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Switch Presentation thread!!!!
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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 12:33:44

I think it's better if you experience the soul crushing disbelief firsthand with an innocent mind.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 12:40:04
edgecrusher said:

$300.....they are nuts too much

Yeah. And the price of the accesories is ridiculous.

Archangel3371 said:

They need more time to work on Arms, it won't make reach launch. LOL


Archangel3371 said:
edgecrusher said:

I can feel GG's jizz running down the screen.


You two fuckers need to ge in on this game.

SupremeAC said:

press X to view the map.  That's beyond crap.  You're a sitting duck while looking at the map, which you do constantly.  Sad  Launches in summer.

Can't you hide in ink and look at the map?

Archangel3371 said:

Pretty weird seeing Mario in a realistic looking world.

Looks awesome, actually I wanted a mario like lego city and this seems to scratch that itch. At least for that area.

edgecrusher said:

Well Mario looks badass at least. Looks like Sunshine!

First thing I thought when I watched it was that you would fucking love it. Exploration. Looks amazing.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 12:41:07

I was thinking....the Switch getting Skyrim is kind of like if the Gamecube got a 6 year old port of Final Fantasy 7. I mean...big deal?


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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 12:43:22
SupremeAC said:

NEW NMH!!!!!!  Sold!


SupremeAC said:

if this is it, it's very underwhelming.  that's coming from a big time Nintendo fan.

I haven't read or watched much. But a new Splatoon, Xenoblade, Mario and Zelda seem pretty great to me. As well as a pimped out Mario Kart 8 but it depends on how many new tracks there are.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 13:09:34
gamingeek said:
SupremeAC said:

if this is it, it's very underwhelming.  that's coming from a big time Nintendo fan.

I haven't read or watched much. But a new Splatoon, Xenoblade, Mario and Zelda seem pretty great to me. As well as a pimped out Mario Kart 8 but it depends on how many new tracks there are.

The point is that Nintendo needs the Switch to sell at least somewhere halfway between 3DS and WiiU figures to be moderately succesfull.  If these games couldn't push the WiiU forward, why would they fare any better on Switch?  Also, what was shown were very short clips, often with scant details about the games themselves.  It just wasn't specific enough.  Everyone thought we were getting an information overload, instead we got very little new information at all.

Nintendo were touting how merging their handheld and console dev teams would mean more games for Switch, but so far I haven't seen 'more games'.  I've seen a monolith game, a Zelda they've been working on for years, a Mario Kart port and a quick sequel to a popular new IP, all with very little 'next gen' secret sauce because the Switch is in portable mode not much stronger than the WiiU was.  Not exactly an avalanche of new software.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 13:22:46

All right quick rundown of what I watched last night. Overall it was good enough. Not a slam dunk, but it was ultimately what i expected. Not sure why anyone has those crazy expectations about Nintendo anymore. Some of those "leak"/speculation lists look like peak years from mature consoles. Anyway...

  • $300? Christ, that's too much. No pack in game either? Eeeek....
  • March 3? Holy shit, they're not wasting time. I guess that's smart.
  • No region locking is good I guess. Honestly I don't quite get why that's a big deal. I've bought one game from outside my region in my 30 something years of gaming.
  • 1,2 Switch.... this is terrible. And when I say "terrible" I mean it in the exact same way I use it when I talk about child molesters.
  • Arms.  Uhhhhh.... I'm not sold. Might give it a chance though. I could see it being one of those games that looks stupid as hell until you actually play it and then it turns out to be surprisingly fun.
  • Mario Oddessy. Holy shit... that looks amazing. That's a top notch looking Mario game. Can't ask for much more than that. Wow. That forest is something else too.
  • Splatoon 2. Ehhhh it'll be fun, no question about that. If they do the same thing as the last time though, you can wait 3 months before you buy it though.
  • Xenoblade 2. That was the surprise of the show. Looks pretty good. That reminds me, I need to get back to Xenoblade 1. I got about 2 hours in and then got distracted right as the city started to be destroyed.
  • The SE game, Octosomethingorrather didn't really do it for me. I do appreciate the aesthetic though. I wonder if any of the DQ games will make it to the west on the Switch. I take nothing for granted when it comes to this series now.
  • FUCK YOU Atlas!! Fucking tease.... but damn I liked what they showed for SMT. Wish that was at launch.
  • Was Suda51 drunk or was his translator drunk? That whole thing was.... KARATE POSE....mumble....Travis Touchdown....indie games....mumble....KARATE POSE.... Too much sake for someone.
  • Skyrim, yay....
  • Seriously dude, you named your kid Luigi? Ughghghhhhhhh
  • Wait, Street FIghter 2? Again? Jesus Capcom, are you trying to pretend SFV didn't happen that much?
  • Hey Bomberman is back! Sweet.
  • Oh and I called it. Tetris at launch from Ubisoft. Even if it is going to be TetrisPuyo, it still counts.
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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 13:25:06
SupremeAC said:

They merge their platforms into one, and all they can create is one new IP to show?  Lazy.

Remember that they are saving stuff for E3. Unless they want to roll up to it with nuthin'

edgecrusher said:

Nintendo seem like they're putting way too much on the damn controller.....its just a controller! You need games! Where's my Metroid?

And Zelda aka a game that should have came out on Wii U years ago is still the only big draw before next holiday season.

Seriously this is getting retarded. Splatoon 2.

The original was huge on Wii U and pretty much the biggest selling and best new exclusive IP from a platform holder this generation.

Vader's right on the Splatoon tax LOL. I wouldn't use it for anything else. And if anything, voice chat on Splatoon scares the shit out of me. I've already had the misery of playing against organised teams from Japan. The advantage voice chat will give teams over people who don't want to use it will make the game totally unfair for some of us.

SupremeAC said:

So their online plan is an app for smart devices?  Screw them, I know fully well that they will only support Android and Apple.  


But everybody fucks over Windows Phone.


I'm still smarting from Ebay.

Dvader said:

True, just wait till the parents find out the kids what to play splatoon online and now there is an extra fee. That will go over well.

Umm........ I'd welcome less kids playing Splatoon. Whenever they are on my team they hang about on the periphery, follow you about and don't even jump into the battle. They are a liability that makes our team lose, everytime.  

Dvader said:

32G of storage not counting system updates!


I don't get you guys sometimes. It uses game cards, which are faster and have more storage capacity than blurays. It doesn't need game installs and you can easily buy 128 or 256gb SDcards. They could even put storage on the game cards reserved for game updates.

Dvader said:

The service will not be ready at launch, so there is a "free trial" until it starts in the fall. You get to play online for free until its ready then nintendo is going to be like "ok now pay us". What a disaster.

How can you complain about having a free trial period, it's free and everyone else already charges for online. I'd rather have a free period to test things out, then pay from the start for something I have no idea about. The rest of your points I agree with.

Splatoon tax. will suck. And there aren't enough other games that I will use it for. Mario Kart and Animal Crossing?

So I've read everyone's reactions. Haven't watched anything myself outside the Mario/Xeno2 video. I've read some bits and pieces though, details, specs etc.

I guess whenever there are E3 like events there are always overreactions and this thread seems no different.

You should ask yourself whether you're going to buy it or not. If they answer is no - then the system looks so bad - you see no value in the system and just wont pick it up. Instead I see people saying how shit it is and then "I will buy it anyway" which I don't get. Just don't buy it or hobo it years from now.

From what I have read detailed about Switch, its controllers and features it actually sounds pretty good. Advanced HD rumble, independent motion controls, gyros, an IR camera that can detect shapes, a 720p multi-touch screen, 6 hour battery.

The prices are ridiculous for the accersories and it's about £30 more for the system itself then I am comfortable with. But the pound has sunk like a fucking stone so everything is getting more expensive.

If you actually break down the games the games they showed, they are pretty great too. PS4 launched with Knack and Killzone Shadowfall, XB1 launched with Dead Rising 4 and Ryse. By summer this year you will have a new Zelda, new Splatoon and a tricked out Mario Kart with enough new tracks to virtually make it MK9 (unless the rumours are wrong). Then a new Mario and new Xenoblade this year (Japan for Xeno). I don't know what standards you guys have or expectations you have but they seem fairly unreasonable given those titles. Wii U had better exclusives at launch then PS4 and XB1.

As for third parties on Switch my worst fears have been realised. Western support is near non-existent, Ubisoft are phoning it in. Even the bigger Japanese devs aren't doing shit. Well, Square Enix are.

But what you are seeing is what I assumed would happen - the third parties that made 3DS and DS games are making games for Switch so overall you should have better - albeit quirkier - third party support over Wii U.

EA and Fifa? After burning the bridge with Nintendo gamers, this is not going to go over well.

My biggest problems from what I have read (not seen) are the price of the system/accessories and paid for online. I wanted a cheap second dock. I can see a 3DS style price drop a couple of months on from launch. Everything is just too expensive.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 13:30:39
By the way, has there been any mention of digital roll over from the Wii U? I briefly looked in a few places, but I have not seen anything in regards to it yet.
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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 13:36:04

They shouldn't have saved stuff for E3.  Heck, they won E3 last year showing only one game.  They need to get out of the gates at full speed, remove every shred of doubt that this is a console worth owning.  They need to shift units now, not a quarter of a year later.

And I'm sure you'd welcome less kids playing, but as a business policy 'lets not annoy GG and not sell Switch's and copies of Splatoon' just doesn't cut it.

The internet is not a free trial, it's a beta test.  It's only 'releasing' in Canada, USA and mexico as a barebones service.  All contemporary features will be added throughout 2017 and beyond.  And how will the rest of the world play Splatoon without online play?

And yeah I'll get it.  I've owned every Nintendo console.  But I'll get it out of habbit, and possibly not on day one.

robio said:
By the way, has there been any mention of digital roll over from the Wii U? I briefly looked in a few places, but I have not seen anything in regards to it yet.

Since both pieces of hardware have a totally different make up, I don't think we'll be seeing this like we did with the Wii/WiiU.  I  haven't seen anything on it, nor on Virtual Console implementation.

Edited: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 13:37:10
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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 13:37:10
SupremeAC said:

The point is that Nintendo needs the Switch to sell at least somewhere halfway between 3DS and WiiU figures to be moderately succesfull.  If these games couldn't push the WiiU forward, why would they fare any better on Switch?  

But didn't those same franchises push 3DS ownership?

So your basic assumption is that Nintendo should ditch its well stablised money making, great quality IPs for nothing but new IPs in the hope that you throw enough mud and something will stick? Or that you want more old IP revived? These are just year 1 titles listed and Nintendo in terms of big new core IP have only done Pikmin and Splatoon since GC. How many more new IP did you want shown?

There has been tons of other stuff though, in the past - Pushmo etc.

They did show ARMs whatever the hell that is. indecision  That fills up their 1 new IP per 20 years rule. LOL

SupremeAC said:

Also, what was shown were very short clips, often with scant details about the games themselves.

Yeah you should wait for my updates, there is always tons of follow up information and new videos following the event. Plus there is a live day long treehouse event today. Full trailers are up, so are fact sheets.  

SupremeAC said:

all with very little 'next gen' secret sauce because the Switch is in portable mode not much stronger than the WiiU was.  

And around 3x Wii U when docked. But even then it's about 450 GFLOPs compared to XB1s 1.2 teraflops. People who have actually been following the specs threads have known this for months so I can't exactly be suprised about it. I doubt Nintendo is using UE4 or anything either, a third party will probably do something that looks a lot better. RE Revelaitons still looks ridiculous on 3DS compared to anything else.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 13:42:44
gamingeek said:

And around 3x Wii U when docked. But even then it's about 450 GFLOPs compared to XB1s 1.2 teraflops. People who have actually been following the specs threads have known this for months so I can't exactly be suprised about it. I doubt Nintendo is using UE4 or anything either, a third party will probably do something that looks a lot better. RE Revelaitons still looks ridiculous on 3DS compared to anything else.

I've followed everything.  Don't think me a fool.  My point was merely that Splatoon and mario kart are mechanically very similar to their WiiU installments.  This rings true for most sequels, but usually people will gloss over that because the graphics are much improved.  Which isn't the case here.  That was the point I was tryig to make.

As for games, I would have preferred less mainline IP and more smaller projects with dormant IP.  The franchises they showed have proven to not be able to drive more than 13 million sales.  It's time to pull all those lapsed fans back in with new games of dormant IP.  What will Nintendo do after year one when all their big hitters have been released?  They should have shown more games, even if they are still further off.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 13:48:51
edgecrusher said:

I was thinking....the Switch getting Skyrim is kind of like if the Gamecube got a 6 year old port of Final Fantasy 7. I mean...big deal?

It's only big because of how it relates to Bethesda and isn't the utter shit they put on Nintendo systems usually and how Hines said the E3 Switch presentation was hands down the best he'd ever seen. Personally I just wanted DOOM.

SupremeAC said:

The internet is not a free trial, it's a beta test.  It's only 'releasing' in Canada, USA and mexico as a barebones service.  All contemporary features will be added throughout 2017 and beyond.  And how will the rest of the world play Splatoon without online play?

Well that doesn't make sense then. If you want to get MK and Splatoon 2 then it has to work online for the rest of the world somehow. I don't imagine it can be any other way.

By the by, the X2 chip is only in cars and is unsuitable for gaming it seems as Nvidia themselves are still using the X1 in their newest Shield device. And the lower clock speeds on the Switch is because the X1 throttles the GPU after a few minutes and runs nowhere near the theoretical 1ghz speed. So yeah the hardware is about as powerful as you can possibly get in a handheld device at that size and pricepoint.

I want it cheaper obviously, as does everybody else. Seems that the price is also super inflated for the joy cons because of all the extra tech in them, but then the dock and other stuff is ridiculously priced too so it sounds like price gourging to me.  

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 13:52:26

Yeah, my point wasn't that I was hoping for the X2, but rather that at €330, it might well have included it.  Either that or gold plating.  It's just too expensive to be competitive.  It's nearly as expensive as a PS4 and markedly higher priced than an Xbone, and both those come with a bundled game.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 14:00:52
robio said:

  • No region locking is good I guess. Honestly I don't quite get why that's a big deal. I've bought one game from outside my region in my 30 something years of gaming..

You could have played Disaster Day of Crisis if there was no region locking on Wii. I could have played Excitebots etc.

SupremeAC said:

I've followed everything.  Don't think me a fool.  My point was merely that Splatoon and mario kart are mechanically very similar to their WiiU installments.  This rings true for most sequels, but usually people will gloss over that because the graphics are much improved.  Which isn't the case here.  That was the point I was tryig to make.

These games have strong art styles, they aren't realistic so there is a point where there are diminishing returns. I don't know how they were presented at the conference because I haven't watched it. But one would assume a direct feed 1080p  trailer would look better.

The Wii U versions of these games looked great on what on paper is like a 176 GLOP system. But from what I have read in the fact sheets, some of these Switch titles/versions are 1080p, and it takes a lot more rendering power to take games which were previously 720p and do them in 1080p this time. Or in Zelda's case, 900p. That's why you saw all these HD remasters on PS4 and XB1 jump from sub-HD on 360/PS3 to 1080p.

SupremeAC said:

The franchises they showed have proven to not be able to drive more than 13 million sales.

And as I have asked, hasn't Nintendo's IP driven up to over 50 million sales of 3DS units? I know its a lot cheaper etc. But still.

I'm not expecting mega sales though. I still think Nintendo may release a seperate system, hedging their bets.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 14:12:38
gamingeek said:

And as I have asked, hasn't Nintendo's IP driven up to over 50 million sales of 3DS units? I know its a lot cheaper etc. But still.

I'm not expecting mega sales though. I still think Nintendo may release a seperate system, hedging their bets.

I thnk you are underestimating the importance of the pricepoint.  3DS's are bought for kids, with one family owning multiple 3DS's.  I don't see this happening with the Switch, ever.  Look how the 3DS came down in price to €100 for a 2DS.  Now look at the WiiU, it's still as expensive as it was on release.  I also doubt that the Switch will receive as broad and diverce a library of games as the 3DS did, and Nintendo hardware will be all the poorer for it.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 14:42:38

The lack of new ips is disheartening.  Mario is great but cmon, time to branch out.  So much for third parties. Sad

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 14:49:26

Watching the live stream now, people playing Arms.  It looks pretty fun.  You can place effect on your jabs, curving around the arms of your opponent.  I don't see how they can stretch this into a full game though.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 15:11:15
SupremeAC said:

Watching the live stream now, people playing Arms.  It looks pretty fun.  You can place effect on your jabs, curving around the arms of your opponent.  I don't see how they can stretch this into a full game though.

If they have a punch out like campaign it could but it looks like it's a fighting game not really a game against non playable crazy opponents.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 15:14:12

GG I'm looking at the online from a business perspective. What kind of company does not have their basically require do online pay service ready at launch? This free trial Is not a trial, it's cover because it's not ready. What kind of business doesn't that? What kind of amature hour shit is that. So you get to play it for free for a random amount of time and then when it's ready they will be like "hey now you pay!" But I was paying free yesterday... why should I pay now?

It's offering nothing, it's going to start on a random date, there's seems to be no clear vision for their online. It's just bad.

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017 15:33:43

I don't necessarily mind paying for an online service but Nintendo is going to have to emulate what is already being offered to make it worth it. Offering a NES or SNES game for one month of play and then taking it away is certainly not the way to go. What a joke that is. This is what pisses me off about Nintendo is their extreme reluctance to offer decent sales on their games and such. With all the huge sales and free games that all the other players offer these shit deals that Nintendo offer just don't fly anymore.


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