Forum > Gaming Discussion > Phantom Leo's GOTY 2015. Now with Top Editor's and Dev's Lists! [Page 3]
Phantom Leo's GOTY 2015. Now with Top Editor's and Dev's Lists! [Page 3]
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Sat, 19 Dec 2015 13:34:44

08. Mortal Kombat X (PS4) -- Had you asked me back in the 90's "Do you think Mortal Kombat will still be going strong in the year 2015?" I probably would have said "No." Not for a lack of love for the series, but I would have thought the gimmick of it all would have died out long before now. Things were looking kinda grim around the time of Armageddon, but to Boon's credit, he's turned this series around and made it great again! Keeping the mythos alive, respecting the past but evolving for the future, this series continues to re-define itself and the fighting genre as a whole. Although the story mode in this game was weaker than the 2011 game, it still puts every other fighting game's to shame! It continues the story of the characters and their kin; it encourages the player to try all of the characters at least once. It is flat-out great! Beside the fantastic story mode, the main game has some of the goriest, bloodiest, over-the-top, not for the faint of heart fatalities the series has ever seen! Three variations of every one of the characters with unique move-sets to each, all-new characters that fit right in with the returning originals, an online faction mode to spur players on and, of course, tons of unlockables are the icing on an already decadent cake! The very fact that they will still be adding new characters through 2016 keeps this game relevant many months after it's initial release! Not having the chance to play it online all that much, nor having my buds near enough to play in the same room, has dampened my excitement slightly for this incredible entry in this immortal series, but not enough for me to not include it in my year's best!

Edited: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 20:00:26
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Sat, 19 Dec 2015 13:47:21
Have you checked out any of the DLC characters? The slasher characters in particular?
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Sat, 19 Dec 2015 13:59:27

The only one that's available so far is Jason. He is slow, strong and brutal. I have very little experience with him, but my nephew seems to like him a lot. He seems to have grabs that cancel out other specials and is almost unflinching when it comes to taking damage. I tend to prefer faster characters, so I haven't tried him all that much.

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Sat, 19 Dec 2015 14:00:51
Cool. My horror movie buddies are all asking when I'm going to get the game. They want to check out all of the upcoming characters. I tried to explain I don't have a system to play it on the. They don't seem to get it. But no one ever accused horror fans as being all that intelligent.
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Sat, 19 Dec 2015 14:07:36

I'm kinda perplexed why they didn't throw in Freddy again. You'll eventually be able to have Alien vs. Predator battles in the game. Jason vs. Freddy would have been, well... killer!

Jason vs. Leatherface is kinda cool, I guess... but it's just not the same!

Missed opportunity!  Hrm

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Sun, 20 Dec 2015 01:35:40
bugsonglass said:

Why you be in Germany foolz? 3h?

It's all an illusion...

aspro said:

Agreed. Of course, if I were making mario levels for you to beat that would be different.

And if you were, we would not be voyeurs but active participants.

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Sun, 20 Dec 2015 14:19:32

07. Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance (PS4) -- There will probably never be a year when there is a Disgaea released that it doesn't show up somewhere in my Top Ten. They have always been good, but Nippon Ichi finds consistent ways to always make them better, year after year. With enemies numbering in the hundreds on a battlefield now, an incredible range of colors, smooth animation and graphics as non-pixelated as Nipon Ichi can seem to muster, this is the best looking Disgaea to date! Is the story over the top? Yes. Are the Combo Attacks over the top? Yes. Are the Special Attacks over the top? Yes. Can you pull off attacks that do millions of points of damage? Of course! This is Disgaea, after all! Item Worlds are there. The grouping of characters together for added effect is there. You can now send Exploration Teams to find new planets and scout galaxies. You can open a Curry Shop. The Overlords (of which there are many) all have unique 'Overload' skills. The list of added features is HUGE! As is par for the course, you can ignore all of these things entirely and just play it as an everyday SRPG or you can delve so deep, this could be your only game for a year and you'd be fine! Of course, there's New Game + bonuses, Post-Ending craziness and the best thing of all, in my eyes at least, the DLC characters from all the past games now have chapters and mini-stories of their own. It's not just "buy 'em and use 'em in battle with nary a word said" anymore! Awesome! The most feature-packed, best looking game of the series to date, of course it's on my list!

Edited: Fri, 25 Dec 2015 20:01:34
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Sun, 20 Dec 2015 18:22:08
phantom_leo said:

I'm kinda perplexed why they didn't throw in Freddy again. You'll eventually be able to have Alien vs. Predator battles in the game. Jason vs. Freddy would have been, well... killer!

Jason vs. Leatherface is kinda cool, I guess... but it's just not the same!

Missed opportunity!  Hrm

I think Freddy did not make it back because they don't quite know what they're doing with him anymore. The Friday the 13th reboot did not bomb but it was really disliked by a lot of long time fans, particularly the look of the new Freddy. So the producers have scrapped this direction of the reboot and are probably going to reboot it again in the near future. and there is a lot of question on how they will make Freddy look. So until they figure it out for the movies I think they are keeping him out of video games.
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Mon, 21 Dec 2015 11:54:32

Too high.

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Mon, 21 Dec 2015 15:46:47

06. Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition (PS4) -- I played The Witcher 3 for 6 months. I've been playing Fallout 4 since it launched. This whole time there's been a certain console RPG that I've been eyeing for months now, anticipating my return to it. Divinity is that game! It is a call back to the greatest computer RPG's of all time, while being it's own clever beast at the same time. Conversation choices meet debates between main characters that can be won or lost with a mini-game. Dramatic story-lines meet humorous dialogue in a plot that has Chrono Trigger like threads woven into it. Standard top-down WRPG combat meets the combination of elements for added benefits or dangerous, deadly risks. There's crafting. There's puzzles. So many ways to play it; unique character classes to the Enhanced Edition. A computer style RPG playable with a controller. This is legitamately one of the best original role-players I've played in years! I could go on and on, but it would be like a single voice shouting in a quiet room. One day, when other people play this game, I will join in the chorus of praise that will inevitably come, but for now, I will be content just to quietly add it to my year's best! I've said it once, I'll say it again: Don't miss this game!!

Edited: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 17:33:03
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Mon, 21 Dec 2015 18:49:22

^I've been waiting to get Pillars of Eternity to scratch that itch. Just waiting for the right Steam sale.

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Mon, 21 Dec 2015 21:31:10

Too low

adendum for philip: Divinity>Pillars.

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Tue, 22 Dec 2015 12:30:02

05. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (N3DS) -- I was thrilled about the prospect of getting a portable Monster Hunter game when I heard about 3 Ultimate on the 3DS. I was amazed when I played it to find it had all the content of the Wii and U versions. What turned out to be unfortunate, though, was the controls. If you really wanted to play it to the fullest, you needed the Circle Pad Pro. Ironicaly enough, if you had the CPP on your 3DS, it made it far less portable. Eventually, I gave up on the idea of owning a MonHun on the go. Enter the New 3DS, rocking that awesome little C-Stick Nub! It was finally time for a Monster Hunter and I to get some quality time together, and boy did we ever! I finally understand where the obsession comes from! There's nothing quite like readying equipment, choosing your hunting items and stalking your monsterous prey! If you're into Boss Battles, MonHun is the game for you because practically every Monster has a pattern, set of attacks and fight or flight response all it's own! The variety of Monsters, the variety of their attacks... How you can now interact with the environment and even mount the Monsters for additional damage...! The Insect Glaive even lets you target certain monster body parts and extract their essence for additional effects... There's just so much depth to this game, it's staggering to me that it actually works on a portable! The animation of the console versions is present in the 3DS game. The New 3DS actually smooths out the graphics of the game, over it's 3DS counterpart. Nintendo has gone all in with this game offering TONS of FREE DLC that has been distributed throughout the year, more than a bit of it being Nintendo character gear and references! Get Samus' armor and arm cannon! Get the Mario Bros. clothes. Animal Crossing? It's in there! Get the Master Sword and the Hylian Shield while you're at it! CapCom packed it full of their own special items, as well! Want a Mega Man Palico? Sure, why not! Want a Blanka side-kick? Do the quest! It goes on and on and on! If you want full sets of armor, if you want to upgrade your numerous varieties of weapons, this can be your one and only game for a year or two and you'd always have something new to do! I've put 80 hours into the game and reached the "halfway" point story-wise. Haven't scratched the surface of online yet, nor have I done many of the DLC quests. It's no wonder this game is the sensation it is in Japan! It was a smart move of Nintendo, acquiring the rights to this! Had a handful of other games not made it out this year, this could have been my number one! That being said, wow, but there's even better games to come!

Edited: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 12:30:38
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Tue, 22 Dec 2015 18:22:30

I haven't even played Monster Hunter 3 yet....and who knows if I'll ever get around to it. Even when I want to play a game like this, there always seems to be others that interest me more. I'm sure I'd like it if I got into it, but its tough to make that first step.


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Tue, 22 Dec 2015 18:34:40

You really don't have to play them in order. Every new iteration builds upon the last, improving each entry vastly. There's a total of 98 monsters in MH4U -- 23 small and 75 L-A-R-G-E!

I believe it's the most content-packed one to date!

Edited: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 18:35:42
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Tue, 22 Dec 2015 18:37:49
I'm still waiting on the console version.
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Tue, 22 Dec 2015 18:42:46

The next game, Monster Hunter X, is already out on the 3DS.

There were rumors of Monster Hunter Frontier Online 2 coming to PS4... but that's it. No console MH4U, nor does it look like the next one will be on console either. Sorry!

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Tue, 22 Dec 2015 18:43:49
I will continue to believe. If nothing else there will be NX ports or new games, and I'll get my fix that way.
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Wed, 23 Dec 2015 14:02:42

04. Super Mario Maker (Wii U) -- Where to even begin with this one?! 2015 will be remembered as the year Nintendo finally handed the keys to the (mushroom) kingdom over to the gamers and said: "Here, have fun!" Regarded as some of the best, most influencial games of all times, Nintendo basically gave you a Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3 and World construction kit that let you mimic, if not try to outdo, some of the most iconic platforming levels of all time. Yes, New is in there too, but I'm more impressed with the sprites of the originals than the modern take. Not only did Nintendo give you creative license to tinker with some of thier biggest games, but they also made it easy enough where quite literally anyone could do it! I actually found the creation of levels to be more satisfying than playing other user-generated ones! I read this in a recent Year-End recap somewhere, but I fully believe this to be true: Had Nintendo made this the pack-in game with the Wii U, this generation could have been a whole different ball-game. Maker is by far one of the best uses of the Game Pad that ever was and ever will be! Throwing in 8-bit versions of some of their characters and other's was both fun and nostalgic, but also a tiny bit disappointing. These throwbacks were more a reason to sell more Amiibos than something of practical use in the game. It's frustrating to have a Mega Man costume if you can't use his Buster. Why have Sonic if you can't have his speed? Same goes for Samus and all the others. As it was, the Big N could have produced the greatest platform game maker of all time, not merely the best Mario Maker! As it stands, the retro characters were merely a one-shot shield for Mario, with hardly any other use at all. Sad, but ultimately forgiveable! Another mistep was the handling of the online features. There should have been an easier way to sort levels, filter out garbage and find the really great stuff from the start! Not to sound too down, as this literally is one of the best games they've produced this decade, and, if Splatoon is any indication, they'll probably support it for many more months to come! The one and only reason for me to have owned a Wii U this year, this game utterly deserved having a top spot of recognition among my favorite games of 2015!

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Thu, 24 Dec 2015 16:53:36

03. Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition (3DS) -- Undoubtedly the game I spent the most time with this year! According to my 3DS, over 150 hours! Crazy things is only about 10-15 hours of that was spent on the Mario mode! Had I played more of IT, the total would have been into the 200's easily! Considering the puzzle matches last a few minutes "Where did all the time go?" you may ask... Locating all the monsters, obtaining the rare eggs, fusing the larger legendaries, after a while it becomes an addictive obsession! Different stages have different elemental attributes and having a variety of monsters on your team makes a huge difference! There's an extensive monster compendium in the game. In it, it shows evolutionary paths and the various forms the monsters can take, filling that becomes a full-time job; one that you won't mind doing! Thing is, these are monsters that belong to the P&D universe, chances are you haven't seen them before. You're still going to want to get 'em all anyway! There's a few Final Fantasy dragons in there, thanks to a collaboration with Square, but the P&D creatures are more than enough to occupy your time! The very fact that there's a Mario mode full of traditional Mushroom Kingdom enemies, that's an incredible bonus! This game card truly has TWO full-fledged, content-packed games in one! Only drawback I can see in this incredible package is: P&D Z has an RPG mode where you run around a town, talking to NPC's. The chatter is utterly generic, the story is beyond contrived. It almost gets in the way of your simple want to battle more... There are a few people in the town that give you quests and the opportunity to obtain rare monsters, but it all does amount to a lot of filler. Mario, on the other hand, has a World Map akin to Mario Bros. 3 or World. Other than a few tips and notifications from Toad, there's nothing getting in your way of playing and obtaining some cool Mario monsters! As a word of advice though, play the Mario mode after Z! Mario mode is markedly tougher! I got this game on Memorial Day weekend, just before a friend's wedding. In the interim between festivities, on the train ride home, for the rest of the holiday and unexpetedly for months to come after, this was my go-to game! Perfect for on the go gaming, but fiendish enough to demand a huge chunk of your attention, this game deserves a top-spot amongst some of the heaviest hitters my year end lists have ever seen! It could have been number 1, almost... the gameplay is simple enough where it doesn't quite make it. If it was based on addictiveness alone, it would be decided, but the two remaining games have two incredible strengths to them that top even this! On to the top two!

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