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Official Resident Evil 6 thread of Uh-Oh. Guess I will be playing alone.
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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 23:06:57
Archangel3371 said:
Preach on brother Vader. I find it hilarious how some people will suddenly shout from the mountain tops, "Kudos to site X for giving game Y the score it deserves." when it gets a low score. There is so much wrong with that one comment.

Im fascinated at what you think wrong with that statement. Most games are a little overrated, some games seem reviewed shadily over buyout or bias, and other reviews are just plain dishonest, stupid, or misinformed (gamespots Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn being hte prime example) not all reviews (or reviewers) are created equally or on equally ground. Or even deserve to be trusted. I think like any journalism their is some crud to wade through before you get to the quality stuff you can take to the bank, and the statement "kudos to site x for giving game y the score it deserves" is someone who is fucking thankfull they are getting something truly honest, in a mostly seedy field.

For the record though, I sat down with my brother while he played through the first chapter of leons campaign and it was fucking awesome. (2 hours long to boot for the first chapter!) so yeah I think the 4.5 is too low for this game, however I think something like a 9 might be too high as well. (the camera was bad in parts) I will have to play through myself to know for sure but i'm very concerned about the other campaigns as leons is the one I want the whole game to be.

And why the HELL did they get rid of upgrading weapons? That was the best part of the last two games.

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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 00:16:16
Because I don't buy into this notion that gaming journalism is some seedy conspiracy filled cess-pool that some make it out to be so the notion that when suddenly someone reviews a game with a low score is somehow a beacon of truth is preposterous especially when these kind of statements typically come out before these people ever have a chance to actually play the full game if they ever even planned to.


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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 03:01:57

So GME you really believe the most logical explaination as to why review scores are the way they are is because there are a bunch of people who lie to themselevs, who are playing a game and for whatever insane reason decide "wow this game isnt that good but damn I better give it a good review." Or I guess you can claim the there is a grand conspiracy and sites are getting paid for reviews, which there is evidence of so maybe.

But I dont buy that garbage, I think it is simply people having different opinions, simple as that. Are some reviews of higher quality than others, of course. Are there cases of reviewers clearly being incompetent, getting facts wrong, yes. Usually those are clear cut and easy to point out. For the most part it is people sharing their opinions.

Let me point this out:

"kudos to site x for giving game y the score it deserves" is someone who is fucking thankfull they are getting something truly honest, in a mostly seedy field.

Do you not see the complete insanity in someone being thankfful that they are getting something "honest" when they have NOT PLAYED THE GAME. They have no clue whether or not the game site is being honest, so explain to me why they are saying that if not because they came in with a pre determined opinion on the game.

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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 03:16:29

What do you mean by "reviews should have consistent scores", Vader?

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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 07:56:15
Foolz said:

What do you mean by "reviews should have consistent scores", Vader?

In terms of a website if it has a scoring system that scoring system should be used to categorize games by scores. I should be able to infer that two games with the same score should be of equal quality. If they do not then the scoring system ceases to matter. Now with websites they have the issue of having multiple reviewers scoring games so opinions wont always match up but they still need to make sure everyone has an understanding of what kind of game should fit into what score and if two games get a similar score they better stand by the score and believe that those two games are equal quality.

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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 07:57:32

I did a segment that did feel like it was out of a game that would score a 4. It was just so awful, it looked like a dreamcast game and felt like crap. There is a comparable sequence in RE5 and the difference between the two is staggering, RE5 does it so much better.

And then the next section is totally awesome with some of the coolest looking enemies I have seen.  Up and down we go, weeee.

Also after what I have seen in Chris' campaign if a Metal Gear shows up I wouldnt be surprised.

Edited: Thu, 04 Oct 2012 07:58:29
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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 08:22:33
Dvader said:

In terms of a website if it has a scoring system that scoring system should be used to categorize games by scores. I should be able to infer that two games with the same score should be of equal quality. If they do not then the scoring system ceases to matter. Now with websites they have the issue of having multiple reviewers scoring games so opinions wont always match up but they still need to make sure everyone has an understanding of what kind of game should fit into what score and if two games get a similar score they better stand by the score and believe that those two games are equal quality.


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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 12:31:54
Dvader said:
edgecrusher said:

So a 70 average is what a RE game should score? Because I think a RE main series game should at least have an 85...anything around 70 is indeed BAD for RE. When did I say only the bad scores are truthful? And what the fuck at the childish comment.

Whatever, there is no point talking of this further. I had a vision of this thread getting like this 2 days ago.

You straight up said 90% gave it horrible scores. You have done nothing except focus on all the negative. And when someone tries to show you the other side you dismiss it as someone trying to like it. I expect that stuff from gaf but not here. You have every right to be disappointed at how th franchise has reached this point, I am too.

Ok, that still doesn't tell me how I said that only the bad scores are truthful. Probably because I never said that.

All I said is that when you have the majority of reviewers giving the game substandard scores (sorry I said 90% and horrible...maybe those were too harsh) its pretty much a given that the game IS substandard. I'm sure the game has moments of greatness, in fact I'd be shocked if they could make a 25 plus hour RE game and NOT have those moments. But all in all, its still a bad game for this franchise.

If I'm focused on the negative its because there's much more of that than positive here. And I always feel that trying to look too much at the positive in a mostly negative situation gives whatever it is you're talking about too easy of a pass.


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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 12:41:56
Archangel3371 said:
Because I don't buy into this notion that gaming journalism is some seedy conspiracy filled cess-pool that some make it out to be so the notion that when suddenly someone reviews a game with a low score is somehow a beacon of truth is preposterous especially when these kind of statements typically come out before these people ever have a chance to actually play the full game if they ever even planned to.

I don't see why somebody needs to have played a FULL GAME to be able to know whether its quality or not. By that notion, Dvader shouldn't even be commenting on RE6 as he is yet to play the FULL GAME himself. Its ridiculous.

Settings and story progress, but gameplay-wise, what you see in a demo or by watching a video is for the most part what you get. You basically KNOW what the game is like, especially if you're a seasoned gamer.


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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 12:46:26
Dvader said:
edgecrusher said:

So a 70 average is what a RE game should score? Because I think a RE main series game should at least have an 85...anything around 70 is indeed BAD for RE. When did I say only the bad scores are truthful? And what the fuck at the childish comment.

Whatever, there is no point talking of this further. I had a vision of this thread getting like this 2 days ago.

You straight up said 90% gave it horrible scores. You have done nothing except focus on all the negative. And when someone tries to show you the other side you dismiss it as someone trying to like it. I expect that stuff from gaf but not here. You have every right to be disappointed at how th franchise has reached this point, I am too.

I think you are both getting the wrong end of the stick here, you're misreading each other and getting annoyed where you shouldn't be.

Best friends Power Star, now.

Archangel3371 said:
When suddenly someone reviews a game with a low score is somehow a beacon of truth is preposterous

I think we're getting into the whole reviews conspiracy thing here and you need to frame your references here. RE6 reviews span a massive gamut of scores so you have to be clear on what you are referencing for other people. Some are talking about people lauding 3.0 reviews as if the rest of us believe it (when we don't), others on other boards are saying the 9/10 is how it really is. RE6 got a few 9/10s, a couple of low 3/10s but the majority of reviews seemed to be about 6/10.

I'm more inclined to believe it would sit somewhere in the 7/10 mark but when judged against past RE games you might feel more sourly about it. Still, 6/10 for this franchise is massive letdown whichever way you want to try and spin it. If Halo 4 got 6/10, if Zelda Wii U got 6/10 people would be freaking out and have good reason to.

Saying that people who have not played the game have no right to comment is plainly not right. You haven't played it and said you will like it. But for me I am not going to spend $65 to buy a 6/10 game just so I can have an opinion on a gaming message board. That's just rewarding developers for what seems like a bad game. I will try it, but there is no way I am rewarding Capcom by paying full price for this and the only reason I will ever play it will be out of curiosity.

edgecrusher said:

Ok, that still doesn't tell me how I said that only the bad scores are truthful. Probably because I never said that.

This is why I said you were misreading each other. Vader was reading GAF and talking about them on GAF. This is what I do sometimes, I read a fuckton of whining idiots on GAF then bring it over here like a chip on my shoulder. Often if I am posting strong feelings on a game in a reply, it's because I have just come from reading a ton of BS over there. Not because there is anyone here I am particularly referencing.

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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 12:57:43

I still love Dvader. But only sexually.


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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 13:02:16
edgecrusher said:

I still love Dvader. But only sexually.

Don't we all?

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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 16:21:43
Dvader said:

Leon's campaign done, the last half not as good as the first half due to the game becoming a QTE fest. But still some incredible stuff. I'd give Leon's campaign an 8. If you hate QTEs drop the score to a 6.

Did you not have a tirade against Shattered Memories because it was a non game? An experience! The game tells you what to do and you do it? How are QTEs any different?

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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 16:30:01
edgecrusher said:

I still love Dvader. But only sexually.

GG nailed it, half the time I am talking about gaf here. I love you man. *bro hug*

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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 16:33:05
Iga_Bobovic said:

Did you not have a tirade against Shattered Memories because it was a non game? An experience! The game tells you what to do and you do it? How are QTEs any different?

They are not. But I played about 5 hours of non stop action gameplay before those segements and in between them I battled huge cool boss battles. If all of RE6 was just QTEs with almost nothing in between then ues I would have a tirade against RE6.

As for my difference in score, I believe their are certain gamers that would find the button prompts so annoying, so difficult that they would just go nuts. It is all about tolerance, I can tolerate hell even enjoy some QTEs, others can't. Like everything else in this game the QTEs are a mixed bag, some well done like RE4 others some of the most annoying shit I have ever played.

Edited: Thu, 04 Oct 2012 16:33:45
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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 16:45:47
Dvader said:

GG nailed it, half the time I am talking about gaf here. I love you man. *bro hug*

We (you andme) read stuff on GAF and half the time it's not worth replying as it gets buried or ridiculed. So you kind of post here as a reaction to all that crap you read there and it all gets blended in and people here assume you're reacting to them. This is what GAF does to you.

Dvader said:

Like everything else in this game the QTEs are a mixed bag, some well done like RE4 others some of the most annoying shit I have ever played.

So they aren't just Re4 style reasonably okay QTES they are actually testing and some annoying stuff? Like press this in half a second or die and see game over screen-stuff?

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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 16:47:50
Dvader said:

They are not. But I played about 5 hours of non stop action gameplay before those segements and in between them I battled huge cool boss battles. If all of RE6 was just QTEs with almost nothing in between then ues I would have a tirade against RE6.

I think from what I have read the quality of the game goes up and down. There would proabably be lots of stuff I enjoy but then the bad parts might piss me off depending on my tolerance levels. Does any of it feel cheap? Like dying off screen when the camera is pointed away etc? Or trial and error QTEs? I hear the bosses have weak points you do not know about and cannot hurt them till you discover them?

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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 17:03:42
gamingeek said:

So they aren't just Re4 style reasonably okay QTES they are actually testing and some annoying stuff? Like press this in half a second or die and see game over screen-stuff?

Most of the time (meaning when in normal combat with enemies) they are fine. But the big scripted QTE moments have some super annoying ones like rope climbing....

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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 17:05:11
gamingeek said:

I think from what I have read the quality of the game goes up and down. There would proabably be lots of stuff I enjoy but then the bad parts might piss me off depending on my tolerance levels. Does any of it feel cheap? Like dying off screen when the camera is pointed away etc? Or trial and error QTEs? I hear the bosses have weak points you do not know about and cannot hurt them till you discover them?

A random car may come from nowhere and run you over so yeah it can be cheap. I wouldnt say the QTEs are trial and error more that they are frustrating. Bosses range from great with a clear objective to wtf am I supposed to do here omg I have been fighting this thing for like 30 minutes now (well in my case I figured what I was supposed to do after one death but doing said thing was a pain in the ass). But I guess many had the same complaints about the wesker battles in RE5, its about equvalent to those.

Edited: Thu, 04 Oct 2012 17:06:22
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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 17:26:42
gamingeek said:
Dvader said:

GG nailed it, half the time I am talking about gaf here. I love you man. *bro hug*

We (you andme) read stuff on GAF and half the time it's not worth replying as it gets buried or ridiculed. So you kind of post here as a reaction to all that crap you read there and it all gets blended in and people here assume you're reacting to them. This is what GAF does to you.

Dvader said:

Like everything else in this game the QTEs are a mixed bag, some well done like RE4 others some of the most annoying shit I have ever played.

So they aren't just Re4 style reasonably okay QTES they are actually testing and some annoying stuff? Like press this in half a second or die and see game over screen-stuff?

I'm glad I don't go to GAF....I tried to set up an account there one time, can't remember why I didn't.


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