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Batman: Arkham Asylum official thread.  
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Mon, 31 Aug 2009 16:20:39

Archangel3371 said:

gamingeek said:

Dvader said:

gamingeek said:

Sounds okay apart from the sudden turns. That bothers me in stealth games.

You are always above them, the sudden turns wont get in the way at all, its just funny to watch them squirm. And if they do turn and see you when they are in nervous condition, they will shit their pants and you have plenty of times to beat the crap out of them.

Ownage. Can you kick them in the balls at all. I'm being serious. Is there a move where you can punch them in the nuts?

Archangel3371 said:

This game's awesome! Buy it NAO! I want this game to put up massive sales because I want more deals like this, plus it's just a really great game overall.

"Deals like this" ?

What is it at a special price or something? Or do you mean you want a sequel? In that case, buy HOTD Overkill and Little Kings Story and get back to me!

Well I know here in Canada Wal-mart is selling the game at $39 which is a steal. I think some other places like Future Shop followed with a price match. I think some places in the States are having some deals for the game as well. Normally these games sell for $69 here which I don't mind because most of them are generally worth it but if they want to sell some of them at nearly half-price then I say go for it.

I used to import DS games from canada and they were usually $50 Canadian so that is a fantastic deal. Not doing any special deals here though. Sad

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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 03:11:13

Well I just finished story mode and WOW what an awesome game. Everything in this game is top-notch. The graphics, the sound, the voice-work, and the writing are all fantastic and the gameplay totally works for this game. The Unreal Engine is used to great effect. There's still plenty left for me to do such as the challenges, hard mode, finding the rest of the Riddler's trophies and challenges and also finding the rest of the Voice of Arkham stones. Not only is this the best Batman game it's also the best superhero game and a definite contender for Game of the Year. Kudos to everyone involved in making this game.


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Sun, 06 Sep 2009 20:42:27
OMG, I just finished.  Great ending.  It took me a while because I wanted to solve all the riddles and find all of the Spirits of Arkham.  I'm so glad I found all of the riddles because there was a nice little bonus.  This is game of the year for me, so far, without a doubt.  I can't believe I searched all of Arkham for these items.  This is the type of game I love, exploration  games.  This might actually be the year of exploration games with this, Shadow Complex, and the release of Metroid Prime Trilogy.
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Sun, 06 Sep 2009 23:25:11

travo said:
OMG, I just finished.  Great ending.  It took me a while because I wanted to solve all the riddles and find all of the Spirits of Arkham.  I'm so glad I found all of the riddles because there was a nice little bonus.  This is game of the year for me, so far, without a doubt.  I can't believe I searched all of Arkham for these items.  This is the type of game I love, exploration  games.  This might actually be the year of exploration games with this, Shadow Complex, and the release of Metroid Prime Trilogy.

Yep the exploration aspect was a huge plus, I didnt expect it. The first time I stepped out into Arkham island I was like "woah!" Its not Metroid levels of perfection but its a damn good effort. Look at my shining new platinum on my sig. Happy

Edited: Sun, 06 Sep 2009 23:25:34
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Mon, 07 Sep 2009 01:27:04

Dvader said:

travo said:
OMG, I just finished.  Great ending.  It took me a while because I wanted to solve all the riddles and find all of the Spirits of Arkham.  I'm so glad I found all of the riddles because there was a nice little bonus.  This is game of the year for me, so far, without a doubt.  I can't believe I searched all of Arkham for these items.  This is the type of game I love, exploration  games.  This might actually be the year of exploration games with this, Shadow Complex, and the release of Metroid Prime Trilogy.

Yep the exploration aspect was a huge plus, I didnt expect it. The first time I stepped out into Arkham island I was like "woah!" Its not Metroid levels of perfection but its a damn good effort. Look at my shining new platinum on my sig. Happy

It's good to the point that if these guys asked Nintendo to develop a 3D Metroid game, then they should really consider it.   Team Ninja better focus on exploration.

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Fri, 26 Mar 2010 04:42:28
Oh yeah started up Arkham Asylum. Wow at the graphics, superb detail and polish. Love the cartoon voice actors.

The camera is fabulous in the way it moves about framing the action, except when you walk up to and talk to a character when it cuts instead of seamlessly moving like it usually does.

The controls are really well worked too. The opening was impressive but less so because it was copy of Chronicles of Riddick basically. The metroid like scanner is nice, not as good as metroids scanner but nice all the same. It's sort of an auto-scanner that should have been adopted ages ago in more games, prince of persia could certainly use one.

It's a great production and they go out of their way to try and make you feel like a badass, to feel like batman.

My only problem is that the actual gameplay almost feels like its halfway between proper control and QTE. It's like sitting on the border between proper gameplay and almost insulting.

You vaguely point batman in the general direction of a bad guy, hit the X button and batman sort of magnetically leaps towards him doing all sorts of cool looking moves, capped off with some slow mo, close up. And I'm sitting there thinking - I only hit the X button a couple of times.

Then the stealth stuff, zooming up to the ceiling. Again you sort of vaguely point batman towards a gargoyle, an icon pops up, you hit the button, hit it again, then an indicator pops up "kill bad guy" you press the button and batman kills bad guy. It's almost QTE.

Still it's pretty cool so far, but I can't see myself giving it anything over like an 8.9 if the rest of the gameplay remains this simple.

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Fri, 26 Mar 2010 07:53:32
Just started it myslf.
Not really that impressed by the opening personally, but it's kinda fun so far.

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Fri, 26 Mar 2010 10:33:02

travo said:
OMG, I just finished.  Great ending.  It took me a while because I wanted to solve all the riddles and find all of the Spirits of Arkham.  I'm so glad I found all of the riddles because there was a nice little bonus.  This is game of the year for me, so far, without a doubt.  I can't believe I searched all of Arkham for these items.  This is the type of game I love, exploration  games.  This might actually be the year of exploration games with this, Shadow Complex, and the release of Metroid Prime Trilogy.

Sad I saw this and thought Travo was back.

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Fri, 26 Mar 2010 13:08:42

Foolz said:
Just started it myslf.
Not really that impressed by the opening personally, but it's kinda fun so far.

 Did you zoom the camera on the alligator guys? Amazing detail there. 

I wish the default camera was a little higher and a little further out. But its generally great in the way it moves. 

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Fri, 26 Mar 2010 13:26:51

gamingeek said:

Did you zoom the camera on the alligator guys? Amazing detail there.

I wish the default camera was a little higher and a little further out. But its generally great in the way it moves.

Yup, the detail's great don't get me wrong, it just doesn't wow me for some reason so far. That said I think once I get used to the camera I'll enjoy it a lot more. So far it just feels a tad lethargic.

I also like the scanning, though I haven't really needed it so far. (Most things have been pretty obvious.)

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Fri, 26 Mar 2010 13:47:59

Foolz said:

Yup, the detail's great don't get me wrong, it just doesn't wow me for some reason so far. That said I think once I get used to the camera I'll enjoy it a lot more. So far it just feels a tad lethargic.

I also like the scanning, though I haven't really needed it so far. (Most things have been pretty obvious.)

 It's not really like scanning as its handed to you on a plate, its more like a WIN visor. 

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Fri, 26 Mar 2010 14:14:43
But it looks damn cool. Nyaa

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Fri, 26 Mar 2010 14:22:10

Foolz said:
But it looks damn cool. Nyaa

 Eh, sort of. It doesn't have any decent visual effect, you know like heat distortion or something. It's almost like a highlighter pen. 

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Fri, 26 Mar 2010 14:50:24

gamingeek said:

Eh, sort of. It doesn't have any decent visual effect, you know like heat distortion or something. It's almost like a highlighter pen.

I just like the, err, minimalism of it. Reminds me of Killer 7.

It's a nice contrast to the detail of the asylum too.

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Fri, 26 Mar 2010 21:05:52

Foolz said:
But it looks damn cool. Nyaa

Speaking of which - here's where you should play it.


or if you want something more intimate(for a cave)

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Sat, 27 Mar 2010 14:13:36

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