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Europe 101
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Wed, 07 Jul 2010 00:43:07
I am sure I was taught this in school at some point but I forgot all about it, I want some basic explanations on European countries and their names. Today the Netherlands won their match. They are known as the Dutch, and the country is also known as Holland. What? Pick a name, what happened there?

Now onto England, this confuses the hell out of me. You have the United Kingdom which I believe refers to all the countries on that island. One of those countries is England right. But aren't they also Great Britain? What's the difference between England and Great Britain? Are you English or British?

Germany, what is up with the various names it has in different languages. In German it's Deutschland, ok so where the hell did Germany come from? What is with the spanish name for Germany, Alemania, how does Germany or Deutschland give you Alemania? Spain sounds like Spain in most languages. France sounds like France in most languages. What happened with Germany?

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Wed, 07 Jul 2010 00:49:02
Holland are territories in the Netherlands, I guess it's slang.  Dutch is the language, and for some reason also the people, but it comes from the term for the language.

Great Britain is England, Scotland, and Wales.  United Kingdom includes Great Britain and Northern Ireland (and some small islands).

There's also no simple answer to the Germany question.  It's landlocked in a long populated and disputed area, so that's likely why there are many names.  Here's where to look for the best details in one place you'll find:
Edited: Wed, 07 Jul 2010 00:55:48


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Wed, 07 Jul 2010 00:50:14
Well, Billy, it goes something like this:

The best beers come from Germany.

Beer = Ale

The definition of Mania is "2 a : excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm <a mania for saving things> —often used in combination b : the object of such enthusiasm."

So: The object of German's enthusiasm = Alemania.

The were originally going to call it "Alemanialand" but decided to shorten it just a bit!

Hope that helps, Billy!


That's all for tonight folks!

I'm Mr. History!

Good Night!
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Wed, 07 Jul 2010 00:55:44

Yodariquo said:
Great Britain is England, Scotland, and Wales.  United Kingdom includes Great Britain and Northern Ireland (and some small islands).

There's also no simple answer to the Germany question.  It's landlocked in a long populated and disputed area, so that's likely why there are many names.  Here's where to look for the best details in one place you'll find:

Thanks. So the Scottish can also be called British?

Edited: Wed, 07 Jul 2010 00:59:15
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Wed, 07 Jul 2010 01:00:10

phantom_leo said:
Well, Billy, it goes something like this:

The best beers come from Germany.

Beer = Ale

The definition of Mania is "2 a : excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm <a mania for saving things> —often used in combination b : the object of such enthusiasm."

So: The object of German's enthusiasm = Alemania.

The were originally going to call it "Alemanialand" but decided to shorten it just a bit!

Hope that helps, Billy!


That's all for tonight folks!

I'm Mr. History!

Good Night!

LOL I want more Mr. History!

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Wed, 07 Jul 2010 01:03:26
I saw your edit Yoda. If they were Dutch they should have called the country Dutchland or something but that sounds too close to Deutschland. Or just become the Hollish people.
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Wed, 07 Jul 2010 01:10:28
Ok, Billy! One last lesson!

Many, many years ago, the population of the Modern-Day Netherlands was split into two equal groups.

One group wanted to be called "the Dutch" but the pro-Hollanders insisted: "Why the fuck do we want to be named after Pennsylvania Egg-Noodles?"

The members of the other group constantly greeted each other with a hearty "Holla!" which grew waaay old to the Dutch people; thus they would not relent to "Holland" either.

The King of the Lands was in a pickle, until, one day, he decreed: "I will NOT have my people divided! But since we cannot come to an agreement one way or the other, I hear-by call this land the Neitherlands!"

...and the name stuck!

Of course, after so many years, the "i" became silent and it eventually became the Netherlands that we know and love today!

Hope this helps, Billy!

(Once again) That's all for tonight folks!

I'm Mr. History!

Good Night!
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Wed, 07 Jul 2010 01:21:47
^ LOL!!!

I want Mr. History's version of the world.
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Wed, 07 Jul 2010 01:31:20
Sure, Billy!

In the beginning, God created Man.

...and it was good...

Then God created Beer, Pizza, Burritos, Videogames, Flatulence Jokes, Paintball, Porn and Jalapeno Poppers.

...and it was FUCKIN' AWESOME!

But God saw a flaw in his design!

...and he created Woman.

Then along came Nagging, Pregnancy, Mortgages, Alimony, Credit Card Debt and the Banning of Porn.

...and Man was sad.

God said: "OK. I'll let you keep your videogames and a safe-haven in a tiny little corner of the Internets. It'll be our little secret! Tee-Hee!"

...and the VG Press was born!

The rest, as they say, is History!

Satisfied, Billy?

(Once again) That's all for tonight folks!

I'm Mr. History!

Good Night!

Edited: Wed, 07 Jul 2010 01:34:09
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Wed, 07 Jul 2010 01:42:07
Very nice. Good night Mr. History!
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Wed, 07 Jul 2010 01:42:41
Good night, Billy!
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Wed, 07 Jul 2010 05:36:04
@ Leo! LOL

Sometimes you crack me up! LOL


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Wed, 07 Jul 2010 05:40:13
Crack? Who said crack?
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Wed, 07 Jul 2010 08:21:51

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Wed, 07 Jul 2010 21:38:54

Dvader said:
I am sure I was taught this in school at some point but I forgot all about it, I want some basic explanations on European countries and their names. Today the Netherlands won their match. They are known as the Dutch, and the country is also known as Holland. What? Pick a name, what happened there?

Dutch is a English word.

Dutch word for Netherlands = Nederland

Dutch word for Dutch = Nederlander

About the Holland thing

Provinces of the Netherlands

Holland is historically, culturally and economically the most important part of the Netherlands. It is split apart to make its influence less, but both North and South Holland are by far the most influential region. So much that Holland has become slang for Netherlands. They are often used interchangeably.

Another weird thing. The political center of the Netherlands in Den Hague. It is the seat of the government, yet Amsterdam is the capital.

The VG Press
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Thu, 08 Jul 2010 13:38:20

I would post some tasteless jokes, but I can't be bothered.

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Thu, 08 Jul 2010 18:33:55

Iga_Bobovic said:

Another weird thing. The political center of the Netherlands in Den Hague. It is the seat of the government, yet Amsterdam is the capital.

If it were in Amsterdam no work would ever get done.

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Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:32:51
They'd all be stoned.

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Sun, 18 Jul 2010 17:37:58

From now on, I shall refer to the country as the Netherlands. 

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