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Best Games of the Decade
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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 09:20:05

aspro said:

Yodariquo said:
aspro said:
I'm lurking this thread because I have not got anything to say other than I'm enjoying it (and for christsake get a 360 already -- I'm not a big fan of it, but it is an essential part of any healthy gaming diet).

Both as an idealist and a pragmatist I can't agree with that reasoning.  From an idealist perspective, there's simply no way I can support a product so bereft of quality control.  To justify that would be a blight on gamers to suggest we'll sit here and take it.

In relation to pragmatism, the console, statistically is going to break.  It's almost an assurance.  So while short-term it may be a tolerable evil, looking post-360 era, looking at the off-chance you system fails to break in a 3-year span, you are out of luck.

The only suggestion I would take seriously would be one of a pragmatist stance that as a service -- primarily looking at Xbox Live -- it is a worthwhile endeavour, if only temporary.  That you can enjoy the online community now, and it won't matter when your system breaks because people will have moved on.  So then your enjoyment hinges on the online and community, and that will depend on the person, but it still has an issue with my original, idealist point.

 I hate MS for their efforts on the 360 (I'm on my third), so I see were you are coming from, but if you buy a 360 and then spend another $50 on a third party warranty from a retailer, then you are able to play the exclusives for the console and not have to deal with the garbage hardware. A healthy game diet includes the exclusives for the 360.

And remember, MS loses money on each 360 sold, so if you keep your attach rate low (or rent/ buy used) you are actually hurting them by buying one.

 Or you could buy a gaming PC and play all the so called exclusives on that. And you have the added benefit of not paying for online. 

The VG Press
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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 09:25:21
^Gaming PC costs much more, and not all exclusives end up there, particularly the JP ones.

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 09:29:21

You can build a gaming PC pretty cheaply nowadays. It will not be the best thing, but it will still smoke the 360. And PC games are also cheaper, because it is an open platform and there are no licensing costs. And Yoda is a computer man, so the chances are that he will need or already have a good PC.

About the Japanese exclusives, Yoda has a DS, he does not need those jRPGs. 

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 09:54:02
As a person who has owned an Xbox 360 for nearly three years now, and who's had to replace it once, I really can't recommend it to anyone. There are a few great exclusives on 360, but I don't think they're worth the hassle of owing the POS console; every time I turn it on, I wonder if it'll die again. Even if it never broke, it's still an obnoxious machine that sounds too much like a vaccum cleaner. If I had known three years ago what I know now about the console, I would not have purchased it.
Edited: Sat, 19 Dec 2009 10:19:27

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 10:25:46

aspro said:

^yeah but I figured it would have come into perspective by now.  Like whenever I finish a game I'm hyped about it for several months, and then you know, the gild comes off the lily.  

But you put it where you put it, so I'll ask. I've heard criticism of the platforming -- like floaty jumping. Is that just nit-picking or is it a real issue?

Also, I respect your putting GTASA above VC.  Most don't. I put GTASA above VC, but VCStories for the PSP (later ported to PS2) is above them all -- it was the last game of the GTA3 period, and they nailed it.

it is a very real issue for me.  LBP is not precision platforming.  jumping is very floaty.  it's nothing like a 2D mario and if you play it for the platforming you will find it very wanting.  as dvader said, the community makes that game what it is, otherwise i doubt anyone would rate it so highly


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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 13:02:32

aspro said:

Foolz said:

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

I love how Vader drops Sonic Adventure 2 in there and nonchalently walks away as if nothing has happened. Nyaa




Yeah, that's awesome.

Someone put it in the hall of fame Happy


Fallout 3 Boxshot

Fallout 3 feels like every area in the world is unique.

Except for the entire huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge overworld which is hours and hours and hours and HOURS of non-stop monotony.


Great list and great work done here, I've really enjoyed reading it and I'm even going to come back and read the top ten in more detail Happy

Ravenprose said:
As a person who has owned an Xbox 360 for nearly three years now, and who's had to replace it once, I really can't recommend it to anyone. There are a few great exclusives on 360, but I don't think they're worth the hassle of owing the POS console; every time I turn it on, I wonder if it'll die again. Even if it never broke, it's still an obnoxious machine that sounds too much like a vaccum cleaner. If I had known three years ago what I know now about the console, I would not have purchased it.

That's harsh.

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 13:22:32
gamingeek said:
Ravenprose said:
As a person who has owned an Xbox 360 for nearly three years now, and who's had to replace it once, I really can't recommend it to anyone. There are a few great exclusives on 360, but I don't think they're worth the hassle of owing the POS console; every time I turn it on, I wonder if it'll die again. Even if it never broke, it's still an obnoxious machine that sounds too much like a vaccum cleaner. If I had known three years ago what I know now about the console, I would not have purchased it.

That's harsh.

 Yeah, that post might have just broken his 360.


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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 17:56:39

Yodariquo said:
gamingeek said:
Ravenprose said:
As a person who has owned an Xbox 360 for nearly three years now, and who's had to replace it once, I really can't recommend it to anyone. There are a few great exclusives on 360, but I don't think they're worth the hassle of owing the POS console; every time I turn it on, I wonder if it'll die again. Even if it never broke, it's still an obnoxious machine that sounds too much like a vaccum cleaner. If I had known three years ago what I know now about the console, I would not have purchased it.

That's harsh.

Yeah, that post might have just broken his 360.

LOL I still have a warranty until March. I'm sure it'll wait and break then.

The VG Press

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 18:32:57

bugsonglass said:

aspro said:

^yeah but I figured it would have come into perspective by now.  Like whenever I finish a game I'm hyped about it for several months, and then you know, the gild comes off the lily.  

But you put it where you put it, so I'll ask. I've heard criticism of the platforming -- like floaty jumping. Is that just nit-picking or is it a real issue?

Also, I respect your putting GTASA above VC.  Most don't. I put GTASA above VC, but VCStories for the PSP (later ported to PS2) is above them all -- it was the last game of the GTA3 period, and they nailed it.

it is a very real issue for me.  LBP is not precision platforming.  jumping is very floaty.  it's nothing like a 2D mario and if you play it for the platforming you will find it very wanting.  as dvader said, the community makes that game what it is, otherwise i doubt anyone would rate it so highly

One hype has zero effect on me once the game starts. I am not one of these guys that loves a game while he plays it, then later decides that game sucked. I never understood backlash, I never will, if you enjoyed it at the time of playing it then guess what you ENJOYED it.

As Bugs explains, it is more about the idea. The core gameplay is a floaty and nowhere near the level of Mario but the design of the core levels was great and when you combine that with all the things you can do it is a game unlike any other.

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 23:33:24
Ravenprose said:

Yodariquo said:
gamingeek said:
Ravenprose said:
As a person who has owned an Xbox 360 for nearly three years now, and who's had to replace it once, I really can't recommend it to anyone. There are a few great exclusives on 360, but I don't think they're worth the hassle of owing the POS console; every time I turn it on, I wonder if it'll die again. Even if it never broke, it's still an obnoxious machine that sounds too much like a vaccum cleaner. If I had known three years ago what I know now about the console, I would not have purchased it.

That's harsh.

Yeah, that post might have just broken his 360.

LOL I still have a warranty until March. I'm sure it'll wait and break then.

Towel it now.


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Sun, 20 Dec 2009 00:30:13

Yodariquo said:
Ravenprose said:

Yodariquo said:
gamingeek said:
Ravenprose said:
As a person who has owned an Xbox 360 for nearly three years now, and who's had to replace it once, I really can't recommend it to anyone. There are a few great exclusives on 360, but I don't think they're worth the hassle of owing the POS console; every time I turn it on, I wonder if it'll die again. Even if it never broke, it's still an obnoxious machine that sounds too much like a vaccum cleaner. If I had known three years ago what I know now about the console, I would not have purchased it.

That's harsh.

Yeah, that post might have just broken his 360.

LOL I still have a warranty until March. I'm sure it'll wait and break then.

Towel it now.

LOL That is an option, I guess.

I should just sell it, and use the money to fix my Wii's soon-to-be-broken DVD drive. Sad

Edited: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 00:40:58

The VG Press

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Sun, 20 Dec 2009 01:32:35
Ravenprose said:

LOL That is an option, I guess.

I should just sell it, and use the money to fix my Wii's soon-to-be-broken DVD drive. Sad

 You're not creative enough.  Take the Wii, trade it for a 360.  Take your original 360 and trade it for a Wii Nyaa (I'm aware this doesn't work because of the Wii DLC, which Nintendo really needs to fix)


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Sun, 20 Dec 2009 14:27:08

So without further ado, here's my Top 50 games of the decade....always subject to change!



  • Publisher: Infogrames
  • Developer: Melbourne House
  • Year of Release: 2000

This game was the evolution of Gran Turismo 2 before GT3 and years before Forza. A true Dreamcast gem.

#49: Okami


  • Publisher: Capcom
  • Developer: Clover/Ready At Dawn
  • Released: 2008

One of the best Zelda clones ever made, originally released on PS2 and rereleased on Wii with slightly better graphics and controls.

#48: Metal Arms


  • Publisher: Vivendi
  • Developer: Swingin' Ape
  • Released: 2003

Ratchet & Clank meets Halo in this hilarious shooter/adventure from now dead Swingin Ape. I swear Halo 2's art design was ripped from this game.

#47: NHL2K


  • Publisher: SEGA
  • Developer: Black Box
  • Released: 2000

The first hockey game on then powerhouse Dreamcast, and the first to capture the fun factor of EA's NHL series of the Genesis era. Ironic, seeing as EA refused to support the console.

#46: Shadow Complex


  • Publisher: Epic Games
  • Developer: Chair Entertainment
  • Released: 2009

Incredibly, this is the first side-scroller since Castlevania: SOTN over 10 years ago on a console to be AAA quality in every regard. Super Metroid for the modern era.

#45: Far Cry Instincts


  • Publisher: Ubisoft
  • Developer: Ubi Montreal
  • Released: 2005

Released about a month before the Xbox 360, FC Instincts blew away every launch game the console would see. So looking back at all the early flak MS took with whether the 360 was needed or not, its not hard to understand why.

#44: Skies of Arcadia


  • Publisher: SEGA
  • Developer: Overworks
  • Released: 2000

The Dreamcast's one and only answer to Final Fantasy. Great RPG with epic ship battles. A Gamecube version was also released 2 years later.

#43: Warcraft 3


  • Publisher: Blizzard
  • Developer: Blizzard
  • Released: 2002

The first PC game I ever REALLY played, and what a game it is. This game has so much charm and detail to it that its not hard to see why Blizzard are the company they are today.

#42: Conker's Bad Fur Day


  • Publisher: Rare
  • Developer: Rare
  • Release: 2001

One of, if not THE, final AAA games on the underachieving N64, Conker pushed the machine to its limits and produced near-Dreamcast quality visuals and also pushed the limits of profanity in gaming as a whole. A bellylaugher.

#41: Beyond Good & Evil


  • Publisher: Ubisoft
  • Developer:Ubi Montpellier
  • Released: 2003

2003 was an odd year in that most of the best games to release that year were ignored by the public. That was the case here as well. Like Okami, BG&E is a Zelda clone that sold like hell. A multi-platform showcase, the game was beautiful with a great cast of characters and a great pace.

#40: Ogre Battle 64: Person Of Lordly Caliber


  • Publisher: Atlus
  • Developer: Quest
  • Released: 2000

The best turn-based strategy game on a console not called FF Tactics, this was also one of the best looking N64 games as well as one of the best 3rd-party games to ever hit the system. A true sleeper hit.

#39: Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion


  • Publisher: Bethesda
  • Developer: Bethesda
  • Released: 2006

One of the first AAA next-gen games, Oblivion was an absolute beast of a game and luckily enough came out when we really needed one. Better controls and pacing than Morrowind, but also lacking in many ways compared to that game.

#38: Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess


  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Developer: EAD
  • Released: 2006

Twilight Princess is one of those games in a franchise that, while not breaking much new ground, offers up the most polished and well paced experience in its series. Not the OMFG REVOLUTION! that Ocarina or Majora were, but certainly the better game. Also by far the best story in the series.

#37: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


  • Publisher: Activision
  • Developer: Infinity Ward
  • Release: 2007

Although short as hell and not much different from its forebearers, COD4's switch to a modern setting was brilliant and the game is paced like the best of action films. It also sports some of the most addictive multiplayer in a FPS ever, which is just fun to play.

#36: Ico


  • Publisher: Sony
  • Developer: Team Ico
  • Released: 2001

One of the PS2's absolute best, and one of the games that made the PS2 the unique console it was. Ico is one of the most atmospheric games ever made. The game only lasts 7 hours, but you'll remember it forever.

#35: Psychonauts


  • Publisher: Majesco
  • Developer: Double Fine Productions
  • Released: 2005

Psychonauts quirky, beautiful world created one of the best platformers ever made. Great characters, great story, perfectly paced, great design; all the elements of a AAA game are here. Its a shame the game didn't sell better, as a sequel would be amazing.

#34: Dead Space


  • Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • Developer: Redwood Shores
  • Release: 2008

#33: Tomb Raider Legend


  • Publisher: Eidos
  • Developer: Crystal Dynamics
  • Released: 2006

This game brought Tomb Raider, once one of the most important franchises in gaming, back from the dead. I always said all TR needed was a developer who knew what the hell they were doing (like Castlevania in 3D) and CD pretty much nailed it by retaining what is great about TR while modernizing the controls and interface. Well done.

#32: Lost Odyssey


  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Developer: Mistwalker
  • Release: 2008

IMO this may be the most overlooked and underappreciated game on the 360, if not ANY console this generation. This is a high-level Final Fantasy game without the brand name. And it may be the best game of its kind since FF10 hit the PS2. Brilliant storytelling, great, charming characters, and amazing production values all paint this as one of 360's best.

#31: Resident Evil


  • Capcom
  • Production Studio 4
  • Release: 2002

This game makes the original look like a bad joke in all areas. Absolutely mindblowing graphics that still look great today, and improved level design, puzzle, and gameplay all made this one of the most immersive games ever.

#30: Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind


  • Publisher: Bethesda
  • Developer: Bethesda
  • Release: 2002

Sure, Oblivion's a better paced game with a better opening and a gorgeous world, but Morrowind has it beat in every other way. The world has a on more variety to it, the story is actually better if you keep with it, and the combat, though not as good controls-wise, doesn't have low level goons ridiculously putting up a fight when you're level 30. I could not believe the size of this game when I first played it.

#29: Ninja Gaiden


  • Publisher: Tecmo
  • Developer: Team Ninja
  • Release: 2004

#28: Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay


  • Publisher: Vivendi
  • Developer: Starbreeze
  • Release: 2004

Riddick was a game that took many, including myself, by surprise with its greatness. What was expected to be another mediocre movie tie-in turned out to be the best movie-based game this side of Goldeneye 007.

#27: Pikmin 2


  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Developer: EAD
  • Release: 2004

Pikmin was easily one of the top Cube launch games, and Pikmin 2 was 10 times better in every way. It was bigger, the production values were better, they removed the time limit, and improved the level design.

#26: Batman: Arkham Asylum


  • Publisher: Eidos
  • Developer: Rocksteady
  • Release: 2009

Batman is just a great adventure game that feels one part Riddick and one part Resident Evil, mixed with the attitude of the recent Dark Knight film.

#25: Ratchet & Clank


  • Publisher: Sony
  • Developer: Insomniac
  • Release: 2002

This series may seem like the platformer equivalent of Madden Football today, but back in 2002 this game was an exciting burst of originality and fresh air. It was one of PS2's best looking games. It had tight Mario-esque controls with the added benefit of gunplay. Awesome customizable weapons. Variety of level design that never let up thanks to the planet hopping gameplay, and even a funny story.

#24: Eternal Darkness


  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Developer: Silicon Knights
  • Release: 2002

Easily one of the best Gamecube titles, and one of the most interesting horror games of the decade, Eternal Darkness raised the bar for psychological terror with its numerous mind tricks.

#23: Dragon Age: Origins


  • Publisher: EA
  • Developer: Bioware
  • Release: 2009

I've put over 100 hours into this game, with one character, and I'm STILL not done. This is my Game Of The Year for 2009. Its at least as good as other Biowaregems like Knights of the Old Republic and Mass Effect, but runs much more smoothly. Incredible RPG in all areas and is a true evolution of the hack n slash sub-genre.

#22: Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory


  • Publisher: Ubisoft
  • Developer: Ubi Monteal
  • Release: 2005

The best game in the Splinter Cell series, Chaos Theory is the standard of realistic stealth games.

#21: Quake 3 Arena


  • Publisher: ID Software
  • Developer: ID/Raster Productions
  • Release: 2000

One of the very first AAA online experiences on a console, Quake 3 Arena was an absolute addiction for me back in 2000 and had me hugging my Dreamcast nightly. I'd come home from work, take a shower, eat some food, then hit this game until my eyes bled for a good 2 months straight.

#20: Resident Evil 3: Code Veronica


  • Publisher: Capcom
  • Developer: Production Studio 4
  • Release: 2000

I called it RE3 because Shinji Mikami himself called it that in an old EGM, saying Capcom wanted to kepp the numbered series on PS, but this was the REAL RE3. Much like Twilight Princess, Code Veronica didn't do much new but offered the most polished experience in its series.

#19: Prince of Persia: Sands of Time


  • Publisher: Ubisoft
  • Developer: Ubi Montreal
  • Release: 2003

#18: Mass Effect


  • Publisher: EA
  • Developer: Bioware
  • Release: 2007

#17: Metal Gear Solid 3


  • Publisher: Konami
  • Developer: Kojima Productions
  • Release: 2004

#16: Final Fantasy 10


  • Publisher: Squaresoft
  • Developer: Squaresoft
  • Release: 2001

#15: God Of War


  • Publisher: Sony
  • Developer: Sony Santa Monica
  • Release: 2005

#14: Super Mario Galaxy


  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Developer: Nintendo Tokyo
  • Release: 2007

#13: Metroid Corruption


  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Developer: Retro Studios
  • Release: 2007

#12: Phantasy Star Online


  • Publisher: SEGA
  • Developer: Sonic Team
  • Release: 2001

#11: Perfect Dark


  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Developer: Rare
  • Release: 2000

#10: Fable 2


  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Developer: Lionhead
  • Release: 2008

#9: Vagrant Story


  • Publisher: Squaresoft
  • Developer: Square
  • Release: 2000

#8: Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask


  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Developer: EAD
  • Release: 2000

#7: Crysis


  • Publisher: EA
  • Developer: Crytek
  • Release: 2007

#6: Half Life 2: Orange Box


  • Publisher: EA
  • Developer: Valve
  • Release: 2004/2007

#5: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic


  • Publisher: Lucasarts
  • Developer: Bioware
  • Release: 2003

#4: Grand Theft Auto 3


  • Publisher: Rockstar
  • Developer: DMA Design
  • Release: 2001

#3: Halo: Combat Evolved


  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Developer: Bungie
  • Release: 2001

#2: Resident Evil 4


  • Publisher: Capcom
  • Developer: Production Studio 4
  • Release: 2005

#1: Metroid Prime


  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Developer: Retro Studios
  • Release: 2002


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Sun, 20 Dec 2009 14:28:13

I tried to limit having too many games listed per franchise, as that could take half the list. Also forgot gems like Hitman 2 and Bioshock.


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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 04:43:06

Time to round out my best of the decade awards by giving a few extra awards.

Best Franchise - The Legend of Zelda

(Runner Ups - Grand Theft Auto and Metal Gear Solid)

Yes I know, obvious pick for me but it there were some great choices. All three of the franchises listed above had multiple games over 90% on gamerankings. All three franchises had multiple GOTY award winning games. In the end I went with my favorite and the one that too me seemed to have the most impressive run. 9 new Zelda games this decade, all three 3D console games won various GOTY awards, all three receieved high scores all around. The three clasic stylle portable Zelda's all scored highly, above 90%. There was Four Swords Adventure which was a multiplayer Zelda, it was more of an action game but still fun. Then you have the two DS Zelda's which are diffrent from any Zelda's I have played, not as good IMO but again well reviewed. It is one of the most consistant franchises out there.

Most Influencial Game - Grand Theft Auto 3

(Runner Ups - Resident Evil 4, Halo, CoD4, Devil May Cry)

This one is easy. GTA3 is up and away the most influencial game to come out this decade, you can feel its influence in tons of games since. The other runner ups had features that a few other games followed but nothing on the scale of GTA3.

Franchise that kicked ass in the 90s and this decade fell apart - Sonic the Hedgehog

(Runner Up - Mortal Kombat)

Yes I still like Sonic, I still think there are great Sonic games coming out but overall it is a far cry from the 90's when he was the second most recognizable video game character in the world. Sega basically turned this franchise into a joke cause of horrible games like Sonic 06, the Shadow spinoff, Sonic and the Black Knight. Sonic games that always seemed to miss the point like Heroes and adding a werehog.

Best new IP - Devil May Cry

(Runner Up - Halo, God of War)

DMC showed how to do an action game right, others have tried to copy but I feel none have done it better. One game in the series is pure crap but that still leaves 3 excellent games. Halo is another important great franchise but I like action games more than FPSs.

Best Hardware - Playstation 2

(Runner Ups - 360, PS3, DS)

The greatest console of all time, thats how I feel and many feel the same as well. The PS2 had it all, it covered nearly every genre, had many killer exclusives from first and third parties alike. It's library is simply unmatched.

Best Company - Nintendo

(Runner Ups - Sony, Capcom)

I will use the term company to avoid all confusion, this includes developed games, published games and hardware. Again not an easy choice, Sony had the best console, their dev teams were cranking out incredible games. Capcom was just incredible this decade making many of the best games I have ever played. But looking back at my list of favorites, one company's games always stood out and it was Nintendo. They had my GOTY of 00, 02, 06, 07. They basically specialize in my favorite types of games. Plus in the hardware side of things they dared to do something different. Their choice to use old hardware sucked, but they took a gamble with motion controls and it paid off. We may not be seeing it now but Nintendo has changed things forever and it will be in a good way.

Best Year - 2004

(Runner Ups - 2001, 2008 )

Three years stood out from the rest this decade, all three years had a multitude of excellent titles. In the end I had to choose 2004 cause of the insane amount of not just excellent games but important games. Lets start with the obvious Half-life 2 considered by many to be the best FPS and game of the decade, GTA: SA arguably the best GTA, MGS3 arguably the best MGS, Ninja Gaiden arguably the best pure action game, Halo 2 changed online console shooters forever, World of Warcraft changed MMOs and is still a monster today. You had Burnout 3, Ratchet UYA, UT 04, Sims 2, Metroid Prime 2, Paper Mario 2, NFL 2k5, Far Cry, Riddick, Pikmin 2, Fable, Jak 3, Katamari Damacy and more. What a year.

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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 04:45:42
Dvader said:

Best Hardware - Playstation 2

(Runner Ups - 360, PS3, DS)

 You might want to rephrase that.


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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 04:49:40

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Best Hardware - Playstation 2

(Runner Ups - 360, PS3, DS)

You might want to rephrase that.

What best system, that is what Edge used.

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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 07:24:01

Dvader said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Best Hardware - Playstation 2

(Runner Ups - 360, PS3, DS)

You might want to rephrase that.

What best system, that is what Edge used.

No, he means that objectively PS2 was a piece of shit hardware wise. It was the least powerful, not even the cheapest and it broke down alot. Best software it should have been. 

The VG Press
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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 17:51:07

Iga_Bobovic said:

Dvader said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Best Hardware - Playstation 2

(Runner Ups - 360, PS3, DS)

You might want to rephrase that.

What best system, that is what Edge used.

No, he means that objectively PS2 was a piece of shit hardware wise. It was the least powerful, not even the cheapest and it broke down alot. Best software it should have been.

Oh come on everyone should know what that category means, now its just nitpicking.

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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 17:56:29

Dvader said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

Dvader said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Best Hardware - Playstation 2

(Runner Ups - 360, PS3, DS)

You might want to rephrase that.

What best system, that is what Edge used.

No, he means that objectively PS2 was a piece of shit hardware wise. It was the least powerful, not even the cheapest and it broke down alot. Best software it should have been.

Oh come on everyone should know what that category means, now its just nitpicking.

Pay no attention to the anal retentiveness. Yoda and Iggly excel at nitpicking and being all hot and bothered about inane shit. LOL

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