travo said:Could someone explain what GDDR5 is? Essentially faster memory?
They use it in Radeon and nVidia cards.
Where was Naughty Dog in all this with Uncharted 4 or The Last of Us 2?
Where was Kojima showing off the Fox Engine running on PS4? (Something going on with MS?)
Where was anything by Namco Bandai? (Bought by Nintendo?)
Why no Call of Duty? (HUGE franchise. You may not like it, but it needs to be there!)
Thinking back to the days of the Wii U unveiling, Nintendo had just as many, if not more, Developers and Publishers singing the praise of the Wii U. I find the absence of certain companies and people a bit suspicious.
robio said:Oh and speaking of guys with boners I read Pacht's tweets last night. He loved it. He was so happy he could mention that it was much better than the Wii U. He also made special mention how tall one guy was and talked about his suit.
Surely Pachter noticed what was going on under Perry's Suit Jacket. See Foolz' avatar for explanation of this comment.
Dvader said:I'll be on GS, see you guys on the other side!!!
Fucking traitor!
I just read all the news, haven't watched anything yet. Sounds a bit boring and info light. Personally sharing and streaming are at the bottom of my to do list but the specs are awesome and the controller looks all right, pretty tight, more comfortable but nothing special. The touch pad is virtually useless IMO and the two hand design for both U and PS4 means that proper motion control will forever be muted and clunky. I read that the new Killzone looks a little like it could be a PS3 game? Otherwise I read it was mostly tech demos like the duck thing for PS3?
Will read your impressions and check videos later. BTW why have you chimps not posted videos in the news?
GodModeEnabled said:
Dont Like:
Mediocre looking graphics, not impressed so far.
I haven't watched any videos yet but........... wut??
Ravenprose said:Where's the console? Are there any pics?
robio said:Just a question. Would you watch 10 minutes of gameplay that a friend posted? Would anyone do this? I kind of get sharing a screenshot. That takes 3 seconds to look at, and then you move on. But watching an entire video?? I don't get that. My time is valuable. As pathetic as it is, I still have a life.
No I would not.
Dvader said:Look at this beauty
I'm in love.
If they would just swap the d-pad and stick it would be perfectly fine. But once again Sony says NO.
travo said:Could someone explain what GDDR5 is? Essentially faster memory?
It's RAM, gaming RAM not slower PC like RAM which is what Durango and Wii U are using. It's faster and can have a higher memory bandwidth. Essentially it should be faster but Wii U and Durango both use a small amount of super duper fast eDram or eSram as a bridge to the visual output, sort of juggling information between memory pools which can to an extent mitigate the slower speed of the DDR RAM they are using. It was recentely found that Wii U has 35 rather than the 32mb of eDRAM it was suspected of having. It sounds like a small amount but it's very expensive stuff and super fast compared to normal RAM. eSram is even better in that I hear it does not need to restart a cycle each time. Durango is said to have 8gb of slower RAM but 3gb is said to be eaten up by the operating system.
edgecrusher said:Meh.
Seems most people are deflated after that conference. I look foward to watching it.
edgecrusher said:travo said:Could someone explain what GDDR5 is? Essentially faster memory?
They use it in Radeon and nVidia cards.
But in this context weren't they talking about main memory and not video card memory?
Dvader said:Look at this beauty
I'm in love.
Concave sticks. Nice. Looks like the touch pad is clickable too. Better triggers. Good design too.
GodModeEnabled said:So at least going by those dashboard screenshots (looks nice) it looks like they are keeping trophys, and maybe they will carry over from last gen?
If they don't carry over (insert insensitive joke about nuclear weapons and Japan here).
aspro said:I think the asymetric sticks is overplayed. For my hands it is okay where they are. Plus the Dualshock is iconic, it could be a matter of pride for Sony to not copy everyone else in this regard.
I have poured through all the text, announcements, editorials. Most of the individual game videos. I have not watched the full conference yet.
To me, the PS4 reveal was like the PS3 redux. It has the same mega tech focused, graphics focused, massive core game thing with the similar off spun useless features I dont care about and a fairly redundant controller innovation.
I'm sure it will be pretty expensive.
As someone who has never really been into Playstation it did nothing to really seduce me into its arms.
The specs are above what I expected it seems to be a beast and the graphics of Deep Down was clearly on another level to what U could do. That said not many if any of the games I saw interested me.
Am I the only one that thinks that this Knack looks like a mechanized Ganondorf?
Digital Foundry said:Almost 13 years ago now, we travelled to the Tokyo Game Show to take a look at the PlayStation 2 launch line-up and to check out some early demos - including the now almost mythical Gran Turismo 2000, the launch game that never came to be. We came away with the conclusion that while the visual leap was obviously immense, there was no fundamental new approach to gaming - this was effectively "PlayStation+". It would take months - years even - before the power of the platform was exercised to produce something genuinely new and exciting beyond the visual upgrade. Watching the livestream last night, and assessing the much higher quality assets released this morning, there's a similar feeling in response to this PS4 reveal. We love the technology, the ethos, the immediacy and the sharing of gameplay, but we're not enormously impressed with the games shown thus far.
Killzone Shadow Fall has moments of exceptional majesty and some beautiful animation, but the in-game concepts revealed last night failed to truly excite, and even in terms of technical accomplishment - something readily associated with Guerrilla Games - you put the video side-by-side with Crysis 2 and its sequel and it feels a step off the pace. Evolution's Driveclub went big on social gaming and an exceptional attention to detail on the car modelling, but there was no "Gran Turismo moment" - the feeling that you're seeing new hardware producing a revelatory experience. Perhaps it was the quality of the livestream but interior car modelling actually seemed to be a step down from GT5. Knack looked like fun but visually underwhelmed in the presentation while the assets released by Sony this morning look simply phenomenal - too good to be true, even. In the absence of proper gameplay to look at closely, the jury's out for now. The inFamous reveal also confused - is this real-time PS4 video? The poor livestream seemed to scream FMV, the assets we're looking at now suggest at least some elements are in-game, and look great.
"There's a sense that the power is there but that it'll take time for game developers to fully understand quite what to do with the new tools they have available."
View all1/6 We were often left wondering if we were actually looking at real-time PlayStation 4 output on several titles. Sony's press materials allow us to cut through the macroblocking horror of the livestream, but still we're left wondering on some cases. Here are some 1080p shots of inFamous: Second Son taken from an ultra-high quality version of the trailer. Minor aliasing issues in these areas suggest this is indeed real-time. Use the View All button to access full resolution shots of the highest quality.
It was down to Media Molecule to provide a hint of something genuinely new in its segment, but with no apparent game to hang its brilliant concepts around, there was some confusion about what this actually meant in terms of an actual experience - an end product we can actually play that tells us something about the developer's plans for the new console. However, Alex Evans' presentation was both cool and intriguing, also confirming that despite the migration of some PlayStation Move functionality to the new Dual Shock 4, the original Sony motion controller will still see support on PS4 in its own right.
Elsewhere, we saw other game demos not running on PS4 hardware, which is perhaps not surprising bearing in mind that final development kits for the new platform are a relatively recent phenomenon - something that almost certainly had an effect on what native wares we did actually see. Watch Dogs was confirmed after the event as running on PC hardware with specs equivalent to the PlayStation 4, while Square turned up with a re-heated outing of its existing Agni's Philosophy demo (said to be running on PS4, but we're sceptical). Capcom's new Panta Rhei engine, running its new Deep Down IP, looked really impressive but again it was unclear how the tech would translate into a final PS4 game. Our worry here is that the spectre of the target render has given way to in-engine video running on another, more powerful platform.
But similar to that underwhelming PlayStation showing two generations ago, we remain very hopeful: there's a sense that the power is there, that we've only seen the vaguest of hints of what it's truly capable of - and that it'll take time for game-makers to fully understand quite what to do with the new tools they have available. However, from what was shown last night the slightly worrying reality is that in the short term we're looking at games and demos either already running on PC, or with equivalents available now that simply look better.
Of course, it's early days yet: Sony may well be keeping its powder dry for a more fully formed E3 re-reveal - we've yet to see what the likes of Naughty Dog and Sony Santa Monica are doing with the hardware. An extra three months with final dev kits could make a lot of difference...
Nintyfan17 said:Am I the only one that thinks that this Knack looks like a mechanized Ganondorf?

phantom_leo said:AND ANOTHER THING (and then I'll stop):
At least I try to keep an open mind. Can you imagine Carnage, Grammaton or Solid sitting through an entire Nintendo conference?
No but they dont run around crapping on everything they see either, well they do after but whatever. The point of not playing the games goes both ways, you havent played anything shown so there is no real reason to totally hate it either. The point is to simply have fun, none of this stuff will be out for a long time, its time to be excited for the future not angry at it. Next up is MS I guess and the hype train will start all over again, this time lead by angel and his doritos pope hat.
gamingeek said:Fucking traitor!
Will read your impressions and check videos later. BTW why have you chimps not posted videos in the news?
Cause hitman was doing all the work for us. (Ok I am lazy)
aspro said:I think the asymetric sticks is overplayed. For my hands it is okay where they are. Plus the Dualshock is iconic, it could be a matter of pride for Sony to not copy everyone else in this regard.
Yes. Brofist.
Never once have I had a problem with the sony stick placement, same goes the other way. BTW the Wii U has the sticks on the same level.
Dvader said:No but they dont run around crapping on everything they see either, well they do after but whatever.
The point of not playing the games goes both ways, you havent played anything shown so there is no real reason to totally hate it either. The point is to simply have fun, none of this stuff will be out for a long time, its time to be excited for the future not angry at it. Next up is MS I guess and the hype train will start all over again, this time lead by angel and his doritos pope hat.
And a chalice full of Mountain Dew. Believe.
gamingeek said:I have poured through all the text, announcements, editorials. Most of the individual game videos. I have not watched the full conference yet.
To me, the PS4 reveal was like the PS3 redux. It has the same mega tech focused, graphics focused, massive core game thing with the similar off spun useless features I dont care about and a fairly redundant controller innovation.
I'm sure it will be pretty expensive.
As someone who has never really been into Playstation it did nothing to really seduce me into its arms.
The specs are above what I expected it seems to be a beast and the graphics of Deep Down was clearly on another level to what U could do. That said not many if any of the games I saw interested me.
What would it take to woo you into its arms?
You no want vader mode? I could finish the hard parts for you.
Oh and speaking of guys with boners I read Pacht's tweets last night. He loved it. He was so happy he could mention that it was much better than the Wii U. He also made special mention how tall one guy was and talked about his suit.