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Super Mario Galaxy 2 Thread
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Wed, 30 Sep 2009 06:15:56
I don't recall at this point, but something like 70-80


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Wed, 30 Sep 2009 06:19:42

Yodariquo said:
I don't recall at this point, but something like 70-80

Get off the computer, go play Galaxy.

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Wed, 30 Sep 2009 06:21:52

Dvader said:
I thought there was no Galaxy info. Sad

I got all 120 stars as Mario. And all 120 stars as Luigi.

You didn't get the 121st star?

Edited: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 06:22:16

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Wed, 30 Sep 2009 06:27:27

Ravenprose said:

Dvader said:
I thought there was no Galaxy info. Sad

I got all 120 stars as Mario. And all 120 stars as Luigi.

You didn't get the 121st star?

I guess so, if it was in the game I did it.

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Wed, 30 Sep 2009 06:34:34

aspro said:
I'm up to 36 (playing for the first time) and I'm starting to get sick of the game.

I'll finish it, but I'm looking forward to #60.

I got to 25 within 2 days, and since then it has been a s-l-o-w grind.

 That's normal the further you get the more difficult it is to get stars. But if you are stuck at one star, do another one star. I left the most difficult one for the end. If you are bored of the dome, just do the boss battles and open another dome. Just do it like that and you should not get bored. 

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Wed, 30 Sep 2009 07:42:43

Yodariquo said:
aspro said:

Foolz said:

aspro said:
I'm up to 36 (playing for the first time) and I'm starting to get sick of the game.

I'll finish it, but I'm looking forward to #60.

I got to 25 within 2 days, and since then it has been a s-l-o-w grind.

I think it gets much better as it goes along so you might just be going through a less interesting area.

What world are you on at the moment?

I'm oing through the freezeflame galaxy.

It's been a while now, but as I recall, that was the worst section

 Same here, though there were two nice sections towards the end.

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Fri, 06 Nov 2009 10:14:11
Miyamoto discusses the current progress of Super Mario Galaxy 2

We're in the middle of finalizing the game with the ideas that we've created. Almost entirely new courses...we've added some new abilities for Mario, and the goal is to take the system and the gameplay of the original Super Mario Galaxy and turn it into something that's a little more expanded, and offers a great deal of challenge for people that enjoyed the first game. - Shigeru Miyamoto

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Fri, 06 Nov 2009 10:38:38
I dont want the extra challenge. I found MG to be perfectly balanced.

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Fri, 06 Nov 2009 10:44:14

gamingeek said:
I dont want the extra challenge. I found MG to be perfectly balanced.

I thought most of SMG was too easy.

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Fri, 06 Nov 2009 10:54:26

gamingeek said:
I dont want the extra challenge. I found MG to be perfectly balanced.

 Then don't buy Galaxy 2. Of course it going to be more challenging, it is a direct sequel. Galaxy has already trained you, Galaxy 2 will pick up where Galaxy left. 

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:
I dont want the extra challenge. I found MG to be perfectly balanced.

I thought most of SMG was too easy.

 That because you are not playing it like a man, hamster. 

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Fri, 06 Nov 2009 10:57:00

Iga_Bobovic said:
Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:
I dont want the extra challenge. I found MG to be perfectly balanced.

I thought most of SMG was too easy.

That because you are not playing it like a man, hamster.

I got 120 stars. That's manly enough.

Edited: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 10:58:31

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Sat, 07 Nov 2009 02:38:47

Ravenprose said:
Miyamoto discusses the current progress of Super Mario Galaxy 2

We're in the middle of finalizing the game with the ideas that we've created. Almost entirely new courses...we've added some new abilities for Mario, and the goal is to take the system and the gameplay of the original Super Mario Galaxy and turn it into something that's a little more expanded, and offers a great deal of challenge for people that enjoyed the first game. - Shigeru Miyamoto

 Glad to hear it. SMG was too easy.

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 09:46:44
I just read this thread from start to finish.  This is what I got out of it:
  1. The game is finished, but is being delayed in release to satisfy marketing reasons.
  2. The game will be harder than SMG, but no-one knows how much harder.
  3. Yoshi is in it.
  4. There will be more story.
Is that about it? Now that I've played the first I'll be getting this one at launch (since it will never drop in price anyway).

The question of difficulty has me wondering about where it will fall in the spectrum of prior Mario games.  I thought SMG had something for everyone, I mean from all accounts (including my own) there were some platforming elements in SMG that were quite difficult (and some boss battles that required several go throughs).  

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 10:50:04
The luigi stuff was harder in SMG but still do-able. I dont want to fight against SMG2.

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 11:30:27

aspro said:
I just read this thread from start to finish.  This is what I got out of it:
1. The game is finished, but is being delayed in release to satisfy marketing reasons.

This is Nintendo we are talking about, they would have delayed it anyways. It's not like they have the game finished, they are still working on it. Miyamoto said they are halfway in the finishing stages. And remember Galaxy was polished as fuck, the finishing stages can still last 6 months from now.

aspro said:
2. The game will be harder than SMG, but no-one knows how much harder.
3. Yoshi is in it.

 Both are correct

aspro said:
4. There will be more story.

 There will be less story. Miyamoto did not like it

aspro said:

The question of difficulty has me wondering about where it will fall in the spectrum of prior Mario games.  I thought SMG had something for everyone, I mean from all accounts (including my own) there were some platforming elements in SMG that were quite difficult (and some boss battles that required several go throughs).  

 Well Galaxy was build somewhat like this

0-40 stars easy

40-80 stars easy-medium

80-100 stars medium

100-110 stars medium-hard

110-120 stars hard

Get rid of the easy part and increase the medium and medium hard part and you should be fine. Galaxy also gave more lives than you could possible use and the game had a nice checkpoint system. So you can easily make the game much harder without making it frustrating! And remember harder in a platformer means more crazy levels!!

aspro said:
Is that about it? 

No you forgot that the Koopa kids return

There will be a Super Mario World like map system (say goodbye to stars)

And a power-up system like the 2D Mario's

Plus when you finish you will get to see a XXX lesbian video of Peach and Rosalina!

P.S. the above comments are wishful thinking at best and utter lies and fabrication at worst. 

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 11:39:47
Thanks for the clarification Iga.  You had me going on your wishlist at the end there.  I was like, "Daaaaamn, half the stuff Iga wanted in post #2 is being included!"

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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 11:39:03
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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 14:02:21

There's one simple phrase that accurately describes every experience I've had when playing anything starring Mario: "Mario games make me happy."

It is, in all likelihood, a nostalgia thing. I prefer to believe it as a testament to the purity of a Mario game; how it can combine the feel of player movement, the design and layout of the world, and the (wonderfully) wacky tools to navigate the world and its obstacles with. I basically can't help but grin when I have Mario buttstomp an enemy, or jump his way past some rotating firewalls, or duck underneath a nasty Thwomp, or any other marquee Mario moment. I already am a bit giddy at seeing the new Super Mario Galaxy 2 trailer below, but here are some specific things that just made me smile while playing.

The drill is a great way to tour the worldOne of the newest items that SMG2 introduces is the drill, which lets you zip right through a planet. Not only is it just a neat-looking effect, but if allows for even more variations in planet design for SMG2; some are discs that you can't simply walk over the edge for. Others are filled with massive protuberances that require a good eye (and a head for 3D space, so Khan is out of luck) to figure out how to drill into. Sometimes, using the drill lets you explore the planet's core for even more coins.

The level design gets zanierI thought New Super Mario Bros Wii did a lot of stuff with the level design that added both freshness and stress to gameplay; like level 8-1 where The Nothing (well, technically, a lava cloud I guess) is eating up the level, or cramming an airship level with crazy amounts of bullet bills. SMG2's level design gets even crazier at times -- it probably helps that SMG2 is allowed to feature all sorts of crazy locales with the blanket "it takes place on worlds across multiple galaxies!" excuse.

One of the more memorable levels is essentially a 3D version of the beginning of World 4 in Super Mario Brothers 3, where normal-sized Mario is made teeny-tiny due to every block and enemy being humongoid. This is probably one of the few times where I felt a bit intimidated by a screen-filling Piranha Plant.

Another level that stands out (both in aesthetics and difficulty) is a 2D-style jaunt through a place that flips gravity. As you run-and-jump, you either get pulled downward when in front of a blue-wall with arrows pointing downward, or you "fall up" when in front of a purple wall with arrows pointing up. Some of these walls slide around, so you might find yourself traversing a long hallway without really touching the floor or ceiling. One particularly devious passage changes gravity every few seconds; you'll need proper timing to get past intricately placed electric panels along this shifting wall.

The boss battles are imaginative as well

The boss design, in this more freeform "anything goes" Mario title, range from solid uses of existing mechanics to expected "you got a new item, use it effectively here" matches. For the former, there's a pretty crazy fight with Gobblegut (thanks, Nintendo Treehouse personnel, for clarifying the boss names), a giant dragon where you have to smash apart his multiple (and bulbous) pink bellies. All this fight requires is a spin attack, but the way this damn dragon chases Mario around the tiny planet, or at times through the planet, make the act of hitting the glowy red bits an actual challenge.

Then there's this Digg-legg, a giant robot with equally giant legs that stomp around the once-again smaller-than-you-need planet. While this dude is quite big and uses both his massive legs and his drill-based minions to fight you, he's also greatly exposed between said legs. This logically follows a level where you've been using the new drill, and therefore you use fine timing to dodge his legs/minions, and drill through the planet and into his exposed robot area. But by far, my favorite boss battle, Mallettoid, incorporates classic Mario mechanics and new SMG2 elements in this next point...

Yoshi is back!

While Yoshi was pretty neat in New Super Mario Brothers Wii, he's back in 3D and even spiffier in SMG2. The main gameplay tweak that Yoshi brings is that your pointer turns from a starbit gatherer into a Yoshi Tongue Guidance System. Simply place the pointer over the bad dude that you want Yoshi to grab, and hit B. You can do this for a great many enemies (and then have Yoshi expel them into a poof of starbits), and even for things like fruits or switches. In fact, one world requires Yoshi to eat Bullet Bills in-flight, and then spit them out at breakable objects like glass containers or Bullet Bill launchers.

As mentioned earlier, Mallettoid is a giant clown-bot that Bowser Jr pilots, and you take him down by having Yoshi swallow Bullet Bills, and spit them at Mallettoid's three critical spots -- which then exposes the cockpit for the final Bullet Bill loogie. The whole time, he's using his giant mallet-hands to smack the stage around while his many cannons fire Bullet Bills all the while.

In addition to grabbing bad guys, Yoshi can also use his tongue to grab onto objects; sometimes you'll need to flip a switch from the very platform that the switch controls. Other times, Yoshi will latch onto a flower (a reference to the flowers from Yoshi's Island) and his tongue serves as a rope to swing across chasms with.

Though, besides using his tongue, one other feature I check out is having him eat blimpfruit, which expands his stomach and allows him to float around (with his mouth, not his posterior, as the exhaust port thankfully) as a balloon for a limited time. This seems restricted to the more 2D-style worlds; the main showpiece for the blimpfruit is a world that resembles a giant tree. In it, as you collect pieces of a warp star, you need to use the "blimped out Yoshi" (Nintendo Treehouse localization fellow Nate Bihldorff's turn of phrase) to gracefully float past the many spiked plants and collect warp stars. Though, since the level is a giant log, you can't "fall" off it; in fact, you need to take advantage of its large cylindrical shape and "strategically fall" onto the right platforms to grab all the star pieces.

While I play several levels of the game, all it really takes is the simple act of having a 3D Yoshi snatch Bullet Bills and spit them back at the crazy giant robo-clown for me to feel happy while playing a Mario game.

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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 14:14:17
This looks so great. Also, trees! Though the trees look animal crossy to me, not quite what I expect from Mario trees. But overall, awesome. I hope there are more larger planets this time, I liked those that had a little room for exploration and stuff, like those underwater bits.
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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 14:27:05

Yoshi bothers me, I only really liked him in Mario world and yoshis island. I hate that little extra jump where he kicks his legs about in mid-air.

He's not in NSMB Wii enough to be useful either and was useless in Sunshine. I hope he isn't used too much in SMG2 or if he is, he's actually useful and well controlled.

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