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Geek vs Vader (Rogue Squadron) Why Dvader sucks hairy balls thread
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Fri, 19 Jun 2009 21:13:09


Daaaaaaaaaaaaa daaaaaaa da da daaaaaaaaaaaaa daaaaaaaaaa.

Say the line Chris, say the line.


Doooooooooo it!


PS3 sucks! Down with the evil empire! Dry balls for the win!


Oh no he didn't.

Edited: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 21:17:20

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Fri, 19 Jun 2009 21:21:07

gamingeek said:

You know what's sad? I spent a lot of time centering the text and changing the size to make it looks like the Star Wars text fading into the background. But no matter how many times you center align something with this editor, it still comes out left aligned.

 Yeah, I've even tried toggling the editor, and adding html tags to center lines. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.

The VG Press

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Fri, 19 Jun 2009 23:22:03

Arrrrrrgh! You have broken me GG, you a very cruel man indeed.


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Fri, 19 Jun 2009 23:37:01


"A gamer must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away... to the past, to outdated tech. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What gen he was in. Hmph. Crappy graphics. Heh. Waggle. Heh. A gamer craves not these things. You are casual.”


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Fri, 19 Jun 2009 23:46:07


This technological terror you've created is insignificant next to the power of the waggle.

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Sat, 20 Jun 2009 00:00:48

The real reason Han shot first:

Greedo: "Rogue Squadron 4 should be on the Wii."

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Sat, 20 Jun 2009 01:16:09
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Sat, 20 Jun 2009 04:01:16

Archangel3371 said:

LOL Funny stuff but my mind cannot be swayed so easily.

 You want RS4 on the wii.

Dvader said:


"A gamer must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away... to the past, to outdated tech. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What gen he was in. Hmph. Crappy graphics. Heh. Waggle. Heh. A gamer craves not these things. You are casual.”


 But he's holding a freaking wii-remote! 

Anyway the best Star Wars games were always on PC. Fact. So therefore RS on the wii would be even better. Joystick>wii-remote as well. It's perfect.

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Sat, 20 Jun 2009 06:28:34
Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

You know what's sad? I spent a lot of time centering the text and changing the size to make it looks like the Star Wars text fading into the background. But no matter how many times you center align something with this editor, it still comes out left aligned.

 Yeah, I've even tried toggling the editor, and adding html tags to center lines. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.

I find your lack of XHTML disturbing
Edited: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 06:30:23


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:13:10

Yodariquo said:
Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

You know what's sad? I spent a lot of time centering the text and changing the size to make it looks like the Star Wars text fading into the background. But no matter how many times you center align something with this editor, it still comes out left aligned.

 Yeah, I've even tried toggling the editor, and adding html tags to center lines. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.

I find your lack of XHTML disturbing

Hmm, I guess I was using the wrong tag! LOL
Live and learn, I guess.
Edited: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:18:38

The VG Press

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Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:22:30

gamingeek said:

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away....

There was the evil PS3 empire, ruled with an iron fist by a gimp in a black mask. His name was D.Vader. He wore all leather to hide his hideously disfigured face.

Occasionally Sonic would give him head.

Back in the rebel stronghold Luke Geekwalker

pondered why the Evil Empire would

endorse the sucking of hairy balls.

Even Chewbacca disagreed

with the idea....

The ball sucking empire argued that Rogue Squadron had gone as far as it could go on Wii level hardware, that the controls could add nothing. That an HD remake of the big battles from the Star Wars films were what was needed.

Obi Wang gave counsel to Geekwalker and said no. The old ways are better. Why build a Deathstar with a massive weakness (like the PS3) when you can rely on a lightsabre (wii dildo like thing)?

The fight had begun, where will the trilogy take us? Hopefully away from the hairy balls I see in the corner (Han Steelo please put them away)

 Here ya go, GG. Grinning

Edited: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 08:29:08

The VG Press

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Sat, 20 Jun 2009 15:22:17

Awesome Raven. As for the rest of you, you tards have got me wondering if you have even seen Star Wars Nyaa

Dvader is named after Darth Vader, so he is evil and on the Emporers side. The PS3 is the huge, powerful dark, monolithic Death Star. The Wii remote is the handle of a lightsabre obviously and Dvader being Darth Vader means the opposing side have to be the cooler and better looking rebels right. Nyaa

The Wii tech is like the rebel tech, dirty and cobbled together from old parts and yet outmoves the new expensive, shiney Galactic empire tech.

And yet now we have Travo using Darth Vader on the side of waggle and Dvader using Han and Yoda on the side of SixASSis. Cats and dogs living together, you guys are blowing my mind!

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Sat, 20 Jun 2009 15:27:28

A gamer must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away... to the past, to outdated tech. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What gen he was in. Hmph. Crappy graphics. Heh. Waggle. Heh. A gamer craves not these things. You are casual.

And you're bald, but do I come to where you work and knock the stick out of your hand? And would you please stop "guarding" my pants please?

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Sat, 20 Jun 2009 21:35:42

gamingeek said:

Awesome Raven. As for the rest of you, you tards have got me wondering if you have even seen Star Wars Nyaa

Dvader is named after Darth Vader, so he is evil and on the Emporers side. The PS3 is the huge, powerful dark, monolithic Death Star. The Wii remote is the handle of a lightsabre obviously and Dvader being Darth Vader means the opposing side have to be the cooler and better looking rebels right. Nyaa

The Wii tech is like the rebel tech, dirty and cobbled together from old parts and yet outmoves the new expensive, shiney Galactic empire tech.

And yet now we have Travo using Darth Vader on the side of waggle and Dvader using Han and Yoda on the side of SixASSis. Cats and dogs living together, you guys are blowing my mind!

I'm just using whatever works. Nyaa

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Sun, 21 Jun 2009 13:15:22

Damn there are so many legitimate reasons why Rogue Squadron should be on Wii, but if I get into it I would be typing this mega post that I really cannot be bothered to do.

I will try and lightly summarise why.

Economic and development reasons. F5 tried going next gen, they failed, it put them on the road to bankruptcy. After Lair, a flight game really there is no reason to anticipate a big budget flight game from them. They also seemed enamoured with tilt controls and might do it again. Failure.

Cost. Notice something recentely? Lucasarts are cheap bastards. Your chance at epic space battles was canned with Battlefront 3, they canned the next gen Indy. They canned the force unleashed studio before the game was even released.

Rogue squadron on Wii was perhaps your most realitic chance at seeing a classic movie space shooter this generation full stop. The game on Wii would cost anything between half to a quarter of what a cross platform big budget title would cost.

Next up is experience, F5 were GC wizards, the games already looked spectacular, already used hundreds (300 +) ships at once and they have said that the wii is much more advanced and can do so much more. Shader effects from other systems and with insane fill rates. Fill rates means more pixels, more pixels means more detail, insane fill rates means insane detail. Dream memory and a faster processor means "much more advanced" things. More and better looking.

Another great point is that from their own mouths: their Wii engine could do "everything our PS3 engine could do and then some". This is their own statement, if that is true, then this magical notion we have in our heads that everything will be better with F5 on more powerful hardware, is false. If their engine did the same and "then some" if you had 500 ships on PS3 you would have 502 ships on Wii. Obviously with different graphical levels. (Dont make me roll my eyes at you!)

They were already evolving the games, forgetting about the 3rd person combat, the land based vehicle combat was actually rather good. If they went back and used 3rd person combat, it could work if they did it like GTA. Realtime, swapping between vehicles, seamless integration of on foot and air based combat. Land on the ground, run into a building, shoot some stormtroopers and jump in a ship and take off again. Or how about a move where you jump from your ship in mid air with a rocket pack on and land on another mid-air vehicle? Pull out your lightsabre, hack open the cockpit, throw the other guy out and take the seat.

Next point, rogue squadron is NOT about recreating the old movies endlessly. If you only played the cube games, think again. The N64 has all original levels, the games are about being in the classic star wars universe. Post Rebel Strike F5 made clear that they had covered the trilogy and were satisfied with the result. No I dont want to see HD recreation of things I've already played. I've seen Bespin, get something original please. Games like X-Wing and the following games had things like experimental ships. Why can't RS go off tanget? X-wings always fire from the center? Well as a fan you might get pissed off if things were different, but as a gamer I want what's best for the game and if that means putting in far more accurate control, with a little artistic licence (for instance independantly moving cannons) so be it.

The pointer can be used for many better things, 3rd person combat which actually works, or in ships with two characters, 2 player modes with a secondary gunner who only handles shooting. How about using the pointer to hit weak spots on AT ATs with a tow cable, you could even get a birds eye view and literally draw the cable around its feet. What about B-Wings with secondary gunners? Or tractor beams by using the depth positioning of the wii remote? Or hell, make the pilot a jedi so powerful he can reach out and using Elebits style physics manipulate the enemy ships into smashing into each other with the pointer?

Or what about emergency repairs? Your ship is damaged mid flight? Hell then in a Metroid Prime 3 like fashion, put yourself into R2D2 mode and get out your welder to repair the pipeline.

Or even use the tow cable to swoop in low to pick up cargo drops. There is a ton of potential if you have a creative mind. What about a more tacticle Rogue Squadron where you can use the pointer to plot out and plan attacks, or point and click your squad to do what you want them to?

Another point, it's not irrational to me to want to see the 4th game of a nintendo only series so far, being on the next nintendo console. F5 are tech wizards that even contributed to the GC Musyx sound library. RS is a Nintendo series and F5 had a go at another console and failed. They were making three flight games that we know of. Superman which WAS your next gen flight game. A pilotwings style title on Wii and RS on Wii.

Lastly, if you read F5's interviews on their wii games, re-creating the same old design with fancy graphics was never on the agenda. They said that they were going to push the tech as far as possible, but what they also said was that they were looking for innovation in pointing controls, accesibility and much more.

This is a summary, christ.

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Sun, 21 Jun 2009 19:57:48

You honestly spent three paragraphs on the companies well being. I dont care about the economics of this, I am a gamer, this is strictly about making the game. You are not a Factor 5 employee, their finacial situation has nothing to do with this argument. This is strictly an argument as to which platform benefits Rogue Squadron as a game the most.

You believe there complete utter bullshit statement about the PS3 and the Wii. The wii is not that much more powerful than a GC. If the best F5 can do on the PS3 can be done on the Wii then they suck ass as programers.

"Or how about a move where you jump from your ship in mid air with a rocket pack on and land on another mid-air vehicle? Pull out your lightsabre, hack open the cockpit, throw the other guy out and take the seat. "

Yeah that would look amazing... on the PS3.

"No I dont want to see HD recreation of things I've already played. I've seen Bespin, get something original please. Games like X-Wing and the following games had things like experimental ships. Why can't RS go off tanget? X-wings always fire from the center? Well as a fan you might get pissed off if things were different, but as a gamer I want what's best for the game and if that means putting in far more accurate control, with a little artistic licence (for instance independantly moving cannons) so be it. "

This is where you lose me completely. Sure you can do stuff outside the movies, all their games have done so but while maintaining some areas from the movie. Yes there can be new ships. But the second you make it about moving a cursor around the screen to shoot rather than moving your ship around to shoot then its Panzer Dragoon and not a flight combat game. The whole point of this type of game is to have flight combat, the basis of flight combat is to get behind your opponent to get a shot at them. You can not magically fire diagonally, it makes absolutely no sense in the context of what genre this is. You want to make a different game in a different genre fine, keep that away from a flight combat game. You MUST steer your ship to shoot at enemies, that is the entire basis of the gameplay.

The pointer can be used for many better things, 3rd person combat which actually works, or in ships with two characters, 2 player modes with a secondary gunner who only handles shooting. How about using the pointer to hit weak spots on AT ATs with a tow cable, you could even get a birds eye view and literally draw the cable around its feet. What about B-Wings with secondary gunners? Or tractor beams by using the depth positioning of the wii remote? Or hell, make the pilot a jedi so powerful he can reach out and using Elebits style physics manipulate the enemy ships into smashing into each other with the pointer?

Or what about emergency repairs? Your ship is damaged mid flight? Hell then in a Metroid Prime 3 like fashion, put yourself into R2D2 mode and get out your welder to repair the pipeline.

Or even use the tow cable to swoop in low to pick up cargo drops. There is a ton of potential if you have a creative mind. What about a more tacticle Rogue Squadron where you can use the pointer to plot out and plan attacks, or point and click your squad to do what you want them to?

Now this is good stuff.  If they can make the entire game interesting with new gameplay like this then I can see it being done on wii. But if its only going to be used a few times and the majority be the same gameplay that we have seen before, I feel its still more beneficial to the game to be on one of the HD systems to get the most out of the flight combat.

As for it being on Nintendo, thats nice and cute but again irrelevant to the discussion. The reason F5 failed on the PS3 is cause they did not have the SW license. Strip that away from them and none of their games would ever be big sellers.  You know what, screw Factor 5. Give another dev a chance to make an awesome X-Wing combat game, something that is a hybrid between X-Wing and Rogue Squadron.

Edited: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 19:58:58
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Sun, 21 Jun 2009 21:35:21

Dvader said:

You honestly spent three paragraphs on the companies well being. I dont care about the economics of this, I am a gamer, this is strictly about making the game. You are not a Factor 5 employee, their finacial situation has nothing to do with this argument. This is strictly an argument as to which platform benefits Rogue Squadron as a game the most.

 You don't care! Actually you do care, you want RS, and you will not get it! Why, economics!

Kind of rich, that a guy who always talk about NPD sales and makes the NPD thread on the GGD suddenly does not care about sales or economics!

Dvader said:

Yeah that would look amazing... on the PS3.

 And it would look even better on the PC. But somehow you are against that, why is that? 

Edited: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 21:37:37
The VG Press
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Mon, 22 Jun 2009 02:36:58

Iga_Bobovic said:

Dvader said:

You honestly spent three paragraphs on the companies well being. I dont care about the economics of this, I am a gamer, this is strictly about making the game. You are not a Factor 5 employee, their finacial situation has nothing to do with this argument. This is strictly an argument as to which platform benefits Rogue Squadron as a game the most.

 You don't care! Actually you do care, you want RS, and you will not get it! Why, economics!

Kind of rich, that a guy who always talk about NPD sales and makes the NPD thread on the GGD suddenly does not care about sales or economics!

Dvader said:

Yeah that would look amazing... on the PS3.

 And it would look even better on the PC. But somehow you are against that, why is that? 

 Çause PC sucks ass thats why. Make it on PC, it will be ported to consoles anyway.

I care about the numbers when the discussion is about the numbers, in this case its a fantasy thread about making the best version of a 4th RS game that is not happening. If you want to make the serious Factor 5 buisness thread the go ahead. Even so, making the game for the PS3. 360 and PC will net Factor 5 far better sales than what they would get on the Wii.

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Mon, 22 Jun 2009 05:34:10

Yep, a gimped version will be! WinkWink

It's like people saying MGS4 looked better than Crysis Warhead in the GOTY vote last year. No way.

I suppose we'll have to see how Crysis 2 turns out, though.

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Mon, 22 Jun 2009 07:22:33

Dvader said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

Dvader said:

You honestly spent three paragraphs on the companies well being. I dont care about the economics of this, I am a gamer, this is strictly about making the game. You are not a Factor 5 employee, their finacial situation has nothing to do with this argument. This is strictly an argument as to which platform benefits Rogue Squadron as a game the most.

 You don't care! Actually you do care, you want RS, and you will not get it! Why, economics!

Kind of rich, that a guy who always talk about NPD sales and makes the NPD thread on the GGD suddenly does not care about sales or economics!

Dvader said:

Yeah that would look amazing... on the PS3.

 And it would look even better on the PC. But somehow you are against that, why is that? 

 Çause PC sucks ass thats why. Make it on PC, it will be ported to consoles anyway.

I care about the numbers when the discussion is about the numbers, in this case its a fantasy thread about making the best version of a 4th RS game that is not happening. If you want to make the serious Factor 5 buisness thread the go ahead. Even so, making the game for the PS3. 360 and PC will net Factor 5 far better sales than what they would get on the Wii.

 Yeah it's a fantasy thing, right? Well the best version will be a PC exclusive version. Please don't tell me you actually thing the 360 and PS3 are actually comparable to a top of the line PC.

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