Forum > Gaming Discussion > 2011 Finished Games - NOW OPEN FOR CONVERSATION
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Sat, 01 Oct 2011 16:36:54

Finished up DQM Joker 2. Good game. Nice way to send out the DS. It was a bit easier than its predecessor and shorter, but makes upfor it with SE's new philosophy for DQ games which is apparently "stack the game with tons of post-completion content. There are new areas, new monsteres, new tournaments etc. Nice to see especially from a game that already offered 30 hours of content.

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Sat, 01 Oct 2011 16:41:55

Finished Assassin's Creed 3... WHAT THE FUCK???

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Tue, 04 Oct 2011 16:38:29
Finished Gears of War 3 last night and what an absolutely fantastic game. Very good campaign with quite a satisfying ending. Excellent multiplayer. This game is a total and complete package and is the definitive Gears of War experience. 10/10


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Mon, 10 Oct 2011 10:27:37
Dvader said:

Finished Assassin's Creed 3... WHAT THE FUCK???


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Thu, 13 Oct 2011 11:39:49

Aliens: Infestation.

Wow, this was a surprise. Was expecting a mediocre metroidvania, but it's actually really solid and with the fan service level turned up high.

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Tue, 18 Oct 2011 14:19:33

Orcs Must Die!

Bloody fun button mashing + tower defence combo. Just as painful too. Bah. Sad

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Fri, 21 Oct 2011 21:23:52


  • 29. Batman: Arkham City (21/10/11) - Pretty great. Online pass issues aside, moving about the city is fantastic.

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Wed, 26 Oct 2011 14:19:59

Sideway: New York

Missed potential. Okay platforming, but nothing spectacular. Excellent choice of songs poorly used. Still enjoyable, though.

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Wed, 02 Nov 2011 09:19:47



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Wed, 02 Nov 2011 22:28:58
Max Payne. Very good game. Not great, though. Some bits of its gameplay haven't aged gracefully, I think. But its setting, characters and writing more than made up for that. Might even become a fan of the franchise, which means I'll get to bitch and moan about Rockstar's Fat Payne.
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Sun, 06 Nov 2011 05:49:18


30. Sonic Generations (6/11/11) - Aside from some shite levels (Seaside Hill/Crisis City) and the rather...short length, game's pretty solid. Has an amazing soundtrack.

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Fri, 11 Nov 2011 05:06:30

Max Payne 2 is done. I can certainly think of worse ways of spending 7 hours. Homer you were right, kickass ending song.

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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 12:59:55

Finished Shadows of the Damned last night. I had fun with it, but I think it'd be a stretch to call this a good game. Not enough action, too many repetitive puzzles, and the scenery doesn't change nearly enough. There's a few inspired ideas in here, but there just aren't enough of them to save it.  What almost does save it though are the characters and story and the sheer bizareness of all of it. Suda 51 is as fucked up as ever and just wanting to see what comes next is enough to keep pushing you to play more. Plus the interaction between Garcia and Johnson (main character and the talking skull gun) is as good as any pairing you'll ever find in a movie.

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Wed, 16 Nov 2011 11:24:29

Little Big Planet 2:

Okay "meh" is actually a pretty accurate description of the main story. Controls actually felt slightly less faulty. Well, I'll take terrible controls with clever level design. Worse soundtrack too. Graphics technically better, but none of the worlds really looked that memorable. Still a great deal of fun, but kinda disappointing. Now to get everything, and check out online which has a lot more potential this time around.


Great photos, disappointing story apart from the 100% ending. Don't let Steel anywhere near it.

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Wed, 16 Nov 2011 12:54:04
Foolz said:

Little Big Planet 2:

Okay "meh" is actually a pretty accurate description of the main story. Controls actually felt slightly less faulty. Well, I'll take terrible controls with clever level design. Worse soundtrack too. Graphics technically better, but none of the worlds really looked that memorable. Still a great deal of fun, but kinda disappointing. Now to get everything, and check out online which has a lot more potential this time around.

That's pretty much how I felt about LBP2. Technically it was a better game, but it wasn't nearly as fun as the first one. All the little things that made the first one so special were kind of forgotten about in an attempt to make a bigger more visually impressive game. Plus that Invasion of Craftworld story just stunk to hell.

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Mon, 21 Nov 2011 02:56:47


  • 31. Saints Row: The Third (21/11/11) - Kinda short, as far as open world games go (finished in 8:43), and missing a chunk of content from Saints Row 2, but otherwise, a pretty damned crazy experience. Starts off realy rough, but gets better.

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Sun, 04 Dec 2011 05:30:15


32. Modern Warfare 3 (4/12/11) - Finished in about 4.5 hours, but really started to enjoy the game towards its conclusion and felt satisifed with how it all panned out.

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Mon, 05 Dec 2011 14:58:49

Picked up Shantae and finished it fairly quickly (just under 5 hours). Very good experience. Great music and animation, coupled with a very solid gameplay makes for a fun game. Would have liked it to be a little longer, but can't complain much on anything else.

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Tue, 06 Dec 2011 01:29:18

Serious Sam 3.

Yes, it's possible to make a first person intense due to the gameplay. Yes, it's possible to make a first person shooter with first person shooter gameplay.

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Tue, 06 Dec 2011 03:10:15
Ravenprose said:

Why is Serious Sam 3 not on PS3 or 360 yet? Argh!

Because PC uber alles.

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