Forum > Gaming Discussion > Endless Ocean 2: Thread of Orgasmic pics and impressions U.S Reviews (Page 21)
Endless Ocean 2: Thread of Orgasmic pics and impressions U.S Reviews (Page 21)
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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 10:46:41
7 days till Euro launch Grinning

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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 15:37:44
a read through a lot of those impressions and reviews (admittedly not very carefully) and there was not a word about the music, or whether you can use your own music files from SD like in the first game and excite truck.  that was a big deal for me but i am all but sure it's been taken out for the sequel Sad


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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 15:44:00

bugsonglass said:
a read through a lot of those impressions and reviews (admittedly not very carefully) and there was not a word about the music, or whether you can use your own music files from SD like in the first game and excite truck.  that was a big deal for me but i am all but sure it's been taken out for the sequel Sad

We know it wasn't in the japan version. Did you hope it would be re-integrated in the euro version?

I think this is Nintendo's doing when they moved from MP3 to AAC format. Remember when the Photo channel updated and people who didn't have it before a certain date now have to use AAC?

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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 15:46:38

bugsonglass said:
a read through a lot of those impressions and reviews (admittedly not very carefully) and there was not a word about the music, or whether you can use your own music files from SD like in the first game and excite truck.  that was a big deal for me but i am all but sure it's been taken out for the sequel Sad

In a preview for it somewhere I read that the custom music feature is out.  They also said that the soundtrack for the game is much better this time around so it wasn't missed too much.

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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 16:13:32

Eurogamer Endless Ocean 2 review 7/10 (they rated the first game 6)

Same reviewer BTW

NGamer review: 84%


NGamer review: 84%

Edited: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 16:17:06

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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 16:20:42
i see.  i suspected it.  you know AAC is actually a pretty good protocol for audio file compression, in some ways it is better than MP3 as you get slightly smaller files for equivalent or even slightly better quality.  i'm going to miss that feature.

also i have to take reviewers assessment of "better" music with a pinch of salt as well as i find celtic muzac unbearable and i cannot stomach any more westenra!  guess i could always mute it and make my own playlist on the computer like i always do.  actually i would be very happy if there were any real (or anything resembling real) sub-aquatic sounds and frequencies.  i would happily listen to just that the same way i only like to listen to the engine and tires in forza or gran turismo, but there'll be no such thing


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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 16:24:07

Eurogamer review
It's not just the locations adding spice, either. Your diving crew gradually gathers some colourful (and amusingly but clumsily portrayed) characters into its ranks, including a jive-talking treasure hunter called GG and a Japanese lady scientist.

Your mama said what? Grinning

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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 16:43:23

Eurogamer said:
and online options allowing you to dive with a friend, or invite them to visit your customised aquarium or island hideaway, while chatting over WiiSpeak.

Cool. Come to my hideaway.

Eurogamer  said:
But to criticise Endless Ocean 2 for being boring or twee is to miss the point. It's a genuinely peaceful and relaxing experience, with a wonderfully becalmed atmosphere, subdued beauty, and an earnest, innocent attitude - all of them rare properties in games. Even the MIDI muzak and folk warbling of the soundtrack strike the right note, and in this context, the repetitive and simple gameplay has a quietly hypnotic quality. Give it a break, and you'll give yourself one too.

bugsonglass said:
i see.  i suspected it.  you know AAC is actually a pretty good protocol for audio file compression, in some ways it is better than MP3 as you get slightly smaller files for equivalent or even slightly better quality.  i'm going to miss that feature.

also i have to take reviewers assessment of "better" music with a pinch of salt as well as i find celtic muzac unbearable and i cannot stomach any more westenra!  guess i could always mute it and make my own playlist on the computer like i always do.  actually i would be very happy if there were any real (or anything resembling real) sub-aquatic sounds and frequencies.  i would happily listen to just that the same way i only like to listen to the engine and tires in forza or gran turismo, but there'll be no such thing

Do NOT diss the Westernra, biyatch.

I think the basic rub was that Nintendo didn't want to pay for the MP3 licence so it switched to AAC.

Edited: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 16:47:56

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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 17:06:35

gamingeek said:

Eurogamer review
It's not just the locations adding spice, either. Your diving crew gradually gathers some colourful (and amusingly but clumsily portrayed) characters into its ranks, including a jive-talking treasure hunter called GG and a Japanese lady scientist.

Your mama said what? Grinning

Gigi and the science lady sat under the tree



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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 18:38:28

bugsonglass said:
actually i would be very happy if there were any real (or anything resembling real) sub-aquatic sounds and frequencies.  i would happily listen to just that the same way i only like to listen to the engine and tires in forza or gran turismo, but there'll be no such thing

That would be cool.

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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 21:01:34
Endless Ocean 2 UK site open O......M........G Edit

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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 21:34:07
Ok I think I am getting this when it comes out now. So much to do, so pretty.
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Fri, 29 Jan 2010 11:00:21
You must see the Ghost ship in the first game though, do not forget.

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Fri, 29 Jan 2010 11:05:56

bugsonglass said:

gamingeek said:

Eurogamer review
It's not just the locations adding spice, either. Your diving crew gradually gathers some colourful (and amusingly but clumsily portrayed) characters into its ranks, including a jive-talking treasure hunter called GG and a Japanese lady scientist.

Your mama said what? Grinning

Gigi and the science lady sat under the tree


If you go to the UK site

Click on story and characters and there is a listing for GG!

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Fri, 29 Jan 2010 18:23:05

gamingeek said:

Click on story and characters and there is a listing for GG!

Your fish love is legendary!

gamingeek said:
You must see the Ghost ship in the first game though, do not forget.

Well, I'm up to almost 30 hours now - finished exploring the caves that I forgot to do - have gone to ship's rest and am placing the probes now. I have 60 fish yet to find and a crapload of items - I don't know how I can be missing so many, I only have one screen's worth.

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Sat, 30 Jan 2010 20:13:29

I dont know where to find the rest of the fish, I'm missing some too. I'm guessing night and day dives have different fish.

Problem I have is that I liked the game so much I started a second save, only to find out that the game uses a huge about of blocks. And yet I cannot find a way to delete the second save file without deleting the first too. Let me know if you know how.

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Sun, 31 Jan 2010 04:25:57
No idea. Does the photo gallery take up a lot of space ?  Maybe if you delete all the photos from one file... i can't see what would take up space.
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Sun, 31 Jan 2010 12:32:06

angrymonkey said:
No idea. Does the photo gallery take up a lot of space ?  Maybe if you delete all the photos from one file... i can't see what would take up space.

I do have a lot of photos. I just want to delete the second save file though.

BTW I think this game is online region locked like the first. The UK website mentions playing online with others in Europe.

It doesn't say worldwide. Sad

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Sun, 31 Jan 2010 12:46:49

Endless Ocean 2 Nintendo Life review " it doesn't get better than Endless Ocean 2"

Endless Ocean 2: Web trailer 30 seconds of pure WIN

Nintendo Life said:

What lurks beneath?

2007’s Endless Ocean was a true original: a diving game that made little attempt to be a game, basing most of its gameplay around just touching fish. As part of the Touch Generations range it clearly appealed to enough aspiring divers to merit a sequel, but it’s certainly changed from the inviting warm waters of the Manaurai Sea.

This time around the game takes in seas and rivers all over the world, from the tropical Gatama Atoll to the Antarctic’s Wendell Ocean, with the species and ecology changing accordingly, bringing a far greater variety to proceedings. Interacting with the fish is slightly different too – gone are the three levels of information, replaced by a single info screen, some unlockable trivia and a map of the animal’s habitat, showing where you can find higher concentrations of each species in the game. It’s a small change but one that removes much of the repetitive marine massaging from the predecessor, as well as making it far easier to track down individual fish when needed, a welcome enhancement. Two other major additions come in the form of the Pulsar gun and the Multi-Sensor.

Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep Screenshot

Taking the Pulsar first, it’s a new kind of seemingly-magical gun that can both heal sick animals and subdue dangerous ones. Those requiring medical attention have a coloured reticule around them, showing the severity of their injuries, with as many as five or six accurate shots required to bring them back to full health. If you encounter a predator that requires subduing, a danger marker will appear on-screen alerting you to its presence, with a few Pulsar blasts sending it swimming away.

The healing aspect works fine with the game’s eco-friendly attitude, but the “combat” poses a few problems: for one, there’s no way to lock onto a target and fire, and the realistically sluggish turning speed makes it frustrating to track a fast assailant such as a shark. The combat elements are thankfully few and far between, but their presence interrupts the peaceful feeling of exploration and contentment that the original did so well. Granted, there is plenty of danger in the real ocean, but it’s one addition that feels unwanted.

Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep Screenshot

Other new features are far more welcome. Initially you’ll only be able to spend a short time underwater, but going deeper and further increases your diving level, improving your breathing and allowing you to explore for longer. As you progress through the story, you’ll also be able to purchase improvements for your equipment, granting you a larger oxygen tank, extra charges for your Pulsar gun and more room to store your salvaged goods.

As in the predecessor, the ocean floor is teeming with treasure, and the new Multi-Sensor tool will pick up on any hidden secrets invisible to the naked eye. By sending out waves it can tell you if it finds items made of stone, wood or metal, as well as an indication of its size: if it’s too big, you’ll have to return after upgrading your bag, necessitating repeat visits in order to grab everything. It’s a nice gadget that fits in well, and it’s undeniably addictive to check every area in the hope of finding something amazing.

Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep Screenshot

That sense of discovery is now extended above land, with the ability to walk on solid ground included for the first time. Having left the boat from the first game, you now live on Nineball Island, a small getaway you can customise with hammocks, telescopes and other trinkets. It’s not the only terra firma you get to explore though – bob your head above the water’s surface at certain areas and you’ll get the chance to go ashore, letting you interact with birds, lizards and more for the first time. The land controls aren’t quite as intuitive as they could be – holding (B) moves you forward with the Remote pointer used to direct, but it feels a little slow. It’s not a huge problem – on Nineball Island you can open your menu with a press of (+), removing any need to walk about, but it’s a shame it doesn’t feel as natural to walk on land as it does to swim in the big blue.

There's quite a lot of features on old Nineball Island, though. It's here that you accept quests, teach tricks to your aquatic companions and read much of the story exposition.The photography and guide side quests from the original return largely unchanged, though photo fans will be pleased to hear you can now transfer your photos to an SD card, which is a big bonus. You may see some of our shots around this review or as the first five images on the game’s screenshots page. Graphically the title is improved but not in any enormous way: textures still repeat and there are some issues with animation on smaller fish, but it has just as many moments of beauty and the larger fish and mammals look stunning. Sadly there’s no ability to listen to your own mp3 tracks using the SD card; a shame as some tracks get horribly repetitive, though you can adjust sound levels if you only want sound effects or music.

Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep Screenshot

If you don’t fancy using the Remote controls, you can plug in a Classic Controller to explore the ocean. The left stick functions as your pointer with the right stick turning your character, meaning you can examine areas of interest at the outskirts of the frame. It works well but doesn’t quite have the same feeling of inertia and physical involvement of the Remote scheme, and although it’s good to have it included you're unlikely to use it over the standard method.

Completing various objectives along the way unlocks different titles you can assign to your diver, with 150 in total to collect. There are titles for healing 100 fish, befriending a dolphin, visiting the aquarium and more, and with extra content available at certain milestones there’s plenty of incentive to explore the world and beat certain records. In fact, this is probably the biggest improvement over the predecessor: with countless quests, salvage items, titles, photographs and of course the fish and birds, Endless Ocean 2 is very much a completionist’s wet dream.

Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep Screenshot

Taking the original’s core diving experience and adding more traditional game elements both helps and hinders Endless Ocean 2. On the one hand, there’s a huge amount more to see, and crucially far more to do – you can whiz through the story’s chapters in eight to twelve hours, but chances are you won’t want to, preferring instead to soak in the new sights and sounds. What was once a simplistic diving experience is now fleshed out with gadgets and guns; you’ll rarely dive without a mission or objective in mind, which means the pleasing pleasure of diving for diving’s sake has been subdued somewhat. You’ll still want to take a dip just to see what’s going on, and with the Pulsar, Multi-Sensor, titles and more there’s weeks of content here, and that’s without going into the online play with Wii Speak support, which sadly we were unable to test out at the time of review.


Essentially, you’re getting a lot more game for your money with Endless Ocean 2; it’s less free-form and meandering than the original, with greater purpose and direction. Whether that’s what you want from a diving game is up to you, although truth be told there’s few other alternatives. If you liked the first one, you’ll enjoy the sequel every bit as much; if you're still a diving novice, it doesn't get better than Endless Ocean 2.


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Sun, 31 Jan 2010 19:51:03

gamingeek said:

It doesn't say worldwide. Sad


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