Forum > Gaming Discussion > A new Kingdom Hearts game was released today.  Anyone playing it?
A new Kingdom Hearts game was released today.  Anyone playing it?
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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 01:18:15
robio said:

Did you never play the original? I loved it. The camera got a little bit irritating, but overall I didn't have any complaints and I do consider it one of my favorite games of the generation. One of my favorite things about it was that it felt like what a combat version of old school Final Fantasies should be. You can go straight through the stories or at virtually any time you can access some sidequests that truly are optional and don't penalize you if you decide to ignore them. Lots of things to find and collect, lots of optional mega-boss battles (particularly in the end game), and great rewards for doing it, but in the end if you chose to ignore it the main story never felt harder for it.

Yes, that nails it. It has a whimsy about it that the newer Final Fantasy games have walked away from.

It's also either too easy or too difficult quite often, which is something I found to be true of the early Final Fantasy games.

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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 02:45:22

I need to try the original again. I got up into Alice in Wonderland I think, but God damn it some of the level design was confusingly stupid, and the map completely unhelpful. I gave up pretty quickly.

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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 02:55:26

Wonderland was confusing because you had to keep going back to the same spot, but every time it was slightly different so you had to peek around every corner to find what you were looking for. The jungle level in the Tarzan world suffered a similar problem. From that point on though the levels were much better laid out.

Thinking about this is pissing me off now because of that false KH HD rumor that was floating around E3. Dammit.....

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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 02:58:09
I'm up to (almost done with) the gladiator level.

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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 02:59:23
robio said:

Wonderland was confusing because you had to keep going back to the same spot, but every time it was slightly different so you had to peek around every corner to find what you were looking for. The jungle level in the Tarzan world suffered a similar problem. From that point on though the levels were much better laid out.

Thinking about this is pissing me off now because of that false KH HD rumor that was floating around E3. Dammit.....

Oh yeah, I think it was actually Tarzan I got up to. (If that's later.) Those are the two parts I played I remember most due to how annoying they were.

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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 03:03:08
Foolz said:

Oh yeah, I think it was actually Tarzan I got up to. (If that's later.) Those are the two parts I played I remember most due to how annoying they were.

Yeah then you were almost through the worst part of the game. It really was one of those games that got better and better as you went on. In fact the very best level was probably Neverland and that was the final regular level of the game.

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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 03:07:35
spoilers! Nyaa

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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 03:17:27
I thought it came out in late July?  Yay!  * Dusts off the 3DS.*. Il be busy at work tomorrow.
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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 03:20:03

Travo, we're talking about the old Kingdom Hearts, not the 3DS one. So put your 3DS back in the drawer and stop touching it.

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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 03:32:39
Aw Jeez, I saw you guys talking about it in the news feed, then read the thread title and assumed it was new.  The worst  part of this: it's my OWN fucking thread. LOL
Edited: Wed, 04 Jul 2012 03:34:12
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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 03:34:18

Play Theatrhythm in the meantime!

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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 03:35:24
I still have Mario and Luigi :BiS to finish.
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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 03:36:03
travo said:
I still have Mario and Luigi :BiS to finish.

I have to start it.

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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 03:44:30
travo said:
Aw Jeez, I saw you guys talking about it in the news feed, then read the thread title and assumed it was new.  The worst  part of this: it's my OWN fucking thread. LOL


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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 03:48:11
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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 03:53:15

Crap..... HAHHHHAHAHAHAHA Nicely done Aspro.

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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 03:53:31
I might sig that tomorrow, if you don't mind.
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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 03:56:23

Of course, no problem.  Couldn't be worse than someone sigging me for a year calling everyone racists.

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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 04:03:51

I aim to please.

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Wed, 04 Jul 2012 09:19:23

Edit: Of course after writing this post the game progressed.

Hmm... I've been all over the Jungle world and it seems I've triggered some things out of order. I hope I have not broken it ss I am 8 hours in.

Spoilers ( lol 10 year old game)
I've already gone through the vines and back to the treehouse to prevent Clayton from shooting some apes, but the game is pretending that has not happened yet, so I am stuck in limbo.

I completely own this level though I've been through it twenty times trying ti trigger something into moving.
Edited: Wed, 04 Jul 2012 09:29:29

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