Forum > Gaming Discussion > Splatoon 2: This year you will get splatted by me
Splatoon 2: This year you will get splatted by me
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Fri, 06 Oct 2017 16:30:16

What's going on with Splatoon 2s userbase?

We knew Snipers were shit this time and the stages weren't suited to them. And yet recentely there is this massive influx of snipers and they are all shit.

On the one hand it's welcome as you aren't just facing off against 4 x machine gun users constantly. But then, it's become a bit like Splatoon 1 now, you are a victim of the matchmaking. And it aint great. Just as many disconnections as Splatoon 1.

3 rollers and a sniper vs 4 machine guns? wtf? 2 snipers and two rollers vs 4x machine gun users? what what?

I just wish they would share out the exotic weapons instead of grouping us all together for a pummeling.

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Fri, 06 Oct 2017 23:12:23
Just tried the new stage.  Meh.  It's too square and too flat.  There's no flow to the play, you just run around freely till you bump into an opponent.

Original Splatoon's stages were so much better than what we got so far in this game.
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Sat, 07 Oct 2017 15:43:34
Generally I agree but one night I was trying to process starfish stage and there is a lot of work put into it

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Sun, 08 Oct 2017 20:09:14

I was just looking at a list of all stages in Splatoon and Splatoon2, to try and figure out what feels off about the Splatoon2 stages.  I  haven't come to a conclusive answer.  What I thought I liked about the original stages, namely that they consisted of 2 or 3 'lanes' that you needed to keep an eye on while battling back and forth, is also true for most stages in the sequel.  I guess the main thing is that 2's stages tend to be, or at least, feel more open and larger, while at the mean time less vertical.  Where's the equivalent to something like Flaunder Heights?

Also, I only managed to play 15 minutes of splatfest.  The shifty stage was pretty great this time.  Not too big, with clear views and ample opportunity for small, cover based squidmishes.

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Mon, 09 Oct 2017 12:09:48
It's. Bottlenecks and quirks. Splatoon 1 had bottlenecks where you could dominate and contro the match. The new stages are all pro machine guns. I'm still waiting on a carbon roller variant which isn't a piece of ****

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Mon, 09 Oct 2017 12:10:40
Did you notice, shifty station is different for every splatfest. Not just rearranged. Actually a new stage.

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Mon, 09 Oct 2017 18:06:23

I was a Splatfest King, nabbed 21 sea snails.

My team backroll lost angry jeez, how many people are frontrollers?

I like the new stage now. It works for my two go to weapon types and has a great mounting place for the Gatling.

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Mon, 09 Oct 2017 19:23:12

Splatoon 2 - Version 1.4 patch notes

Version 1.4.0 (Arriving October 11):


Part 1:

- Some main weapons have been adjusted.


- Range increased by 6%.

- Ink spread per shot increased (unspecified)

.52 Gal:

- Range increased by 6% (but this range change covers falloff damage under 50.0 only).

N-Zap '85:

- Weight class changed from normal to light (a la Splattershot Jr., Splash-O-Matic, etc.). As a result, non-shooting run speed and overall swim speed are increased.

- Movement speed while shooting increased by 5%.

- Adjusted to paint under the feet better.

Splattershot Pro / Forge:

- Shot velocity increased by 67%.

- Randomness in aim reduced by 10%. From a jump, this is reduced by 40%.

- Movement speed while shooting increased by 10%.

- Ink spread per shot increased by 2%.

.96 Gal:

- Damage per shot increased from 52.0 to 62.0.

- Randomness in aim (while on ground) reduced by 8%. From a jump, this is 14%.

H-3 Nozzlenose:

- Shot velocity increased by 25%.

- Reduced time taken to start to reduce randomness in aim to normal when landing from a jump by 5/60 sec. The process itself is also reduced by 15/60 sec.

- Adjusted to paint under the feet better.

Clash Blaster:

- Increased blast radius by 14%.

- Ink spread per blast increased (unspecified)

Carbon Roller:

- Reaches maximum speed when rolling 1 second faster.

- Increased ink spread close to the player when performing a horizontal flick.

- Damage against ballers increased by 40% when performing a horizontal or vertical flick.

Splat Roller/Krak-On/Hero:

- Increased width of paint roll by 8% when rolling at maximum speed.

- Increased ink spread close to the player when performing a horizontal flick.

- Damage against ballers increased by 40% when performing a horizontal or vertical flick.

Dynamo Roller:

- Increased width of paint roll by 13% when rolling at maximum speed.

- Increased ink spread when performing a horizontal flick from a height gap.

- Damage against ballers increased by 60% when performing a horizontal or vertical flick.

Flingza Roller:

- Movement speed increased when preparing to perform a horizontal or vertical flick.

- Increased ink spread close to the player when performing a horizontal flick.

- Increased painting range of horizontal flick by 17%. Range for maximum damage increased by 25%.

- Damage against ballers increased by 40% when performing a horizontal or vertical flick.


- When rolling with the brush, the player is no longer affected by enemy ink on the ground.

- Damage against ballers increased by 40% when flicking.


- Damage against ballers increased by 40% when flicking.

Classic Squiffer, Splat Charger/Firefin/Hero, Splatterscope/Firefin:

- Damage against ballers increased by 30%.

E-Liter 4K/Scope:

- Increased shot width when shooting a wall by 33%.

- Damage against ballers increased by 30%.

Bamboozler 14 Mk I:

- Movement speed while charging a shot increased by 50%.

- Damage against ballers increased by 30%.

Goo Tuber:

- Added ability to store charge even when a shot is not fully charged.

- Reduced time between coming out of a charge store and shooting by 5/60 sec.

- Increased fully charged shot damage from 160.0 to 180.0.

- Damage against ballers increased by 30%.

Mini Splatling:

- Damage increased from 28.0 to 32.0.

- Movement speed while charging increased by 17%, and 14% when shooting.

Dapple Dualies, Splat Dualies/Enperry/Hero:

- Reduced delay after a dodge roll to performing another action by 8/60 sec.

Dualie Squelchers:

- Increased ink bullet radius by 9%.

- Reduced delay after a dodge roll to performing another action by 8/60 sec.

- Added ability to move slightly during the dodge roll delay.

Splat Brella/Hero:

- Reduced time taken to open the umbrella by 8/60 sec.

- Reduced time taken to launch the umbrella by 10/60 sec.

- Increased movement speed while the umbrella is open by 38%.

- Increased minimum splash damage from 15.0 to 18.0.

- Reduced damage taken from shooters (excluding blasters), splatlings, and dualies on the umbrella by 30%.

- Umbrella no longer breaks when coming in contact with the Baller.

- Splash damage against ballers increased by 30%.

Tenta Brella:

- Reduced time taken to return to normal movement speed from shooting by 10/60 sec.

- Increased minimum splash damage from 15.0 to 17.5.

- Increased maximum damage from a direct hit from 120.0 to 122.5.

- Reduced damage taken from shooters (excluding blasters), splatlings, and dualies on the umbrella by 30%.

- Umbrella no longer breaks when coming in contact with the Baller.

- Splash damage against ballers increased by 30%.

Aerospray MG/RG:

- Reduced ink shot radius by 10%.

- Reduced splash/stray ink droplet radius by 8%.

- Reduced frequency of splash/stray ink by 13%.

Sloshing Machine:

- Reduced inking radius when the center area of the slosh hits the ground by 20%.

Part 2:

- Some special weapons have been adjusted.

Tenta Missiles:

- Damage against ballers increased by 50%.

Sting Ray:

- Outlines on enemies behind walls and terrain appear starting 23% closer.

- Damage against ballers increased by 100%.

Curling Bomb Launcher:

- Curling bombs deployed without holding ZR down travel 50% longer.

Ink Storm:

- Damage against ballers increased by 150%.

Bubble Blower:

- Increased effectiveness of ally shots by 20%.

- Reduced delay switching back to the main weapon by 20/60 sec.

- Damage against ballers increased by 100%.


- Blast damage against other ballers increased by 150%.

- Made the sound of the baller moving around easier to hear.

- Reduced minimum splash damage radius by 14%. (**With all 3 mains and 9 subs equipped with Special Power Up, it would equal the same radius as its previous normal size pre-patch.)

Part 3:

- Some gear abilities have been adjusted.

Ink Saver (Main):

- Ability effectiveness in lower quantities increased for the following weapons:

- Splattershot Pro/Forge

- Luna Blaster

- H-3 Nozzlenose

- Dynamo Roller

- E-Liter 4K/Scope

- Tenta Brella

Run Speed Up:

- Effectiveness on all splatlings increased by 20%.

Special Power Up:


- Increased Tenta Missiles reticle size increase by 67%.

- Added a second boost to Ink Armor; the delay between activation and armor is reduced.

- Inkjet blast radius increase added. In exchange, the duration boost is shortened by 50%.

- Minimum splash radius increase added to Baller.

- Fixed issue where the Sub Power Up ability would increase the thrown range of the Ink Storm. In exchange, the Special Power Up abilities now perform the same function.

Quick Super Jump:

- Ability effectiveness in lower quantities increased.

Sub Power Up:

- Tracking effect length increase added on Point Sensors and Ink Mines

- "High" stage of Sprinkler sub lengthening effect increased by 150%

- Quick Super Jump effect increased by 50% on Squid Beakons


- Increased tracking shortening effect by 20%

- New effect - increase minimum range needed for tracking effects of Thermal Ink, Haunt, and/or Sting Ray on the player

Opening Gambit:

- New effect - Ink Resistance Up added

Last-Ditch Effort:

- Effects increased from 1.8x main abilities to 2.4x


- Tracking effect takes effect 23% faster than before

Thermal ink:

- Reduced distance needed for ability to take effect by 23%

Respawn Punisher:

- Increased special gauge depletion effect from 5% to 15% for opponents. Increased from 7.5% to 22.5% for the player's death.

Drop Roller:

- Enabled rolls in all directions

- Removed movement delay after roll

Part 4:

- Some special requirement point values have been adjusted.

- Aerospray MG: 170 -> 160

- Slosher/Hero: 190 -> 180

- Mini Splatling: 190 -> 180

- Splat Dualies/Hero: 190 -> 180

- Enperry Splat Dualies: 200 -> 180

- .52 Gal: 180 -> 190

- L-3 Nozzlenose: 170 -> 180

- Sloshing Machine: 170 -> 190

- Splat Brella/Hero: 160 -> 180

Part 5:

- Fixed an issue where Ink Resistance would only take effect at maximum quantity in the following situations:

- Movement while shooting with shooters and dualies

- Movement while preparing bomb-type subs and specials

- Charge storing is not lost anymore when coming in contact with enemy ink that causes the player to revert to kid form

- Fixed an issue where a charger would not shoot when releasing ZR and pressing it again after coming up from storing a charge

- Knockback from damage-less attacks of rollers (low on ink, falloff from a height difference, etc.) reduced

- Fixed an issue where the aiming reticles of rollers and brellas would drift from the center of the screen when moving the camera.

- Fixed an issue where this would cause a brella's shots to launch in the direction in which the reticle is drifting.

- Fixed an issue where the brella would launch at a different speed when low on ink.

- Fixed an issue where sloshers' sloshes would launch from a higher position than the sloshers themselves.

- Fixed an issue where players would be able to splat opponents behind a Splash Wall. by aiming bombs at the edge of the Splash Wall.

- Fixed an issue where curling bombs launched on an incline/slope would decelerate unnaturally.

- Fixed an issue where bombs would not ink the surrounding area properly if they were on the edge of the terrain.

- Fixed an issue where the trajectory indicator for sub weapons would show up when throwing an Ink Storm on weapons with the Toxic Mist and Point Sensor sub weapons.

- Fixed an issue where, in the event that parts of the stage overlap with an Ink Storm cloud, then the droplets would not fall and the area would be inked unnaturally.

- Changed the Bubble Launcher bubbles so that they would not ink the ground after time is up.

- Fixed an issue where movement speed while launching the Bubble Blower would vary from weapon to weapon.

- Changed the Rainmaker so that heavy-class weapons such as the E-Liter 4K would swim and run at a normal speed when wielding the Rainmaker.

- Fixed an issue where, if the player that took the Rainmaker did so from a jump, and were splatted before they landed, then the Rainmaker would respawn in the place where the player started their jump instead of where it was previously.

- Fixed an issue where suction bombs placed near the central bridge in The Reef would appear to dig into the ground.

- Fixed an issue where attacking with a roller or brella in specific locations in Inkblot Art Academy would cause the player to fall through the ground.

- Fixed an issue where the player would be splatted faster than usual when falling near the middle section of Moray Towers.

- Fixed an issue where the player could clip into a pillar on Manta Maria.

- Fixed an issue where a player equipped with Drop Roller would not be able to roll from an Inkjet landing if they had turned into a squid just before the Inkjet expired.


- S+ rank-dropping system changed so that players, should they lose their rank, can only go down a maximum of 5 S+ numbered ranks.

- OK line in S+ ranks increased from 40% to 50% of the rank bar.


- Fixed an issue where a specific main + special weapon random selection would not exist

- Fixed an issue where, if a player is in a lifeboat at the edge of the water at the end of the round, they would fail to superjump to either the starting point or Mr. Grizz's boat in a drowning loop.

- Fixed an issue where the locations of Goldies and salmon eggs during Goldie Seeking rounds would appear to be different to different teammates.

- Fixed an issue where throwing a bomb at the instant a Flyfish closes its lids destroys the missile box it hit, despite it not going in.

- Fixed an issue where the player would receive consecutive damage from Chum, Smallfry, and Cohocks if they were against a wall.

- Fixed an issue where sloshers' sloshes would not hit players in lifeboats at a close distance.

- Fixed an issue where, if the player received both the current monthly gear and a previous monthly gear in a set of bonuses, then both of the sets' abilities would be the same.


- Fixed an issue where a different description? performance? player point of view? would be shown if the spectator was in a player's POV and the player was hit by an object such as an inkrail or Splash Wall.

- Added sound effects to indicate when the player being spectated is hit.


- Fixed an issue where drawing a line in the drawing program from outside of the canvas would result in an incorrect or different input than intended.

- Fixed an issue where rollers could not inflict damage to the test dummies by rolling after damaging it with a vertical flick.

- Fixed an issue where multiple hits from an open Brella on a test dummy would only damage the dummy for one hit.

- Fixed an issue where, when achieving a League Battle high score, the last session before it would be archived instead of shown.

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Mon, 09 Oct 2017 19:49:47

So let's analyse these changes.

NZap changes to a lighter class, faster running and swimming. Yay!

Splattershot Pro gets a massive buff, faster shooting and increased running speed.

92 Gal power upped 10 points? That's the least of this weapons problems. Needed speed or ink.

Clash Blaster radius up 14%, cool, very cool.

Carbon roller gets up to max speed 1 sec quicker. YES! But no power buffs and no alternative subs/specials.

Damage against ballers is going far up for all weapons. Damnit.

They are buffing the flingza roller, yay!

Goo tuber shot damage increased. Godamn annoying gits will use this.

Mini splatling getting more powerful and faster, schweet

Godamn duelies are getting easier to shoot straight out of a dodge. WTF, already annoying POS assholes use this for unfair gains.

Brellas are getting 38% faster? And take 30% less damage when shot? Jeez.

They are nerfing Aerosprays. Oh crap, 10 less radius and stray ink from 8-13% ugh.

Sting ray getting buffed majorly. Enemies appear 23% sooner behind walls and damage against ballers doubles. Grinning Fuck yeah, no more shooting a stingray into a baller and nothing happens.

Curling bomb special goes 50% further, ah crap.

Ballers getting nerf by 13% in damage radius. And easier to hear so you cant just sneak up behind people. Sad

Run speed for splatlings increased by 20%? Grinning

Tentamissile reticule size increases by 67% Are you FUCKING SERIOUS?

Ink armour now has less of an activation delay Grinning

Thermal ink now sees people 23% nearer.

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Mon, 09 Oct 2017 22:04:47

What?  No .52Gal changes?  Boo to this!

gamingeek said:
It's. Bottlenecks and quirks. Splatoon 1 had bottlenecks where you could dominate and contro the match. The new stages are all pro machine guns. I'm still waiting on a carbon roller variant which isn't a piece of ****

I don't know, there are a couple of stages with bottle necks in 2 as well, but they still feel off.

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Tue, 10 Oct 2017 13:30:20

52 gal gets a 6% range increase. But ballers are now nerfed a bit as most weapons are not a lot more effective against them.

EDIT: the stingray is getting increasingly good. Even before the new update in a couple of days where visual range increases. I've wiped out 3 people at once by just sweeping it over hotspots. Flat stages are perfect for it, like kelp dome.

Edited: Tue, 10 Oct 2017 13:31:38

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Tue, 10 Oct 2017 14:03:12

Eh, nothing too big then.

Can't believe how they've buffed the splattershot pro.  They're overpowered as is (well, was).  Whenever I go up against a splattershot pro user I end up splatted.

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Tue, 10 Oct 2017 14:50:34
SupremeAC said:

Eh, nothing too big then.

Can't believe how they've buffed the splattershot pro.  They're overpowered as is (well, was).  Whenever I go up against a splattershot pro user I end up splatted.

The range and accuracy is great but the movement speed and inking ability as well as ink used was very bad. They have buffed it massively.

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Wed, 11 Oct 2017 11:26:07

Kelp Dome and Snapper Canal are actually pretty decent to use a roller on. So when they are both on the stage rotation I don't feel woefully underpowered when using a roller.

However...... the matchmaking really is a POS. I had been informed via GAF that Splatoon 2 was supposed to use better matchmaking so you didn't end up on mismatched teams like in Splatoon 1.

Nope, it is just as bad. I've been put on teams of 3 rollers vs all machine guns. Two snipers on my team, no snipers on the other team. And the amount of times I have been put against a team of ALL machine gun users is too many to count. Meanwhile I'm on a team with one sniper, one brush, one gatling.

You can literally tell from the first second of the match who is going to win. Also there is definitely a perceptible lag, when I can shoot someone point blank in the face and somehow my shots do not affect them yet I die instead. It doesn't happen often but there have been notable moments when I die and I'm like WTF?? Really? How did that happen? O.............................kkkkkkkk

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Wed, 11 Oct 2017 17:29:27
The match making is truly stunning. Today time and time again I've been put on mismatched teams. Is there some piece of code deliberately set to pile all shit weapons on one side and all machine guns on the other?

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Wed, 11 Oct 2017 19:54:45

Yes.  It's an algorithm that searches the internet to find those who complain most about Splatoon2 and then lops them in games against better matched teams.

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Wed, 11 Oct 2017 20:35:19

Cannot believe how many times you get paired against a team of all silver aerosprays.

I checked the results screen one match and 9 tentamissiles were launched against us. How long is each match? 3 mins? 3 and a half?

That means that 3 tentamissiles were fired against me every 60 seconds of the match. It was insane. They need to seriously nerf that shit.

Everytime I took up a position I had to immediately leave and rinse and repeat the whole frigging match.

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Wed, 11 Oct 2017 23:14:42
I think I just have to accept that somewhere between Splatoon and splatoon2, I lost it.  I just played about a dozen matches of which I lost about 9 and was consistently the worst performer. I tried some different weapons, to no avail. I seem to have developed the reflexes of a drunk cucumbre.  
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Thu, 12 Oct 2017 19:55:41
I'm a lot better at Splatoon 1 but can still be great in s2. I lose a lot more in s2 because I use non-machine gun weapons and we always get beaten when the other team has more machine guns. They really fucked over the carbon roller too. We need a new sub and special combo.

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Fri, 13 Oct 2017 11:15:22

The gear system also has me use all sorts of useless gear just to farm ability chunks, that doesn't help my performance. The biggest problem I find is the switch joycons. They are fine with all other games, but for a twitch online shooter they just don't feel right given their size and the tiny buttons.

In the grip they are much more stable but I have having to play with my hands pinched together with a "normal" controller. I wish there was a Wii U style very wide grip to use with it.

In portable mode having the screen move with motion controls is also terrible. So I have ordered these silicon grips to use with individual joycons which have a shaped backing for better grip when using the joy cons separatly.

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