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2012 Finished Games
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Sun, 06 May 2012 21:13:06
aspro said:

Finished Saints Row 3. Ultimately I found it enjoyable. I'm going to finish Uncharted 1 before moving onto Binary Domain.

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Fri, 11 May 2012 01:26:18
aspro said:

Uncharted finished. (Yay I'm back to beating a game once a week).  Next up, Binary Domain.

Uncharted... well, this was the third time through and it's getting more fun each time. It's the first time I've really played a linear game on a regular basis, and it's kind of neat to be able to blaze through sections that initially created some challenge.

One thing is clear though, they sure do have a formula for these games, and they've stuck to it for all three in the series.  Even the level designs had me thinking about their analogs in the other games.

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Fri, 11 May 2012 02:52:35

"Finished Saints Row 3. Ultimately I found it enjoyable."

That sounds a bit disappointing. What went wrong?

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Fri, 11 May 2012 09:37:51
Foolz said:

"Finished Saints Row 3. Ultimately I found it enjoyable."

That sounds a bit disappointing. What went wrong?

I'll tell you all about it in an upcoming episode of ...The Press Room.

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Wed, 16 May 2012 01:21:31
aspro said:

Dead Space 2Half-Life 2: Episode 2Halo 3Fallout New VegasXIIISoulCalibur 4The SaboteurUncharted 3PreyMass EffectMass Effect 2Final Fantasy 7Saints Row: The ThirdUncharted: Drake's FortuneBinary Domain

Binary Domain over (another game with endless endings). I liked the last chapter though, very 32 bit 'stupid', but awesome all the same.

Now onto Infamous 2.

EDIT: Of the 2171 games in my collection listed at I now have beaten 333 of them (15.4%). Not bad. That was only 8% not too long ago.

For whatever reasons there is a descrepancy between my actual collection size of 2229 games and what is listed at

Edited: Wed, 16 May 2012 01:24:55

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Thu, 17 May 2012 22:57:30

For the sake of posterity and as a warning to others I'll mention that I finished de Blob 2. Worst case of "more of the same" I've come across in years. Starts out fun enough but dear lord you can only paint buildings so many times before it becomes tedious.

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Tue, 22 May 2012 14:06:37
robio said:

For the sake of posterity and as a warning to others I'll mention that I finished de Blob 2. Worst case of "more of the same" I've come across in years. Starts out fun enough but dear lord you can only paint buildings so many times before it becomes tedious.


Yeah this to me is the epidome of a game that did NOT need a sequel.


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Tue, 22 May 2012 14:09:06
edgecrusher said:

Edgecrusher's Finished games of 2012 List:

asscreedrevelations_360finalboxart_160w.jpg Metal-Gear-Solid-HD_STANDARD_US_ESRB_X360boxart_160w.jpg God-of-War-III_US_ESRBboxart_160w.jpgmass_effect_m_pcboxart_160w.jpgmass_effect_pc_US_ESRBboxart_160w.jpgmass_effect_3_ps3boxart_160w.jpgff_xiii_2_ps3_finalboxart_160w.jpgdemonssouls_boxart_standard_FINALboxart_160w.jpg

Demon's Souls.

9.0 rating.


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Wed, 23 May 2012 03:06:58

Torchlight II closed BETA.

That's right I'm counting it as a game due to the sparseness of my list. Sad

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Wed, 23 May 2012 08:05:59
edgecrusher said:

Edgecrusher's Finished games of 2012 List:

asscreedrevelations_360finalboxart_160w.jpg Metal-Gear-Solid-HD_STANDARD_US_ESRB_X360boxart_160w.jpg God-of-War-III_US_ESRBboxart_160w.jpgmass_effect_m_pcboxart_160w.jpgmass_effect_pc_US_ESRBboxart_160w.jpgmass_effect_3_ps3boxart_160w.jpgff_xiii_2_ps3_finalboxart_160w.jpgdemonssouls_boxart_standard_FINALboxart_160w.jpg


Chains of Olympus done.

8.0 rating.


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Fri, 25 May 2012 02:08:45
edgecrusher said:

Edgecrusher's Finished games of 2012 List:

asscreedrevelations_360finalboxart_160w.jpg Metal-Gear-Solid-HD_STANDARD_US_ESRB_X360boxart_160w.jpg God-of-War-III_US_ESRBboxart_160w.jpgmass_effect_m_pcboxart_160w.jpgmass_effect_pc_US_ESRBboxart_160w.jpgmass_effect_3_ps3boxart_160w.jpgff_xiii_2_ps3_finalboxart_160w.jpgdemonssouls_boxart_standard_FINALboxart_160w.jpg


Ghost Of Sparta done!

Really good game. 8.5 Rating.


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Mon, 28 May 2012 02:18:00
I finished The Witcher 2 this weekend. Not as great as I was expecting given some of the praise I read from others but still a very good game. 8 out of 10.


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Mon, 28 May 2012 02:31:58
Archangel3371 said:
I finished The Witcher 2 this weekend. Not as great as I was expecting given some of the praise I read from others but still a very good game. 8 out of 10.

Totally agree.

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Mon, 28 May 2012 02:56:36


Excpet for the good game part. Nyaa


That's right. Another incorrect inclusion. I made it to the max level a while ago so good enough, though.

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Mon, 28 May 2012 16:16:24
Dvader said:
Archangel3371 said:
I finished The Witcher 2 this weekend. Not as great as I was expecting given some of the praise I read from others but still a very good game. 8 out of 10.

Totally agree.

I think you guys needed to play the real version, honestly. This is the equivalent of the Wii trying to run Bioshock or something.

Given some of the games you guys praise I was definitely expecting you both to go nuts for The Witcher.


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Mon, 28 May 2012 17:52:26
edgecrusher said:

I think you guys needed to play the real version, honestly. This is the equivalent of the Wii trying to run Bioshock or something.

Given some of the games you guys praise I was definitely expecting you both to go nuts for The Witcher.

The graphics were incredible and ran beautifully. That was no issue. There were some annoying bugs. That said my issue with thegame is it's structure and gameplay, no version can fix that.
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Mon, 28 May 2012 19:23:02
Yeah my issues with the game was more about the fundamentals of the game such as the concept of how you drink potions, the story, etc. Like Vader said the graphics and that were fine. I think as a port from PC to console it seems to work just fine.


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Mon, 28 May 2012 21:44:49

Hmm it just boggles my mind because I had no issues at all with it. I normally have some complaints about any game but Witcher 2 I had hardly any except this one part where a boss fight was supposed to happen and some odd glitch was stopping me from moving on until I figured out how to get around it. But the story, potions, and gameplay were fine to me.

I don't know, maybe its that important to play Witcher 1 first. I also think playing these games on a mouse/KB setup would make a huge difference, as on the PC I would never consider using a controller for them. Have you guys noticed other people playing  this game on 360 that never played the original having the same issues?


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Mon, 28 May 2012 22:31:35
edgecrusher said:

Hmm it just boggles my mind because I had no issues at all with it. I normally have some complaints about any game but Witcher 2 I had hardly any except this one part where a boss fight was supposed to happen and some odd glitch was stopping me from moving on until I figured out how to get around it. But the story, potions, and gameplay were fine to me.

I don't know, maybe its that important to play Witcher 1 first. I also think playing these games on a mouse/KB setup would make a huge difference, as on the PC I would never consider using a controller for them. Have you guys noticed other people playing  this game on 360 that never played the original having the same issues?

Nah plenty people love it as you do. But there are people that think its good but lacking in combat and stuff as I do. The GS PGD official thread has all kinds of reactions.

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Mon, 28 May 2012 23:49:32
Well it's not really issues of the technical nature for me. I understand the story, the game plays well enough on the controller, the potion thing is different and I'm not saying it's a major flaw or anything. The story isn't bad either but overall I just didn't think the game was THAT good but still a pretty good game.


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