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The Witcher 3 thread
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Sun, 31 May 2015 17:39:03
travo said:

Is that the book found in the room with the witches' painting?

I'm beginning to have performance issues the further I progress.  It's the same thing that happened with Fallout and Skyrim.  Objects now disappear and reappear at random.  The fps take a drop.  The game was buttery smooth at first.  Seems the more missions I tackle and more stuff I collect, make the game take a hit.  Too much to load up?

Fuck that sounds like the Bethesda issues. The more stuff you leave in the world the bigger mess it becomes. What shit.

And yes it's that book.

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Sun, 31 May 2015 19:48:32

I am totally in love with the game. The baron is one of the most interesting complex characters I have seen in a game and he is just one tiny npc in this huge world. What a story, and the choices you make can influence how it turns out, wow. I marvel at the game world, it's breathtaking.

I have turned up the difficulty to max, it was getting too easy. I discovered that the quen secondary shield restores life every time an enemy hits it. That changes everything!

This is quite possibly the greatest game world ever put in a game.

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Sun, 31 May 2015 20:38:17
Dvader said:

I am totally in love with the game. The baron is one of the most interesting complex characters I have seen in a game and he is just one tiny npc in this huge world. What a story, and the choices you make can influence how it turns out, wow. I marvel at the game world, it's breathtaking.

I have turned up the difficulty to max, it was getting too easy. I discovered that the quen secondary shield restores life every time an enemy hits it. That changes everything!

This is quite possibly the greatest game world ever put in a game.

The baron is definitely the same guy who played The King in Game of Thrones 1st season...Baratheon. Even looks like him.

The game is amazing....even if you forget about it being an RPG and just look at it as an open world title. As much as I love the Elder Scrolls titles, if you want to do all there is to do in those games, you're going to come across long stretches of boring gameplay. Wild Hunt on the other hand, does not get boring....the pace is incredible. It doesn't even have the problems that Grand Theft Auto and Assassin's Creed titles have, where all the missions start to feel the same thing over and over. Up to where I am, each mission is unique and different, and the game constantly has you wanting to see what happens next.


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Sun, 31 May 2015 22:54:54

A new patch is incoming

Hi everyone,

As you know we don't stop working to keep bringing you new updates - I just wanted to give you a heads-up of what to expect in the upcoming patch. The list below is a part of the change log for the 1.04/1.05. There will be a lot more fixes on the way - here's the breakdown of the most requested changes:

Geralt will not longer interact with candles near chests and other interactive elements.
General stability and performance improvements
Significantly Enlarged GUI and HUD elements (including fonts) on consoles and slightly on PC.
Improved camera smoothness
Performance improvements during some cutscenes.
Fixed case where game was crashing on loading a save in certain situations
Various bug fixes and user experience improvements in GUI panels.
Fixed issue where some players were unable to run after Wandering in the Dark quest
Fixed issue where players were unable to talk to Eight after the Lord of Undvik quest
Too many wild hunt minions were spawned during Ciri's Story: Fleeing the Bog quest.
Fixed issue where Keira could sometimes fall under terrain during Wandering in the Dark quest
Fixed issue where Player was unable to move freely during Blindingly Obvious quest
Fixed issue where Player was unable to activate portal during Wandering in the Dark quest
Fixed issue where Player could get trapped in Turseach castle ruins
Fixed issue where Roche was not present at Hanged Man's tree during Eye for an Eye quest
Fixed issue where Player was unable to talk or interact with certain NPCs
Fixed issue where Sirens in quest Lord of Undvik could be invulnerable.
Fixed issue where player was unable to use certain actions after Carnal Sins quest
Fixed issue where Geralt was sometimes unable to mount Roach
Fixed issue where some players where experiencing infinite loading screen during King's Gambit quest.
Fixed issue where Simun was not properly spawned in An Unpaid Debt quest
Fixed issue where player might have had a progression break after choosing certain dialogue option when talking to Dijkstra in Count Reuven's Treasure quest

The Pyres of Novigrad quest is of course going to be fixed as well as the XP glitch.
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Mon, 01 Jun 2015 02:15:01

Nice to see them fixing the font size, there is some really small font in this game. So far though I'm having an excellent time with the game. Not really all that far into it yet though.


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Mon, 01 Jun 2015 17:27:48

Some of these choices are so hard to make. I cheated on one and looked up what could happen, some stuff is brutal. They way choice matters is really incredible.

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Mon, 01 Jun 2015 17:34:43

I cheated to find out the best solution for Anna.  Turns out there wasn't one.  Has anyone made it into Novigrad yet.  The Count missions are nice, though the count is quite the ass.  I don't really know Whoreson, but when I meet him, I'm whipping his ass. Now, I'm off to the ball!

What level is everyone? I just made it to 14.

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Mon, 01 Jun 2015 18:26:13

I'm Level 10. Still haven't made it into Novigrad either. I just did the Crones bit of the Baron stuff last night. It was creepy and gut-wrenching.

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Tue, 02 Jun 2015 02:53:34

" Let me tell you why you shouldn't lie to me!"

Holy shit, Geralt is becoming one of my favorite game protagonist ever.  What an amazing payoff to a certain quest.

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Tue, 02 Jun 2015 03:04:32

Omg what have I done?!?! These choices, wow.

Spoilers spoilers

The baron hanged himself, Anna is dead, I screwed this up didn't i?!

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Tue, 02 Jun 2015 03:32:06

Same happened to me. I was kind of pissed that I couldn't save anyone.

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Tue, 02 Jun 2015 03:33:32

vader, so W2 wasn't anything like this?  I feel like I want to go back and play because I've missed out on so much?

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Tue, 02 Jun 2015 03:56:12
travo said:

vader, so W2 wasn't anything like this?  I feel like I want to go back and play because I've missed out on so much?

No. That game is like a semi linear action adventure game with poor combat and sinple level design. Imagine if witcher3 took place in like a tiny tiny section of the map with super boring quests like "kill 5 nests", "clear the cave of monsters". Every once in a while you get a good quest bit there are like 10 of them at most. if you like the character and story than sure play it, it's got plenty of that.

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Tue, 02 Jun 2015 05:41:34

I saw this and thought this is my dream Zelda game, thats exactly what I want it to look like.

The lighting is incredible.

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Tue, 02 Jun 2015 06:02:49
I'm worried I won't be as impressed with Zelda U now....because this game does so much of what I was hoping for from Zelda.


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Tue, 02 Jun 2015 06:22:06

Damn the fucking Baron whole quest. I just finished it...I think. It was so cool.

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Tue, 02 Jun 2015 11:06:50

Well, apparently the fights I was having trouble with were for quests well above my level according to the questlog, so maybe that was the problem...I'll skip them for now. I also figured out a strategy to keep the shield up 100% of the time, but it does't really make the combat more interesting or fun; just easiser against large groups.

Edited: Tue, 02 Jun 2015 11:07:36

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Tue, 02 Jun 2015 14:23:47

Vader how are you getting your PS4 screens on here?


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Tue, 02 Jun 2015 17:06:32
edgecrusher said:

Vader how are you getting your PS4 screens on here?

Upload to Facebook.

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Wed, 03 Jun 2015 01:53:53

Lol, the play!

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