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Star Wars spoiler thread!
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Sun, 17 Jan 2016 18:16:16
Saw it yesterday and it was a bit of meh. It was basically a carbon copy of the New Hope, but worse.

The characters are worse too. Kylo Ren is a spoiled bitch ass and Rey is such a bullshit character. She can everything.

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Sun, 17 Jan 2016 18:49:50

Come on. It's fun.

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Wed, 20 Jan 2016 16:54:07
gamingeek said:

Come on. It's fun.

It's Iga, what did you expect.

Saw it again, so fantastic. I need the next one, it's so weird having some mystery to Star Wars, not knowing what will happen next.

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Wed, 20 Jan 2016 17:37:02

Did they ever explain why ren wears a helmet? He's not sick/scarred like Vader was.

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Wed, 20 Jan 2016 17:40:24
gamingeek said:

Did they ever explain why ren wears a helmet? He's not sick/scarred like Vader was.

He's obsessed with Vader, it's probably part of the Knights of ren attire

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Wed, 20 Jan 2016 17:44:31

I thought being submerged in darkness would enhance his dark force powers.

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Thu, 28 Jan 2016 01:59:03


Am I missing something from the Star Wars universe beyond the films that explains how the fuck the rebellion becomes "the resistance" rather than being involved in, you know, the new government/democracy/senate/whatever taking the place of the empire after its defeat. Why it's the rebellion fanboys vs empire fanboys using 50 year old tech to battle each other, and why the new government post-empire was so fucking weak it could be defeated by a bunch of pussy-arse Neo-Nazis like that? lol. I mean, how are they even the "resistance"? They're "resisting" (read: fighting against on an even footing) another sub-group clearly not involved in major politics? Wouldn't the Neo-Nazi version of the empire be the "resistance", resisting the senate?

Nuremberg rally scene: so cringe. This is aesthetically like going from Star Wars OT, to Killzone-level copy of Star Wars OT. And giant fucking golem, played by Andy Serkis no less? Are you fucking serious...?

P.S. Why the hell wasn't Anakan-sith cast as teen Snape in the Harry Potter films? He's fucking perfect for that role. (Maybe he was, I stopped watching Harry Potter films before he would've showed up.)

P.P.S. Don't think I hated the film, I just wonder how they're going to explain such a ridiculous fucking change, especially when it's so limply set up in the first film (I mean, it's like a fan fic set up by someone who didn't want anything to change after episode VI because they loved the OT so much, and wanted to get a boot into the prequels by blowing up anything related to the prequels in one fell swoop lol)...unless it's supported by non-film mythos.

Edited: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 02:02:16

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Thu, 28 Jan 2016 10:46:28
Foolz said:

(I mean, it's like a fan fic set up by someone who didn't want anything to change after episode VI because they loved the OT so much, and wanted to get a boot into the prequels by blowing up anything related to the prequels in one fell swoop lol

That's why it's good^

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Thu, 28 Jan 2016 11:54:49
Foolz said:


Am I missing something from the Star Wars universe beyond the films that explains how the fuck the rebellion becomes "the resistance" rather than being involved in, you know, the new government/democracy/senate/whatever taking the place of the empire after its defeat. Why it's the rebellion fanboys vs empire fanboys using 50 year old tech to battle each other, and why the new government post-empire was so fucking weak it could be defeated by a bunch of pussy-arse Neo-Nazis like that? lol. I mean, how are they even the "resistance"? They're "resisting" (read: fighting against on an even footing) another sub-group clearly not involved in major politics? Wouldn't the Neo-Nazi version of the empire be the "resistance", resisting the senate?

Nuremberg rally scene: so cringe. This is aesthetically like going from Star Wars OT, to Killzone-level copy of Star Wars OT. And giant fucking golem, played by Andy Serkis no less? Are you fucking serious...?

P.S. Why the hell wasn't Anakan-sith cast as teen Snape in the Harry Potter films? He's fucking perfect for that role. (Maybe he was, I stopped watching Harry Potter films before he would've showed up.)

P.P.S. Don't think I hated the film, I just wonder how they're going to explain such a ridiculous fucking change, especially when it's so limply set up in the first film (I mean, it's like a fan fic set up by someone who didn't want anything to change after episode VI because they loved the OT so much, and wanted to get a boot into the prequels by blowing up anything related to the prequels in one fell swoop lol)...unless it's supported by non-film mythos.

Some thoughts:

The F-16 debuted in 1979 and is still in use today.  So the Star Wars universe still using all the same material is completely believeable.  Also, the New Order has changed their designs up a bit by adding in shields to cut on their losses, as they're not yet as huge as the Empire used to be.  On the Resistance side, X-wing design has changed a bit, but that seems to be purely aesthetically.  The only explenation for this is so that cool kids can't be seen playing around with OT toys and will have to run out to buy all new ones.

As to the whole beating the republic thing, wasn't it said somewhere that the republic didn't have a large army and they didn't allow political entities to have large armies?  That's why the New Order built its army in some hellhole at the edge of the map.  And that's why the Resistance isn't a true army either, they're being secretly financed by some members of the republic.  Like IS.

Ren does look awfully like Snape, and he wears a helmet to look more frightening to his troops and enemies.  I mean look at his face, it's hard to fear him once you know how he really looks.  Oh yeah, and he clearly has a Vader-fetish going on as well.

And yeah, they basically ignored everything that ever tried to bring Star Wars up to modern standards.  It's more like a remake than an actual sequel.

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Thu, 28 Jan 2016 12:18:02

You guys think too hard about this stuff.

More importantly how does anybody follow a ginger general with a haircut like that?

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Thu, 28 Jan 2016 12:32:04
SupremeAC said:

Some thoughts:

The F-16 debuted in 1979 and is still in use today.  So the Star Wars universe still using all the same material is completely believeable.  Also, the New Order has changed their designs up a bit by adding in shields to cut on their losses, as they're not yet as huge as the Empire used to be.  On the Resistance side, X-wing design has changed a bit, but that seems to be purely aesthetically.  The only explenation for this is so that cool kids can't be seen playing around with OT toys and will have to run out to buy all new ones.

As to the whole beating the republic thing, wasn't it said somewhere that the republic didn't have a large army and they didn't allow political entities to have large armies?  That's why the New Order built its army in some hellhole at the edge of the map.  And that's why the Resistance isn't a true army either, they're being secretly financed by some members of the republic.  Like IS.

Ren does look awfully like Snape, and he wears a helmet to look more frightening to his troops and enemies.  I mean look at his face, it's hard to fear him once you know how he really looks.  Oh yeah, and he clearly has a Vader-fetish going on as well.

And yeah, they basically ignored everything that ever tried to bring Star Wars up to modern standards.  It's more like a remake than an actual sequel.

You can definitely, and should for a sense of continuity, have X-Wings and stuff in it (and they deserve credit for the new way they pick up droids, the shields and the rear-firing lasers etc.), but it should be complemented by some completely newer shit. The simpler tech, like computers etc., having not evolved, and that fashion has apparently only vaguely changed, is pretty absurd. I'd give 'em lots of credit for the roller-derby droid, too...if it didn't look like it was wearing an orange and white RT2D2 skin. Repetition of OT environments is ridiculous, too (which would be fine, if there were any new ones).

Political stuff: Well it's better than nothing, but still feels like an excuse rather than a logical political evolution from the end of the OT to me.

Alternatively: if the empire was just a tin-pot dictatorship that grew out of the destruction of the senate in the prequels, then the destruction of the empire but society not progressing for 50 years in spite of this (i.e. tin-pot dictatorship followed by tin-pot dictatorship) makes a little sense, and it doesn't totally contradict what you've said. Basically: prequel was the fall of Rome, OT was the Cuban revolution, the prequel dudes that just got blown up were Fidel Castro. Fair enough.

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Thu, 28 Jan 2016 12:33:16
gamingeek said:

You guys think too hard about this stuff.

More importantly how does anybody follow a ginger general with a haircut like that?

Not thinking about it=it's fan fiction. In this case, turning off one's brain actually makes an action/adventure film worse. wat.

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Thu, 28 Jan 2016 12:57:10
Foolz said:

You can definitely, and should for a sense of continuity, have X-Wings and stuff in it (and they deserve credit for the new way they pick up droids, the shields and the rear-firing lasers etc.), but it should be complemented by some completely newer shit. The simpler tech, like computers etc., having not evolved, and that fashion has apparently only vaguely changed, is pretty absurd. I'd give 'em lots of credit for the roller-derby droid, too...if it didn't look like it was wearing an orange and white RT2D2 skin. Repetition of OT environments is ridiculous, too (which would be fine, if there were any new ones).

Political stuff: Well it's better than nothing, but still feels like an excuse rather than a logical political evolution from the end of the OT to me.

Alternatively: if the empire was just a tin-pot dictatorship that grew out of the destruction of the senate in the prequels, then the destruction of the empire but society not progressing for 50 years in spite of this (i.e. tin-pot dictatorship followed by tin-pot dictatorship) makes a little sense, and it doesn't totally contradict what you've said. Basically: prequel was the fall of Rome, OT was the Cuban revolution, the prequel dudes that just got blown up were Fidel Castro. Fair enough.

Agreed on the tech and fashion front.  It was kept the same only because of the backlash against the 'prequels' because of how different they were.  You did however only make a point about 'using 50 year old tech to battle each other', so that's what I replied to.

I think the political stuff does make sense, although it was woefully underdevelopped.  They should have shown the current political order in action for at least half of the film, better even the whole first film, before having it be destroyed by the New Order.  Now it had zero effect, to the point where the people I watched the movie with completely missed why they blew up the 6 parliament-planets.  Not sure about your theory about the them being Fidel Castro though.

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Thu, 28 Jan 2016 13:04:53
SupremeAC said:

Agreed on the tech and fashion front.  It was kept the same only because of the backlash against the 'prequels' because of how different they were.  You did however only make a point about 'using 50 year old tech to battle each other', so that's what I replied to.

I think the political stuff does make sense, although it was woefully underdevelopped.  They should have shown the current political order in action for at least half of the film, better even the whole first film, before having it be destroyed by the New Order.  Now it had zero effect, to the point where the people I watched the movie with completely missed why they blew up the 6 parliament-planets.  Not sure about your theory about the them being Fidel Castro though.

Indeed, but I thought you liked a little argument between two people in agreement. Nyaa

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Thu, 28 Jan 2016 13:11:58
Foolz said:

Indeed, but I thought you liked a little argument between two people in agreement. Nyaa

Yes, but not with a filthy German.  I zpit on them!

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