Ravenprose said:Gently shake the Wii Remote up and down, simulating the bird's wings flapping, and you'll gain altitude, Leo
You know. Someone was talking to me as I was first learning the controls and I THOUGHT I missed something! THANKS!
Yay Leo has it!
One thing I haven't mention is that the difficulty feels good! I have not died and probably won't much but I have been in danger of dying. I have had to fight smart. I need potions on me. I can only imagine how tough hero mode will be.
And upgrading is awesome! I can upgrade almost anything, I thought it would only be used for a few things. Makes me want to hunt for bugs and crap.
Dvader said:^ No.
To be expected, though, but I hate it when gamse do that. I see absolutely no advantage to making a harder difficulty have to be unlocked.
Guys you can speed of the text a bit by holding A+B. And about Fi, I usually ignore her. The only time she pops up is when Link is talking to someone and she basically repeat what he says and calculates the probability of things. So basically she makes all the cutscenes twice as long.
Not seeing the Mario 64 comparison. You go in the world and find items that allow you to go further. While you go further you unlock new shortcuts that make it easier to reach the newer areas. For example you cross a part of a desert with quicksand. You reach the end and you can climb up where there is a route that double back on it self. You can then push something down so you can skip the whole quicksand section. Mario 64 had none of that.
I ignore Fi completely unless she pops out on her own. I also turned the controller prompts and the HUD off entirely.

I never bring Fi up, but it seemed she popped up everywhere for a while

Thanks for the tip about speeding up the text, Iga. Work will be torture today.
I died once so far, when fighting the first boss. I did get close a few other times, though. I like the difficulty so far, even if most of it is due to getting used the new controls.
Wow at the thing that happens after the 3rd dungeon, just wow. Did my first Silent Realm tear collecting, it was really tense. The music when the guardians are chasing you is the stuff nightmares are made of. And in typical Prime like fashion a certain new ability has allowed me to explore previous environments more fully. I think I am in the fourth dungeon now. I am not sure it is difficult to tell where the overworld ends and a dungeon begins.
Also had some serious control issues again. First my sword was all out of whack, but then I pointed at the screen and it recalibrated. But after a while this would not work either. I moved further from the tv and it worked for a few hours, but then it went weird again. The thing that almost never work is the waggle that makes Link jump while climbing so he can move faster. Eventually I had to recalibrate, but that make the things even worse. For instance keeping the wiimote level made my bird enter in a dive. Eventually it was okay again. This is weird, it seems like the controller sees me having fun and says "Can't have that". I will try tomorrow with a standard more and motionplus. If that works I am going to try the golden mote with Wii Sports Resort. The wiimote might be broken. If it is I will return it.
You can sell stuff?! In a Zelda game! The item system is FANTASTIC. So much to buy, to upgrade, now rupees are super useful. Hell even space in your inventory is valuable. It makes me want to explore so much... but where is the exploring?
Iga I see it as Mario 64 cause its a large open area with creatures and obstacles scattered about. There is a balance rope there, I vine swing over there, patches of enemies around. Plus you are looking for stuff, collectathon kind of thing. There is more of a linear progression to be sure. Metroids areas are never that large and open, its more confined and with more constant action.
I love how if you stab a pumpkin it gets stuck on the edge of your sword and you can throw it by swinging. So many awesome little touches.
I've played the "scream as loud as you can" game too!
...but my version usually involves a penis.
OMG OMG OMG side quests with a kind of Majora's Mask feel. Basically there is a reason to help people just like in MM but no where near as complex or well done as in MM but damn it I will take it! yes yes yes yes.
How are you just talking about this now? Did you not do the missing child quest or the deliver the pumpkin soup to the Commander in 5 minutes quest? Started gathering Gratitude Crystals? Where are you in the game exactly?
^ I just started all that right now. I am in heaven now. Screw the quest, I am going to help everyone.
Dvader said:^ I just started all that right now. I am in heaven now. Screw the quest, I am going to help everyone.
phantom_leo said:Hey!
I've played the "scream as loud as you can" game too!
...but my version usually involves a penis.
So you have NO IDEA what I am talking about here then...
Once again, my brilliance goes unappreciated...
My first impressions seem to be a lot different than everyone else's. I LOVE the art style. At first I was a bit disappointed in the resolution. I haven't owned a Wii for most of this year and I forgot what it looks like on an HD TV. Once adjusting to that though, I realized part of what I was seeing as 'low resolution' was ACTUALLY the impressionist painting effects that happen in the background as you travel around. The way the graphics seem to get reduced to colored spots... I actually quite LIKE it now!
...and I already like it a HELL of a lot more than Twilight Princess! I don't know what it is exactly. It seems to me now that, that game was made intentionally DARK and gritty looking to please they type of game fan that I am NOT. It almost seems forced to me looking back on it. This game seems sooo much more colorful and... organic. THIS seems like the first 'TRUE' Zelda game to me since Ocarina of Time!
I know you are all looking for an 'Overworld' but I prefer it the way it is. Hyrule Field seemed to me to be a big, empty expanse of space... A hub that lead to places to explore at different points of a big compass. Here, they drop you INTO the world and you have to find your way around it. It seems more natural to me.
Again, everything seems to be more organic. Color-wise. The way the world is layed out. There are much fewer sharp angles in the game now, and everything seems to have more of a natural form to it. I guess it's kind of difficult for me to explain.
I'll post more as I play more!
As for the world being small or limited or the air space nor having enough to it: You got one Tablet from Fi in the beginning. It looks as if it is one of three. I have a strong feeling the world is going to get MUCH bigger. Also, am I the only one seeing the humongous 'Dome' like structure in the air? There seems to be a huge area hidden in a dome of clouds and wind that's just waiting to be uncovered...