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No More Heroes Desperate Struggle Thread of European Triumph
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Sun, 06 Jun 2010 03:37:55

Iga_Bobovic said:

Well their logic is:

Our game are selling bad in the States and doing somewhat better in Europe.

You know what?! Let's close the European publishing branch.

They deserve to get bankrupt!


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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 11:20:46

bugsonglass said:

the 8 bit games are a nice touch but let's face it, NES games are boring, and having to play four levels of them for very little game currency in return is not so nice.  i think i preferred side-jobs in 3D like in the first game.  Also, where are the assassination missions?  they were almost always interesting and fun and it's how i made my money in the original.  have they done away with them completely?

the two bosses so far were pretty bad compared to almost all of the ones in the original.  50 cent had no real fight moves so to speak and the only challenge was avoiding the gadgetry in his level.  the robot fight was just a gimmick and not a very fun one.

must say i'm slightly disappointed even though i expect the game to pick up.  i'm also probably the only person who enjoyed hovering around santa destroy in the first game and i miss it in this game

 The NES games are very playable and infinetly preferable to the boring ass jobs in the original game IMO. Also, it's far easier to accumulate money in NMH2 over the first game. In the first game I managed to buy one new katana. In this game I have 4 katanas and a couple of expensive jackets already. And because the 8 bit games are a pleasure to pay, it never feels like the boring drudgery of the first games jobs and overworld.

They are actually very generous with the cash in this game. 

Seriously you liked riding the bike around an N64 game in the first? 

The Assasination missions are in the game and unlock after you beat a few more bosses, they are called Revenge Missions now and they are better than the missions in the first game by far. Mainly because there are no one hit deaths and you can retry instantly. 

50 cent boss was and is the worst part of the whole game. 

Graveyard boss was where the game got awesome for me and it continues on from there. 

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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 11:58:46

yeah i realised that about the revenge missions.  they are sort of similar to the assassination missions, only so far (i have done six or seven of them) a lot less varied, ... and you get no money from them (and you do them once and they disappear).  in the first one assassination jobs were for money and you could do them ad infinitum (i could make 120k with a one minute assassination mission)... i got all the katanas, all the upgrade parts (even the infinite battery charge) and very nearly all of the clothes.  i can't get shit in this game.  the NES games pay next to nothing and apart from the steak one they are all awful.

so far, i really like the meat of the game, but the side things are far better in the original


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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 12:40:52

bugsonglass said:

yeah i realised that about the revenge missions.  they are sort of similar to the assassination missions, only so far (i have done six or seven of them) a lot less varied, ... and you get no money from them (and you do them once and they disappear).  in the first one assassination jobs were for money and you could do them ad infinitum (i could make 120k with a one minute assassination mission)... i got all the katanas, all the upgrade parts (even the infinite battery charge) and very nearly all of the clothes.  i can't get shit in this game.  the NES games pay next to nothing and apart from the steak one they are all awful.

so far, i really like the meat of the game, but the side things are far better in the original

 In the first game I would drive to an assasination mission, which was a horrible experience because of how the overworld was executed. I would sit through a load for the mission to start, it was say something like "kill everyone without getting hit" and I would get hit. Hrm And then my face was like this and I gave up on them. 

The NES games here are awesome and I don't even like NES games. The steak game is the easiest one button game there is LOL No way is that the best. The tile laying and pipe laying are my favourites and then the bug hunt. 

You can accumulate a lot of cash from them, but if you don't like them then I guess you're going to miss out on the items, yeah. 

Seriously though, how awesome was that haunted house boss? Grinning

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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 13:16:42
totally amazing boss.  at first i was trying to use evasive tactics and he was pounding me hard.  in the end I went all out and gave him all I had and it worked much better.


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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 13:49:17

bugsonglass said:
totally amazing boss.  at first i was trying to use evasive tactics and he was pounding me hard.  in the end I went all out and gave him all I had and it worked much better.

I smashed most objects to give me running room, then hid like a coward in the back room to recharge. Grinning

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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 14:14:44

What is your favourite outfit from the game?

I like the purple jacket with all the arty detail on the reverse.

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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 20:53:18

gamingeek said:

What is your favourite outfit from the game?

I like the purple jacket with all the arty detail on the reverse.

 i've bought like two outfits in NMH2, i'm constantly broke.  Wish I could transfer my wardrobe from the first game, I had everything.

right now i've been wearing a black leather studded jacket and the pink panda t-shirt (because i'm cool like that).

i played just a little bit today, finished the second fight as shinobu.  i don't know who or what spoilt it for me but I knew that guy would return as a boss here.  but it was alright at least, played different than the first game


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Tue, 08 Jun 2010 13:19:27

bugsonglass said:

gamingeek said:

What is your favourite outfit from the game?

I like the purple jacket with all the arty detail on the reverse.

i've bought like two outfits in NMH2, i'm constantly broke.  Wish I could transfer my wardrobe from the first game, I had everything.

right now i've been wearing a black leather studded jacket and the pink panda t-shirt (because i'm cool like that).

i played just a little bit today, finished the second fight as shinobu.  i don't know who or what spoilt it for me but I knew that guy would return as a boss here.  but it was alright at least, played different than the first game

Er... it was probably me who spoilt that boss fight. I posted a pic. It suprised me though because there were two.

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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 19:49:00

Amidst all the E3 and world cup brouhaha as well as getting SMG2 I've been playing some of this.  I've made rank 3 so apparently I have just two more fights to go plus the inevitable (and mostly welcome) extra boss.

My impressions are pretty consistent with last time I wrote.  The boss fights are great.  As good as the ones in the first game.  They present the right amount of challenge and they are pretty inventive.  Everything else about this game is worse than the first game, much worse.  The revenge battles are all the same 2 types.  Kill everyone within the time limit, or kill one target guy while a bunch of other goons are in the way trying to kill you.  Gone is the incredible variety of the assassination missions from the first game.  The side jobs are stupid NES games, agh. The gym guy with the cat-suit is as funny as ryu from the original but the gym upgrades are a real pain and you can waste a lot of very hard earned cash trying to get them (in fact i've given up on the stupidly difficult strength upgrades).  Money is almost impossible to come by, so no clothes for me, or light-sabre upgrades which such big time.  It's a good thing you don't have to pay to enter ranked fights or I would have given up on this game long ago.

The plot (whatever plot NMH has) is also pretty stagnant for some time now.  Hopefully something will happen though I doubt it'll be anything too exciting or unpredictable.

I will play it to see the remaining bosses and the ending but i'm quite a bit disappointed by this game.  I guess my expectations were too high from having loved the first one so much, and everybody saying this was so much better.  it's not better, not even as good.


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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 21:14:16

bugsonglass said:

Amidst all the E3 and world cup brouhaha as well as getting SMG2 I've been playing some of this.  I've made rank 3 so apparently I have just two more fights to go plus the inevitable (and mostly welcome) extra boss.

My impressions are pretty consistent with last time I wrote.  The boss fights are great.  As good as the ones in the first game.  They present the right amount of challenge and they are pretty inventive.  Everything else about this game is worse than the first game, much worse.  The revenge battles are all the same 2 types.  Kill everyone within the time limit, or kill one target guy while a bunch of other goons are in the way trying to kill you.  Gone is the incredible variety of the assassination missions from the first game.  The side jobs are stupid NES games, agh. The gym guy with the cat-suit is as funny as ryu from the original but the gym upgrades are a real pain and you can waste a lot of very hard earned cash trying to get them (in fact i've given up on the stupidly difficult strength upgrades).  Money is almost impossible to come by, so no clothes for me, or light-sabre upgrades which such big time.  It's a good thing you don't have to pay to enter ranked fights or I would have given up on this game long ago.

The plot (whatever plot NMH has) is also pretty stagnant for some time now.  Hopefully something will happen though I doubt it'll be anything too exciting or unpredictable.

I will play it to see the remaining bosses and the ending but i'm quite a bit disappointed by this game.  I guess my expectations were too high from having loved the first one so much, and everybody saying this was so much better.  it's not better, not even as good.

 That's weird, I hear some people with your impressions on GAF. My experience has been very different and is in line with the majority of reviews. They've cut out all the BS and boredom and make everything more awesome. I love the minigames, I much, much prefer the revenge missions over the assasination missions of the first game. I find it much easier to get cash in this game because of the side jobs being so much more pleasurable. Just really opposite to you. 

The first game's weakness was the cruddy overworld, the boring side jobs, the frustrating assasination missions, the sometimes shoddy presentation. All of that has been cut out or improved. I can't find much to complain about with this game apart from the lack of proper intros and death scenes for the bosses. 

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Sat, 19 Jun 2010 10:01:20

Finished the game with just over 12 hours on my save file (i took much longer to do the first game as I did a lot more stuff besides ranked fights).  Started again on "bitter" and killed helter skelter but i am not going to play on for another playthrough.

the game is great.  loved most boss/ranked-fights as well as the sections leading up to them.  the final boss was a little bit of a let-down but the second to last was very enjoyable so it was ok.

i've said many times in this thread all the things i didn't like about this sequel and how that left me slightly disappointed, so i won't repeat myself.  the essence of the game is still great.

if suda ever makes "no more heroes 3" i'll be happy to get it.

now what to play next?  decisions decisions.  suppose i should try again with sin and punishment though i'm useless at that game


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Sat, 19 Jun 2010 19:22:05
Thanks for not spoiling it. I'm on the boss at the top of the apartment.

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Tue, 22 Jun 2010 12:33:39
I want to talk to you guys about that one part toward the end.  The cutscene.

I guess we'll wait for Geek to finish it (unless you pledge to stay out of the thread until you finish GG).
Edited: Tue, 22 Jun 2010 12:34:20

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Tue, 22 Jun 2010 12:35:22

gamingeek said:
Thanks for not spoiling it. I'm on the boss at the top of the apartment.

Did you beat her?  That was the one that glitched on me (I took a point off my score for that).  I got stuck inside one of the air conditioning units. (half in half out).

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Tue, 22 Jun 2010 14:23:16

aspro said:

gamingeek said:
Thanks for not spoiling it. I'm on the boss at the top of the apartment.

Did you beat her?  That was the one that glitched on me (I took a point off my score for that).  I got stuck inside one of the air conditioning units. (half in half out).

Haven't got back to it yet. I got stuck on a couple of bosses in a couple of different games. Been distracted by Galaxy 2 as well.

Just mark your post as spoilers and I wont read it. Happy

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Tue, 22 Jun 2010 14:30:57

aspro said:

gamingeek said:
Thanks for not spoiling it. I'm on the boss at the top of the apartment.

Did you beat her?  That was the one that glitched on me (I took a point off my score for that).  I got stuck inside one of the air conditioning units. (half in half out).

 the asian warrior guy with the motorbike glitched on me.  it was my one and only time during the entire game.  It was pretty annoying too.  The game froze just as I delivered the final blow, and it had been a pretty lengthy fight.  I had, prior to that, had to pause the game for a while though as I went to lunch so maybe that affected it, but it shouldn't have.

I loved the fight on the roof of the housing estate.  Geek did you mean her with the multiple light-sabres or the one with the scythe?  (loved both)  I think both were on rooftops (?).  Hope i'm not spoiling anything.


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Tue, 22 Jun 2010 14:38:24

bugsonglass said:

aspro said:

gamingeek said:
Thanks for not spoiling it. I'm on the boss at the top of the apartment.

Did you beat her?  That was the one that glitched on me (I took a point off my score for that).  I got stuck inside one of the air conditioning units. (half in half out).

the asian warrior guy with the motorbike glitched on me.  it was my one and only time during the entire game.  It was pretty annoying too.  The game froze just as I delivered the final blow, and it had been a pretty lengthy fight.  I had, prior to that, had to pause the game for a while though as I went to lunch so maybe that affected it, but it shouldn't have.

I loved the fight on the roof of the housing estate.  Geek did you mean her with the multiple light-sabres or the one with the scythe?  (loved both)  I think both were on rooftops (?).  Hope i'm not spoiling anything.

The second one. Not shopping center woman.

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Tue, 22 Jun 2010 20:44:05
I'll wait patiently.  It's a true spoiler, the kind that would really spoil.

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Thu, 24 Jun 2010 10:53:59

aspro said:
I'll wait patiently.  It's a true spoiler, the kind that would really spoil.

 It may be a while. I have SMG2. 

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