Ravenprose said:gamingeek said:Ariel is pretty hot though.Bah! Jasmine is way hotter.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all
gamingeek said:Ravenprose said:gamingeek said:Ariel is pretty hot though.Bah! Jasmine is way hotter.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all
She likes hairy men, I think Vader has a chance!

Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWell, I just saw Underground by Emir Kusturica.
And Wow
Yeah that's my review, there is no way I can explain this movie. Just wow, wtf did I watch?
I recommend it to you all, go watch it, and the music is awesome.
Okay time to stop procrastinating.
Time for 2 movie impressions
The Final Cut
This here is a hard Science Fiction movie. I am not talking about something like Star Wars that only takes place in space, but for the rest is a basic fantasy tale. No with hard SF, I mean that certain questions are being asked. What would happen if we could do this? How will people react on this? What would be the ethical consequences?
The Final Cut is ask such questions. The premise of the movie is the following. People can get a chip implanted in their heads when they are still foetuses. This Zoe chip will record everything in their lives. When they die a movie of their life will be played on their funeral.
Now as you can imagine no one has time to sit through 80 years of movies. There is where the cutters come in. They make a montage of peoples life, cutting out the bad parts and leaving only the good. Robin Williams plays Alan Hakman a cutter that takes on job of sick individuals. He basically makes Monsters look like Angels by cutting out all the bad parts. Like cutting out a part where a man abused his wife. Alan is asked to cut the life of a shady business man. What he sees there will change his life forever.
This movie ask many questions. If you know everything you do is being observed how does it influence your behaviour? Is it ethical to remove certain crimes and effectively rewrite history? If you are a hard SF fan you will probably enjoy this. The story itself is a bit boring and the actors and characters are a bit dry.
3/5 stars
This movie won the Oscar in 2006 and it shows. It is a very good movie. It's about the (real) writer Truman Capote. He reads in a news paper about a brutal murder of a farmers family. He decides to go there to write an article with his friend Harper Lee (the writer of "To Kill a Mockingbird"). Once there he meets one of the perpetrators and talks with him. He is so fascinated by him that he decides to spend more time with him. He gets so much information out of him that he decides that an article will not be enough. So his plan is to write a book. In this movie you follow the life of Capote as he writes this book.
This movie has everything. Good acting, story, interesting characters. It will grip you and not let go until it is done. Oscar worthy indeed (GTA4 )
Saw this:
Much better than I thought it would be. I suppose it seems better because Terminator 3 was so atrocious.
Suprisingly it wasn't good because of Bale. The other guy, Sam Worthington, I think IIRC the script was written about his character and when Bale came in and wanted to be Conner instead of the other guy, they rewrote the script. It means that the film feels a little fragmented at times, about two characters who only meet twice in the whole movie.
Yet it still succeeds. There is no stupidity which you would expect from MCG.
An arnie cameo, CGI that is.
It's pretty decent and the actor who plays a young Kyle Reese is awesome. He looks and sounds like a young Michael Biehn. That is cool.
I just saw Scorpion King 2: Rise of the Warrior
You know the one with Randy Couture.
Short review. Horrible story, horrible acting, horrible special effects, two hot chicks.
It's like watching a car crash. Horrible, but yet you must watch it.
1/5 and that's only because there are two hot chicks.
darthhomer said:Got done watching this:
Worth the fucking wait.
Iga_Bobovic said:I just saw Scorpion King 2: Rise of the Warrior
You know the one with Randy Couture.
Short review. Horrible story, horrible acting, horrible special effects, two hot chicks.
It's like watching a car crash. Horrible, but yet you must watch it.
1/5 and that's only because there are two hot chicks.
Isn't that what porn is for?
Okay time for some more movie reviews
Blood Diamond
I did not like the movie. It started nice, but it went sour right after it. The story is to chaotically told, most of the time you are not fully aware what happened. DiCaprio is not believable in his role. His accent does not sound Afrikaans. I know Dutch and Afrikaans is similar to that, it felt off. Lastly the plot is not really believable, so in short mediocre movie.
Children of Men
Now this is more like it. In the future whole civilizations collapse besides Great Britain and to make matter worse all females are infertile. The youngest citizen in the world is 18 years old. So basically all human are doomed. This movie is not about the technical side of SF. No there is no talk about why females are infertile. No this is purely about the human side. How will humans react when the whole society is fucked up? How will they act when they are the last stable country on earth? What will they do with the refugees?
Besides that this movie has a distinct visual side. They actually managed to get a chaotic war zone scene without the dreaded shaky cam technique. Oh my, you can actually see who is shooting who. Seriously the Shaky Cam can go to hell.
I will not spoil anything about the story.
So in short awesome movie
Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels
Now this movie is awesome.It's a British Crime movie that follows multiple criminal groups. It starts with many separate story lines that are woven together is a spectacular orgy of awesomeness. It can be difficult to follow, but eventually it all comes together.
4/5 the first time you watch it
5/5 the second time, this kind of movie get better after repeated watching.
Iga_Bobovic said:Well, I just saw Underground by Emir Kusturica.
And Wow
Yeah that's my review, there is no way I can explain this movie. Just wow, wtf did I watch?
I recommend it to you all, go watch it, and the music is awesome.
i watched it many years ago when it was first released. loved the music (i even bought the soundtrack on CD) some of bregovitz's best work.
it was really a WTF movie. i can understand it expresses how fucked up and what a big mess the war in former yugoslavia was but it is very difficult to decipher especially for an outsider. i will never forget the closing sequences with the wedding scenes and the under-water scenes
Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking BarrelsNow this movie is awesome.It's a British Crime movie that follows multiple criminal groups. It starts with many separate story lines that are woven together is a spectacular orgy of awesomeness. It can be difficult to follow, but eventually it all comes together.
4/5 the first time you watch it
5/5 the second time, this kind of movie get better after repeated watching.
This movie was fun upon release. lots of belly laughs, however it has not stood the test of time at all. right now i find most of it very cringe-worthy. reservoir dogs ... this ain't
bugsonglass said:Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking BarrelsNow this movie is awesome.It's a British Crime movie that follows multiple criminal groups. It starts with many separate story lines that are woven together is a spectacular orgy of awesomeness. It can be difficult to follow, but eventually it all comes together.
4/5 the first time you watch it
5/5 the second time, this kind of movie get better after repeated watching.
This movie was fun upon release. lots of belly laughs, however it has not stood the test of time at all. right now i find most of it very cringe-worthy. reservoir dogs ... this ain't
You can say that again.
Iga I seen all those and concur with your analysis.
I just saw XIII: The Conspiracy a movie of XIII the comic which was made into a game by Ubisoft. It was okay-ish. Watchable but not wholly faithful to the comic and not nearly as interesting.
I also saw Transformers 2 which is a giant turd of a film. Seriously, I liked the first movie, but this is TRASH. Frequently vulgar, sometimes racist, unbelievable, stupid, it descends into National Treasure, its godawful and I hope I never have to watch it ever again.
Okay time for my Avatar Review
I saw the movie in its Imax 3D form
Now, where do I start? We all heard about the special effects let's start with the story! The story is pretty generic tale. You have seen in thousand times before, but much better. The characters are bland, the plot is very predictable and there are some plot holes. Which is weird, you'd think Cameron would be able to make such a insultingly shallow plot at least plot hole free.
The plot actually begins promising. The mention things like the economy, they mention terror and pre-emptive strikes, they mention pillaging of natural sources and more. You would think that the movie would at least offer some social commentary. But instead we get the same thing we get from Grammaton_Cleric at the GGD. A simple movie interspersed with big words to sound intelligent. Like mister Crammaton's petty insult interspersed with big words.
The first half of the movie is somewhat interesting, but any goodwill it builds up is destroyed in the second part of the movie. Actually the movie could be pretty epic if they just ended it at the half-way. But Cameron probably wanted a fairy book ending and fucked up the movie. Yes the characters live happily ever after, but the movie dies a horrible death. The action scenes are actually to quote GG 'meh'. Totally devoid of excitement and character.
Well it not all bad. The visuals are epic. Although the 3D gimmick works well, by halfway of the movie you rather watch a 2D movie with a competent plot. The visuals are also awesome, the creatures of Pandora have a unique build, but the Discovery show "Alien Planet" had much more imaginative looking creatures. Someone should "3d-ize" these shows and put the in the theatre. Another thing they did well was not to rely on "in your face 3D" gimmick. You know where they throw stuff in your face to startle you. They overused that in the movie previews. Good thing they did not do that to Avatar. Sonic and Furries fan will be happy to hear that Cameron has designed the Na'vi just for you. Vader better get some tissues ready.
In short avatar is a crappy movie, somewhat saved by the 3d-ness and visuals. History will not be kind to this movie. Really, 3d is nice, but no substitute for a plot.
Interesting review of avatar. I want it to be great because of Camerons sci fi past. The effects and blue smurf characters look like ass though.
I saw Star Trek, not bad, pretty good. I think, as ever it's a bit overated. I like Kirk but the rest of the cast aren't great. The plot ends up being baddie with big weapon tries to destroy earth. I mean they could have done this with any trek crew. Sad that the Next Generation guys didn't get another crack of the whip.
I dont know what they are going to do for a sequel now that they've lost the gimmick of the origin story.
Anyhow, good stuff.
^I hoped you liked my Grammaton quip.
Oh, I forgot to tell you about the main villain. His defining characteristics are, he has scares on the side of his head, he likes his coffee and he can hold his breath for about a minute. Such a colourful character, don't you think?
Iga_Bobovic said:^I hoped you liked my Grammaton quip.
Oh, I forgot to tell you about the main villain. His defining characteristics are, he has scares on the side of his head, he likes his coffee and he can hold his breath for about a minute. Such a colourful character, don't you think?
So I'm guessing this is family friendly Star wars new trilogy in tone rather than Terminator ripping peoples hearts out scifi?