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Darksiders Game Club - Spoiler Free
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Tue, 01 Feb 2011 06:22:53

Comic artist.

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Tue, 01 Feb 2011 06:59:16
SteelAttack said:

Comic artist.

That explains the comic-book style of the faces then.

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Tue, 01 Feb 2011 10:29:31

Bad comic artist* Nyaa

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Tue, 01 Feb 2011 10:49:53

I wasn't able to play too much more of the game today, but MAN, is it like God of War.  Right down to the red kilt/skirt.

Not that impressed with the graphics either, protagonsist seems to float a little above his environment.

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 03:04:15

I am two hours in, outside of the first dungeon which I played in the demo. So far so good, I am loving the mix of GoW style action with more open environments and exploration aspects. You can tell this game had great concept art and design but a small budget as the graphics are rather basic.

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 03:30:50

bla i hated the first dungeon a pain in the ass

i love vulgrim  he is the greatest shop keeper in the history of videogames

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 10:27:01

My impressions are pretty much similar to everyone else's so far.  I played very little yesterday because of a fussy son who refused to sleep.  The graphics are just kinda meh, but I loved the opening sequence.  It is indeed very linear, but you can see that it's gonna really start to open up soon.

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 13:09:57
aspro said:

I am going to get 2 hours in tonight.  Who is Joe Madueria?

Joe Madureira is a stupid asshole fuck and a reminder why we cannot trust Porteguese people.  That's all you need know about him!! . . . all right I'll give you a little more detail.

In the mid 90's Joe was one of the most popular comic artists in the world. He almost singled handedly introduced (or re-introduced if you want to get technical) mainstream American audiences to the Japanese/manga that heavily influenced him when he was on Uncanny X-men - aka #1 comic book in America. I actually point to him when you look when and why anime and manga started to gain a foothold in America.  Eventually he left Marvel and goes independent to do his own creator owned comic, Battle Chasers. It was a great book, but like so many artists he proved he couldn't be left to his devices, and over of the course of 4 years he only manages to get 7 issues out. The series ends on a cliff-hanger since he never comes back to conclude it (way to thank your fans asshole).

After that he disappears of the comic grid to do other projects. The other projects are basically just concept art for video games that never get released.  But he kept re-using that same concept art until it becomes Darksiders.   Then finally in 2007 he realies he hasn't done anything of value in 6 years an needs money, so he goes back to Marvel for quick one-time gig. He and writer Scott Lobdell are paired up as dream time to do the sequel to a book called Ultimates 2. The Ultimates were a contemporary/more realistic version of the Avengers that Marvel now bases their current movies on. The 2 mini-series are considered two of the best mainstream books in the 2000's. Lobdell and Madureira however take it from being at the top of the world and turn it into a god damn mess that the series never recovered from.  (once again THANKS ASSHOLE).

I suppose I could have just summed it up with, "he started out as a popular comic artist that everyone loved and did amazing work, only to quit the industry and occasionally return as a passionless hired gun." That was kind of cathartic though.

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 13:35:38

Not sure I'll make it through this game, but we'll see. One big observation I have so far (and I swear to god it better change) is that they environments blend way too well together. I never really feel like I'm in a different area. It's all just post-apocolyptic this or that. Decayed building.... decayed church.... decayed park... etc. When I entered the first labyrinth/dungeon/temple or whatever you want to call it I didn't realize I was in one until I found a treasure chest with a map.That was the clue I needed. I guess you can chalk that up to the game still being very linear.

All that said, it's still good. It just switches back and forth between God of War-light or Zelda-light. Still those are good games to copy. Even when you come up short to the originals you still have a solid game.  Plus the story is fun. That'll keep me going till the combat and dungeons bore me.

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 18:09:20
eggmiester said:

bla i hated the first dungeon a pain in the ass

i love vulgrim  he is the greatest shop keeper in the history of videogames


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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 18:11:19
robio said:

Not sure I'll make it through this game, but we'll see. One big observation I have so far (and I swear to god it better change) is that they environments blend way too well together. I never really feel like I'm in a different area. It's all just post-apocolyptic this or that. Decayed building.... decayed church.... decayed park... etc. When I entered the first labyrinth/dungeon/temple or whatever you want to call it I didn't realize I was in one until I found a treasure chest with a map.That was the clue I needed. I guess you can chalk that up to the game still being very linear.

All that said, it's still good. It just switches back and forth between God of War-light or Zelda-light. Still those are good games to copy. Even when you come up short to the originals you still have a solid game.  Plus the story is fun. That'll keep me going till the combat and dungeons bore me.

Wait till you get to the areas after the first dungeon, not so ruiny anymore.

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 18:16:48

Last night I completed the first dungeon where I got my boomerang, of course I used it to solve  the dungeons puzzles. This dungeon also had flower bombs which you had to light up using fire. I found the map and compass, made my way to the boss and beat him using the dungeons item.

Then I stopped playing Zelda and decided to play Darkisders. Nyaa Just kidding, Darksiders is so much like Zelda, love it. The areas after the first dungeon are beautiful. Outside the dungeons it feels like GoW, linear but cool events happening, once in the dungeon it becomes Zelda. Its such a great combination, why don't we get it more often. The combat is not top tier but its really really damn good with a ton of enemy variety.

The game is awesome, a gem from a developer that clearly does not have the budget of the big boys but still managed to make something great.

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 18:46:47

What difficulty are you guys playing on? I am playing on the hardest one, its a good challenge. Its not crazy like GoW, but I die enough to have to pay attention to every battle.

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 19:01:03

I am playing it on normal, I am an hour and a half into it now.


Robio, thanks for your summary of the artist.  Makes me think there should be a where people write accurate summaries of people and topics.


I'm finding the controls to be overly-complicated to the point where I just rely on the basics, probably too much.

Since I am a serial JRPGer I am used to mashing my way through any on-scren text without reading it as soon as possible, so unfortunately at some points I've been like "SHIT, NO WAIT!  YOU WERE JUST TELLING ME HOW TO GLIDE I BET!"

Edited: Wed, 02 Feb 2011 19:55:15

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 19:28:55

I'm also playing on normal, and it hasn't stopped me from dying. Most of that comes from rushing into battles as opposed to letting the enemy boss make the first move.

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 19:36:40

i always try games on normal first

the only time i have died was at the frist real boss for like 4 times and i beat her with luck at 2% of life

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 21:59:19

I am soooo incredibly happy everyone seems to be enjoying the game!!  laugh

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Thu, 03 Feb 2011 00:08:26
phantom_leo said:

I am soooo incredibly happy everyone seems to be enjoying the game!!  laugh

In Leo I trust.

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Thu, 03 Feb 2011 00:10:43
aspro said:

I am playing it on normal, I am an hour and a half into it now.


Robio, thanks for your summary of the artist.  Makes me think there should be a where people write accurate summaries of people and topics.


I'm finding the controls to be overly-complicated to the point where I just rely on the basics, probably too much.

Since I am a serial JRPGer I am used to mashing my way through any on-scren text without reading it as soon as possible, so unfortunately at some points I've been like "SHIT, NO WAIT!  YOU WERE JUST TELLING ME HOW TO GLIDE I BET!"

The controls are a bit jumbled, i still find myself hitting the wrong button when I want to lock on to someone. Just wait till you get the boomerang. In fights you will be switching to aiming mode, while holding L2 to lock onto targets, charging and throwing with R2 all while moving and dodging, having to click R3 to get back to non aim mode so you can attack with your two swords and maybe use powers while holding L1 and all the while dodging with R1. Phew, lots of button dancing in this one.

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Thu, 03 Feb 2011 00:55:57

Okay, so it's not just me.  Yeah they seem to be fixated on using the L1, L2, R1, R2 buttons in as many ways as is possible.

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