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[FINAL] Aarny's AWESOME EXTRAVAGANZA of Beaten Games & DLC Expansions - 2015! [Vader's on Top!]
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Sun, 25 Jan 2015 06:23:18
SteelAttack said:

You mean a negative year. A negative balance is when you lose more of whatever thing you're gaining. A positive would be the opposite of what you want to accomplish.

Ok Grammaton Cleric. Lolz


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Sun, 25 Jan 2015 06:30:10

I've got only seven out of sixty-seven PS3 games on disc that I still want to play more of or finish. Digital copies make things more interesting... though the vast majority are from PS Plus (I've got every game from PS Plus since mid-2011).

By Miu Watanabe.

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Sun, 25 Jan 2015 09:56:50
SteelAttack said:
Dvader said:

This year I will make it my mission to have a positive year on backlog very, every year I get a negative where I add more games than I beat. I have not made a dent on my backlog for 4 years.

You mean a negative year. A negative balance is when you lose more of whatever thing you're gaining. A positive would be the opposite of what you want to accomplish.

The VG Press

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Sun, 25 Jan 2015 23:09:35

Just updated with my first game of the year. I have finished MH3U, but I will not be done playing it for quite a while.

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Mon, 26 Jan 2015 12:02:02
robio said:

Just updated with my first game of the year. I have finished MH3U, but I will not be done playing it for quite a while.

Your list is lucky enough to have Alexis Texas bouncing her ass on it for the next 12 months.


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Tue, 27 Jan 2015 15:29:51

Updated with the horrible yet good at the same time Game of Thrones.

The gameplay is as barebones and unbalanced as you will find in an RPG. But the production values aren't half bad, and the story and characters are really great. Its too bad the game isn't better because the potential is there. This could have been the Knights of the Old Republic for Game of Thrones.

5.5 rating.


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Wed, 28 Jan 2015 00:43:10
SteelAttack said:

You mean a negative year. A negative balance is when you lose more of whatever thing you're gaining. A positive would be the opposite of what you want to accomplish.

That's not how backloggery has it, it's positive if you beat games negative if you add more backlog.

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Wed, 28 Jan 2015 03:14:00
Dvader said:
SteelAttack said:

You mean a negative year. A negative balance is when you lose more of whatever thing you're gaining. A positive would be the opposite of what you want to accomplish.

That's not how backloggery has it, it's positive if you beat games negative if you add more backlog.

Well you and backloggery can suck a burro dong.

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Wed, 28 Jan 2015 03:16:26


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Wed, 28 Jan 2015 04:58:26
SteelAttack said:

Well you and backloggery can suck a burro dong.


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Wed, 28 Jan 2015 08:32:58

Updated with Mordor Sad

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Thu, 29 Jan 2015 00:19:55
aspro said:

Updated with Mordor Sad

So final verdict, I think you hated it.

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Thu, 29 Jan 2015 06:20:31
Dvader said:
aspro said:

Updated with Mordor Sad

So final verdict, I think you hated it.

I actually really enjoyed it. But my PC did not, thus the sad face.

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Thu, 29 Jan 2015 10:02:13
aspro said:

I actually really enjoyed it. But my PC did not, thus the sad face.

Really? Even Steel's PC enjoyed Mordor....


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Thu, 29 Jan 2015 11:39:34

Updated with Metal Gear Rising! Game #10 of the month!

This is a great action game, though the difficulty spikes on some of the bosses (especially the last one) can be more frustrating than fun. I had played through about half the game on the PS3 awhile ago, but stopped to play something else like I did with so many other games over the past few years. So the game was on sale on Steam at some point and I grabbed it on there and decided to start over on the PC version. I'm glad I did...the game is beautiful on PC and runs much faster than it does on the PS3. And using the XBOX ONE controller is also a big improvement.

As for where this game ranks for me in terms of games in this genre, I'd say its not as good as Bayonetta 1, or Ninja Gaiden 1 & 2....but its about on the level of Devil May Cry 4. Personally, I like it more than the DMC games because of the Metal Gear universe and characters. Hell, you can even play as fucking Gray Fox in this game!

8.5 rating.


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Sun, 01 Feb 2015 06:14:19

Updated my list. 12 in Jan, good start. I need to keep it up.

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Mon, 02 Feb 2015 13:50:33

Updated with Bayonetta 2.

Of games in this type of action genre, this is the best one that's ever been made...I agree with the critics. Probably has a lot to do with Nintendo's input & funding, because the game just seems much better balanced difficulty-wise than any game in the genre, never really frustrating at all...nor does it feel too easy. Just a solid challenge. The pacing is perfect.....always something new happening; a new weapon upgrade, a new boss fight, a new story piece, whatever. Never a dull moment. And the level design is a huge improvement and actually very interesting as this is usually my biggest gripe in these games...they focus so much on the action that the actual design of the levels is usually an afterthought.

Best, most polished game on the WiiU other than Super Mario 3D World....until Legend Of Zelda U & Xenoblade 2 hit. 9.0 Rating, highly recommended.


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Mon, 02 Feb 2015 18:10:49
Moved to the more appropriate location!

1. Shovel Knight
2. Dark Void Zero
3. Contrast
4. Shantae: Risky's Revenge
5. Super Win the Game
6. Electronic Super Joy
7. Mododora III
Edited: Sun, 01 Mar 2015 02:37:31


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Thu, 05 Feb 2015 03:52:47

Just finished my FIRST Grand Theft Auto game EVER!

Easily the best one out of all of 'em!

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Thu, 05 Feb 2015 03:56:10

Two games in two months and I don't even care. I will probably finish one third of the games I finished last year, but it doesn't bother me. Quality over quantity is what I'm into right now. Less time to play, so I have to be choosy now.

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