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Deus Ex Human Revolution official thread of punching hookers.
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Fri, 26 Aug 2011 12:54:57
gamingeek said:
Dvader said:

This game is getting soooo damn good. Buy the strength aug and punch through walls, believe me its a blast. In one mission I confronted this dude in his appartment, he opened fire so I picked up his fridge, used it as a shield and when I got a good line of sight i launched the fridge at him to knock him out.

When you get punch through walls all of a sudden you create new routes through a level. I ended up in what seemed like a dead end but then I saw it was a place where I can punch the wall, well I did, snapped the dudes neck how was behind it. Another guy was stunned at what happended and before he could react I quickly head shot him.

In another scenario I punch through the wall killing some dude, everyone else heard it so they came to inspect, saw the dead body and started to go on alert. Well they all came to that spot so it allowed me to sneak around passed them all. I entered another building, quickly did a takedown on one guard, went to the next room. It had two guards, I hid until the right moment did the takedown on one but the other guard saw me, he shouted out, now everyone is coming at me. I quickly headshot the guard in front of me, take his shotgun and get into cover. Three dudes start to come though the door so I throw a frag grenade, blows them up. I then run full speed at the door and use the shotgun on a guard that was about to come in, he goes flying. I spin around to see another guy coming around the corner, shoot him and then hunt down the last dude and blast him in the face. The gunplay feels powerful, its really really good and it mixes with the stealth so well. I basically took down all guys in that area in like 10 seconds.

Phenomenal game!

What is this weird white background text about?

Copy pasting from Gamespot.

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Fri, 26 Aug 2011 13:14:19

For shame, Vader, for shame.

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Fri, 26 Aug 2011 14:52:17
Foolz said:

For shame, Vader, for shame.

Both of you guys are getting the exact same thread at basically the same time but I have to start somewhere, and GS is far worse to trasfer stuff over to than here.

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Fri, 26 Aug 2011 17:07:21
Great impressions Vader, can't wait to pick this game up real soon.


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Fri, 26 Aug 2011 21:05:02

I spent 4 hours basically just exploring, this game has some massive areas. This is kind of a backward complaint but i still feel like there is too many small areas to explore, its so dense. The first game did a better job of pacing where you had time to explore but there wasnt so much small rooms, or things to hack. FOr instance in the first game if you entered a hotel there were maybe like three rooms you could actually access. In this game there are like 8 and to open them you normally have to hack which in this game takes some time. I also miss lockpicks and multitools, you rarely hacked your way into a door in the original, you had to have lockpicks. By making everything hacking it kind of makes hacking way too important.

Again all this is optional so you can just go from mission to mission and get plenty of action. I am the kind of player that really explores every nook and cranny and when you do that in this game you find lots of small things but rarely anything of major importance. I am glad its there I just wish it was spaced out better and with more side quests.

I did have some awesome conversations where you have to say the right things to basically "win" the argument. Some of them have been awesome, LA Noire good, if only the facial system was up to par.  

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Sat, 27 Aug 2011 03:22:15

I always wanted to go everywhere to be honest. Basically the only place things could haev been improved upon so hell yes.

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Sat, 27 Aug 2011 10:54:08

Played this a little, mostly the tutorial parts and a first exit to the city, which is clearly a limited segmented hub but should offer enough RPG stuff when all is said and done. The whole thing feels like a more polished and more action oriented Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. The beginning parts were more like a first person Splinter Cell: Conviction than an RPG. The graphics are a little weird. The AI dumb as bricks.

Edited: Sat, 27 Aug 2011 10:56:07
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Sat, 27 Aug 2011 16:51:42

Deus Ex is an RPG hybrid, its never been a true RPG. Its always been a stealth oriented action adventure game first. And that is what this is, it is stealth action at its finest. I wouldn't put it in MGS level but its close.

Foolz said:

I always wanted to go everywhere to be honest. Basically the only place things could haev been improved upon so hell yes.

Well you dont go everywhere, the areas are defined but within them there are a ton of places to find secret items.

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Sat, 27 Aug 2011 17:05:00

Got out of China, gunplay is surprisingly awesome in this game, cant wait to do a full gunplay session. On the flip side I bet being totally undetected will be a blast as well. I have seen some areas where it can be a bug challenge to do so, can't wait to do that.

The story is really taking long to go anywhere, the first game really outshines this one in that regard. And wow these boss fights are really spaced out. I must be close to 20 hours in and only fought one. The main thing this game is missing are really exciting scirpted story moments, something to surprise you, something to get your heart pumping. MGS does this so well.

Outside of that the mechanics are excellent. The gunplay is surprisingly solid. The weapons get all sorts of cool attachments like one on my rifle that allows the bullets to curver around corners. The shotgun blows people away. Mixing stealth camo with takedowns makes you feel like a freaking ninja. I could literally spend an hour in one room just to mess around and see how many ways I can get out and that is the exact kind of fun I have with MGS game. This is a game this going to get replayed immediately and like 3 more times cause I want to play it in totally different ways (of course there are multiple endings but even if there wasn't, its the gameplay that is making me come back, as opposed to say Infamous 2 where I am purely playing it over again to see the other side of the story). Anyone who enjoys MGS, Splinter Cell, anything that involves stealth and action buy this game, its one of the best of its kind in years.

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Sat, 27 Aug 2011 23:14:21

I finshed the second boss and moving into what I figure is the third and final act. Second boss was a bit of a pain, I tried to fight normally but I kept dying. Then I just spammed my typhoon move over and over, it stunned the boss, so you can literally just spam it. Three of those and the fight was over. Eidos really needed to play more MGS, the bosses just don't even come close.

Another example of this is a side quest I just did where it had this dude that rigged the sewers with mines and turrets and he had this huge gun. This area would be PERFECT for a boss fight, its set up beatifully. You know what I did, hid behind a corner, poped out with my tranq gun, shot once and the guy went down. That entire setup completely worthless. The guy should have had some sort of special armor on that wouldn't allow to be tranqualized, or even a head shot. Make it so that you have to get around him, have the weak point on his back. Now that forces you to manuever around this trap filled maze while this dude with a big gun hunts you down. All of a sudden you have a fun, interesting boss fight. Come on, this isn't that hard to do.

But again the core gameplay is phenomenal, all this game needs is some surprising cool moments. The whole game feels steady, there aren't any highs or lows, it sort of stays predictable. Its that aspect that is keeping it for me from being an all time masterpiece. It's still one of the best games this gen I think though.

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Sun, 28 Aug 2011 00:59:13

Oh man going all out rambo with all your powers is AWESOME! I hit a big scripted battle and I went nuts on the enemies. I would go into stealth mode run full speed at them and do a takedown. Run back into cover and pick a few guys off with my homing bullets. Then a big robot showed up so I turned on stealth and ran right up to it and instantly activated the typhoon which blew it up. Then I grabbed an explosive barrel and threw it up at a sniper and shot it as it hit them. I decimated this entire squad, so much fun. If you are doing only stealth you are missing out.

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Sun, 28 Aug 2011 03:31:24
Dvader said:

Deus Ex is an RPG hybrid, its never been a true RPG. Its always been a stealth oriented action adventure game first. And that is what this is, it is stealth action at its finest. I wouldn't put it in MGS level but its close.

Well you dont go everywhere, the areas are defined but within them there are a ton of places to find secret items.

Yeah, but it still sounds like there's more freedom than in the first one.

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Sat, 03 Sep 2011 12:30:16

In the time it took me to scratch Xenoblade's surface I finished this thing. Is it just me or was this game pretty short and limited in the end? The choices seemed more like Mass Effect than Deus Ex save for a few nice ones... It felt like they were on a shoestring budget in some ways too, namely the city parts which seemed like a more polished Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines than actual cities, especially evident when there were supposed to be riots (or other such events) going and all you saw changed were a few extra robots and patrols here and there for the most part... The various barriers at the level edges were often silly too (eternal traffic jams or whatever else), while most of the environments were pretty restricted and some of them samey looking... There were other oddities like the completely pointless FMV parts that didn't do anything they couldn't show with in-game scenes (and often the game switched back and forth which was jarring) and the annoying bosses or invincible NPCs. Still, it was a fun, if easy, game overall, except for the few final bits and some other sections. I'll probably replay it once to choose different things (story wise, the game warns you to choose your skills wisely but by the end I had upgraded most of the stuff that matter to me fully or close to that) but yeah, I personally hoped for more after all the praise. At least I didn't hate it like Invisible War (which I really feared would happen as initially that was praised by most of the early reviews and such also) so, yay.

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Sat, 03 Sep 2011 13:11:17

You sure you liked it? Nyaa

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Sat, 03 Sep 2011 15:00:25

It was fun, very light on content and substance and very low budget in some ways (again, the hub cities) but at least the core gameplay was good fun, unlike say, Mass Effect which has sub par combat and such. Nice cover shooter with fun to fight AI, especially if you avoid exploiting their stupidity (such as tazering them one by one around a corner, lol) and a world that feels more coherent than completely separate stages, even if it's not very well realised. GG will probably like it too since the action parts are a lot like Goldeneye in that you can be sneaky or go all out and mess with the AI reactions with either approach, not just run and gun.

Edited: Sat, 03 Sep 2011 15:04:12
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Sat, 03 Sep 2011 15:46:32
Agnates said:

In the time it took me to scratch Xenoblade's surface I finished this thing. Is it just me or was this game pretty short and limited in the end? The choices seemed more like Mass Effect than Deus Ex save for a few nice ones... It felt like they were on a shoestring budget in some ways too, namely the city parts which seemed like a more polished Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines than actual cities, especially evident when there were supposed to be riots (or other such events) going and all you saw changed were a few extra robots and patrols here and there for the most part... The various barriers at the level edges were often silly too (eternal traffic jams or whatever else), while most of the environments were pretty restricted and some of them samey looking... There were other oddities like the completely pointless FMV parts that didn't do anything they couldn't show with in-game scenes (and often the game switched back and forth which was jarring) and the annoying bosses or invincible NPCs. Still, it was a fun, if easy, game overall, except for the few final bits and some other sections. I'll probably replay it once to choose different things (story wise, the game warns you to choose your skills wisely but by the end I had upgraded most of the stuff that matter to me fully or close to that) but yeah, I personally hoped for more after all the praise. At least I didn't hate it like Invisible War (which I really feared would happen as initially that was praised by most of the early reviews and such also) so, yay.

It took me like 30 hours so I dont see how its short. As for the choices its worse than Mass Effect. At least Mass Effect has major choices you have to make that come in the heat of a huge action moment, choices that change the story drastically. Deus Ex's choices change a dialog tree or maybe a future encounter but that is about it, and the way you choose the ending is moronic and has nothing at all with your actions throughout the game. Mass Effects choice system is far superior.

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Sat, 03 Sep 2011 17:20:04

I think the ending changes from more than just the final bits, but in small ways, perhaps similar to Fallout 3. All that talk in the end maybe. But I'm not sure until I finish a replay. I don't see what choices are better in Mass Effect, it's all the usual who lives and who dies thing for the most critical part, from minor characters like the hostages in the very first mission (and how others react to you depending on your success or failure in such things) to more major ones that if alive (or allowed to escape or aided or whatever else) may provide new ways for you to do certain things. If anything it's less obnoxious since there aren't obvious loyalty missions or whatever else that repeats the same pattern for each and every character as in ME2's party members. The effect is similar but it's subtler and for the supporting cast rather than sidekicks that seemingly aren't their own character but base their character on yours and are all eager to fuck you if you show the slightest interest. Less stupid dialogue system too (at least playing without that upgrade that says it allows you to know what they want to hear or something). But ME games do seem to have higher production values in some ways. It took me 25 hours (including startup time, reloads and replays of sections and such things), that's little for a game that was supposed to be as much RPG (if not more than) as FPS and most of that was because I went out of my way to explore every area to the fullest (with few things of interest to find outside in retrospect, but someow I felt compelled to find every hidden stash, needed or not, and hack the shit out of everything) and playing sneaky.

Edited: Sat, 03 Sep 2011 17:30:50
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Sat, 03 Sep 2011 18:54:01

I just got out of Detroit....I love this game. Beautiful graphics, wonderful controls, great atmosphere, good stealth mechanics.....having the option to play stealthy or aggressive is something I always love in games like this. Not sure how long the game is, but I hope it goes on for awhile. This is definitely in the running for GOTY alongside The Witcher 2 as of now.


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Sat, 03 Sep 2011 18:55:51

I guess minor spoilers here...

The endings in DEHR are nothing but FMV clips, all pre recorded and all you do is push a literal button for your choice. Nothing you do in the game changes that moment.

Can't say the same about Mass Effect where choices you make throughout the game and not just the one you are playing but previous ones change who you meet, entire storylines, and major changes to the endings. I do agree that the dialoge in DE is handled better, in fact I liked it better than LA Noire.

As for the length, I guess you were expected something else. The first game is 20 hours at most. Its an action/FPS/ RPG, 25-30 hours is very long for games like this.

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Sat, 03 Sep 2011 18:56:11
edgecrusher said:

I just got out of Detroit....I love this game. Beautiful graphics, wonderful controls, great atmosphere, good stealth mechanics.....having the option to play stealthy or aggressive is something I always love in games like this. Not sure how long the game is, but I hope it goes on for awhile. This is definitely in the running for GOTY alongside The Witcher 2 as of now.

I am almost done with my second playthrough. Nyaa

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