Forum > Gaming Discussion > Xbox 720 reveal thread!! Starts at 1pm EST!
Xbox 720 reveal thread!! Starts at 1pm EST!
TV and Sports!
Two things I couldn't care any less about!
How is it that GAF works while this conference is on and yet the Sonic Lost World announcement brings it to it's knees?
Madden looks like that tech demo from many years ago. Finally. Looks good.
LOL NBA Live, yeah right.
You know what, looking back TV junk and sports is what has ruined every major MS on stage performance.
Okay my feed keeps freezing to a standstill and with the video quality these sports games look like pixellated CG.
I'm bailing. Let me know what happens.
15 Microsoft Studio games in the first year.
8 of which are new franchises.
What are the other 7 then?
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I was reading his mind
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