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Official Site Bug Topic - Report issues and errors here
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Wed, 04 Mar 2009 01:29:46

Chrome was wiggin' out in general on the laptop I am using this morning, so I'm in IE7. Got some Sliders action.

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Sun, 08 Mar 2009 15:41:45
yoda please help i haven't been able to log in using firefox since wednesday or thursday if not before.  the log in / register links do not behave as hotlinks but as plain text.  i now logged in using internet explorer but i hope not to have to do this every time.  thanks


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Tue, 10 Mar 2009 01:19:25
bugsonglass said:
yoda please help i haven't been able to log in using firefox since wednesday or thursday if not before.  the log in / register links do not behave as hotlinks but as plain text.  i now logged in using internet explorer but i hope not to have to do this every time.  thanks

Is this still happening?  I haven't gotten any replication of this despite using several different versions of Firefox.


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Tue, 10 Mar 2009 01:22:05

Yodariquo said:
bugsonglass said:
yoda please help i haven't been able to log in using firefox since wednesday or thursday if not before.  the log in / register links do not behave as hotlinks but as plain text.  i now logged in using internet explorer but i hope not to have to do this every time.  thanks

Is this still happening?  I haven't gotten any replication of this despite using several different versions of Firefox.

Happens to me too.

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Tue, 10 Mar 2009 03:38:09
SteelAttack said:

Yodariquo said:
bugsonglass said:
yoda please help i haven't been able to log in using firefox since wednesday or thursday if not before.  the log in / register links do not behave as hotlinks but as plain text.  i now logged in using internet explorer but i hope not to have to do this every time.  thanks

Is this still happening?  I haven't gotten any replication of this despite using several different versions of Firefox.

Happens to me too.

Fixed.  Though if you were more determined, you could have logged in anyway by clicking in the search box then using SHIFT+TAB


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Tue, 10 Mar 2009 05:18:46

Yodariquo said:
Fixed.  Though if you were more determined, you could have logged in anyway by clicking in the search box then using SHIFT+TAB

Sweet. Thanks. How am I supposed to know that shit? LOL With my luck, some keyboard shortcut could end up firing Russia's nuclear arsenal.

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Tue, 10 Mar 2009 06:02:27

Yodariquo said:
SteelAttack said:

Yodariquo said:
bugsonglass said:
yoda please help i haven't been able to log in using firefox since wednesday or thursday if not before.  the log in / register links do not behave as hotlinks but as plain text.  i now logged in using internet explorer but i hope not to have to do this every time.  thanks

Is this still happening?  I haven't gotten any replication of this despite using several different versions of Firefox.

Happens to me too.

Fixed.  Though if you were more determined, you could have logged in anyway by clicking in the search box then using SHIFT+TAB

wow, it is fixed!  thanks so much.  it feels so good to be able to ... comment, you know!  you guys take too much for granted


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Wed, 11 Mar 2009 01:37:52
bugsonglass said:

Yodariquo said:
SteelAttack said:

Yodariquo said:
bugsonglass said:
yoda please help i haven't been able to log in using firefox since wednesday or thursday if not before.  the log in / register links do not behave as hotlinks but as plain text.  i now logged in using internet explorer but i hope not to have to do this every time.  thanks

Is this still happening?  I haven't gotten any replication of this despite using several different versions of Firefox.

Happens to me too.

Fixed.  Though if you were more determined, you could have logged in anyway by clicking in the search box then using SHIFT+TAB

wow, it is fixed!  thanks so much.  it feels so good to be able to ... comment, you know!  you guys take too much for granted

Yeah, but HAVE to log into IE?  On my XP install I have Opera 5, 7, 8, 9, Safari 4, Netscape 8, 9, Chrome, Avant 10, Orca 2, K-Meleon, Sleipnir, Lobo, Swift, Lynx, on top of IE 2,3,4,5,6,7,8.  C'mon, plenty of choices! Nyaa (OK, some of those are Gecko engine and others don't have JavaScript, but still)


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Wed, 11 Mar 2009 03:09:13
Hey Yoda, how would your top 5 web browser look like? Make it top 3.
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Wed, 11 Mar 2009 03:28:44
SteelAttack said:
Hey Yoda, how would your top 5 web browser look like? Make it top 3.

Opera 9.6 has served me well on Windows and Linux and would be universally my top choice.  After that, it's hard to pin down some kind of order because it depends on what it is you want.

In your case, Steel, at least judging by your screenshot you don't tinker much, which is where a lot of value of some browsers are.  For that kind of circumstance, it's hard to argue with Chrome, which is lightning fast and lightweight, with the downsides of lack of customization and excess features.

Orca is a good option for a customizable browser with the features built-in as opposed to Firefox, which use extensions.  And certainly nothing against Firefox, which is a solid choice, but a little slow and slower as you install add-ons.  K-Meleon acts as a lightweight Gecko-engine browser that works much better than Firefox on older hardware.

Lynx is a specialty browser that is text-only and designed for screen-readers and consequently rather incomparable.  Honestly, for my uses, Firefox acts as a specialty browser as well as it's the undisputable king of web development.  Firebug, web developer toolbar, inline validation, etc. are invaluable.

In simplistic terms though, I'll tentatively rank them like this:
1. Opera
2. Chrome
3. Orca

Things are set to be shaken up, though, with the imminent releases of Firefox 3.1, the official release of Safari 4 as opposed to the development versions, the next iteration of Chrome, and Opera 10 on its way, all with much improved JavaScript engines.


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Wed, 11 Mar 2009 03:37:39

Yodariquo said:
In your case, Steel, at least judging by your screenshot you don't tinker much, which is where a lot of value of some browsers are.

LOL So true. I only have like three add ons for FF. One is NoScript from when I was a Gamespot mod, I had to check out fishy reports and links that could lead to browser hijacking or worse, the other two are splash (I still don't know what that one does, lol), the Skype extension and a broadband speed test add on.

I would love to broaden my web browsing horizons, but there are so many choices that I get confused. What would you advise me to start with? Definitely will check out Chrome and Opera. My wife refuses to use anything else than IE, I can't convince her to switch to Firefox.

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Wed, 11 Mar 2009 04:08:57
SteelAttack said:

Yodariquo said:
In your case, Steel, at least judging by your screenshot you don't tinker much, which is where a lot of value of some browsers are.

LOL So true. I only have like three add ons for FF. One is NoScript from when I was a Gamespot mod, I had to check out fishy reports and links that could lead to browser hijacking or worse, the other two are splash (I still don't know what that one does, lol), the Skype extension and a broadband speed test add on.

I would love to broaden my web browsing horizons, but there are so many choices that I get confused. What would you advise me to start with? Definitely will check out Chrome and Opera. My wife refuses to use anything else than IE, I can't convince her to switch to Firefox.

Tough to say where to start.  Opera will be more user-friendly and feature-rich and just does everything right, while Chrome will be night-and-day in terms of speed and has a simple and elegant UI.  Just take those two ideas and pick which one you'd like to try.

While not nearly as comprehensive as No-Script, I mapped toggling JavaScript on and off to my F7 key in Opera.

If you're wife's stuck on IE, Chrome has a way better shot at impressing than Firefox.  At any rate, if she's refusing, do 2 things:
1-Upgrade to Internet Explorer 8.  It destroys IE7.
2-Secure your ActiveX settings


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Wed, 11 Mar 2009 18:34:44
Thanks yoda. I checked out the activeX setting upon upgrading to IE8. They were already like the ones in the link you gave me. It also had way more activex available options but I got scared and didn't touch them. LOL

I started using Chrome and Opera last night. Chrome is so neat and fast, and I love Opera's interface and customization options. Unfortunately, I always pick up the most useless ones, the first one was a widget that tells me about weather. o_0
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Wed, 11 Mar 2009 18:48:53

SteelAttack said:

Yodariquo said:
Fixed.  Though if you were more determined, you could have logged in anyway by clicking in the search box then using SHIFT+TAB

Sweet. Thanks. How am I supposed to know that shit? LOL With my luck, some keyboard shortcut could end up firing Russia's nuclear arsenal.

 The command for lauching Russia's nuclear arsenal is Control-Alt-Fedor

The VG Press
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Wed, 11 Mar 2009 18:55:10

Iga_Bobovic said:

SteelAttack said:

Yodariquo said:
Fixed.  Though if you were more determined, you could have logged in anyway by clicking in the search box then using SHIFT+TAB

Sweet. Thanks. How am I supposed to know that shit? LOL With my luck, some keyboard shortcut could end up firing Russia's nuclear arsenal.

The command for lauching Russia's nuclear arsenal is Control-Alt-Fedor


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Wed, 11 Mar 2009 21:52:01
RSS feed for all VG Press provides 404 errors, probably a change you made to the link structure. It affects both news items and blogs


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Thu, 12 Mar 2009 01:47:59
Iga_Bobovic said:

SteelAttack said:

Yodariquo said:
Fixed.  Though if you were more determined, you could have logged in anyway by clicking in the search box then using SHIFT+TAB

Sweet. Thanks. How am I supposed to know that shit? LOL With my luck, some keyboard shortcut could end up firing Russia's nuclear arsenal.

 The command for lauching Russia's nuclear arsenal is Control-Alt-Fedor

Gives SIGKILL a whole new meaning.

...I'm the only one who would understand that.


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Thu, 12 Mar 2009 01:51:14
Yarcofin said:
RSS feed for all VG Press provides 404 errors, probably a change you made to the link structure. It affects both news items and blogs


Blogs fixed, the news one has nothing to do with the RSS, that's just a broken link from whomever added the story.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Fri, 20 Mar 2009 00:33:33

Yoda, I installed IE8 RC1 today, and so far this site works great with it. However, the Places, Profile, and Actions menus don't always pop-down like the should. They do work fine when using the IE8's Compatiblity Mode option, though.  I'm not sure if this is something you can fix or not, but I thought I'd let you know anyway.

Also, I keep getting randomly logged out in both Opera and IE8. It's been happening off and on for a little while now. I've been randomly logged out several times today, for instance. Sometimes my login comes back after a page refesh, and sometimes it doesn't.


Edited: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 01:36:09

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Fri, 20 Mar 2009 02:46:21
Ravenprose said:

Yoda, I installed IE8 RC1 today, and so far this site works great with it. However, the Places, Profile, and Actions menus don't always pop-down like the should. They do work fine when using the IE8's Compatiblity Mode option, though.  I'm not sure if this is something you can fix or not, but I thought I'd let you know anyway.

Also, I keep getting randomly logged out in both Opera and IE8. It's been happening off and on for a little while now. I've been randomly logged out several times today, for instance. Sometimes my login comes back after a page refesh, and sometimes it doesn't.


Logging into one browser will log you out of the other because of the security token it generates when you log in.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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