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What are you watching on Netflix, Amazon, Hulu or the streaming service of your choice?
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Fri, 27 May 2022 19:27:27

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Fri, 27 May 2022 19:58:00

Hmm. Interesting news article there today. LOL


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Fri, 27 May 2022 20:24:29

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Fri, 27 May 2022 22:42:46

You have probably all talked about it already but I watched Rescue Rangers movie on Disney Plus.  It was good, but even I thought the in-jokes and references were a bit too much.  But if you are an 80's kid, there is a lot to take in.

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Fri, 27 May 2022 22:55:23
I didn't realize it was on Disney plus. I've seen the previews for it, but I just assumed it was for an upcoming film that was going to get a theatrical release. I didn't think it looked all that good, so a Disney plus release makes more sense. I will check it out once I subscribe again.
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Fri, 27 May 2022 23:51:16
That's the first I've heard of it. But I don't follow movie news and don't have Disney plus. I loved Rescue Rangers back in the day though. If I get a chance I'll definitely watch it.
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Fri, 27 May 2022 23:58:16
aspro said:

You have probably all talked about it already but I watched Rescue Rangers movie on Disney Plus.  It was good, but even I thought the in-jokes and references were a bit too much.  But if you are an 80's kid, there is a lot to take in.

That movie is hilarious.  My wife didnt like it because she couldn't get over their new voices. It definitely throws a ton of references and was surprised how many non Disney characters made it in.

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Sun, 29 May 2022 02:38:02

Watched the first four episodes of Stranger Things Season 4 and am really enjoying it. It’s got an A Nightmare on Elm Street vibe to it that I’m digging.


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Sun, 29 May 2022 02:57:49
Archangel3371 said:

Watched the first four episodes of Stranger Things Season 4 and am really enjoying it. It’s got an A Nightmare on Elm Street vibe to it that I’m digging.

Yes, now that you said that I see it too.  We only finished the first episode and that demon was creepy. Obi-Wan Kenobi has been good fun so far, too.

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Sun, 29 May 2022 03:04:07

Speaking of Stranger Things, there's a new fleshlight in town.

Edited: Sun, 29 May 2022 03:05:46
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Sun, 29 May 2022 04:01:54
Preorder confirmed!


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Sun, 29 May 2022 05:36:20
I am also watching Stranger Things and just wrapped up the 4th episode. Really enjoying it so far. Little early to say for sure, but so far this seems like it's the best season since the first.
Edited: Sun, 29 May 2022 05:36:28
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Sun, 29 May 2022 13:37:33
Archangel3371 said:
Preorder confirmed!

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Thu, 02 Jun 2022 19:54:31


Obi-Wan is practically a dream come true, I love Ewan as Obi, I have love for the prequels especially ROTS, Vader is my favorite so this is an easy sell. The show has been good to great but little things hold it back. The good is the plot is very compelling, an Obi-Wan that has given up on hope, filled with guilt makes for a great start especially knowing he has to overcome that. The broken warrior storyline has been done many times but not really in Star Wars. The surprise was little Leia being the reason for his leaving his cover, Leia is stealing the show. That little girl is amazing, perfect attitude, love their dynamic and now I wish the OT focused on Leia cause she is so much smarter than dumb Luke lol.

Episode 3 was the best so far, Vader was ruthless! Dragging Obiwan through the fire, wow. But many times I am reminded this is just a show and it's missing the gravitas of a movie. Look where that Vader Obiwan scene took place, a random patch of dirt in the California desert. The music has not risen to the levels of the movies, why not use the classic tracks? Inconsistencies with the story is all over from a shootout in the rooftop that literally stops with no conclusion to baffling teleporting of characters like Reva and the tunnel in episode 3. Questions like "well why didn't Vader just force pull Obi wan to him instead of let him go". There are things I expect to see from a show on the CW, not a big time property. Still it's been a fun ride and I cannot wait to see where it goes from here.

Stranger Things

I love this show, great season so far, the production values are insane (glares at Obi-Wan). That said I don’t know if I like this more than season 3 and 1. I guess I am an outlier who really loved season 3, it was very fast paced and fun.

4 Is a return to horror so that’s great, LOVE the Nightmare parallels. Everything in Hawkins I think is some of the best the show has done. Episode 4 is maybe the best episode of the entire show.

That said the other storylines aren’t doing much for me. The entire Russia story is kind of absurd, at least everything with Joyce and Murray. Might as well be some cartoon with how unbelievable it is. I know ST is corny and cheesy at times but something about this is just too much. They are so far away from the rest, it just feels weird. And I get Hopper was left for dead and they had to do a rescue but an entire season of that, for what do just get the adults out of the way of the kids? Will Hopper be a changed man at all because of this journey?

Then there is the California crew. I liked everything at school, classic bully drama and it got really exciting when a whole government faction is trying to kill them but the Susie house stuff is kind of meh. Also that crew is the most unlikeable characters all in one place.

Eleven, the lab again… we are learning some stuff about her backstory but again. I am not a fan of “the hero loses their powers” storyline in so many movies, you know they will always get it back, it’s always the same thing. So here she is sidelined again just so stuff can happen. I get that this ties into the overall mystery so it’s done quite well but I do have lab fatigue.

Again everything with Hawkins is perfection. Dustin, Robyn, Steve, Max are MVPs. Eddie is a phenomenal addition. Even the asshole jock is a great sub villain. The show remains exciting, funny, scary, emotional, it has it all. Can’t wait for the rest.

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Thu, 02 Jun 2022 19:56:22

Bonus Better Call Saul thoughts. Best show on TV, that mid season finale was NUTS. I can't believe how great the show is, the incredible performances and all the gripping shocking twists and turns expertly executed, it is BB in quality.

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Thu, 02 Jun 2022 21:00:24
Dvader said:

Bonus Better Call Saul thoughts. Best show on TV, that mid season finale was NUTS. I can't believe how great the show is, the incredible performances and all the gripping shocking twists and turns expertly executed, it is BB in quality.

I know my jaw dropped to the floor during that last minute.  Great stuff and definitely the best show on television. Obi Wan is great, though it does some weird plot contrivance from time to time. Qui Gon is definitely gonna Miyagi the shit out of Obi Wan for an epic confrontation.

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Mon, 13 Jun 2022 06:39:53

If you haven't watched Barry, then you need to. This season has been insane.

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Thu, 23 Jun 2022 16:30:48
I watched the Obiwan series. Meh. It was mostly pretty boring. Vader was a badass in a couple scenes, though, which was cool.

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Fri, 24 Jun 2022 13:03:38
I'm watching Tokyo Vice on HBOMax. I'm only about halfway through, but this is one of the better crime/gang/law & order TV shows I've seen in a while. The main character is kind of a douchebag, but Ken Watanabe please a police lieutenant and that man is just a freaking badass.
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Mon, 04 Jul 2022 04:04:37
just finished up the final two episodes of Stranger Things. Only, they don't seem to be the final two episodes. I'm not losing my mind am i? They were billing this as the conclusion that was going to wrap everything up right?
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