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Best Final Fantasy
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Tue, 26 Jun 2012 07:41:23

Yup. One of those threads. Here. LOL

I was reading how Wada said they would never re-make FF7 until it is surpassed.

I've only beaten 1-7, but I was immediately reminded of how beloved X and X-2 were (we'll leave 11 out of this, even though that is also fanatically adored by many, but it's different).

So am I wrong? Is the consensus still that 7 is best? I beat it for the first tiem this year, and while I can see why it would have been overwhelming at the time, it does not stack up against 5 or 6 and those are much older games.  Six is my favorite so far by the way, though I've also enjoyed the small amount of 9 I've played as well.

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Tue, 26 Jun 2012 08:18:40

The modern consensus is that FF sucks. Fullstop.

X is my favourite of the ones I've finished. It has the deepest mini-game (yes Blitzball is actually awesome), an okay story, great locations and good combat and summons. But if we include the ones I haven't finished then VIII is way ahead. It easily has the best characters, and the most interesting story once you get past the emoness. The locations aren't the best, and the quick trigger combat gimmick is fun at first, but really just an incredibly shallow attempt at what Legend of Dragoon did reasonably well. But the characters/story are strong enough to make up for it.

Haven't played enough of IV, V and VI to really give then any consideration, though.

Edited: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 08:32:28

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Tue, 26 Jun 2012 09:42:59
I should have my butler play the first rwo hours of 8 for me. I've never been able to get pass the academy at the start.  You and Vader speak highly of 8 which is a good enough reason for me to give it a fourth chance one of these days.

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Tue, 26 Jun 2012 13:41:57

Final Fantasy 7 is still MY favorite one, though I've liked them all really. FF7 was just so much better than every other RPG around that time, it was polished to a T and was incredibly memorable in every way.

I liked Final Fantasy 8 nearly just as fact FF8 seems to get forgotten quite a bit at this point in time for being the badass game it was. The only thing holding FF8 back were stupid little problems like the tedious DRAW system for gaining spells in combat. But the world and characters were great. It was also a huge leap over FF7 graphically at the time. I don't know, maybe FF7 being the 1st game on the PS1 feels more special because of that.

FF9 was ok, but its probably my least favorite of the more modern games. The characters and story just weren't anywhere near as memorable. FF10 was awesome, but they removed the fucking world map. FF10-2 was fun. FF12 was an awesome game, but the characters weren't as strong. And FF13 and 13-2 have similar issues as FF10.

I still say Lost Odyssey is the best FF of the past 10 years.


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Tue, 26 Jun 2012 18:10:55
Final Fantasy VIII and X are practically tied for my favourite in the series. I kind of want to give the edge to VIII because the card mini-game is so damn awesome. Following those ones I'd go with XIII and XIII-2.


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Tue, 26 Jun 2012 18:33:23
I used to love the series, but FFX killed all my interest in it and I never played any of them again aside from that crappy DS game whose name I've now forgot.

For me its a toss up between 4 and 5. I played 4 at least a dozen times and even got to the point where I'd do speed runs with it. 5 was an obsession though and I wanted the game so badly that in 1997 I bought a Japanese copy from an import store and downloaded the script in an attempt to play it.
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Tue, 26 Jun 2012 20:04:30
To me FFVII and VIII was the best of FF. VI was excellent as well but playing it late hurt the wow factor for me. VIII is the best one to me but VII will always be my favorite one. IX was a disappointment, X what the hell. XII I loved but never finished cause my file got deleted. XIII was great for it's combat and the final areas.

They really went away from what made FF amazing with it's great giant overworld and many times non linear design which allows exploration. Also awesome minigames used to be a big part. Crazy secrets like finding the lost island which ha knights of the round is something I loved so much.
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Tue, 26 Jun 2012 20:58:24
edgecrusher said:

I still say Lost Odyssey is the best FF of the past 10 years.

Losy Odyssey eh? I'll have to give it a go.  I did not know it was any good.

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Wed, 27 Jun 2012 12:02:02
aspro said:
edgecrusher said:

I still say Lost Odyssey is the best FF of the past 10 years.

Losy Odyssey eh? I'll have to give it a go.  I did not know it was any good.

I thought it was amazing. The story, characters, and battle system is straight Final Fantasy greatness. It got a lot of IMO questionable reviews that seemed to be hating on it because #1: It wasn't "Final Fantasy", and #2: It wasn't a western style RPG.

The game had a soul that you don't see much anymore in an RPG.


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Wed, 27 Jun 2012 17:46:24


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sun, 17 Feb 2013 08:14:04

Well, here goes. I've tried playing FF8 on PS1 a couple of times now and failed to get past the first two hours, so I am now downloading it to my Vita.

I am guessing having it on a portable system will make it easier to get through the slow start (since I'd otherwise be just reading a book).

Pretty excited.

Edited: Sun, 17 Feb 2013 08:19:33

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