more polished and very charming, but as for pure fun and memorable, even more epic action - I got a lot more out of Lego City Undercover. I just wish more people would play it through to the end to see why instead of me just looking like some crazy person.

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 15:12:21
gamingeek said:

From what I've played this year, Pikmin 3 is better designed, more polished and very charming, but as for pure fun and memorable, even more epic action - I got a lot more out of Lego City Undercover. I just wish more people would play it through to the end to see why instead of me just looking like some crazy person.

It's not just you, everyone I have heard who has played it for more than an hour gushes over it, particularly the ending (which has been described as epic) and the character of Frank Honey.

Personally, if I had a U I'd get it because I like open world GTA-style games, because of the word of mouth and the lack of other games for the system.  But if the system had plenty of games, and there was no buzz, I;d not touch a LEGO game with a ten-foot pole.

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 18:34:13
Dvader said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

If GTA was any good it would stop being GTA.

You are malfunctioning.

Let face it!

From a mechanical and gameplay perspective (lcontrol, level design and mission design) all the GTA's are just mediocre at best. And that is me being nice. Instead of trying to fix these underlying issues that have plaged GTA for years, they try to make everything bigger. Bigger worlds, more cars, more minigames, more controlable characters. It will not work if the foundation is rotten.

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 19:13:53
aspro said:

It's not just you, everyone I have heard who has played it for more than an hour gushes over it, particularly the ending (which has been described as epic) and the character of Frank Honey.

Personally, if I had a U I'd get it because I like open world GTA-style games, because of the word of mouth and the lack of other games for the system.  But if the system had plenty of games, and there was no buzz, I;d not touch a LEGO game with a ten-foot pole.

I can see people ignoring it or being wary because it's Lego, but even if there were all the othe Wii U games out, Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, DKC etc it would still be a solid buy and in no way diminished. It's just a big bouncing bag of enthusiasm. It took 13 hours for it to click but it took 60 to complete. It really feels like you've accomplished something when you've done everything. I guess you have to like humour in games and not mind games with no challenge - aside from the challenge of getting 100%

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 19:18:18
Iga_Bobovic said:

Let face it!

From a mechanical and gameplay perspective (lcontrol, level design and mission design) all the GTA's are just mediocre at best. And that is me being nice. Instead of trying to fix these underlying issues that have plaged GTA for years, they try to make everything bigger. Bigger worlds, more cars, more minigames, more controlable characters. It will not work if the foundation is rotten.

There is not one game in existance that does the GTA formula better than GTA. So I do not agree. Those poor me chanics you say we're all products of the time they were in. GTA has evolved nicely.

Edited: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 19:19:21
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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 20:14:08

Personally I thought Bully was better than any gta. Mechanically it was better too till 4 fixed a lot of things.

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 20:36:59
gamingeek said:

Personally I thought Bully was better than any gta. Mechanically it was better too till 4 fixed a lot of things.

I'm not going to say anything. Nyaa

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 20:38:59
Dvader said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Let face it!

From a mechanical and gameplay perspective (lcontrol, level design and mission design) all the GTA's are just mediocre at best. And that is me being nice. Instead of trying to fix these underlying issues that have plaged GTA for years, they try to make everything bigger. Bigger worlds, more cars, more minigames, more controlable characters. It will not work if the foundation is rotten.

There is not one game in existance that does the GTA formula better than GTA. So I do not agree. Those poor me chanics you say we're all products of the time they were in. GTA has evolved nicely.

If GTA is the best sandbox game, then all the other are below mediocre. In Zelda when you have to bring a item from point A to B, we call it a fetch quest and that are the low points of the game. We all agree that the game would be better without them. Most of GTA is a fetch quest. Just because other games in the genre do the same or worse, does not excuse GTA.

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 20:42:30

While GTA does have plenty of fetch quests this is try but in comparison to others in the genre I feel the ratio of fetch to more interesting quests is better. Plus in terms of things to do in the world GTA is king. The story is usually more interesting, its hilarious, and the music is the best.

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 20:49:55

Oh and the core cops being alerted gameplay is best in GTA games. I've played many games where that mechanic is not as well done. In GTA just driving around is a blast.

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 21:23:02
Just to bring things back on topic a bit, I'm surprised no one has mentioned Super Mario 3D World. I know it underwhelmed a lot of people when it was first shown, but all the impressions since then have been strong. And let's face it, you never count out a 3D Mario.
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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 22:36:43
robio said:
Just to bring things back on topic a bit, I'm surprised no one has mentioned Super Mario 3D World. I know it underwhelmed a lot of people when it was first shown, but all the impressions since then have been strong. And let's face it, you never count out a 3D Mario.

I agree and I'm looking forward to it but I'm still more interested in DKC: Tropical Freeze.


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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 23:20:44
Dvader said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Let face it!

From a mechanical and gameplay perspective (lcontrol, level design and mission design) all the GTA's are just mediocre at best. And that is me being nice. Instead of trying to fix these underlying issues that have plaged GTA for years, they try to make everything bigger. Bigger worlds, more cars, more minigames, more controlable characters. It will not work if the foundation is rotten.

There is not one game in existance that does the GTA formula better than GTA. So I do not agree. Those poor me chanics you say we're all products of the time they were in. GTA has evolved nicely.

RDR is Rockstar's best GTA game.  Saint's Row 2 is the best GTA3 GTA game (SR3 while better than 2, moved into it's own style and is no longer a "GTA3" game).

I'd have to think long and hard with a list in hand to say which is the best GTA-style game, but gun to head I'd have to go with RDR.

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 23:24:26
robio said:
Just to bring things back on topic a bit, I'm surprised no one has mentioned Super Mario 3D World. I know it underwhelmed a lot of people when it was first shown, but all the impressions since then have been strong. And let's face it, you never count out a 3D Mario.

At the risk of being killed by GG. It's not a 3D Mario! It's camera-pulled-way-back-isometric-in-places-Mario.  I watched the trailer 4 times, and there was one 2-3 second segemtn that they showed that looked like a 3D mario in the vein of SMG or Sunshine.

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Fri, 09 Aug 2013 00:25:42
aspro said:

At the risk of being killed by GG. It's not a 3D Mario! It's camera-pulled-way-back-isometric-in-places-Mario.  I watched the trailer 4 times, and there was one 2-3 second segemtn that they showed that looked like a 3D mario in the vein of SMG or Sunshine.

You move in three dimensions so its a 3d Mario.

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Fri, 09 Aug 2013 01:09:02
Perhaps it would be better classified as a three-dimentional Mario?
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Fri, 09 Aug 2013 01:09:37

Okay, if you want to put this upcoming game into that pantheon, go ahead. (to vader).

Edited: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 01:12:25

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Fri, 09 Aug 2013 08:46:33

I haven't played Super Mario 3D land, and obviously haven't played 3D world, but to say a game is not a true 3D game because of it's viewpoint seems to be an odd distinction to make.  It's not like Diablo, where the viewpoint is isometric but you only move on a 2D plane.  The game seems very similar to the SMS and Mario64.  Just because the gravity isn't wonky doesn't mean it can't be a true 3D game.  I watched the E3 trailer, and at least half of it wasn't some form of 2.5D in my opinion.  What would it take for you to consider it a true 3D title?

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