Monster Hunter World impressions
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Praise be to RNGesus, I’ve acquired my large gold crown for Kirin which finishes my achievements for Monster Hunter World. Bring on Iceborne!
Have I told you guys how awesome Iceborne is? Well it is totally awesome.
So much content. So any cool looking sets of armour. So many monsters to fight. So very addictive.
Uggghhhh I still have to play Iceborne at some point. I started it up and died repeatedly during the first battle with that snow shark thing (really should have gotten some practice before I dived back in). After that I just put it away and forgot about it.
Well, we started Iceborne a week or 2 ago. I'm very happy that the new area's aren't as disorienting as some of the base game, which was something I thoroughly disliked. We've just fought our first Barioth and they're just as big of a pain in the ass as I remember them. Pouncing around all the time, never sitting still for me to hit them with huge hammer. Good times.
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Today was a good day of hunting monsters. Finally got my miniature crown achievement and I only need a gold large crown for Kirin to get the large crown achievement which will be the final achievement for Monster Hunter World.
I also finally beat Behemoth so now too will that Final Fantasy theme stop playing for me as well. Yay!