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The Witcher 3 thread
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Fri, 29 May 2015 23:34:11

I enjoyed that quest so much.  It escalated quickly.

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Sat, 30 May 2015 03:01:46

I'm really not feeling the combat against normal enemies at all, but I'm still not any good against groups of enemies so may be doing something wrong. With that in mind, anyone playing on DM have any tips? I can dodge, parry and use skills well against 2 enemies, but 3 or more and I have to start separating them.

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Sat, 30 May 2015 10:24:47
I do the same thing.
If I come across a large group of wolves or bandits, my strategy is basically to get them all in a line if I can. Keep backing off with dodge. Hit them with Igni, then slash at them 3 or 4 times.

Repeat until they're wiped out.


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Sat, 30 May 2015 18:40:06

Did the Keira quest which was really good. Felt like a proper dungeon, it even had a riddle, woo!  Some good boss battles and combat moments. I upgraded my yren sign so it makes a trap that continuously hurts enemies, so badass. Magic is the way to go. I was a bit overleveled for the quest so it was really easy.

I will say this about the game world, a lot of the random ? Marks are boring filler stuff. I went through like 10 of them on my way down to that quest and battles tons of bandits over and over. The reward is always a bunch of junk I never use. One thing Ubisoft does well is make every activity mean something and have some feedback loop to leveling up or some skill. If eliminating bandit camps would give me more of a progression based reward I may want to clear them but it's mostly busy work outside the quests, which are awesome.

Still I am in constant awe riding around the world. It's gorgeous. The things the lighting does with the sun is breathtaking.

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Sat, 30 May 2015 18:54:14

Now for a rant, this has nothing to do with the quality of witcher, I am not removing imaginary points because it's not like a different game. For me personally it bugs me that games don't try to have more quality puzzles, like Zelda. I play so many games that have all sorts of amazing powers, skills, items and almost none of them use them in anything meaningful outside combat. Here I was inside the cave dungeon in witcher and it's supposed to have traps and riddles to solve but how do you solve most of them, you hold a button and press x on the gigantic red glowing thing. Geralt can create fire, push objects with his mind, slow down movement, I can think of 50 puzzles that use those powers in interesting ways. Why are so many games afraid of players using their mind. Zelda puzzles are t even that hard, the point is they make you stop and think, they make use of the environment and tools in ways most games don't. It's not all combat all the time.

It pisses me off that I have to normally wait like 4-5 years at a time to get one damn game that satisfies that itch for me. It also pisses me off that other companies that understand scale and storytelling don't try something more ambitious with their gameplay, instead I am stuck with nintendo who still uses a mute protagonist and is running in ancient hardware. This game is so close to my perfect game, I know the next Zelda is open world so maybe it does what I want. I would love the world to be as detailed as witchers, I want choices to impact the world, I want quests that have engaging stories. But I want the loot system gone, I mostly want items that matter, that can be used in puzzles and to access new areas. I want dungeons with puzzles, traps, big boss battles. Copy the world of witcher and inject it with a ton of Zelda mechanics and I feel I will have a game i could quit gaming after playing cause that would be the pinnicle of gaming.

I wish I had a few hundred million lying around to make this game happen.

Edited: Sat, 30 May 2015 18:55:28
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Sat, 30 May 2015 19:13:04

Yeah, it all boils down to which gaming needs does a game fulfill. For you, the need to be constantly engaged through gameplay elements is more important, whereas for me, someone who hates puzzles, changing the game to the thing you're talking about would yield a less enjoyable experience. As it stands now, TW3 could end up being my favorite game of all time.

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Sat, 30 May 2015 19:17:04
SteelAttack said:

Yeah, it all boils down to which gaming needs does a game fulfill. For you, the need to be constantly engaged through gameplay elements is more important, whereas for me, someone who hates puzzles, changing the game to the thing you're talking about would yield a less enjoyable experience. As it stands now, TW3 could end up being my favorite game of all time.

Good point.

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Sat, 30 May 2015 19:17:06

I think I could lean more towards the Zelda type gameplay.  If my life was different and I had time to be the completionist, I'd gladly choose this.

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Sat, 30 May 2015 19:37:01

Oh oh. Vader's Witcher 3 score just went from an 8.8 to a 7.7. Nyaa


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Sat, 30 May 2015 19:40:38
Archangel3371 said:

Oh oh. Vader's Witcher 3 score just went from an 8.8 to a 7.7. Nyaa

Damn it he is on to me.

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Sun, 31 May 2015 00:12:08
I managed to replicate my issue with the Witcher in another game, so replaced the PSU and it's running fine now.

Okay so maybe it wasn't their glitchy code *grumble* *grumble*...


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sun, 31 May 2015 02:32:46

Thanks Edge.

Vader, Leo or Steel, anything else I could be doing in the combat to make it more interesting?

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Sun, 31 May 2015 03:03:44

One thing I've found to be fun is having enemies accidentally attack each other like an archer missing you and shooting someone else. Of course, this is tricky to pull off.  I'd say experiment with the signs, combining more than one in battle.  I think you can map them to the touchscreen which can give you easier access when switching between them.  Igni is my favorite in combat.

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Sun, 31 May 2015 04:11:38
travo said:

One thing I've found to be fun is having enemies accidentally attack each other like an archer missing you and shooting someone else. Of course, this is tricky to pull off.  I'd say experiment with the signs, combining more than one in battle.  I think you can map them to the touchscreen which can give you easier access when switching between them.  Igni is my favorite in combat.

Accidentally didn't namedrop you, and you still come through. <3

I think I'll need to work on lowering the cool down to effectively combine them. Will look at the control settings re. the touchpad.

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Sun, 31 May 2015 04:43:18
Foolz said:

Thanks Edge.

Vader, Leo or Steel, anything else I could be doing in the combat to make it more interesting?

Mix things up. You can get by by blocking, parrying and countering most of the time, and with large groups of enemies combat can devolve into boring roll ins and roll outs. So mix stuff up, use bombs and igni to crowd control, learn the timings of your cooldowns so you can use as many signs as possible, with humans use axii as much as possible, and with monsters throw yrden into the mix.

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Sun, 31 May 2015 04:54:40

I just got the new fire spell so now my hand is like a flamethrower. Also the upgraded yahrn spell makes a trap that hurts enemies. So you an lure enemies to it to hurt them, then throw a grenade as they fall back. Don't forget the potion that speeds up stamina.

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Sun, 31 May 2015 16:49:16

This game!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spoilers spoilers spoilers

So the witch quest I did it twice to see both paths. In one I saved the tree spirit, in the other killed it. Seems to me if you save it it will return later in the game. So I thibk I am sticking with that ones even though it's probably bad for the world.

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Sun, 31 May 2015 16:50:06

Btw I am in love with this game, Righ now it's GOTY, till MGS of course.

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Sun, 31 May 2015 17:07:12

have you guys ready the book and bestiary on higher vampires! It says one must only take a contract to if the reward is high enough like a princess or half a kingdom. I need to fight one of these.

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Sun, 31 May 2015 17:16:56

Is that the book found in the room with the witches' painting?

I'm beginning to have performance issues the further I progress.  It's the same thing that happened with Fallout and Skyrim.  Objects now disappear and reappear at random.  The fps take a drop.  The game was buttery smooth at first.  Seems the more missions I tackle and more stuff I collect, make the game take a hit.  Too much to load up?

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