I am super excited for E3. Just visit GS, its like the old days in there, everyone has come from hiding at the start of the new gen.
Tomorrow E3 begins. MGS5 will be game of the show and it will be shown tomorrow! Cant wait!
I am most excited for Nintendo's conference, I cannot wait to see the new Mario and hopefully Metroid.
Sony better bring the big guns.
I am interested in seeing new games, not super excited but interested.
Dvader said:Tomorrow E3 begins.
Wait, I thought it started on the 10th or something?
For E3 I predict that I will have to break my hands posting all the news like every E3 - seriously guys, post a few things, it helps.
I'm ecstatic to learn more about the incredible DRM capabilities and the 24 hour online check pass of the Xbox One.
edgecrusher said:I'm ecstatic to learn more about the incredible DRM capabilities and the 24 hour online check pass of the Xbox One.
They cancelled the post E3 press roundtable they had scheduled.
I want to see just how badly Wii U is going to be shafted by 3rd parties for 2014.
If they've been cancelling skus and not making new titles, we could have a winter peak with tons of games followed by another 6 months of drought. If U sells a lot during Christmas which I expect by the time 3rd parties have played catch up no one will care and people won't buy them anyway. Cycle fufilled, prophecy self made etc.
I'm very predictable. I just want a solid street date for Pikmin 3, info on new Zelda U, info on 3D Mario U. Also eager to see the games Retro has been working on (I'm hoping it's a Metroid Prime for U and a sidescrolling 2D Metroid for 3DS) ... with plans for more Donkey Kong in the future. Hoping against hope that Nintendo will announce some surprise partnerships with 3rd parties (from Japan) such as Treasure and Atlus maybe even Level-5 and Grasshoper for new games for both U and 3DS. And some space shooters, old and new, for Wii U (partnership with Cave - make it happen)
bugsonglass said:I'm very predictable. I just want a solid street date for Pikmin 3,
Buddy - http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/05/17/pikmin-3-european-release-date-announced
Grasshoper are part of Gung Ho now and SUDAs practically forgotten Wii/u exist. He made Fatal Frame 4. I think it's a safe bet more Fatal Frame is coming. I want Endless Ocean 3 and a new Disaster Day of Crisis game. New Elebits. New -good not weird- FFCC game. I want ps4 uncharted too and a Last of Us port.
gamingeek said:Buddy - http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/05/17/pikmin-3-european-release-date-announced
LIES! Pikmin 3 would never be released in Europe while I'm away from the continent on holiday. It's all lies. The true date will be announced at E3 and it will be September at the earliest. It's the truth.
My prediction: Nintendo will announce a $200 black Wii U SKU which only includes a Pro Controller. They will sell the U-pad separately as an optional accessory.
Ravenprose said:My prediction: Nintendo will announce a $200 black Wii U SKU which only includes a Pro Controller. They will sell the U-pad separately as an optional accessory.
Than they would have to change the way the UI is setup because how it is now you can't log on without the Wii U Gamepad.
Nintyfan17 said:Than they would have to change the way the UI is setup because how it is now you can't log on without the Wii U Gamepad.
Easily done with a firmware update.
Ravenprose said:My prediction: Nintendo will announce a $200 black Wii U SKU which only includes a Pro Controller. They will sell the U-pad separately as an optional accessory.
I don't think that will happen. Besides the pad is pretty great, I love it
bugsonglass said:I don't think that will happen. Besides the pad is pretty great, I love it
Of course it won't happen, but it should!
Ravenprose said:bugsonglass said:I don't think that will happen. Besides the pad is pretty great, I love it
Of course it won't happen, but it should!
Why? I was sceptical before but I really like it. I also think it has great potential.
I've used the U-pad, and I just don't like it. I'd much rather Nintendo had just kept using the Wii Remote Plus as the main controller instead; at least it was interesting.
Ravenprose said:My prediction: Nintendo will announce a $200 black Wii U SKU which only includes a Pro Controller. They will sell the U-pad separately as an optional accessory.

It's kind of funny how little interest there seems to be around here about E3 this year, despite that there's going to be a hell of a lot more shown off than there was last year. I suppose last year's E3 is to blame for that. I think we're all still a little butt hurt about how worthless it really was. This year does seem to be different though. It doesn't feel like everything important has been announced in the weeks leading up to it. So with that being said, anyone have any predictions or just things they're hoping to see? As for myself: