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The Classic Cartoon thread: You can still watch them today!
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Thu, 26 Apr 2012 11:09:10
Hallenbeck77 said:

After looking at the teaser, I'm having doubts about the visual style of the show.  If Green Lantern is any indication, it's gonna look plain, sterile and, plastic-y.  At the very least, I hope the writing is decent.  

Maybe it's just me, but I I just miss traditional animating as opposed to CGI.  

Agreed. Although Clone Wars is pretty good in terms of art style. The animation isn't the most fluid but the art and production values are really high in general so you get used to it. I've wanted a Green Lantern series for ages, then they announce it as CGI indecision

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Mon, 07 May 2012 23:19:41
gamingeek said:

Agreed. Although Clone Wars is pretty good in terms of art style. The animation isn't the most fluid but the art and production values are really high in general so you get used to it. I've wanted a Green Lantern series for ages, then they announce it as CGI indecision

Not a fan of The Clone Wars (actually, not a fan of the recent Star Wars stuff in general,) but the show from a visual standpoint does look amazing, there's no denying that.  For me, the CGI animated series that I'm enjoying right now is Transformers Prime.  Obviously it's not on par technically with Clone Wars, but what is there is a very well done series both in style and storytelling.    

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Tue, 08 May 2012 11:10:14

I can't take Transformers Prime, it's so off from the Transformers of the 80s I grew up with it makes me throw up a little.

Generator Rex is pretty good. I made the mistake of catching probably the worst episode as my first and thanks to CN you don't know what season or often what episode you are watching. When I started watching them in order they're pretty fun. Man of Action are making the new Ultimate Spiderman series too, the clips I've seen are decent.

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Wed, 09 May 2012 02:38:47

Clone Wars is hideously ugly. Nyaa

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Wed, 09 May 2012 14:28:58

Beast Wars forever! That was crazy for its day.

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Wed, 09 May 2012 15:03:42
Foolz said:

Clone Wars is hideously ugly. Nyaa

It can look pretty good.

It took them a while but the lightsaber battles near the end of season 3 are pretty epic.

Also because they have so much breathing room in terms of time, they really flesh out the Clone Wars Universe a lot better than the movies did. In season 3 they start doing 3 and 4 parters too, so total running time for each block is like an hour - sort of like another mini-star wars movie. There is some good stuff about Anakin and how he was supposed to bring balance to the force, even some Qui Gon flashbacks and more about the origins of the Force.

Oh and a couple of kickass Sith characters and more about the Sith and how apprentices were chosen etc, you even find out where Darth Maul was found.

If anyone wants to watch the Clone Wars I have found a few links which will help you work out what season and episode is being shown.

This is a complete episode list, but it's not wholly useful as you need to match up the blue jedi wisdom from the beginning of each episode to the actual episode title (which is never actually shown on screen)

For that you need this site

Scroll down halfway and click on the season you want to check. Or, I can provide a word document which is easier but only for seasons 1-3.

Edited: Wed, 09 May 2012 16:09:27

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Thu, 10 May 2012 02:35:13

Nope, horrible character design.

The battles can look cool, though, I'll give you that.

That episode list shit again. LOL Ridiculous.

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Fri, 11 May 2012 16:04:33

Wow, so you remember a few weeks ago I was bitching about Cartoon Network and how their listings suck monkey ass?

Well I actually wrote them a lengthy email to Cartoon Network UK, which was actually the second time I had bugged them about it. Anyway I was checking the listings today and it looks like they have actually acted on it!

Like I said in my email, the listing should say the episode number and series number in the listings to work out what episode you are on - because the episode title is never shown on the actual episode. And on the listings today, season 4 which they had been showing with the generic:

Star Wars Clone Wars: Watch Anakin and Asoka yada yada save the galaxy

Had been changed, the listing begins with the Ep Num and Season number then has a freaking actual description of the episode. lol

They appear to have been ever so slowly updating the listings for Generator Rex and Thundercats too which I complained about,  but it's only on Clone wars where they have started telling us the ep num and season num, which is what leads me to believe that they actually acted on my advice.

They never replied to my email though.

Disney UK however did and passed my comments on to the relavent departments. I've been trying to get Gargoyles on Disney XD because only half the series is on DVD and I've been trying to get Gummi Bears back on Disney for the same reason. The UK channel showed it in 2005  or something but I'm trying to get a rerun so I can show my nephews.

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Wed, 13 Jun 2012 11:54:46

Motherfuck. Josh Whee-pants just got Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes cancelled. angry


Rich Sands of TV Guide spoke with Jeph Loeb and Joe Quesada about a new show featuring 5 Hulks and a new program that more closely resembles their latest blockbuster called Marvel's Avengers Assemble. Loeb confirmed that there will be a Hulk-centric cartoon:

"We're taking characters that already exist in the Marvel Universe — because it's very important to us that it all begins with [the comic-book] publishing. That cast is Hulk; the Red Hulk; Skaar, who's the teenage barbarian Hulk, She-Hulk — who's actually been a character in the Marvel Universe for 30 years; and a relatively new character, A-Bomb. He's more of a Blue Hulk. And together they are Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H."

It's an interesting idea, but outside of Galactus or Thanos armed with the Infinity Gauntlet who could defeat a team of Hulks?

As for a replacement to the awesomely amazing Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (a small tear rolls down my cheek as I think about the show's cancellation), it sounds like it will be based heavily on The Avengers with one noticeable exception. Quesada says that Falcon will now be part of the team:

"Falcon is going to be the eyes of the viewer. He's a new member of the Avengers so he's walking through our stories wide-eyed and with wonder and amazed to be a part of it. He's a little younger than the rest of the cast and a little greener, so he adds an interesting dimension to the team that we think will play really well with the audience."

It almost sounds like he's a psuedo-replacement for Coulson, which is a shame. I would have liked to have seen a zombie Clark Gregg in a tattered black suit join the Avengers.

Is Avengers’ Movie Success Worth Killing Earth’s Mightiest Heroes?

I question upon the announcement of Marvel’s Avengers Assemble, the new animated series that will replace the current Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes series because… it’s closer to the movie, apparently? Maybe? But is that enough reason to kill a successful show?

That latter question may be something that only has an entirely subjective answer, of course, depending on just how much you loved either the Avengers movie or the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes cartoon. This isn’t the first time that a popular Marvel cartoon has met an untimely death after a couple of seasons – Greg Weisman’s Spectacular Spider-Man also disappeared after two years in order to make way for Marvel’s new Ultimate Spider-Man, but at least in that case there were operational considerations that made the switch slightly more understandable (For those with memories as short as mine, those were: Disney bought Marvel, the Spider-Man TV rights were reclaimed by Marvel from Sony, and Marvel TV was created as a division for the purpose of creating its own television programming as opposed to continuing to license its characters). Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, on the other hand, was already a fully-owned Marvel property, one of Marvel’s first such projects, and one that was already airing on Disney XD a la Ultimate Spider-Man (The two air in the same “Marvel Universe” Sunday morning block). So… what was wrong with it, exactly…?

The stated reason for the cancellation/new series move seems to be that Avengers Assemble will be closer to the amazingly successful movie in terms of tone and atmosphere. Marvel TV boss Jeph Loeb described the new show as being “a brand new and really extraordinary looking animated series dealing with the Avengers in that same world [as the movie],” suggesting that Earth’s Mightiest Heroes just wasn’t the kind of thing that would hook in people who loved the movie… but, in the same interview, Loeb also teases Hulk and The Agents of SMASH, a Hulk team project that’s roughly a million miles from Mark Ruffalo’s angry alter ego, and Ultimate Spider-Man isn’t exactly step-by-step with next month’s Amazing Spider-Man. So, apparently, the need for cross-media synergy isn’t there for every project.

It might be easy to plump for the much-shared “Jeph Loeb didn’t like EMH because it was created before he got to the company” theory, but let’s be honest, that’s more than a little simplistic; shows are rarely cancelled on such personal whims, especially not when they’re doing well. Losing EMH is certainly a calculated risk on Marvel’s part, don’t get me wrong. After all, it’s not as if it was a failure as a series, either in terms of ratings or fan response, so killing the series only two years in with the hope that the next attempt will be even better feels either confident, optimistic or a quick way to piss off a number of fans (Already, the internet is filled with those declaring themselves “done” with Marvel as a result of the decision, with Marvel’s CCO Joe Quesada re-tweeting a former fan declaring that he hoped Quesada would die of AIDS as a result of the decision).

The bet, I’d guess, is that the Avengers movie has (out-)performed to such an extent that it’s coloring the way that Marvel considers the brand outside of the core comics audience (and even there, Avengers Assemble – there’s that title again – was created as a monthly title to focus on the team from the movie), creating a nervousness about how far other versions can stray from the movie without losing the intangible but clear appeal of the movie that will, at least temporarily, restrict anything that doesn’t have a core of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye and Black Widow for the foreseeable future. We know – and, more importantly, so do Marvel – that Spider-Man is a malleable character, who can appeal as long as the core characteristics are present; the same is true of the Hulk, to a lesser extent. But the Avengers…? No-one really has a grasp on why they work for mass audiences yet, and until they do, I think we’re going to see much less variation in their depiction.

Was it cowardice, then, that killed Earth’s Mightiest Heroes? Not really; nervousness and a (perhaps well-placed) belief that, as successful as the show was, a different take on the same idea that follows the lead of the movie may be more of a success, perhaps, but making the decision to pull EMH, knowing the backlash such a decision would bring is anything but cowardly. Like I said, it’s a calculated risk. If only to reward them for not taking the easy route – Assemble will have to go far to win over those upset by the end of EMH, after all – I really hope it’s one that pays off.


Marvel are fuckheads, Joss Crapdon can kiss my ass too. Buffy season 6?! Argh!

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Sat, 23 Jun 2012 16:24:28
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Sun, 24 Jun 2012 15:19:42

Still talkin' to myself.

Clone wars season 4 is off with a whimper. The first 7 episodes or so seem to be tailored towards kids. Lots of Chibi looking characters and ewoks like characters, which is a shame. Especially since season 3 had darker and better stories like Ventress' betrayal, or the whole Anakin facing his dark side story.

The series has introduced Admiral Ackbar and Chewbacca though, that's cool.

Ben 10 Ultimate Alien seems to be a good series. For those unfamiliar with Ben 10, it's hard to know where to begin. There are 3 series.

1. Ben 10

2. Ben 10: Alien Force

3. Ben 10: Ultimate Alien

And they are going to do a 4th series called Omniverse I hear. Basically you want to avoid Ben 10 like the plague. It's the characters when they were 10 years old. There are like 40 episodes and only 4 maybe 5 episodes are worth watching.

Alien Force catches up with the characters when they are older, 16, 17-ish and is more watchable. It seems a lot of talent from Justice League was involved in doing the series. It's always decent, infrequently engaging and enjoyable. It has a big send off and then moves the series onto Ultimate Alien.

Suprisingly, as this is a direct continuation -no timeline skipping or aging of the characters- there seems to be much better planning and structure to the story arcs and it's consistently good. I'm really enjoying the 20 or so episodes I have seen so far.

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Mon, 25 Jun 2012 03:00:34

It's got the Colonel from MGS in it too I think.

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Tue, 26 Jun 2012 10:59:16

Ultimate Alien has finished with it's planned Aggregor and Kevin story and seems back to Alien Forces unfocused episodic fluff. frown

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Wed, 25 Jul 2012 18:45:19

Thundercats Season 2 Kicks Off With 'New Alliances' (video)

The Thundercats are returning to Cartoon Network for an all-new second season, but things are going to be a little different as the acclaimed series has earned itself a new time slot on Saturday mornings. Warner Bros. was nice enough to send over some clips from “New Alliances” and you can check them out along with some stills from the episode below.

Before you jump in on the action here's a quick synopsis of what “New Alliances” has in store for us...

The Thundercats go on the offensive taking down Mumm-Ra's lizard army piece by piece. Lion-O appeals to the soldiers to turn against their overlord, but Mumm-Ra won't see his army crushed so easily. He tasks Slithe with recruiting two new and vicious Generals -- Addicus and Kaynar -- to retaliate against the cats. Meanwhile, the Robear Berbils make Panthro a new set of robotic arms and soop up the Thundertank.

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Fri, 27 Jul 2012 13:25:16

Jackie Chan adventures season 2 on dvd!

Last Friday we had a report that Jackie Chan Adventures - The Complete 2nd Season is coming to DVD soon from Sony as a manufacture on demand (MOD) release. At the time we didn't have an availability date for this title, but now one of our retailer contacts has seen a schedule of the studio's upcoming items, and it shows that this one will be shipping on June 5...this coming Tuesday! Different sellers of this title (all of them online, and which will include Amazon,, and Warner Archive/WBshop) might stagger their ship dates for MOD titles such as this one, however, so please keep that in mind.

46.00 USD = 29.68 GBP for 4 discs? Then postage on top of that. crying

Edited: Fri, 27 Jul 2012 13:33:42

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Tue, 07 Aug 2012 11:34:39

Saw the first 2 episodes of Young Justice, DCs follow up to the Justice League Series

Seems pretty good, animation is great, action is well done and it's pleasingly not fluffy like some modern action cartoons.

It irks me though, the whole premise is that the sidekicks come into the justice league and form a junior team, but then you have big Justice League character floating about. So when Superman for instance comes in and the others, you just think: why are we not watching these more interesting characters? They have great character designs, voice actors all cast they are there, I want to see the big 8, not the second raters. Other than that it seems like a worthy follow up to Justice League so far, it's kinda like the young Defenders in Defenders of the Earth, all the junior characters have their bigger equivalent, Kid Flash and Flash etc.

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Sat, 11 Aug 2012 19:06:09

They may finally release the second part of season 2 of Gargoyles on dvd.

At the 2006 Gathering of the Gargoyles convention, Weisman announced that the release of Season 2 Volume 2 had been canceled. Weisman has stated simply, "Volume 1 did not sell enough copies." Since then, Disney had no plans to release the second volume. However rumors have been circulating on the internet recently that Disney is planning to release Season 2 Volume 2 sometime in 2012. People support these claims by way of e-mails from Disney saying that they may release the remaining episodes but are unsure

I just emailed and asked, I also suggested Made on Demand or digital downloads they gave me this reply:

Dear GG,

Thank you for taking the time to contact us! We truly appreciate your interest in Gargoyles.

At this time, we have a 2012 tentative release set for Gargoyles. Also, we do not have any release information for additional seasons of Adventures of the Gummi Bears.

Although there is no additional information currently available, we would be more than happy to share this great suggestion with the rest of our team for future consideration! We truly appreciate the feedback from all of our guests!

You may also be interested in visiting our website at for updates and new title announcements.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to reply to this email. You may also contact us at 1-800-723-4763 (Canada: 1-888-877-2843), Monday 9:30-7:30 and Tuesday through Friday 9:30-6:30 CST.


Walt Disney Studios Distribution Consumer Relations

US and Canada

2012 release for the rest of Gargoyles?! smiley

Edited: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 10:01:52

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Tue, 14 Aug 2012 10:04:30

I also contacted Mill Creek to see if they were going to release Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors volume 2. They released vol 1 which was the first 4 discs but Shout Factory had already done that.

Good Morning GG,

Thank you for your interest in Mill Creek Entertainment and its line of products. We appreciate it when customers take the time to contact us with their comments, questions and suggestions. Details are currently being worked out for the Volume Two release of Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors. It appears to be slated for a possible release sometime in 2013. When the details have been worked out and the release has been finalized, information will be posted on our website at the appropriate time. We hope this information is helpful and please visit our website on a regular basis for new product announcements and other information.


Lyle Goff

Project Manager

Mill Creek Entertainment

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Wed, 15 Aug 2012 09:54:04


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Wed, 15 Aug 2012 11:49:16
aspro said:
Every animated series I see these days has the same problem of all other contemporary non-game art form.

It's the self-aware irony schtick. I'm SO sick of it. I'm afraid it will never go away.

Can't we just go back to enjoying things for what they are?

OMG Aspro I just watched the new Ultimate Spiderman series, first two episodes and it is SO like this it is intensely irritating. Evern minute it goes into this comedy stick with this constant overbearing narration and it's so fricking annoying. I had to turn it off midway through the second episode. How could they make this crap?

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