Forum > Gaming Discussion > Splatoon 2: This year you will get splatted by me
Splatoon 2: This year you will get splatted by me
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Country: FR
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Sat, 12 Aug 2017 22:37:39
What a comeback indeed.  Good games, both in salmon run as well as in league.  You do indeed kill tons of emotion with that bucket.  What subs and specials does it have?
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Sat, 12 Aug 2017 22:48:51
SupremeAC said:
What a comeback indeed.  Good games, both in salmon run as well as in league.  You do indeed kill tons of emotion with that bucket.  What subs and specials does it have?

The crappy bomb and armor.

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Sun, 13 Aug 2017 00:32:54
I switched to the .52Gal. It's crappy hamster ball special is perfect for clearing the area around the tower.
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Sun, 13 Aug 2017 08:14:44
LOL stupid new phone with auto correct.  You killed a lot of squids, not emotion.  How did that even happen?
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Sun, 13 Aug 2017 10:04:45
Splatoon 2 does kill a lot of emotion. Sloshers are awesome for tower control.

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Sun, 13 Aug 2017 17:13:12

So this is an in depth look at why the Slosher is way overpowered and due for a nerf.

Personally I want to see Tentamissiles nerfed, I think a fair thing to do would be that you can only target enemies you have line of sight with. And I want the non machine gun weapons to be buffed so it's actually worth using them for fun. The carbon roller needs to be able to kill from one swing at a close range from jumping.

They need to probably nerf the Aerospray in some way because it spews out more ink than in Splatoon 1 FFS.

Also bring back the Seeker. I would love it if they brought back classic weapon combinations from Splatoon 1

So can anyone tell me if they have worked this out......... sometimes when using a roller and jump attacking you do a vertical strike, sometimes a horizontal. And there is no rhyme or reason I can work out why or how. When you want to do a longer range vertical strike, suddenly you will do a low range horizontal jumping attack and it just gets you killed.

Edited: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 18:40:20

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Thu, 17 Aug 2017 21:15:58

I'm B - and can play League battle. Now we need a fourth?

Are League battles just turf wars or do you play the ranked stuff too?

Have to say, I did virtually everything in the rainmaker matches for us to win. I don't think most people recon the levels correctly before playing. You have to work out the shortest route to the end goal and have a few back up routes. Once you do that you see how many rainmaker shots will get you to the end and it's fairly easy.

Also had a hell of a fun time using the carbon roller on Moray Towers and that art academy level. I just roll roll roll and throw my cloud out a bit. Moray towers is fun just going up and up then seeing if they can chase you down in time. The mini robot bombs are perfect for clearing out hiding enemies and its great when your buddy is facing off with someone and you just keep tossing those robot bombs in their general direction. You can have two chasing the bad guy at the same time, plus your friend.

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Thu, 17 Aug 2017 22:19:13
League is the same as ranked battles. We can form up with the 2 of us as well.
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Fri, 18 Aug 2017 11:31:45

A list with what brands are most likely to get what perks: .  I'm pretty happy with my current loadout.  It looks stylish, and stacks some usefull perks like ink consumption down and special gauge rate increase.

gamingeek said:

So this is an in depth look at why the Slosher is way overpowered and due for a nerf.

Personally I want to see Tentamissiles nerfed, I think a fair thing to do would be that you can only target enemies you have line of sight with. And I want the non machine gun weapons to be buffed so it's actually worth using them for fun. The carbon roller needs to be able to kill from one swing at a close range from jumping.

They need to probably nerf the Aerospray in some way because it spews out more ink than in Splatoon 1 FFS.

Also bring back the Seeker. I would love it if they brought back classic weapon combinations from Splatoon 1

So can anyone tell me if they have worked this out......... sometimes when using a roller and jump attacking you do a vertical strike, sometimes a horizontal. And there is no rhyme or reason I can work out why or how. When you want to do a longer range vertical strike, suddenly you will do a low range horizontal jumping attack and it just gets you killed.

I don't get your beef with the tenta missiles.  I hardly ever get killed by them, and usually when I'm targetted I'm way off in the map and can easily dodge them without risking being splatted by someone else.  Honestly, I'm surprised every time I kill someone with the tenta missiles.

As for the rollers, jump is narrow, no jump is wide.  Perhaps your timing is a tad off?  What you're seeing can't be lag based, because it's generated by your own Switch.

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Fri, 18 Aug 2017 21:31:24
SupremeAC said:
League is the same as ranked battles. We can form up with the 2 of us as well.

Oh gee Gods.

So we can't just play turf and stay on the same team?

SupremeAC said:

I don't get your beef with the tenta missiles.  I hardly ever get killed by them, and usually when I'm targetted I'm way off in the map and can easily dodge them without risking being splatted by someone else.  Honestly, I'm surprised every time I kill someone with the tenta missiles.

As for the rollers, jump is narrow, no jump is wide.  Perhaps your timing is a tad off?  What you're seeing can't be lag based, because it's generated by your own Switch.

Regarding Tentamissiles, try playing with a weapon that relies on holding a position and that has a charge time. It makes playing the match bullshit when tentalmissles are flying at you from two different players the whole match. EDIT: So you have to move from your choice position (the one with the right angle to actually have any influence on the match) and where you were standing is now covered in enemy ink with a large spread. Now you have a weapon that you need to charge in order to ink over that and get your position back. And in that few seconds while you are charging, you get killed. Or you succeed in inking that area, retake your position and then....... another tentamissle barrage gets launched at you. Repeat this x 7 times during a 3 minute match.


As for the rollers, no I'm not doing anything wrong. Sometimes you jump and you do a vertical strike, sometimes you do a horizontal strike when jumping. It makes NO sense and gets you killed often. BTW I was playing using a roller today and had multiple occasions where I flung ink virtually point blank in sometimes face and they didn't die. Such bollocks.

Also hit multiple people twice in a row from fairly reasonable range and they didn't die, so they must have nerfed the rollers in terms of the damage and how it must taper off at different angles or something.

Edited: Fri, 18 Aug 2017 21:34:16

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Sat, 19 Aug 2017 16:56:49
Been messing around with the Dynamo roller in training. It flings as far as the flingza roller but does twice the damage but not at full range. I might try it in turf wars but the sub and special suck ass.

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Mon, 21 Aug 2017 14:28:36

Played a couple of hours of Salmon Run yesterday evening.  This mode really opens up the more you play it.  I think I've already 'unlocked' 5 extra types of waves, ranging from an endless stream of super fast salmonid charging one player, to something that's a cross of an alien invasion and the landing on Normandy.  Very enjoyable.  Also, the better you get, the better the people you play with get.  At least now people (including myself) will prioritize staying alive over raking in the most eggs.  It also helped that the weapon selection yesterday consisted only of machine guns, and not the usual useless mix of snipers, rollers and sloshers..

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Mon, 21 Aug 2017 21:12:39
SupremeAC said:

Played a couple of hours of Salmon Run yesterday evening.  This mode really opens up the more you play it.  I think I've already 'unlocked' 5 extra types of waves, ranging from an endless stream of super fast salmonid charging one player, to something that's a cross of an alien invasion and the landing on Normandy.  Very enjoyable.  Also, the better you get, the better the people you play with get.  At least now people (including myself) will prioritize staying alive over raking in the most eggs.  It also helped that the weapon selection yesterday consisted only of machine guns, and not the usual useless mix of snipers, rollers and sloshers..

yes it gets awesome. At first I thought it was limited but it opens up a lot and it's very fun.

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Tue, 22 Aug 2017 16:35:08

Patch notes

Adjusted parameters for main and special weapons in the following ways:

Fixed an issue where, when taking damage continuously over a short time, the number of sound effects indicating damage did not match the number of times the player took damage.

Stopped a sound effect that indicated damage dealt when hitting invulnerable opponents descending to the ground after activating their Splashdown special.

Fixed an issue causing players hiding behind a Splat Brella to not appear when being targeted by a Sting Ray special or the Thermal Ink or Haunt abilities.

Fixed an issue where opponents were not being damaged when run into with Roller or Brush weapons while standing on uninkable sloping surfaces.

Inking the trees growing in The Reef and Inkblot Art Academy stages will no longer earn points or fill the special gauge.

Fixed an issue occurring at specific points in Inkblot Art Academy where players returning to the point of activation after using the Inkjet special or landing after executing a Super Jump would occasionally fall through the stage.

Fixed an issue occurring in Starfish Mainstage where specific areas would not appear to be inked on the turf map after they had been inked during play.

Fixed an issue occurring in Sturgeon Shipyard where players would occasionally fall through the stage.

Fixed an issue occurring in Port Mackerel where inking the top of an uninkable container near the center of the map earned a small amount of points and filled the special gauge slightly.

Changed the movement range of the forklifts in Port Mackerel to fix an issue where players caught between the forklift and a sponge were occasionally pushed inside the forklift.

Adjusted the path of the tower in Tower Control mode in Port Mackerel to fix an issue where players caught between the tower’s pillar and a stage object when the tower entered a narrow space appeared to be shaking.

Adjusted the size of the sponge near the spawn points in Port Mackerel to fix an issue where a slight discrepancy existed between the height of the sponge when fully expanded and the height of the platform on the tower.

Changes to player ranking

Fixed an issue where player rank would change slightly despite a message displaying that stated player rank would not change when other players disconnected early on in a match.

Changes to Salmon Run

Adjusted parameters for Salmon Run specific weapons in the following ways:

The new stage “Lost Outpost” is now available when playing Salmon Run via local wireless at The Shoal.

21 weapons have been added to the selection of those available when playing Salmon Run at The Shoal.

Flyfish can now be defeated by using a Splashdown special on their launchers.

Fixed an issue where direct hits on a Stinger Boss Salmonid from either a Blaster or shots fired while using the Ink Jet special did not deal the added damage of their shots exploding, and only destroyed one level of the towering enemy.

Fixed an issue where Steelhead Boss Salmonids were not exploding with the player team’s ink color after being defeated by a Stingray special.

Fixed an issue where destroying one of the Mothership Boss Salmonid’s coolers immediately after it appeared would cause an invulnerable cooler to appear on the enemy on the screens of other players.

Fixed an issue causing players to occasionally clip into stage objects in Marooner’s Bay.

Fixed an issue where playing “With Friends” repeatedly would allow random players to join the group before selecting “Recruit crew members”.

Changes to spectator mode

When spectating from a player’s viewpoint, opposing team player names will no longer display unless ZL is pressed.

When spectating from a player’s viewpoint in Rainmaker mode, the on-screen warnings “DON’T RETREAT!” and “Rainmaker-Free Zone!” will now be displayed.

When spectating from a player’s viewpoint, the on-screen ink border that indicates the player is taking damage will now be displayed.

Fixed an issue where, when a match has ended while spectating from a Bravo team player’s viewpoint the turf map results were mistakenly displayed from Bravo team’s perspective, despite other results being displayed from Alpha team’s perspective.

Fixed a graphical issue affecting player appearance when standing in the zones in Splat Zones mode.

Other changes

Players who were in your last played Splatfest Battle will now appear in Inkopolis Square.

Fixed an issue where attempting to open the League Battle “Records” section caused the game to crash.

Fixed an issue where content could not be drawn on the edges of the screen when zoomed in while creating a post for display in Inkopolis Square.

Fixed an issue where following a multiplayer match, a long animation played appearing to award the player far more experience points than they had actually earned.

Fixes a glitch impacting the League Battle mode

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Tue, 22 Aug 2017 17:51:13

Splatoon 2 : deux nouvelles maps dévoilées

Splatoon 2 : deux nouvelles maps dévoilées

Splatoon 2 : deux nouvelles maps dévoilées

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Tue, 22 Aug 2017 17:57:00

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Tue, 22 Aug 2017 18:12:40

Splooshomatic needs a speed boost? WTF? You get these baby jerks who just run about inking everything then run to you and splashdown. Rinse and repeat the whole match over. Now they have a speed boost? Screw that.

Carbon roller, ink used when flinging reduced? Yeah because THAT'S what's wrong with the Carbon roller. Fucking nerfed to hell that roller.

Splat roller, same tweak. Awesome, yeah....

Dynamo roller damage range extended? Yeah okay that's okay but the weapon itself is a pile of dung now. They nerfed the spread and damage. It needs a higher rolling speed and a better special.

Chargers, reduced charge time. Great, chargers are almost useless and never used in Splatoon 2. We need them back because that is the only way we win matches sometimes instead of facing off against 4x machine gun users ad nauseum. The stage design though... you need some more clean lines for snipers to be effective. It's only the 2 Splatoon 1 maps that are good for snipers or carbon rollers, that is not a coincidence.

Heaving Splatling movement speed when charging up 20%? Fuck yeah! Movement speed up 3%? Okay.

Dualies get a 9% range increase? Why the hell would you enchance a weapon that can already ink and kill loads of people? Pointless.

The Baller changes sound good, but why exclude dualies users from the bubble penalty?

Lastly, why have they not addressed the Tentamissle SPAM? indecision

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Thu, 24 Aug 2017 13:12:24

Splatoon players unite!

With the launch of a new map and weapon, how about we try to meet up over the weekend again?  I could meet up saturday or sunday (or basically most evenings) between 19:00 and 22u00 UTC.

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Thu, 24 Aug 2017 17:50:28

Let's try sat! I'll have to try out the new maps!

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Thu, 24 Aug 2017 17:53:34

Saturday might be doable, depending on if family members take over the switch or not.

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